Saturday, February 20, 2010

Skandaloze! Iva i thote Gentes "Je e Shendoshe!"

Iva e Dancing With the Stars - I thote Gentes JE E SHENDOSHE!

photo by noaKa filluar "Dancing With the Stars Albania" dhe gjithcka ka shkuar per se mbari. Sidoqofte...une si une, nuk i ndjek keto show per te pare te mbaren por as te keqen. Une i ndjek per te pare gallaten dhe gallate kishte sa te duash oreeee. Eshte java e pare dhe normale qe nuk pritej ndonje korrektesi ne kercim apo vlersime maksimale, sepse jane numra koreografik profesional (HAHA), por dhe ajo treshja Iliri-Ariani-Iva e jurise... sa seriozisht e kishte marre mor amon. Dicka nuk kuptoj une keshtu ne pergjithesi kur vjen puna tek keto programet televizive... A KANE SKENAR? Flet Alketa nje sekonde nuk i pushon goja, e admiron per pastertine qe i kuptohet gjithcka, por ashtu si robot pa pike lidhje me konkurentet, te ftohte, bisede pa kuptim dhe me gabime, e trecereku me fjale te huaja te pershtatura ne shqip. Prinderit e Gentes jane aleatet tane, jo moj jo kontrolloje dhe nje here mos jane paqe ruajtesit lol. Populli ne Shqipe kafe dhe tv 24 ore, keto flasin brockulla e normale qe jane shkalluar njerzit nuk merren vesh cfare flasin. Ilir Shaqiri eshte balerin shume i mire, ama kur mundohej te vlersonte konkuruesit fjalite per gjysem edhe vec tu qesh. Shyqyre ju kishin dhene tabela me numra qe ta dime ne menyre primitive se cfare mendonin se perndryshe... aha! Alexia ishte e ftuar... po kujt i plasi? lol Uh la lalaaaaa 1995_sa uh lalalala, uh lalalalala! lol Amon! Pse harxhojne leke kote xhamen? Me leket qe harxhuan per te, e t'ju kishin blere nga nje pale kostume me te mira. Momenti me skandaloz i mbremjes vec, i shkon minutave te vlersimit qe gjyqtarja Iva i beri Genta Ismajlit. "Tani Genta e kaloi shume sportivish ate ceshtjen pak te mbipeshes, do thoja pak, jo eshte pak si shume, por permendi disa here ne klip vullnet kembengulje na kujtoi ate kohen e komunizmit qe cudi Genta nuk e ka jetuar si ne, cudi ku i ka mesuar ato fjale, por do thoshja qe duhet shume kembengulje shume vullnet duhet te dobesohesh urgjentisht."

Tani kjo foli si me qene dekane e Filoqylit, dhe shkruajti per dy sekonda historine e Shqiperise gjate komunizmit. Mos e permendni me fjalen VULLNET dhe KEMBENGULJE se jane fjale komuniste. U cudit ene si Genta i dika keto fjale... po mi Iva po shume mire e ke se Genta nuk flet as ITALISHT jo per gje. Pse jane kaq fare keta? Po kulmi kur i tha qe duhet te dobesohet. Oj nuse! Emisioni titullohet "Duke kercyer me YJET" dhe jo me balerinat. Ate trup ka ajo, vlersoje per kercimin jo per peshen. Jam i sigurt Genta s'ka kuptu ca i ka thene Iva, se do kishte reaguar ndryshe. Ne anen tjeter te jurise ishte Arian Cani, te cilin une nuk e dija se ishte balerin, po ndoshta do jete koreograf ose ndoshta nuk eshte as njeri as tjetri po e kane marre se ben gallate. Mire! Ne do vazhdojme ta ndjekim kur te na perpuqen oraret dhe do ju informojme kush shkon ne shtepi e kush rri./albaniac/19.02.2010/
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p.s. E qe prisja dikush te reagoje lidhur me kete se mu duk aq skandaloze komenti i Ives per "mbipeshen" e Gentes. Ketu mund te kishte marre pjese edhe Big Mama sa i perket lojes dhe pesha apo mbipesha nuk duhej te ishte qene objekt vleresimi. Bravo albaniac!

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Has started "Dancing With the Stars Albania" and everything has gone right for that. However ... I, like me, do not follow this show for the first mbaren nor evil. I follow to see laughter and laughter was there in abundance. First week is normal and expected not any correctness in Dance or maximum rating for professional choreographic numbers are (haha), but that trio Illyria-Ariani-Iva jury ... how seriously he had received made amon. I do not understand something so in general when it comes to these TV programs ... HAVE A scenario? Speaks Alketa a second mouth did not cease, the purity was admiron to understand everything, but like robot without point about competitors, cold, bunkum and mistakes of foreign words trecereku adjusted in Albanian. Gentes parents are our allies, not live not in control and not have peace once Ruajtësi lol. Albanian people in coffee and tv 24 hours, following the usual talk crap are people shkalluar not agree what they speak. Ilir Shaqiri is very good dancer, when he tried to vlersonte ama competitors for half the sentences already be laughing. Thank God you had given the table with numbers so that you know what primitive thought otherwise ... aha! Alexia was invited ... I went off to whom? lol Uh lalalala la lalaaaaa 1995_sa uh, uh lalalalala! Amon lol! Why waste kote xhamen lek? Leka was spent for, and you had bought from a party with the best costumes. Scandalous moment with the evening already, minutes of evaluation goes to Judge Genta Iva made. "Now more sportivish Genta spent less overweight issue it will say little, not is a bit like very much, but cited several times in the clip will persistently reminded us that the time of communism that cudi Genta has not lived as we cudi where has learned those words, but will say that many will need more persistence should weaken urgently. "
Now this was addressed as Filoqylit deans, and wrote for two seconds the history of Albania during Communism. Do not mention the word will and perseverance that are word communist. The marvel of Dika Genta vessel as these words ... Iva is my very well being that you do not speak nor ITALIAN Genta not for nothing. Why are so all these? If the roof when told to be weakened. O bride! The show, titled "dancing with the stars" and not the dancer. That the body has it, Rate per dance not for weight. I am sure there is understood some of Genta said Iva, that would have responded differently. On the other hand the jury was Arian Cani, which I did not know it was dancer, but perhaps will be or maybe Choreography is neither man nor the other is received that makes laugh. Ok! We will continue to follow us when perpuqen hours and inform you who goes home and who rri./albaniac/19.02.2010 /
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p.s. And you expect someone to react on this that just seemed so scandalous comment Ives for "mbipeshen" of Gentes. There could have also participated Big Mama Overweight and weight or had not been been subject to evaluation. Bravo unic!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Flash News 13 Shkurt 2010

Alba Vip Flash News
Alba Vip Flash News 13 Shkurt 2010

Cüneyt Cakim dhe Genta Ismajli sjellin kengen “Sexy” me 14 shkurt
Dueti mes Genta Ismajlit dhe Cüneyt Cakim eshte gati. Keshtu shprehet kengetari turk i cili per “Panorama plus”, tregon detajet: “Albumi im i ri me titull “Sexy” do te hidhet ne treg diten e “Shen Valentinit” pra me 14 shkurt. Eshte nje album shume energjik tek i cili kam punuar nje kohe te gjate. Kam shkruar dhe kompozuar shume kenge te mia aty. Gjithashtu ne album perfshihet edhe dueti me kengetaren Genta Ismajli me titullin e njejte si te albumit pra kenga titullohet “Sexy” e cila per momentin eshte vetem ne versionin anglisht, por Genta aty ka pasur rastin te thote edhe ndonje fjale shqip si per shembull fjalen “Te dua”. Kenga eshte ritmike dhe e stilist dance. Kenga me Genten dhe i gjithe albumi do te promovohen neper vende te ndryshme gjate ketij viti. Videoklipi i pare do te xhirohet gjate muajt shkurt kurse dueti me Genten do te behet klip gjate pranveres, diku nga muaj prill. Nderkohe gjate asaj kohe une se bashku me Genten do te marrim pjese neper show te ndryshme ne Turqi dhe gjithashtu do jem i pranishem edhe ne Kosove dhe Shqiperi”, - tregon Cakim. /panorama/

Ledina Celo konkurron per here te pare ne “Top Fest”
Kengetarja Ledina Celo, ka vendosur qe kete vit te marre pjese per here te pare ne festivalin e muzikes moderne “Top Fest 7”, duke hyre keshtu ne gare me shume artiste te rinj. Ende nuk behet i ditur bashkepunimi dhe titulli i kenges, por tashme Celo ka vendosur te marre pjese si konkurrente bashke me mbi 100 pjesemarresit ne kete edicion te ri te ketij festivali qe ka nisur te transmetohet, cdo mesdite ne ekranin e “Top Channel”. Kjo do te jete shfaqja e pare ne skene e Ledines, pas nje periudhe pauze ne muzike, ndersa e ndan jeten qe ben mes Londres dhe Tiranes. Nuk dihet nese ne kete gare ajo ka hyre me synimin vetem per te fituar, por mund te thuhet se eshte nje nga kengetaret me me shume vite ne skene, qe konkurron festivalin, ku mbizoterojne kengetaret deputues. “Top Fest” mbetet evenimenti qe promovon ne vazhdimesi artistet e rinj. Por kete vit pervec tyre garojne ne te njejten kohe edhe kengetare te tjere me emer si: Mariza Ikonomi, “NRG Band”, Jonida Maliqi, Eugent Bushpepaj, Flaka Krelani. Edicioni i ketij festivali drejtohet artistikisht nga Dorian Gjoni, dhe prezantohet nga Albana Osmani. Per here te pare kengetaret do te sfidojne njeri-tjetrin “live”, ne fazen e dyte seleksionuese dhe naten finale. /panorama/

Televizionet kosovare censurojne kengen e Alberies kushtuar Rugoves
Ishte nder kengetaret e para shqiptare qe i kishte ardhur nje ide ne koke per t’i thurrur disa vargje presidentit historik te Kosoves, te ndjerit Dr. Ibrahim Rugoves. Kenga e titulluar “Nderi i kombit” ishte punuar edhe me videoklip, por neper televizionet kosovare shume rralle e transmetojne ose thene me drejte, aspak! Mediat televizive nuk e shohin te udhes qe kenga te trasmetohet as ne pervjetorin e vdekjes se Presidentit. Arsyen e censurimit te kenges nuk di si ta komentoje as vete kengetarja: “Per mendimin tim eshte shume gabim sepse nuk duhet qe te politizohen te gjitha gjerat. Mediat duhet te jene te gatshme qe gjithmone te informojne popullin dhe te bejne publikun te ndihet mire. Shume me kane pyetur ne lidhje me kete ceshtje por as une nuk e di, nuk kam pasur ndonje keqkuptim me askend. Por ndoshta duhet te jete permbajtja e kenges, ajo qe i frikeson” televizionet”. Keshtu eshte shprehur kengetarja Alberie Hadergjonaj. Nderkohe qe ne vende te zhvilluara, televizionet u paguajne nje perqindje te caktuar kengetareve per klipet e trasmetuara, ketu tek ne, kengetari duhet te paguaje qe kenga te qarkulloje neper ekrane. /panorama/

Big Mama konfirmon pjesemarrjen ne "Big Brother-in" VIP ne Kosove
Kengetarja Big Mama keto dite ka pranuar nje oferte per te qene pjese e nje reality show qe se shpejti do te filloje trnasmetimin ne RTV21 ne Kosove. Behet fjale per nje shou te ngjashem me “Big brother” por qe do te quhet “Big house” apo “Shtepia e madhe” dhe te gjithe pjesemarresit do te jene fytyra publike. Te merkuren Bigi ka udhetuar per ne Kosove per te nenshkruar kontraten e pjesmarrjes. Ky show duhet te filloje diku nga muaj prill dhe Bigi brenda ne show do te qendroje rreth 30 dite. Per kete eveniment oferta te ngjashme kane pranuar edhe disa fytyra publike nga Kosova por deri me tani askush nuk ka rrefyer asgje deri sa te nenshkruhen kontratat. Cmimi kryesor ne kete show do te jete 100.000 euro. Bigi per kete pjesemarrje shprehet: “Jam shume e lumtur, kete e kam pranuar si nje lloj zbavitje per mua dhe do te kenaqem ne cdo moment gjate qendrimit ne ate shtepi. Nuk me intereson edhe aq shume dhurata por nese e fitoj cmimin kryesor atehere, parate do i dhuroj ne ndonje shtepi qe kujdeset per femijet pa prinder”, thekson ajo. Kengetarja eshte e permbajtur ne lidhje me prononcimin se sa do te paguhet gjate qendrimit brenda, por burime te “Panorama plus” thone se Bigi do te paguhet 500 euro ne dite. /panorama/

Vesa Luma i tha “nuk te dua me” Genc Dobroshit
Kengetarja Vesa Luma dhe i dashuri i saj Genc Dobroshi, vellai i aktores Arta Dobroshi, kete 14 shkurt nuk do te jene bashke. Cifti qe ekspozoheshin shume ne media kane bere nje ndarje fare ne heshtje, pasi keshtu kishte deshiruar vete kengetarja. Qe nga momenti i ndarjes, Vesa nuk ka dashur te jape asnje koment per jeten private dhe arsyet e ndarjes. Ajo i ka cilesuar deklarimet e saj ne media si nje keqperdorim te sinqeritetit te saj. Edhe pse mediat i dhane shume rendesi kesaj ndarjeje, duke e bere teme diskutimi, per Vesen nuk ka qene me ndonje problem. Ajo i dha fund historise qe kishte lindur ne punen e saj si gazetare, ndersa vazhdon te jete imazh i nje pakete televizive. /panorama/

Genta Ismajli vetem, pas tradhtise se Milotit
Genta Ismajli ka menduar ta kaloje ndarjen me spektakel. Ky “Shen Valentin” per here te pare do e gjeje ne pisten e vallezimit, ndersa ajo po pergatitet per sfiden “Vallzim me yjet”, qe nis transmetimin me 18 shkurt ne “Vizion Plus”. Ndarja e kengetares me Milot Binakun, shkaktoi shume zhurme ne media, pasi ishin nje cift i shumeperfolur. Genta Ismajli dhe Milot Binaku i dhane fund bashkejeteses pas disa vite jetese ne nje apartament. Ndarja e tyre thuhej se eshte bere shkak i tradhtise qe Miloti i kishte bere Gentes. Deri me tani, asnjeri nuk eshte prononcuar per median, ne lidhje me ndarjen. /panorama/

Largesia ndan Getin nga Hana
Keto dite po flitet per ndarje te ndryshme mes personazheve te spektaklit. Mes emrave qe i ka dhene fund lidhjes se tij disavjecare eshte edhe kengetari rep Getoar Selimi. Por arsyet e ndarjes deri me tani askush nuk mund t’i beje te ditura. Nderkohe qe Hana po vazhdon studimet ne Kroaci, vend ku punon familja e saj, edhe Geti ne anen tjeter po vazhdon aktivitetet e tij neper koncerte dhe evenimente te ndryshme. Geti me grupin e tij po pergatisin edhe albumin e ri. Si arsye e ndarjes se tyre mund te jete largesia mes njeri- tjetrit dhe anagazhimet e shumta, duke mos u dhene mundesi takimi sa me shpesh. E kontaktuar nga “Panorama plus”, Hana Shehu nuk jep me shume detaje mbi ndarjen por vetem komentoi keshtu: “Fjalet qe po fliten se jemi ndare jane te verteta, por detajet le te mbesin mes ne te dyve....”. /panorama/

Zanfina Ismajli hera e trete me Florin
Pas dy sukseseve te fundit muzikore qe kishin si autor Flori Mumajesin, kengetarja Zanfina Ismajli edhe kete here i ka besuar kengen e fundit atij. Behet fjale per nje kenge te re e cila i perket zhanrit pop, dhe qe pritet te publikohet se afermi. "Gjithcka eshte e realizuar nga Flori, duke filluar nga teksti, muzika e aranzhimi, ndersa mua me ka mbetur vetem ta kendoj dhe te kujdesem per pjeset e xhirimit te klipit", - shprehet Zanfina. Kenga ka, ashtu si edhe heret e tjera, temen e dashurise, nje fabul qe ka ne qender te saj ndarjen, te cilen Zanfina nuk e pranon lehtesisht, pasi ndien ende per te. /gazeta shqiptare/

Tuna: "Nuk jam shtatzene"
Kengetarja nga Shkupi, Altuna Sejdiu - Tuna ndihet e demtuar nga thashethemet e fundit te dala per te. Keshtu ka thene nje burim prane familjes se kengetares, i cili tha se thashethemet qe jane bere per kengetaren e kane prek ate ne moral, duke e demtuar karrieren e saj profesionale. Mes thashethemeve te shumta, ajo qe e ka shqetesuar kengetaren eshte ai qe e komenton ate si shtatzene. "Te gjitha keto jane thashetheme dhe totalisht jane lajme te paverteta", tha ky burim qe nuk deshi te citohet me emer ne gazete. Ne fakt kengetarja shume pak flet per jeten private. Aktualisht Tuna ka filluar te punoje per te realizuar albumin e saj te ri. /gazeta shqiptare/
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Genta Ismajli Cüneyt Cakim and bring the song "Sexy" on February 14
Duo between Genta and Cüneyt Cakim is ready. So who says Turkish singer for "Panorama plus", shows the details: "My new album entitled" Sexy "will be thrown on the market day of" Saint Valentine "so on February 14. It is a very energetic album to which I have worked a long time. I have written and composed many of my songs there. Also included in the duo album with singer Genta Ismajli with the same title as the album then song titled "Sexy" which is currently only in English version, but there Genta has also had the opportunity to say a word Albanian as for example the word " Te dua ". Re stylist is rhythmic and dance. Genten and song with the whole album will be promoted through different countries this year. Music Video will be shot first during the months of February and the duo will be set Genten clips during spring, sometime in April month. Meanwhile during that time together with Genten I will take part through different show in Turkey and will also be present in Kosovo and Albania ", - tells Cakim. / panorama /

Ledina Celo competing for the first time in "Top Fest"
Singers Ledina Celo, has decided this year to participate for the first time in modern music festival "Fest Top 7", by entering the race with so many young artists. Yet disclosed cooperation and title of song, but now Celo has decided to participate as competing together over 100 participants in this new edition of this festival that has started to broadcast, every lunchtime on screen "Top Channel". This will be the first appearance of Ledines scene, after a period musical break, while the shares that makes life between London and Tirana. It is unknown if this race she has entered with the intention only to win, but we can say that is one of the singers with more years in the scene, which competes festival, singers dominated deputues. "Top Fest" event that remains continually promoting new artists. But besides them compete this year at the same time the other singer with the name as: Black Eyed Peas, "Weblog", Jonida Maliqi, Eugene Bushpepaj, flame Krelani. Edition of this festival is artistically directed by John Dorian, and presented by Albana Osmani. For the first time singers will challenge each other "live", in the second stage selection and final night. / panorama /

Kosovar televisions censurojne song dedicated Alberies Rugova
Was among the first singers Albanian idea had come to head for a few verses thurrur historical president of Kosovo, the late Dr. Ibrahim Rugova. Song titled "Honor the nation" was working with video, but rarely through the Kosovo television broadcast or told me right, no! TV media do not see the path that the song sent as the anniversary of the death of the President. Reason of the censorship of lyrics I do not know how to Comment or singer himself: "In my opinion is very wrong because no need to politicize all things. The media should be ready always to inform the public and make people feel good. Many have asked me about this issue but as I do not know, I have not had any misunderstanding with anyone. But probably should be the content of the song, she was afraid "television". So is the singer said Oda Hadergjonaj. While in developed countries, television was pay a certain percentage of singers for broadcast clips, here to us, must pay the singer that song to circulate through screens. / panorama /

Big Mama confirms participation in "Big Brother-in" Hero in Kosovo
Singer Big Mama these days has accepted an offer to be part of a reality show that will start soon trnasmetimin in RTV21 in Kosovo. It is about a show similar to "Big Brother" but that will be called "Big House" or "great Home" and all participants will be the public face. On Wednesday Bigi has traveled to Kosovo to sign the participation contract. This show should start sometime within the month in April and Bigi show will stay around 30 days. For this event have received similar offers few public faces of Kosovo, but so far no one has confessed nothing until contracts are signed. The top prize at this show will be 100,000 euros. This participation Bigi said: "I'm happy, I accepted this as a kind of fun for me and will take pleasure in every moment during the stay in the house. Not with so much care if the gifts but then win the main prize, the money will donate to any home that cares for children without parents, "she stresses. Singers is contained in about prononcimin than would be paid during the stay inside, but sources Panorama plus "Bigi say that will be paid 500 euros per day. / panorama /

Vesa Luma told "not to want to" Genc Dobroshi
Singers Vesa Luma and her boyfriend Dobroshi Genc, brother of actress Arta Dobroshi, this February 14 will not be together. Pairs displaying many in the media have made a separation at all in silence, as the singer himself had so desired. Since the moment of separation, Vesa has not had to give any comments for reasons of privacy and separation. She has described her statements in the media as an abuse of its sincerity. Even though the media gave more importance to this division, making the discussion topic, for vices not been any problem. It ended the history that was born in her work as a journalist, while the image continues to be a television package. / panorama /

Genta Ismajli only after the treachery that Milot
Genta Ismajli thought to exceed the spektakel division. The "Saint Valentin" for the first time will find pisten of dance, while she is preparing to challenge "dance with the stars", which starts broadcasting on 18 February in "Vision Plus". Division of singer with Binakun Milot, caused much uproar in media, as were a pair of shumeperfolur. Genta Ismajli and Milot Binaku coexistence ended after several years of living in an apartment. Their division said that it was made because of the treachery that had made Gentes Milot. Until now, no one is pronounced for the media, in connection with the separation. / panorama /

Distance separates by Hana Dawn
These days are talking about different separation between characters of the spectacle. Among the names that has its end connection that is the singer rep disavjecare Getoar Selimi. But the reasons for separation until now no one can disclose. While Hana is continuing studies in Croatia, the country where her family works, and Sharon on the other hand continues its activities through different concerts and events. Sharon and his group are preparing the new album. As a reason of their separation can be distance between each other and numerous anagazhimet, not allowing the meeting as often as possible. E contacted by Panorama plus ", Hana Shehu not give more details on the division but only commented like this:" Words that are spoken that are shared are true, but let the details of both remain between us ....". / panorama /

Perpisahan third Florin
After two recent successes of music that had as Flori Mumajesi author, singer Perpisahan this time has also believe that last song. It is about a new song which belongs to the pop genre, and is expected to be published shortly. "All is made by Flory, ranging from text, music arrangement, while it has remained only me to sing and to cater for the shooting of the clip parts", - said Zanfina. Re has, as well as other early, the theme of love, a story that has at its center division, which does not accept Zanfina easily as still feels for her. / Albanian newspapers /

Tuna: "I'm not pregnant"
Singers from Skopje, Altuna Sejdiu - Tuna feels damaged by the latest rumors coming to. So said a source close to the family of singer, who said rumors that have been made for the singer have affected it in moral, damaging her professional career. Among the numerous rumors, what has troubled singer is he who comment on it as pregnant. "All these are rumors and are totally false news," said the source who declined to quoted by name in the newspaper. In fact singer speaks very little private life. Currently Tuna has begun work to achieve its new album. / Albanian newspapers /

Monday, February 1, 2010

Flash News 31 Janar 2010

Alba Vip Flash News
Alba Vip Flash News 31 Janar 2010

Xhemi Shehu martohet ne vjeshte
Xhemi Shehu, 27 vjecarja, e cila e nisi karrieren si nje veline dhe qe aktualisht eshte bashkeprezantuese e spektaklit “E diell”, do t’i thote lamtumire beqarise per te kurorezuar lidhjen e saj disa vjecare me te fejuarin Visin. Nje histori e fshehur nga kamerat, por jo mes familjeve te dy te dashuruarve. Bluetooth ka zbuluar ne numrin e fundit se Xhemi do te kurorezoje martesen ne vjeshte. Nje dasme tradicionale shqiptare dhe ku Xhemi enderron te vishet vetem me nje fustan te bardhe, asnje fustan shoqerues, ashtu sic eshte dhe tradicionalja. Ai eshte Elvis Sula, administrator i nje shtypshkronje ne Tirane. /bluetooth/bota sot/

Vesa ndoqi ne stadium humbjen e Canes
Kengetarja Vesa Luma ka realizuar sikurse ishte parashikuar, viziten e saj ne Londer, ku edhe ka ndjekur nga afer ndeshjen e futbollistit ne mes skuadres se “Chelsea” dhe “Sunderland”, qe ka si kapiten fotbullistin e njohur nga Kosova Lorik Cana, kengetarja ka bere edhe fotografi me te. /bota sot/

Inva Mula pushton "Campoamor" me tingujt shqiptare
Sopranoja e njohur shqiptare rikthehet ne skenen e teatrit "Campoamor" te Asturias. Koncerti i saj recital me 27 janar eshte pritur me entuziazem nga publiku dhe mediat spanjolle. Sopranoja Inva Mula kishte zgjedhur qe ne kete recital te shumepritur per dashamiresit e saj ne Spanje te shoqerohej nga nje tjeter shqiptar, pianisti Genc Tukici. Mungesa e Mules ne stafin e interpreteve te "La Bohème"-es se Puccini-t ne sezonin e kaluar artistik ne operen e Oviedos, mediat spanjolle e quajten si borxh qe ajo i kishte publikut asturian. Prezenca e shqiptares ne rolin e Mimise ne kete opera, garantonte sukses te plote te pjeses. /bota sot/

Mihrije Braha tashme prezantuese
Kengetarja kosovare, Mihrije Braha pervecese sfidon vitet qe ka mbi shpine, ka vendosur te sfidoje edhe veten e saj. Ajo ka marre pergjegjesine e drejtimit te nje emisioni krejtesisht te sajin “Female”. /bota sot/

Genta heq fotot me Milotin ne Facebook
Kengetarja Genta Ismajli ka larguar nga profili i saj ne Facebook fotot me Milot Binakun. Para se ajo te ndahej, kishte lene per rreth nje muaj fotot me ish-te dashurin e saj, me te cilin edhe kishte bashkejetuar, por tani kengetarja i ka hequr ato. /bota sot/

Armend Rexhepagiqi vlereson tej mase te shoqen Aida
Ndonese ka mbushur 43 vjec, kantautori i njohur nga Kosova, Armend Rexhepagic, vijon te jete i njejti; me po ate stilin e vecante qe e kishte dikur, e me po ato floket e gjata. "Pervoja jetesore eshte pasuri shume me e madhe sesa nje fytyre pa rrudha. Vetem idiotet vazhdojne jeten duke mos e ndryshuar", pohon ai ne nje interviste per mediat kosovare (infopress), duke konfirmuar keshtu se ka nje bote shpirterore shume te ndjeshme. Ne fjalen e tij ai vlereson tej mase te shoqen, kantautoren Aida Baraku. "Aida eshte vete jeta ime, ajo eshte ashtu sic thote nje tekst i saj i ri, dore e mendafshit dhe baza e forte mbi te cilen une shkel. I pyetur se a eshte bere pishman per ndonje gje qe ka lene pas, ai pohon: Po, per shume gjera. "Pendohem per shume lendime qe u kam krijuar njerezve te mi te afert. Nuk i dua ata qe kurre nuk do te ndryshonin asgje, qe nuk pendohen per gabimet e se kaluares. Jane fraza mbrojtese per te krijuar alibi per veprime personale. Nuk jemi kompjutere, jemi njerez te gjithe te joperkryer, te gjithe tere jeten duke gabuar e mesuar", komenton ai mendimet e tij. Nderkaq, sa i perket anes profesionale, ai u shpreh se po punon intensivisht per "Top Festin", e me pas edhe per "Polifesti", "Kengen Magjike", si dhe per nje projekt televiziv, me ne fund. "Ndoshta edhe gjej kohe per nje kthim muzikor gjigant", tregon ne fund kantautori, duke qeshur. /koha jone/infopress/
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Jamie Shehu to marry in autumn
Jamie Shehu, 27-year-old, who began his career as a veline and currently bashkeprezantuese the spectacle "The sun", will say farewell to beqarise crowned its affiliation several years with fiancé Visit. A hidden history of cameras, but not between families of two lovers. Bluetooth has found the last number that Jamie will crest in autumn marriage. A traditional Albanian wedding and where Jamie dreaming of dresses with one white dress, no dress associated, and as is traditional. He is Elvis Sula, manager of a printing house in Tirana. / bluetooth / world today /

Vesa attended the stadium Canes loss
Singers Vesa Luma has realized as projected, its visit to London, where he followed closely the soccer match between the team that "Chelsea" and "Sunderland", which is known as fotbullistin captain Lorik Cana Kosovo, singer has made the files with. / world today /

Inva Mula conquers "Campoamor" with Albanian sounds
Albanian soprano familiar scene returns to the theater "Campoamor" of Asturias. Her concert recital on January 27 is greeted with enthusiasm by the public and the Spanish media. Soprano Inva Mula had chosen that in this long-awaited recital for her lovers to Spain accompanied by another Albanian, Genc Tukiçi pianist. Lack of staff interpreters Mules in the "La Bohemia" Puccini-t es that last season in the Opera's artistic Oviedos, Spanish media named as a debt that she had asturian public. The presence of shqiptares in Mimise role in this opera, guarantee full success part. / world today /

Photos already presenting
Singers Kosovo Photos pervecese challenges is on back years, also has decided to challenge herself. It has taken the responsibility of management to a completely sajin show "Female". / world today /

Genta remove pictures of Milot and Facebook
Singers Genta Ismajli has left its Facebook profile pictures Binakun Milot. Before that it be divided, had left for about a month pictures with former her boyfriend, with whom also had cohabitate, but the singer has now removed them. / world today /

Armend Rexhepagiqi appreciates his wife extremely Aida
Although 43 years has filled, kantautori known from Kosovo, Armend Rexhepagic continues to be the same, with the same unique style that had once, and with the same long hair. "Experience is vital wealth more important than a face without wrinkles. Only idiots continue life without the change," he asserts in an interview for Kosovo media (Infopress), therefore confirming that there is a very significant spiritual world. In his speech, he appreciates his wife exceedingly, Aida kantautoren Barak. "Aida is my own life, she is as a text says its new hand of silk and strong basis on which I tread. The question of whether it was made compunction about anything that is left behind, he states: Yes, for many things. "regret for the many injuries that I have created my closest people. Not love those who never will change nothing, that does not repent for past mistakes. Jane phrase to create an alibi defense for personal actions. There are computers, are all of joperkryer people, all life by learning wrong ", he comments on his thoughts. Meanwhile, regarding professional Anes, he said that it is working intensively to" Top Festus "with after also for "Polifesti", "Kengen Magic", as well as a television project, finally. "Perhaps even find time for a musical giant return" shows the end kantautori, laughing.