Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Alberie Hadergjonaj Deportohet Nga Greket, Nuk Njohin Pasaporten Kosovare!

/photo gazeta shqiptare/

Kengetarja Alberie Hadergjonaj ndalohet ne Greqi

Kengetarja e njohur e muzikes se lehte Alberie Hadergjonaj nuk eshte lejuar te hyje ne Greqi. Lajmi eshte botuar sot ne "Gazeta Shqiptare" e cila sakteson se autoritet greke nuk kane njohur pasaporten kosovare te kengetares.

Ne intervisten e botuar sot ne kete gazete Hadergjonaj tregon se kengetarja ishte nisur te shtunen per nje koncert ne Athine, por incidenti kishte bere qe te anulohej edhe aktiviteti. Dhe nderhyrja e autoriteteve shqiptare nuk ka sherbyer per asgje tjeter, vec pershpejtimit te debimit te Hadergjonajt, e cila eshte kthyer te dielen ne Tirane. Madje perballe autoriteteve aeroportuale te Athines nuk ka “pire uje” as viza Shengen e leshuar nga ambasada gjermane. “Kurre nuk me ka ndodhur keshtu ne jeten time” - eshte shprehur kengetarja e cila ka rrefyer per Gazeten detaje te incidentit te rende ndalimin e saj per 24 ore dhe dergimin ne nje kamp refugjatesh me somaleze ne Greqi.

Hadergjonaj deklaron se do te padise ne gjykate kompanine qe i shiti bileten dhe mori persiper udhetimin e saj pasi kjo e fundit “duhej ta kishte paralajmeruar per ate cfare e priste cdo kosovar, me pasaporten e shtetit te tij, ne Greqi”.

Artikulli i plote:

Ndalohet per 24 ore dhe dergohet ne nje kamp refugjatesh me somaleze ne Greqi, kengetarja e muzikes se lehte, Alberie Hadergjonaj. Kengetarja ishte nisur te shtunen per nje koncert ne Athine, por incidenti ka bere qe te anulohej edhe aktiviteti. Autoritetet greke nuk kane njohur pasaporten kosovare te kengetares dhe nderhyrja e autoriteteve shqiptare nuk ka sherbyer per asgje tjeter, vec pershpejtimit te debimit te Hadergjonajt, e cila eshte kthyer te dielen ne Tirane. Madje perballe autoriteteve aeroportuale te Athines nuk ka "pire uje" as viza Shengen e leshuar nga ambasada gjermane.

"Kurre nuk me ka ndodhur keshtu ne jeten time" - eshte shprehur kengetarja, e cila ka rrefyer per Gazeten detaje te incidentit te rende.

Si ndodhi ndalimi juaj ne Greqi?

Jam nisur te shtunen (5 qershor) nga aeroporti i Rinasit per nje koncert ne Athine. Kam kaluar ne check-in vetem kur u sigurova nga kompania Olimpik se bileta ishte e vlefshme dhe se pavaresisht se kisha pasaporte te shtetit te Kosoves nuk do kishte probleme me Greqine, per sa kohe qe kisha vize Shengen gjermane. Udhetimi shkoi normalisht ndersa "supriza" ndodhi kur u paraqita ne piken e kontrollit per te dale nga aeroporti grek. Nuk e di, por ne jeten time nuk me kishte ndodhur ndonjehere keshtu. Shume te pasjellshem... Me komunikuan se nuk e njihnin pasaporten time. E kuptova se cfare donte te thoshte kjo dhe kerkova te qendroja te tranzit-i i aeroportit dhe meqe kisha vizen Shengen te nisesha per ne Gjermani. Kjo per shkak se nuk kishte avion per t'u kthyer ne Tirane.

Si ju trajtuan ne aeroport?

Nuk e di, por shume te pasjellshem. Me vjen shume keq, vecanerisht per nje shtet te tille si Greqia, nje shtet kapitalist. U shpjegova se nuk e kisha bere me qellim, por me ndodhi. Kurre ne jeten time nuk jam ndier keshtu. Greqia eshte nje vend qe ndeshet shpesh me probleme te refugjateve, madje merr edhe donacione per kete fakt dhe te kene nje trajtim te tille.

Po nga autoritetet shqiptare apo kosovare, a pati ndonje interesim per incidentin tuaj?

Do te doja te falenderoja ambasaden shqiptare ne Greqi, te cilet u perpoqen te me ndihmonin. Te pakten te akomodohesha ne hotelet qe viheshin ne dispozicion te pasagjereve qe humbnin fluturimet apo kane probleme me biletat. Por, ata e moren shume personale dhe interesimi i autoriteteve shqiptare nuk solli asnje ndryshim ne sjelljen e tyre.

Ku ju cuan?

Me moren bagazhet, canten personale, telefonin dhe sende te tjera qe i kisha me vete dhe me cuan ne nje kamp refugjatesh me somaleze. Me vjen zor qe e bera, por munda te maskoja nje telefon celular qe te pakten te kisha nje mundesi komunikimi me njerezit e mi, te cilet u bene merak per kete incident. Te nesermen (e diele 6 qershor), me linjat ajrore, jam deportuar per ne Tirane. E kam dashur shume Greqine me pare, eshte nje vend i bukur ku do te kisha dashur shume here te kaloja pushimet. Me kete qe me ndodhi me ka ardhur shume keq per ate shtet. Rastesia me solli te qendroje mes emigranteve te shumte dhe kam pare se si trajtoheshin ata, kam bere edhe disa filmime. Kurse per ne kosovaret, te tilla sjellje nuk ka pasur as ne Gjermani dhe ne asnje vend tjeter te BE-se, edhe ne kohen e dyndjes se refugjateve gjate luftes ne Kosove.

Cfare ndodhi me koncertin tuaj?

Koncerti u anulua. Me vjen keq per fansat pasi kisha marre shume mesazhe prej tyre dhe per deshiren e madhe qe kishin per te ardhur ne nje koncert te tille. Tani uroj te marr pasaporten shqiptare, pasi kam aplikuar per nenshtetesine. Kjo do ishte e vetmja mundesi per t'ua plotesuar deshiren atyre fansave ne Greqi.

Juve e konsideroni te mbyllur kete incident me kthimin ne Tirane, apo do te kerkoni te drejten tuaj?

Nuk mund ta le te shkoje me kaq. Kompania qe me shiti bileten dhe mori persiper udhetimin duhej te me kishte paralajmeruar per ate cfare e priste cdo kosovar, me pasaporten e shtetit te tij, ne Greqi. Fitimi prej nje bilete nuk mund te justifikoje nje stres dhe incident te tille. Ndaj kompanise do te ngre padi ne gjykate. Por, edhe autoritetet aeroportuale te Rinasit, te cilat jane ne dijeni te plote per problemet qe kane pasaportat kosovare me vendet e BE-se qe nuk e kane njohur shtetin e ri, duhej te me kishin keshilluar qe me mos nisesha ose te merrja vete persiper pasojat. /gerti xhaja/gazeta shqiptare/qershor 2010/
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Hadergjonaj Alberie singer banned in Greece

The singer known light music Alberie Hadergjonaj was not allowed to enter Greece. News is published today in Gazeta Shqiptare which sakteson that Greek authorities have not recognized Kosovo passport singer.

In an interview published today in this newspaper shows that the singer Hadergjonaj was launched on Saturday for a concert in Athens, but the incident was made to anulohej the activity. The intervention of the Albanian authorities have not served for nothing else, keep on accelerating the expulsion of Hadergjonaj, which has returned to Tirana on Sunday. Even in front of Athens airport authority does not "drinking water" or Schengen visas issued by the German Embassy. "Never has so happened in my life" - is voiced singer who has rrefyer the newspaper details of a serious incident of its ban for 24 hours and send in a refugee camp in Greece with pirates.

Hadergjonaj said it will sue in court that the company sold the ticket and took its journey after the latter "should have warned him what to expect every Kosovar state with his passport in Greece.

Full article:

Prohibited for 24 hours and sent to a refugee camp in Greece with pirates, light music singer, Alberie Hadergjonaj. The singer had left on Saturday for a concert in Athens, but the incident has to anulohej the activity. Greek authorities have not recognized Kosovo passport singer and intervention by the Albanian authorities have not served for nothing else, keep accelerating Hadergjonaj deportation, which has returned to Tirana on Sunday. Even in front of Athens airport authority does not "drinking water" or Schengen visas issued by the German Embassy.

"Never has so happened in my life" - is voiced singer, who has rrefyer the newspaper details of a serious incident.

How did your detention in Greece?

I started on Saturday (June 5) from Rinas airport for a concert in Athens. I passed the check-in only when the company was assured by the Olympic tickets were available and that the church regardless of the state of Kosovo passport will not have problems with Greece, as long as I German Schengen visa. Travel went smoothly as the "surprise" came when he presented the point of control to come from the Greek airport. I do not know, but in my life not to have happened so ever. Very rude ... With komunikuan did not know that my passport. And I realized that what she wanted to say this and asked to stand in transit, the airport and since I had to nisesh Schengen visa for Germany. This is because the plane had to return to Tirana.

How you dealt with at the airport?

I do not know, but very rude. I'm very sorry, especially for a country such as Greece, a capitalist state. He explained that it had done in order, but it happened. Never in my life I felt not so. Greece is a country that often faces problems of refugees, even taking the donations for this fact and to have such a treatment.

Yes or Kosovo Albanian authorities, or had any interest for your incident?

Would like to thank the Albanian Embassy in Greece, who tried to help me. At least to the hotels that useful akomodohesha available to passengers who miss flights or have problems with tickets. But they took more personal interest of the Albanian authorities did not return any change in their behavior.

Where are you led?

Taken with luggage, personal bag, phone and other items that had him and led to a refugee camp with pirates. I'm hardly was made, but it masks a mobile phone that at least had an opportunity of communicating with my people, who became worried about this incident. The next day (Sunday 6 June), with airlines, to be deported in Tirana. I wanted more before Greece is a place where I would like more time to spend holidays. That this has happened with very bad for that state. Chance to remain among immigrants brought numerous and have seen how they treated, I made several footages. But for the Kosovars, such behavior has not been in Germany or in any other country in the EU, even at the time the influx of refugees during the Kosovo war.

What happened to your concert?

The concert was canceled. Sorry for the fans after the church received many messages from them and they had great desire to come to such a concert. Now I wish to Albanian passport, after I applied for citizenship. This was the only opportunity to wish them meet those fans in Greece.

You consider this incident closed with the return in Tirana, or search for your right?

I can not let go with that. The company that sold the ticket and took the trip should be warned about what she had expected anything of Kosovo, the state of his passport in Greece. The acquisition of a ticket can not justify an incident stress and such. Therefore the company will proceed in court. However, the Rinas airport authorities, which are fully aware of the problems that have passports in a new EU countries that have not recognized the new state, should be advised to have non nisesh or recovering over consequences.

Edhe Ryva Kajtazi e Pakenaqur me Videofestin Muzikor!

/photo public domain/

Hipnotizohet Ryva

Duket qe do te kalojne edhe disa dite dhe ende do te shkruhet per “Videofestin Muzikor”. Shume kengetare jane ndare te zhgenjyer me mosmarrjen e asnje cmimi, e disa te tjere te pakenaqur qe asnje videoklip i tyre nuk ka qene i nominuar. Ne grupin e ketyre te fundit eshte edhe kengetarja Ryva Kajtazi. Vetem ne vitin e fundit ajo ka realizuar tri videoklipe, por juria nuk e ka pare te arsyeshme qe asnjeri prej tyre te jete pjese e 16 kategorive.

“Kete vit fituan produksionet e Kosoves, ndersa ne karrieren time kam 5-6 videoklipe qe jane te punuara nga produksionet vendore dhe kurre nuk kam qene e nominuar. Brenda vitit te fundit une kam punuar tri videoklipe, ku dy prej tyre kane qene nga produksionet e Kosoves, por nuk jam nominuar”, shprehet Ryva e pakenaqur me perzgjedhjen e videoklipeve nga juria.

Me nje kenge dhe videoklip te ri

Megjithate, anashkalimi i vleresimit te punes se saj te nje festivali nuk mund te ndaloje ate per te ecur drejt sukseseve te reja. Ryva mendon se publiku eshte “juria” me e mire qe e vlereson punen e secilit kengetar. Kengetarja Kajtazi sapo ka perfunduar xhirimet e videoklipit te kenges me te re me titull “Me hipnotizon” e cila eshte e punuar nga kompozitori boshnjak, Cekic, ndersa videoklipi nga “Max Production” ne Shqiperi.

“Kenga eshte verore dhe e pershtatshme per kete stine, ndersa xhirimet e videoklipit jane bere ne Tirane, por meqe eshte ne montazh, ende nuk e kam shikuar fazen perfundimtare”, eshte shprehur ajo duke treguar edhe arsyet se pse ka zgjedhur te bashkepunoj me kete produksion. “‘Max Production’ jane shume aktual muajve te fundit, kane nje grup profesional dhe mbi te gjitha kane nje cmim te arsyeshem”, ka thene ajo duke shpresuar se videoklipi brenda 10 ditesh te jete i gatshem per transmetim.

Nuk eshte vetem kenga “Me hipnotizon” qe Ryva do te sjell para publikut te saj gjate kesaj stine, ajo menjehere ka filluar punen per nje kenge te re me nje kompozitor te huaj. “Do te jete nje kenge krejt tjeter e punuar nga nje kompozitor i huaj, por nuk dua te jap me shume detaje, ngase deshiroj te jete surprize per publikun”, shprehet Kajtazi, e cila ka theksuar se gjate sezonit verore do te jete mjafte e angazhuar duke kenduar neper vende te hapura ne Kosove, Ulqin dhe Durres.

Gati magjistraturen per aktrim

Edhe pse fokusimi i Ryves eshte me shume ne muzike, ajo per asnje moment nuk e le anash as profesionin e saj ne aktrim, madje ka thene se eshte duke e pergatit nje shfaqje per te mbrojtur magjistraturen ne degen e aktrimit. “Jam duke e pergatit nje shfaqje me profesor Enver Petrovcin, qe brenda ketij muaji do te jete e gatshme premiera, si dhe jam duke vazhduar se punuari ne serine vendore ‘Spitaliks’”, ka perfunduar Ryva. /arben gjinaj/zeri/qershor 2010/
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Ryva Hypnotised

It seems to be to spend a few days and still be written for "Music Videofestin. Many singers are divided and frustrated with the failing any price, and some other disappointed that none of their video was not nominated. In the latter group is the singer Ryva Kajtazi. Only last year she has made three video clips, but the jury has not seen at none of them fit to be part of the 16 categories.

"This year's productions won Kosovo, while in my career I have 5-6 clips that are worked by local productions and have never been nominated. Within the last year I've worked three video clips where two of them have been the productions of Kosovo, but I am not nominated, "says Ryva disappointed with the selection of video clips from the jury.

With a new song and video

However, bypass the evaluation of its work to a festival can not stop it to move towards new successes. Petro thinks that the public is "jury" the best that appreciates the work of each musician. Kajtazi singer has just finished filming the video with new song titled "With hipnotizon" which is the work of Bosnian composer, Cekic, while video from the "Max Production" in Albania.

"The song is suitable for summer and this season, while shooting the video have been made in Albania, but as is montage, yet I did not watch the final stages, has expressed it, indicating the reasons why there has chosen to work with this production. "'Max Production' are very current months, have a professional team and above all have a reasonable price," said she hoped the video within 10 days to be ready for broadcast.

There is just song "With hipnotizon" that petro will bring her to the public during this season, she immediately began work on a new song by a foreign composer. "It would be a completely different song has been created by a foreign composer, but do not want to give more details because I want to be a surprise to the public," says Kajtazi, which stated that during the summer season will be fair engaged by singing through the open places in Kosovo, Ulcinj and Durres.

Master ready for acting

Although the focus of Ryves is more in music, for any moment she did not let either side of her acting profession, even has said it is prepared by a master play to protect the acting branch. "I am preparing a professor Enver Petrovci show that within this month will be ready premieres, and am continuing the series running in local 'Spitaliks'", has finished Ryva.

Zajmina Vasjari: Jam Lodhur Me Shpifjet e Gazetareve...!

Zajmina Vasjari: Ju rrefej problemin tim...

Nese ju kane thene se bukuria dhe zgjuarsia nuk qendrojne dot te shkrira tek nje person i vetem, ju kane genjyer. Ajo ka perfunduar me mesatare 9.9 gjimnazin “Petro Nini Luarasi”, ka ndjekur nje shkolle per dizajn dhe tani i eshte perkushtuar teresisht pasionit te saj te hershem, arkitektures. Aktualisht eshte ne nje periudhe sezoni, por rezultatet paraardhese kane qene shokuese, te paimagjinueshme. Asnjeri nuk e mendon dot vajzen e bukur, seksi dhe te suksesshme ne muzike, si nje nxenese te 10-es...E tille eshte kengetarja Zajmina Vasjari, e cila ka befasuar serish gjithe publikun shqiptar me klipin e ri, kengen dhe look-un tashme te ndryshuar.

Nen tingujt e Elgit Dodes dhe vargjet e Big Bastes, Zaji solli kete here kengen qe do te perbeje pa diskutim nje nga hitet e kesaj vere, “Problemin”... Pas nje mungese te gjate ne mediat roze, Zajmina rrefen sot permes kesaj interviste problemin e saj te vertete... Ndonese per disa mund te tingelloje cuditshem, problemin Zaji e ka pikerisht me gazetaret, me ata qe shpifin pa kriter historira dhe ngjarje ne lidhje me te. Ndonese jo ne dijenine e saj, shume gazetare kane perfituar nga sinqeriteti dhe ciltersia e kengetares. “Nuk dua te shpifin me per mua, jam lodhur tani”, - tregon bukuroshja Vasjari. Por cfare na rrefen tjeter ajo, zbulojeni ne vijim te intervistes...

Se pari komplimente per klipin, si lindi ideja per te?
Eshte nje nderthurje e ideve te mia dhe te stafit te ‘Max Production’. U deshen 2 muaj per t’u pergatitur per kete klip dhe sinqerisht qe nuk me besohet ende qe cdo gje ka mbaruar tani.

Me ke bashkepunove per realizimin e ketij klipi?
Sigurisht qe me ‘Max Production’, qe eshte edhe producenti im qe nga dhjetori. I falenderoj nga zemra sepse kane qene nje mbeshtetje maksimale per mua.

Po autori i kenges?
Kenga eshte nje krijim i Elgit Dodes, i cili po merret me te gjitha materialet e albumit tim te ri, me te cilat jam dashuruar krejtesisht dhe besoj qe edhe publiku do t’i prese njesoj si une.

Cila eshte fabula e kenges?
Kenga flet per nje dashuri qe ka perfunduar tashme per mua, nderkohe djali vazhdon te me vije nga pas, prandaj dhe kjo ndjekje e tij trajtohet si problem ne kenge. Ai e ka problem qe une nuk e dua me...

Pse ky titull?
Mendoj qe eshte nje titull qe te ngacmon, megjithese nuk jam une autorja e tekstit, por Big Basta.

A ka realisht Zajmina ndonje problem?
Jo, nuk kam asnje problem serioz, merzitem ndonjehere nga gazetaret qe shpifin pa kriter histori per mua.

Na trego ndonje prapaskene interesante te klipit?
Skena e krevatit ka qene me e lodhshmja dhe komikja njekohesisht per mua. Ka zgjatur shume me shume se te tjerat, pasi une isha me taka siper krevatit dhe per pjeset kur me duhej te ecja, jane bere pafundesisht dubla ngaqe me ngaterroheshin kembet dhe rrezohesha.

Vjen ne kete klip me look-un e ndryshuar, pse ky ndryshim? Mos eshte nje perpjekje per t’iu rikthyer platinit?
Jo kurre, e kam sterthene qe une nuk do te jem me kurre bionde platin. Thjesht ndryshova per klipin dhe ndoshta do t’i rikthehem serish flokeve brun, ende nuk e kam vendosur.

Kush u kujdes per look-un tend ne kete klip?
Per ndryshimin e look-ut tim eshte kujdesur Olti Shulla dhe Elona Balaj, te cilet perfitoj nga rasti t’i falenderoj.

Zajmina, duam apo s’duam ta pranojme, sot je nje nder kengetaret me te paguara ne Shqiperi, cili eshte celesi i ketij suksesi? Pse mendon se te duan njerezit ty?
Mendoj qe fillimisht kam qene e perkedhelur nga fati, me pas kam punuar shume per te arritur ketu ku jam sot. Megjithate, une kam akoma shume per t’i dhene publikut shqiptar.

Sa te sherben seksualiteti per te qene e suksesshme?
Luan nje rol te rendesishem ne karrieren time, por kuptohet qe ka edhe shume komponente te tjere qe duhen per te qene e suksesshme. Vetem seksualiteti nuk mjafton.

Cila eshte gjeja qe ti e ke plus ne krahasim me kengetaret e tjera te gjenerates tende?
Nuk e krahasoj veten me asnjeren, secila ka te vecanten e saj.

Mendon se po te mos ishe nje femer “sexy”, njerezit do te kishin po te njejtin pelqim per ty?
Nuk e di, ndoshta nuk do te isha marre fare me kete profesion.

Pervecse kengetare, edhe nje biznesmene e zonja, si po te shkon biznesi
Shume mire, eshte nje periudhe shume e frytshme ne jeten time.

Ndihesh me mire tani qe i stilon vete veshjet e tua?
Po, ndihem shume rehat, sepse e di me imtesi se cfare me pershtatet dhe cfare jo.

Studimet per arkitekture si po shkojne?
Sapo kam marre sezonin e provimeve dhe keto jave ne vazhdim jam totalisht e angazhuar me studimet.

Mendon qe ne nje te ardhme ta lesh muziken per t’iu perkushtuar plotesisht pasionit tend te hershem, arkitektures?
Nuk mendoj, kjo eshte e ardhmja ime.

A eshte e dashuruar aktualisht Zajmina?
No comment.

Plane te reja ne fushen e muzikes?
Ne 9 qershor do te jem e pranishme ne Festivalin “Celesi Muzikor” ne Kosove per finalen e ketij festivali. Sapo kam perfunduar nje tjeter material, te cilit do t’i xhirohet videoklipi sapo une te mbaroj provimet ne jug te Shqiperise.

Ke planifikuar pushime kete vere?
Akoma jo.


Kjo periudhe eshte e mbushur me suksese per te... Vetem nje jave me pare klipi i kenges "Vec ti" te cilin Zajmina e realizoi ne bashkepunim me kengetarin Blero, eshte shpallur fitues i nje nder cmimeve me te rendesishme ne Festivalin e Klipit Shqiptar, duke rrembyer keshtu cmimin "Produksioni me i mire"...
/erald rexho/bluetooth/qershor 2010/
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+tag: zaimina vasiari
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Zajmina Vasjari: I'll tell you my problem ...

If you have said that the beauty and ingenuity can not be merged to remain a single person, you are lying. She finished high school with the average 9.9 "Petro Nini Luarasi, followed by a school for design and now is completely dedicated to her early passion, architecture. Is currently in a period of season, but previous results have been shocking, unimaginable. Nobody can think beautiful daughter, sex and success in music, as a student of 10th-es ... so is the singer Zajmina Vasjari, which again has surprised all Albanian public klipin new song and look- I already changed.

Under the sound of Elgin and ranges Dodes Big Bastes, Zaji brought this here song that will undoubtedly constitute one of the hits of this summer, "the problem" ... After a long absence in the media pink, Zajmina rrefen today through this interview her real problem ... Although some may sound strange, the problem has exactly Zaji journalists, those who forge Inappropriate stories and events related to it. Although not in the knowledge of her, many journalists have benefited from the sincerity and openness of the singer. "I do not want to forge with for me, I'm tired now," - shows Vasjari Beauty. But what else it rrefen us, zbulojeni following the interview ...

First klipin compliments as to the idea?
It is a combination of my ideas and the staff of 'Max Production'. It took two months to prepare for this clip, and frankly I do not believe yet that everything is over now.

Bashkepunove with you to achieve this clips?
Of course, that the 'Max Production', which is also my producer since December. I thank you from the heart because they have been a maximum support for me.

But the author of the song?
The song is a Dodes creation of Elgin, who is busy with all the materials my new album, with which I totally love and believe that the public will wait the same as me.

What is the fable of the song?
Song about a love that has already finished for me, while the boy continues to come from behind, and therefore that his prosecution is treated as a problem in the songs. He has a problem that I do not want to ...

Why this title?
I think that is a title that worry, although I am not the author of the text, but Big Basta.

Is there really any problem Zajmina?
No, I do not have any serious problem, sometimes bored by journalists who forge Inappropriate story for me.

Tell us any interesting background klipit?
Scenes of the bed was the most tedious and funny at the same time for me. Took much more than others, as I was with taka parts above the bed and when I had to walk, have dubla indefinitely because the legs and rrezohesha ngaterroheshin.

Coming at this clip to look un-changed, although this difference? Is not trying to restore a platinum?
Not ever, I've twice-told that I will not ever be with bionde platinum. Just changed klipin and perhaps will again regain Hair Brun, still have not decided.

Who care for your look-I in this clip?
To change my look-ut is cared Olti Balaj Shulla and Elona, who take this opportunity to thank them.

Zajmina, or want to accept s'duam today are one of the paid singers in Albania, which is the key to this success? Why do people think that you want?
I think that initially I was the pet of fate, then I worked hard to reach here where I am today. However, I still have more to give the Albanian public.

Serves as the sexuality to be successful?
Plays an important role in my career but understand that there are many other components that need to be successful. Sexuality alone is not enough.

What is the thing that you have plus compared to other singers of your generation?
Do not compare yourself with either, each has its vecanten.

Believes that unless you were a woman "sexy", people would have the same consent for you?
I do not know, maybe I will not take any of this profession.

In addition singer, a businesswoman and the lady, as if business goes?
Very well, is a very productive period in my life.

Feel better now that stilon your own clothes?
Yes, I feel more comfortable, because I know the perfect fit with what and what not.

Studying architecture as you go?
Once I take the exam season and this week onwards I am totally committed to the study.

Thinks that in the near future to let music be fully dedicated to your passion early, architecture?
I do not think this is my future.

Is currently Zajmina lovers?
No comment.

New plans in the field of music?
In June 9 will be present at the Festival "Music Power" in Kosovo for the finale of this festival. I just finished another material, which will be video shot once I finish exams in southern Albania.

You planned this summer vacation?
Still not.

This period is filled with success for ... Only a week ago clips of the song "In addition to" which Zajmina conducted in collaboration with singer Blero, is declared the winner of one of the most important prizes in the Festival of Albanian Klipit by kidnapped so price "Production of the best".

Friday, June 4, 2010

Gold AG Qe 10 Vjet Vozit Pa Leje!

/photo public domain/

"Gold Ag", qe 10 vjet vozit pa leje

Veture vozit qe prej moshes 12-13 vjecar, dhe ndonese ka kaluar moshen 23 vjet, ai ende nuk ka leje qarkullimi. Kjo gje i ndodh vetem rep kengetarit kontravers Arian Agushit, i njohur si "Gold Ag". Ariani me nostalgji i kujton edhe kohen kur ka drejtuar veture ne moshen e femijerise. "Kane qene caste te mira te asaj kohe. Edhe pse nuk i dija rregullat e vetures, e kishte lezetin e vet", kujton Ariani ate kohe.

Respektues i policise, por jo edhe i shenjave

"Gold Ag" qe pese vite ka veture personale dhe vozit kudo neper rruget e Kosoves, por vetem per shkak te perteses nuk regjistrohet per te marr lejen. "Valla po pritoj bre se per asgje tjeter nuk e kam lene", thote ai teksa tregon se cfare veture ka aktualisht.

"Kam veture BMW te vitit 2000 me ngjyre te bardhe, prapa i shkruan Ages, dhe e kam shoke shume te mire", ben te ditur kengetari preshevar qe jeton ne Prishtine. Shenjat e komunikacionit mundohet t'i respektoj, por nganjehere edhe i tejkalon sic eshte rasti me shpejtesine ku ai kujton nje rast qe ka vozitur deri ne 230 km/h. Mirepo, perkunder shenjave te komunikacionit qe nganjehere edhe i anashkalon, Ariani thote se policine mundohet t'i respektoj maksimalisht.

"Policine i respektoj per te vetmen arsye, vetem qe flasin shqip". E kur eshte puna te gjobat, me se shpeshti merr per shpejtesi dhe rrip te sigurise, por jo edhe per leje te vozitjes. "Gjithmone sillem mire me policine dhe kur bej gabime ne trafik e pranoj, ndersa per leje te qarkullimit ia bej hallin", thekson ai.

Perplasja per muri

"Gold Ag" veturen nuk e sheh si luks, por vetem si nevoje. Edhe po te mbetet pa te, nuk paraqet ndonje problem te theksuar. "Mos e pafsha veten pa ndonje pjese te trupit se pa veture kam lindur e edhe pa te mund te jetoj".

Gjate tere ketyre viteve te ngasjes se vetures, Arianit i kujtohet vetem nje fatkeqesi e cila i ka ndodhur per ne Shqiperi. "Njehere rruges per ne Shqiperi ka pasur termet. Une nuk kam ditur asgje vetem kur e pash veten te perplasur per nje muri. Nuk e kisha idene se si me ndodhi kjo. Kur mberrita ne Tirane ne lajme degjova se m’u aty kishte qene epiqendra e termetit", u shpreh kengetari Agushi.

"Gold Ag" eshte i kenaqur me veturen te cilen e posedon dhe nuk e ka ndermend edhe per nje kohe te gjate qe ta nderroj me ndonje tjeter./zeri/qershor 2010/
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"Gold Ag, 10 years of driving without a license

Drive car since the age of 12-13 years and although the age of 23 years passed, he still does not permit the circulation. This thing happens only rep Arian Agushi controversial singer, known as "Gold Ag. Ariani recalls with nostalgia the time when the car has run a child. "Kane was best moments of that time. Although not knowing the rules of the car, had his lezetin, Ariani recalls that time.

Police observer, but also signs

"Gold Ag" that five years was the personal car and drive around the streets of Kosovo, but only because perteses not registered to receive permission. "Dance is pritoj bre for nothing that I did not leave," he says as he shows what the car currently has.

"I have the 2000 BMW car with white paint, write back of Ages, and have very good friends, knowing makes preshevar singer who lives in Prishtina. Traffic signs of trying to respect, but sometimes exceeding the speed as is the case where he remembers a case that has driving up to 230 km / h. However, despite signs of communication that sometimes skip, Ariani says the police try to respect the maximum.

"Police only respect for reason, just to speak Albanian. And when it comes to penalties, most often takes the belt speed and safety, but not for the driving license. "Always behave well with the police and when mistakes do we accept traffic, and for permission to make his plight circulation," said he.

Per wall collision

"Gold Ag" car does not see as luxuries, but only as needed. Even if it remains free to, does not present any problem to stress. "Do not pafsha themselves without any part of the body that was born free of the car could live without."

During these years of riding all over the car, just remember Arianit of a disaster that has happened to Albania. "Once the road to Albania has been terms. I do not know nothing I saw myself only when the collided on a wall. I do not like the idea that this happened. When arriving in Tirana, we heard news that there had been me earthquake epicenter, "said singer Agushi.

"Gold Ag" is satisfied with the car which has and has not even intend for a long time to change with any other.

Adelina e Merzitur qe Mungoi ne Mbremjen e Pagarushes!

Adelina mungon ne mbremjen e Pagarushes!

Kengetarja Adelina Ismajli e ka deklaruar gjithmone se Nexhmije Pagarusha eshte idhulli i saj. I ka te panumerta takimet me te, por fatkeqesisht kete here impenjimet muzikore ne Evrope ia kane mohuar mundesine per te qene prezente ne mbremjen ‘Gala’ ne nder te mbretereshes se skenes kosovare, Nexhmije Pagarushes (23.05.2010). Merzitjen qe ndjente per shkak te ketij fakti, kengetarja e ka shprehur edhe ne faqen e saj te fansave te Ne mbremjen ‘Gala’ ne nder te bilbilit kosovar, kane qene prezente edhe mjaft emra te njohur te muzikes kosovare si: Alma Bektashi, Adelina Thaci, Vesa Luma etj. Pak dite perpara se te mbahej kjo mbremje, Presidenti i Republikes se pavarur te Kosoves, e ka dekoruar kengetaren Pagarusha me titullin “Artiste e Merituar”. Duke qene se Adelina nuk mund te ishte prezente ne kete mbremje, ne po sjellim per ju sot nje foto te saj dhe kengetares se madhe te shkrepur disa jave me pare, ne nje koncert ku kane qene te dyja te ftuara speciale. /b.w./
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Adelina missing on the evening of Pagarusha!

Adelina Ismajli singer has always said that convicting her idol is Pagarusha. I have innumerable meetings with, but unfortunately this time musical occupation in Europe have denied him the opportunity to be present on the evening 'Gala' in honor of the queen of the scene in Kosovo, convicting Pagarushes. Merzitjen felt that because of this fact, the singer has even expressed its website fans. In the evening 'Gala' whistle in favor of Kosovo, have been present and very familiar names of Kosovar music: Alma Bektashi, Adelina Thaci, Vesa Luma, etc.. Few days before it hosted the evening, the President of the independent Republic of Kosovo, has decorated Pagarusha singer with the title "Meritorious art. Being that Adelina was not present at this evening, we bring to you today a picture of her and that great singer of shkrepur few weeks ago, in a concert where both have been the special guest.

Greta Koci: Enin Nuk e Shoh si Konkurente!

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Greta Koci: Enin s’do e shoh si konkurente

Para 6 vjetësh Greta Koçi bëri një revolucion në muzikën shqiptare. Kjo jo thjesht për këngët që solli, por për moshën kur u prezantua për herë të parë në publikun shqiptar; sapo kishte mbushur 13 vjeç - e më tej një menaxhim të shkëlqyer që i bëjnë prindërit e saj. Me një axhendë të ngjeshur klipesh, këngësh e koncertesh, ajo vjen tashmë për fansat e saj me një këngë anglisht. Por nga ana tjetër, rrugën e saj duket se po ndjek edhe motra e saj Eni, e cila sapo ka prezantuar këngën “Vij tek ti”. Edhe Eni sot është 13 vjeç. Ka bërë dy klipe dhe së shpejti do të sjellë një album të kompozuar nga Greta, motra e saj. Ndoshta edhe ajo do të ndjekë rrugën e së motrës, Gretës... Por, mos do të thotë kjo se do të nisë një konkurrencë mes të dyjave...? “Asnjëherë Enin nuk do e shoh si konkurrente. Është motra ime apo jo?! Gjithmonë do të dua që ajo të arrij gjithçka timen e të kaloj gjithçka timen” shprehet Greta për Bluetooth. /b.w./
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Greta Koci: will not see Eni as competition

Before 6 years Greta Koci made a revolution in the Albanian music. This not only brought to the songs, but when age was introduced for the first time in the Albanian public, had just reached 13 years - and beyond an excellent management who do her parents. With a busy agenda clips, songs and concerts, it now comes to its fans with a song in English. On the other hand, its path appears to follow her sister and Eni, which has just introduced the song "I come to you." Eni is also 13 years old today. Has made two videos and will soon bring an album composed by Greta, her sister. Maybe she will follow the path of the sisters, Gretës ... But not this mean that it will launch a competition between the two ...? "Never Enin will not see as competing. It is my sister or not? Will always want it to get everything to spend all my time "says Greta for Bluetooth.

Noizy Mp3 Shqip

Policia pajton dy grupet rivale te muzikes rep

Police reconciles the two rival groups of music rep

Noizy proceed with weapons possession, while fansi opponent arrested for attempted murder

The story of the evil of two friends who went to the bleeding

Clashes between rival groups that deal with music rep in Tirana, have forced police to pursue policies that followed the Mp3 Shqip 2011 New York police in 60s and Mp3 Shqip 2011 '70s. At that time, police had only one opportunity to prevent deaths among "gangster singers, by agreeing together. Fashion "gangster singers, who identified with music rep, started too late in Albania, but only recently by clashes between different groups are seriously injured two teenagers. Even two days ago, thanks to the police had information that armed people, has brought prevent any possible tragedy. And to avoid such cases, police leaders have agreed the two leaders of two rival groups, OTR, which is represented by Noizy and TBA, which is represented by Stressi.

Their history of clashes left long ago, as two leaders, who are soloist respective groups, have been friends. At that time, they have had disputes, which then have agravuar, creating song texts against each other. However, the situation has not remained in these parameters, as between the two groups, which are already established in the form of bands, there was mutual harassment, who finished with Brawl. One such clash occurred in April 28 this year, with serious injuries remained Denis board, the gang-that TBA. He was injured with a knife, which cau heart and was originally thought that he died, but later, doctors can not risjellin in life. But that day, near Sami Frashëri "was injured and another person, fans of the same group, Patience windows.

Only a few days after this event, between the Mp3 Shqip 2011 rival groups have launched the first threats to be in retaliation, but threats to the song lyrics back in fashion as it is now between two groups that have declared "war" each other. In the profile page of the "Facebook", titled "For Denis board will be better very quickly," insults are not lacking on both sides of the fans, but also threats. In this profile is published photograph of the person allegedly injured two teenagers. A person convicted in the "Facebook" is now the same group identified by the police inquiry. According to police sources, the person allegedly injured two teenagers, is a member of the group OTR, nicknamed the "infinite".

Two days ago, police had received information that two armed groups will broke the Palace of Congresses. Thus, the services they perform routine vehicle checks, in order to identify armatosurve. When services are prohibited Noizy resort, whose name is Rigels Rajku, Arrested Jetnis board has issued an automatic weapon "Scorpions" and shot them. Police have intervened, but he is response and then is removed, leaving the weapons at the scene but was apprehended a few meters away.

There was also present Arkimed Lusha, known as "Stressi", representing the other group. He explained that the board was Jetnis uncle Denisit son, wounded by April 28 the band-t Noizy fans. There are accompanied seven people, four from each group and three from another group, where Noizy character of the weapons found are cold. In the end, the police decided to arrest for attempted Video Shqip murder board, while Rigels Rajkun has criminally prosecuted able to free the "weapons possession. In conclusion, in order to prevent any other criminal incident, the police have agreed to both sides and keep the detainees has been released to all other persons.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Shpat Deda Triumfon ne "Netet e Klipit Shqiptar 2010"

“Netët e klipit shqiptar”, më i miri klipi i Shpat Dedës

U mbyll mbrëmë (30 Maj) Nata Gala e ndarjes së cmimeve për spektaklin “Netët e Klipit Shqiptar”. Pas një konkursi maraton, si klipi më i mirë në të gjitha komponentët fitoi klipi “A thu” i këngëtarit nga Kosova, Shpat Deda, prodhuar nga project “Balloon Heart”. Në këtë spektakël pati shumë cmime të tjera ku më të spikaturit ishin, ai i publikut që e mori Era Rusi, me klipin “Ikën dhe vjen”, prodhuar nga Alexander, interpretuesja me e mire, Anjeza Shahini, me klipin "Lot Pendimi", prodhuar nga Max Production apo “Figura me e mire skenike” dmth, (Paraqitja me e mire e imazhit )për Femra, trofe që e rrëmbeu Ciljeta Xhilaga, me Klipin “Dejavu”, prodhuar nga Alexander. Një cmim që u nda për herë të parë ishte dhe ai për duetin më të mirë, cmim që iu dha duetit Gerta Heta dhe Visar me Klipin “Dashuria nuk ka fe”, prodhuar nga Fabrika Studio. Nuk u mungoi cmimeve dhe Ingrid Gjoni me trofeun “Cmimi i medias” pa nominim, me klipin “Hypnotize me”. /b.w./maj 2010/
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"Nights of Albanian Clip", best clips of Shpat Dede

It was closed last night (30 May) Gala Night of the division of prizes for spectacle "Albanian Klipit nights. After a marathon competition as the best clips of all components gained clips "A Thu" the singer from Kosovo, Shpat Deda, produced the project "Heart Balloon." In the showmanship had many other awards where the spikaturit were, he made public that Russia Era with klipin "leaving and coming", produced by Alexander, the best performer, Anjeza Shahini, with klipin "Lot Repentance" produced by Max Production or "Figure with good stage" ie, (the best presentation of the image) for women, and snatched the trophy Ciljeta Xhilaga with klipin "Dejavu", produced by Alexander. A price that was divided for the first time and he was the best duo, duo award given by Gerta Heta and Visar klipin "Love has no religion", produced by Factory Studio. No price was absent and the trophy Ingrid "Media Award" without nomination, with klipin "Hypnotize me".

Monday, May 31, 2010

Sonte ne Prishtine Video Festi Muzikor 2010!

Sonte në Prishtinë spektakli “Videofesti Muzikor”

Salla e Teatrit Kombëtar të Kosovës të dielën ishte veshur me “petk” të ri. Një ekran i vendosur, i cili kishte zënë vend në një top të rrumbullakët, që priste për të transmetuar parakalimin e yjeve të estradës, disa drita të shkapërderdhura që dukeshin të gatshme për të ndriçuar mysafirët e VFM-së dhe një tepih i kuq që priste të shtrohej para Teatrit, përmblidhnin detajet që do të krijojnë atmosferën e edicionit të tetë të “Videofestit Muzikor”. Edhe e gjithë pamja e Teatrit Kombëtar të Kosovës do të shkrihet të hënën në mbrëmje me imazhet karakterizuese të garës së vetme të videoklipeve në Kosovë.

Mbrëmja e “yjeve” edhe këtë vit do të bëjë bashkë këngëtarët shqiptarë nga të gjitha trevat, të cilët përveç që janë fitues potencialë të çmimeve që ndan VFM-ja, do të jenë pjesë e performancave artistike që do të shpalosen në kuadër të programit. Sivjet nata do të frymojë në vitet 80, që do të “rikthehen” përmes pikave artistike të realizuara enkas për “Videofestin Muzikor 2010”. Nikoqire e mbrëmjes edhe këtë vit është përzgjedhur aktorja Gresa Pallaska.

Fiks në orën 20:15 do të nisë parakalimi i këngëtarëve nëpër tepihun e kuq, përderisa spektakli në sallë do të startojë në orën 21:00. Edhe edicioni i sivjetmë i “Videofestit Muzikor” do të transmetohet “live” nga televizioni Kohavision, që tash e tetë vite është bashkorganizator i këtij evenimenti.

Organizatori i “Videofestit Muzikor”, Erolld Belegu, të dielën nuk ka hezituar të konfirmonte se gjithçka ka shkuar sipas planit.

“Kemi premtuar se do të jetë edicioni më i mirë dhe besoj që do të jetë”, kanë qenë fjalët e para që i ka thënë Belegu, teksa “kontrollonte” me sy lëvizjet e teknikëve që ishin duke përgatitur skenën. Duke qenë i njoftuar me interesimin që do të ketë edhe edicioni i radhës i VFM-së, Belegu është shprehur se jo të gjithë do të kenë “luksin” të kënaqen ulur me imazhet prej yjeve të këngëtarëve shqiptarë.

“Të ftuar ka shumë, por kapaciteti i Teatrit është i limituar, edhe pse janë vetëm 300 ulëse, jam i sigurt se do të jenë rreth 500 njerëz. Do të ketë shumë njerëz në këmbë”, ka shtuar ai.

Por, megjithatë Belegu ka shtuar se ia vlen çdo “mundim” për të ndjekur natën e yjeve, e cila kësaj radhe do të sjellë shumë të reja. “Përveç nominimeve që janë bërë nga juria, do të ndahen edhe dy çmime të tjera jashtë atyre tashmë të njohura. Është çmimi ‘Best Promo’ dhe ‘Çmimi i publikut’, i cili do të ndahet në bazë të videoklipeve që kanë qenë më të klikuara në ‘youtube’”, ka thënë Belegu.

Drejtori artistik i “Videofestit Muzikor”, Florent Boshnjaku, ka dhënë më shumë detaje lidhur me pjesën artistike të programit.

“Programi artistik sivjet do të frymojë me periudhën e viteve ’80. Është një lloj nderimi për ata që kanë bërë muzikë atëkohë”, ka thënë Boshnjaku.

Duke siguruar se “Videofesti Muzikor 2010” do të ofrojë një program shumë më ndryshe se vitet e kaluara, Boshnjaku ka vlerësuar edhe gatishmërinë e këngëtarëve për të qenë pjesëmarrës.

“Nuk ka qenë e vështirë të punohet me këngëtarët, sepse ka kohë të gjatë që jemi duke bashkëpunuar. Ata janë treguar të gatshëm, madje kanë dhënë edhe ndihmë sa i përket programit artistik”, ka thënë ai.

Ndryshe, për çmimin kryesor të “Videofestit Muzikor” këtë vit në garë janë videoklipet “Dy shokë” i Nora Istrefit, “S’të fal” i “Kthjellu” dhe Florit, “Amazing Girl” i Dafina Zeqirit dhe “VIP” i grupit “Skillz”. Në listën e të nominuarve në gjashtëmbëdhjetë kategori, kryeson videoklipi “Amazing Girl” i këngëtares Dafina Zeqiri me gjithsej tetë sosh.

Sponsorë medialë të “Videofestit…” janë “Koha Ditore” edhe KTV. /koha/maj 2010/

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The show tonight in Pristina "Videofesti Music"

Pristina, May 31, Hall National Theatre on Sunday was wearing "dress" the new. A screen set, which was placed in a round ball, which expects to broadcast estrades parakalimin of stars, some light shkapërderdhura that seemed ready to light the guests of VFM and a Red Carpets to wait The issue before the theater, summarize the details that will create the atmosphere of the eighth edition of "Music Videofestit. Even the sight of all National Theatre will be dissolved on Monday evening by specifying the images of video clips of a single race in Kosovo.

Evening of "stars" and this year will make Albanian singers together from all parts, except that they are potential winners VFM-share price that has, will be part of performance art that will be expanded under the program. This year will frymojë night in 80 years, which would "return" through art items realized exclusively for "Music Videofestin 2010. The evening also hosted this year has been selected Gresa Pallaska actress.

Fixed at 20:15 to start tepihun parakalimi of singers in red, while the spectacle in the hall will start at 21:00. This year's edition also "Videofestit Music" will be broadcast live by television Kohavision, who is now eight years bashkorganizator of this event.

The organizer of the "Videofestit Music, Erolld Belegu Sunday has been reluctant to confirm that everything has gone according to plan.

"We promised to be the best edition and I believe that would be" the words have been said before that Belegu, as "controlled" by eye movements and technicians who were preparing the scene. Being aware that interest will be the next edition of VFM's, Belegu stated that not everyone will have the "luxury" to enjoy sitting with images of stars Albanian singers.

"The guest has too, but capacity is limited Theatre, even though they are only 300 seats, I'm sure there will be about 500 people. There will be many people walking, "he added.

But, however Belegu added that it is worth any "pain" to follow the stars at night, which this time will bring many new. "In addition to nominations made by the jury, will be allocated two prizes other than those already known. Is the price 'Best Promo' and 'Public Prize', which will be divided based on video clips that have been clicking on 'youtube' "said Belegu.

Artistic Director of "Music Videofestit, Bosnian Florent, has given more details about the art program.

"The year will frymojë artistic period of 80 years. It is a kind of honor for those who have made music atëkohë "said Bosnian.
By providing that "Videofesti Music 2010" will offer a program much different than years past, has praised the Bosnian singers willingness to be participants.

"It was difficult to work with singers, has long because we're cooperating. They are showing willing, even given the assistance of the artistic program, "he said.

Otherwise, the top prize of "Videofestit Musical" contest this year are video "Two friends" of Nora Istrefi, "featureless forgive" the "Kthjellu" and gold, "Amazing Girl" of Dafina and "VIP" group "feat. The list of nominees in sixteen categories, leads the video "Amazing Girl" singer Dafina of the total eight of them. Media sponsors of "Videofestit ..." are "Koha Ditore" and KTV.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Juliana Pasha: Eshte Momenti Me i Bukur i Jetes Time!

Oslo, Pasha: Momenti më i bukur i jetës time

“Është momenti më i bukur i jetës time. Ndjej se Europa u bë një familje sot në skenë.”- ky është komenti që këngëtarja shqiptare Juliana Pasha ka bërë për gazetarët në konferencën për shtyp të organizuar menjëherë pas përfundimit të natës së parë gjysmë finale të festivalit Europian. “Nuk mundem pa ty”, në anglisht "It's all about you", u përzgjodh nga televotimi i hapur në të gjithë Europën ndër 10 këngët të cilët do të marrin pjesë në natën finale të shtunën më 29 maj. Gjatë konferencës këngëtarët kanë tërhequr shortin se kur do të këndojnë këngën në natën finale. Kështu Shqipëria do të këndojë e 15-ta dhe për të gjithë televotuesit do të jetë me kodin 15. Nëntë këngët e tjera që hynë nga konkurimi i mbrëmshëm në finale janë Moldavia, Bosnja Hercegovina, Belgjika, Serbia, Bjellorusia, Greqia, Islada, Rusia dhe Portugalia. /bw/
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Oslo, Pasha: The most beautiful moment of my life

"It is the most beautiful moment of my life. I feel that Europe was a family scene today. "- This is the comment that Albanian singer Juliana Pasha asked reporters at a press conference organized immediately after the night's first European semi-final of the festival. "I can not without you" in English "It's all about you", was selected by televoting open across Europe among the 10 songs that will participate in the finals on Saturday night May 29. During the conference have attracted lots of singers when they sing the song on the final night. Therefore, Albania will sing the 15th and all televotuesit will be code 15. Nine other songs that came out in the final competition are mbrëmshëm Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Serbia, Belarus, Greece, Islada, Russia and Portugal.

Vedat Ademi: Bashkeshortja Fansja Ime me e Cmendur!

Vedat Ademi: “Fansja ime me e cmendur eshte bashkeshortja”

Do te jete me ne sot ne “Bluetooth”, edhe nje nga pretendentet kryesor per cmimin e madh ne ‘Top Fest 7’. Kengetari Vedat Ademi, qe me te kenduarin e tij “live” kenaq gjithe degjuesit, rrefen sot shume nga prapaskenat e ketij konkurrimi. Nderkaq, ai tregon edhe per bashkeshorten e tij, e cila eshte fansja me e cmendur e Vedatit. Mendon qe ne vere te realizoje nje tur koncertor ne te gjitha trojet shqipfolese per te promovuar albumin e tij te pare, te cilin tashme e ka mbaruar... Keto dhe te tjera detaje nga jetesa aktuale e kengetarit Ademi, ua percjellim sot ne kete interviste...

Ku jeni ne keto momente, dhe me cfare jeni duke u marre?

Jam aktiv me muziken live ne “pub-et” e Tiranes, marr pjese ne ‘Top Fest 7’ me kengen “Koha s’kthehet”, kompozitor i se ciles eshte Kledi Bahiti. Tani per momentin jam duke u marre me provat e ‘Top Festit’ per naten finale.

Si ndiheni dhe cila eshte arsyeja qe ju ka bere te riktheheni ne kete festival?

Emocionet e ‘Top Festit’ jane te shumta. Marredhenia e pare ne Shqiperi per mua ka qene me kete festival. ‘Top Fest’ eshte nje festival modern, qe i jep mundesine gjithe artisteve per te promovuar kenget e tyre. Jam ndiere shume mire, kjo ka qene arsyeja qe kam marr pjese.

Duke qene se kete vit ‘Top Fest’ do te jete ‘live’, mendon se kjo do te ndikoje pozitivisht ne vleresimin sa me te plote te kenges dhe interpretimit tuaj?

Kete vit eshte shume pozitive qe Festivali eshte ‘live’. Nje kengetar duhet te kendoje kengen e vet, ndryshe nuk eshte kengetar. Eshte iniciative shume e madhe, eshte shume e vleresuar nga ana ime dhe e artisteve qe kendojne ‘live’.

Nga se perbehet grupi juaj?

Grupi perbehet nga 4 persona; une, Julian Kocaj (guitar), Kledi Bahiti (Vokali), Erion Medha (Drums).

Keni pasur ndonjehere keqkuptime mes grupit tuaj?

Ne kemi gjetur mirekuptimin ne grup. Fakti qe kemi 4 vjet bashke, tregon qe jemi shume mire.

Po ben nje vit qe jeni martuar, cfare mendimi ka gruaja juaj per muziken tuaj?

Gruaja ime vjen nga nje familje muzikantesh, vjehrri eshte kompozitor, kunati eshte kitarist, pra lidhjet qe ajo ka me muziken i kane rrenjet qe ne vogeline e saj. Eshte nje mbeshtetje shume e madhe per mua, ka shkruar disa tekste te kengeve te mia dhe eshte fansja ime me e cmendur. Pelqen gjithe kenget e mia, nje nder kenget me te pelqyera te saj eshte kenga e ‘Top Festit’.

Ju keni marre pjese ne shume festivale, keni realizuar disa videoklipe, keni ne repertorin tuaj kenge shume te bukura, perfshire ketu dhe nje prej kengeve me te mira dedikuar dashurise (‘Me mashtruan syte’). Perse nuk keni publikuar ende nje album, kur do te kemi nje album prej Vedat Ademit?

Me behet qejfi qe kenga ime klasifikohet si nder kenget me te bukura te dashurise, sa i perket albumit, si material eshte gati. Ideja eshte qe mund te bej nje tip turneu qe ta promovoj vete. Shpresoj dhe besoj shume qe do dale kete vere, normalisht pjese e albumit do jene 1 ose 2 videoklipe, qe do t’i paraprijne albumit.

Pretendoni cmimin e madh ne ‘Top Fest 7’?

Vleresoj anen e vleresimit, ne radhe te pare, me behet qejfi qe kenga eshte pritur mire nga publiku, eshte kenge moderne e realizuar shume mire. Shpresoj te vleresohet. Sigurisht, per artistin eshte shtyse. Gara eshte shume e forte, ka kenge shume te bukura, me e rendesishme eshte qe performanca te dale mire. /ida kokonozi/bluetooth/maj 2010/
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Vedat Ademi: "My craziest fan is my wife"

Will be with us today in the "Bluetooth", and one of the main contenders for the Grand Prix in the 'Top Fest seven'. Vedat Ademi singer, who with his singing "live" satisfies all listeners, many of today rrefen behind this competition. Meanwhile, he tells his wife about, which is the crazy fans of Vedatit. Thinks that in the summer to realize a concert tour in all territories speaking to promote his first album, which already has expired ... These and other details of the actual existence of the singer Adam, deliver them today in this interview ...

Where are you in these moments, and what are being taken?

I am active with live music in the "pub-et" in Tirana, take part in 'Top Fest 7' with the song "Time it back", whose composer is Kledi Bahiti. Now I'm currently doing tests 'Top Festit' for the final night.

How do you feel and what is the reason that you let us check this festival?

Emotions of 'Top Festit' are numerous. Albania's first relationship for me has been to this festival. 'Top Fest' is a modern festival, which allows all artists to promote their songs. I felt very well, this was the reason that I take part.

Since this year's 'Top Fest' will be 'live', believes that this will positively affect the evaluation as a full song and your interpretation?

This year is very positive that the festival is 'live'. A singer must sing his song, otherwise it is not a musician. Initiative is very great, is very appreciated by my side and the artists who sing 'live'.

By that made your group?

The group consists of four people, I, Kocaj Julian (guitar), Kledi Bahiti (vokalin), Erion large (Drums).

Have you ever had misunderstandings among your group?

We have found understanding in the group. The fact that we have four years together, we show that very well.

What makes a year that you are married, your wife what is thought to your music?

My wife comes from a family the musicians, vjehrri is songwriter, guitarist brother is, so it has links to music that we have rooted her wisp. It is a very big support for me has written several books of my songs and my fans is the madman. I love all of my songs, one song by her is pleasing to the song 'Top Festit. "

You have participated in many festivals, have made some video clips, songs you have in your repertoire very beautiful, and including one of the better songs dedicated to love ('The mashtruan eyes'). Why do not you publish an album yet, when we have an album of Vedat Ademi?

Indulge you with my song becomes classified as among the most beautiful songs of love in terms of album, as material is ready. The idea is that a dude can do that to promote the tournament itself. I hope and believe that more will come out this summer, normally part of the album will be one or two clips, which will precede the album.

Claim Grand Prix in 'Top Fest 7'?

Prize means of evaluation, in the first place, to be please that song is well received by the public, is modern songs performed very well. I hope evaluated. Of course, the artist is driving. Competition is very strong, has very beautiful songs, more important is that good performance to come.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Eneida Tarifaj Fiton Top Fest 7

Eneda Tarifa, fituese e 'Top Fest 7'

Dhe fituesja eshte... Eneda Tarifa! Spektakel i magjishem! Emocione, te papritura, duartrokitje, dritherima; ne kete atmosfere u mbyll nata finale e festivalit me te madh te muzikes moderne shqiptare 'Top Fest 7'.

"Ju falenderoj te gjitheve ju, drejtuesit e festivalit, koleget e mi, kompozitorin, familjen time dhe te gjithe publikun qe me ka mbeshtetur", u shpreh Tarifa menjehere pasi mori cmimin e madh te eventit.

Mbremja u zhvillua ne nje atmosfere elektrizuese ne sallen e Pallatit te Kongreseve, ku publiku nuk reshti se mbeshteturi te preferuarit e tij. Nen drejtimin energjik te Ledion Licos dhe Albana Osmanit, festivali mbylli siparin e tij, por kenget e prezantuara ne kete edicion pa diskutim qe do te vazhdojne te jene te preferuarat tuaja edhe per shume kohe, ndersa do te mund t'i shijoni ne ekranet e televizioneve muzikore dhe ne valet e radiove.

10 cmimet e tjera:

Videoklipi me i mire: Leonora Jakupi;
Best Hip Hop & R&B: Jonida Maliqi dhe Big Basta;
Cmimi Radiofonik nga Top Albania Radio: NRG Band
Cmimi i Internetit: Noizy ft Lil Coli
Cmimi Kengetarja me e Mire Femer: Besa Kokedhima
Cmimi Kengetari me i Mire Mashkull: Valon Shehu
Cmimi Artisti me i Mire i Ri: XXL
Cmimi Best Pop&Rock: Kamela
Cmimi Grupi me i Mire: Troja
Cmimi Interpretuesja me e Mire: Mariza Ikonomi

Kujtohet Dritan Hoxha

Vec cmimeve te ndara mes duartrokitjeve, brohoritjeve te fansave, dritherimave, nje moment krejt i vecante shkaktoi emocione te forta jo vetem tek te pranishmit ne salle, por edhe te te gjithe teleshikuesit. Me ane te pamjeve filmike u kujtua Dritan Hoxha, njeriut qe beri historine ne median shqiptare.

Te gjithe spektatoret, te ngritur ne kembe me duartrokitje te vazhdueshme shoqeruan dhe nderuan Dritan Hoxhen, themeluesin e Top Medias, presidentin e paharruar te kesaj kompanie.

Me kete rast, bashkeshortja e tij, zonja Vjollca Hoxha dha nje cmim special ne emer te Dritan Hoxhes, per fituesin e Top Fest 1, Alban Skenderajn.Kengetari, i cili nisi karrieren e tij, pikerisht ne kete festival te muzikes moderne shqiptare, falenderoi Hoxhen per besimin e treguar ndaj tij dhe shprehu te gjithe mirenjohjen per vleresimin e marre nder vite.

Me shume emocion dhe nostalgji per Dritan Hoxhen jane performuar ne skenen e Top Fest pasazhe te tre prej kengeve te tij te preferuara "Nothing Else Matters","No Leaf Clover" dhe "Show Must go on", nga Alban Skenderaj, Eugent Bushpepa, Xuxi shoqeruar nga orkestra e Top Channel. Dhe te gjithe bashke nuk harrojme kurre se ...."Endrra vazhdon!". /
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Eneda Tarifa, winner of 'Top Fest 7'

And the winner is ... Eneda Tarifa! Spektakel fairy! Emotions, surprise, applause, chill, wrapped in this atmosphere the festival's final night with the greatest of modern Albanian music TOP Fest 7 '.

"Thank you to all of you, leaders of the festival, my colleagues, the composer, my family and all that has public support", said the fee immediately after receiving the Grand Prix event.

The dinner took place in an atmosphere elektrizuese the room of the Palace of Congresses, where the public row is not supporting his favorite. Under the energetic direction of Ledio Licos and Albana Osmani, the festival closed its onset, but the songs presented in this edition that will undoubtedly continue to be your favorites and for a long time, and will be able to enjoy the screens music television and radio waves.

10 other prices:

Better video: Leonora;
Best Hip Hop & R & B: Jonida Maliqi and Big Basta;
Price of Top Albania Radio Radio: NRG Band
Internet Price: Noizy ft Lil Coli
Best Price Female singer: Besa Kokedhima
Price singer with The Good Man: Valon Shehu
Artist with Good Price New: XXL
Best Pop & Rock Award: Kamel
Better Price Group: Troja
The best price performer: Marisa Ikonomi

Remember Dritan Hoxha

Prices already divided between the applause, the fans cheer, chill, a very special moment of strong emotion caused not only to the participants in the hall, but also all teleshikuesit. Through film footage was reminded Dritan Hoxha, the man who made history in Albanian media.

All spectators, to set on foot accompanied by continuous applause and Dritan honored Hoxha, the founder of Top Media, memorable president of this company.

In this case, his wife, Mrs. Hoxha Vjollca gave a special award on behalf of Dritan Hoxha, the winner of Top Fest 1, Alban Skenderajn.Kengetari, who began his career, namely in this modern Albanian music festival, thanked square for the trust shown to him and all expressed gratitude for the evaluation of honor take years.

With much emotion and nostalgia for Dritan Hoxha are performed at the scene of Top Fest passages of three of his favorite songs "nothing Else Matters", "No Leaf Clover" and "The Show Must Go On" by Alban Skenderaj, Eugene Bushpepa, Xuxi accompanied by the Orchestra of the Top Channel. And all together not ever forget that ...." dream goes on! ".

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Arta Dobroshi Me Dy Filma te Ri!

Arta Dobroshi me dy filma të rinj

Ndërsa këto ditë vazhdon Festivali i Filmit në Kanë, dy vite më parë në po këtë festival bëri bujë nominimi i aktores së re nga Kosova, Arta Dobroshit në kategorinë e Palmës se Artë për rolin më të mirë të femrës për filmin “Heshtja e Lornës”.

Arta Dobroshi këto ditë ndodhet në Londër ku sapo ka përfunduar punën në dy filma, një të metrazhit të shkurtër dhe një të metrazhit të gjatë ku luan së bashku me yjet e filmit William Hurt dhe Isabella Roselini në regjinë e Julia Gavrasit. /bbc/telegrafi/maj 2010/
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Dobroshi Arta with two new movies
As the day goes on at Cannes Film Festival two years ago at this festival are made headlines in the nomination of the new actress from Kosovo, Maggie Palmës Dobroshi in the Golden category for best role for women movie "Silence of Lorna" .

Dobroshi gold these days is in London where just completed work on two films, metrazhit a short and a long metrazhit which plays along with the film stars William Hurt and directed Isabella Julia Roselini in Gavrasit.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Elvir Muriqi: Synimi Im Te Behem Kampion Bote!

/photo alex selimaj/

Po jetoj nje enderr!

Ka nje synim, te cilen prej vitesh e ka mbajtur te strukur, nen shkelqimin, famen, sukseset e njepasnjeshme. Te behet Kampion Bote! Kjo eshte deshira e fundit e Elvir Muriqit. Vecse eshte edhe i zoti.

Elvir Muriqi ka nje histori shume te vecante. Ai ka udhetuar drejt Shteteve te Bashkuara te Amerikes ne vitin 1996, ndersa ne Kosove ishte shpallur kampion ne kikboks qe ne moshen 15-vjecare. Ka emigruar ne Bronks te Nju Jorkut, lagja e famshme nga e cila kane dale shume boksiere te klasit boteror... Ne fakt edhe ne Shtetet e Bashkuara fillon me sportin e kikboksit dhe ate me mjaft sukses. Shpallet kampion i Amerikes Lindore si dhe kampion i tri shteteve federale amerikane New York, New Jersey e Konektikat. Te gjitha keto i arrin me nje rekord prej 18 fitoresh te njepasnjeshme pa pesuar asnje humbje te vetme. Pas kesaj fillon boksin amator duke boksuar ne kategorine gjysme te rende dhe te rende. Shperthimi i tij i pare ne ringun e boksit ngjan ne prill te vitit 1998 kur fiton ne arenen e famshme te “Madison Square Garden” turneun prestigjioz “Golden Gloves”. Jo rralle boksieri shqiptar ka pasur kunder vetes pervec kundershtarit ne ring edhe faktore te tjere qe kane ndikuar direkt apo indirekt ne epilogun e disa prej dueleve te tij.

Mund te na flisni per femijerine tuaj, deri tek momenti qe Elviri u takua me boksin…

Une i perkas nje familje bujare edhe perkrahese ne cdo aspekt... Babai eshte marr me sport, i kam dy vellezer Elvisin dhe Avdylin edhe dy motra, Elviren dhe Elinden. Babai Ramizi dhe nena Rabija dhe te gjithe te tjeret kane qene te angazhuar qe une te merresha me sport, dhe jo vetem me boks. Kam filluar me karate, jam marre me gjimnastike, futboll, kam ushtruar kickboxing, tani me boks...E falenderoj familjen time se po te mos kishte qene angazhimi i tyre, se di se ku do te isha sot! Edhe me perkrahin deri ne maksimum...

Cili ishte reagimi i familjes suaj, pasi kuptuan se do te merreni me boks?

Kur ia fillova te merrem me koks, ne klubin e Pejes te Bekim Muqa, isha shume i ri, 9 vjec. Kam ushtruar nje vit e gjysme. Familja me ka perkrahur. Mbas nje viti e gjysme, ia fillova qe te merrem me kick boxing, ne klubin e kick boksit te Driton Kuka dhe i nderi Besnik Istrefi... kam ushtruar aty 5 vite. Ne te njejten kohe jam marre edhe me futboll, gjimnastike...sporte luftarake. Edhe reagimi i familjes ishte qe une duhej te merresh vetem me sport. Dhe kete e kam bere tere jeten.

Dua te me thoni realisht, kur filluat te merreshit me boksin mendonit se do te arrinit deri ketu, pavaresisht se sic thone "shpresa vdes gjithmone e fundit", thelle ne vetvete me shume e shpresonit, apo e besonit kete ndjenjen e suksesit te arritur?

Kurre ne jete nuk e kam menduar qe do te arrij ketu ku jam sot, porse e kam pasur perhere ndjenjen se ne sport dicka do te arrij. Ama, te jesh ne nje vend te vogel si Kosova, as qe te shkon mendja se do te boksosh, nje dite, me boksieret me te mire ne bote dhe te triumfosh psh, perballe Antonio Tarvarit, boksierit amator me te mire te te gjitha koheve ne Amerike, boksieri te pare qe e ka mundur 3 here kampionin e botes, Joy Rones, me nokaut, KO, ne rundin e dyte. Mua, si femije, me ka inspiruar filmi “ROCKY”, ndersa pas disa viteve boksova me njeriun qe e ka luajtur rolin kryesor ne “ROCKY 6”! Shpesh, thosha, mos jam ne enderr, por ky eshte realiteti. Une nuk do te ndalem derisa ta fitoj titullin e Kampionit te Botes ne njeren prej 4 Federatave. Besoj qe nje dite do ta arrij kete synim, nese nuk ma bejne te padrejte.

Cilat emocione ju pershkruajne ne ring, kur ndiheni i rrethuar nga sportdashes, flamuj dhe zemra shqiptare, qe ju inkurajojne deri ne fund

Do te ndalem te tri mece qe me kane inkurajuar deri ne fund. Me 3 prill 1998, kur e kam fituar Dorezen e Arte ne Madison Square Garden, kam qene i pari shqiptar fitues si 18 vjecar... Qe e kam ngrit flamurin nderkombetar, i pari, ne Medison, shume shqiptar me kane perkrahur ate nate. Momenti i dyte ka qene kur kam boksuar me Samy Amad me 2002, kur pas 4 nokdaunave, me nokaut teknik ne rundin e trete, e fitova mecin. Ate nate, per here te pare perjetova nokdaunin edhe arrita ta fitoj mecin. Ka qene dicka e papershkrueshme ajo nate. Dhe, lufta qe i tregoi botes se kush eshte Elviri Muriqi, meci me Antonio Tarver.... Kur kam hy ne ate salle kam pare turmen e madhe te shqiptareve dhe kam degjuar kengen, gati me kane leshuar kembet prej ndjenjave... Ishte nje kenge patriotike qe me ngriti gjakun para luftes, “Ky flamur po na therret...Fadil Berisha...por shqiptaret dhe adhuruesit nuk me lane ta degjoj nga brohoritjet e tyre...ndjenje e papershkrueshme.

Boksi eshte sporti me burreror. Ju boksieret, normalisht jeni te ashper ne ring... Por doja te di, ne nje dite te zakonshme, c’domethenie ka ky sport per nje boksier, eshte i pranishem, apo thjeshte boksi mbetet vetem sporti i ringut?

Po boksi eshte sport burreror. Por, shumica e boksiereve jane njerez te qete. Elviri eshte nje njeri teper i qete kur bokson, por edhe ne te perditshmen.

Cila ka qene lufta me e ashper...?

Lufta me e ashper ka qene me Samy Ahmed, me 23 korrik 2002, ne New York, meci i vitit ne ESPN2 2002.

Cilat jane ndryshimet baze midis boksit profesionist dhe atij amator

Ne boksin amator luftohet ne 4 runda, ndersa ne ate profesional 4-12 runda, edhe pa ‘kaxiga’, pa kanotiere, dorezat jane me te vogla. Ne boksin profesional, sa me shume qe ta lendosh kundershtarin fiton pike me shume…

Cili eshte idhulli yt ne boksin profesional?

Dikur Mike Tayson edhe Muhamed Alia, pastaj Roy Jones, por ka kaluar koha e tyre edhe tash, idol e kam vetveten.

Ambicia e cdo sportisti eshte arritja e suksesit maksimal. Sipas mendimit tuaj, qe ta realizoj dikush kete, pervec talentit c’gje tjeter nevojitet?

Talenti, pastaj disiplina qe te punosh sa me shume edhe nje gje qe nuk e permendin sportistet shume: pushimi edhe ushqimi jane me rendesi gati sa angazhimi!

Duke e pare nga kendveshtrimi profesional, a mendoni se sporti i boksit vleresohet aq sa duhet, duke pasur parasysh vete faktin, qe kopertinat e gazetave, revistave te ndryshme i pushtojne futbollistet dhe me pak boksieret...?

Futbollin e vleresojne ne Evrope, por ne Amerike boksi eshte me i adhuruar. Por, cdo sport e ka meriten e vet...

Te arrini te jeni kaq i suksesshem, perkrahe talentit mendoj se keni patur dhe mbeshtetjen e disa njerezve te dashur te cilet jo vetem ju kane ndihmuar, por dhe ju kane stimuluar qe te beni nje hap me tej, dhe ne kete pike nuk i referohem vetem familjes, por dhe atyre jashte saj te cileve ndoshta u jeni mirenjohes, mund te na permendni ndonje emer?

Se pari falenderoj secilin qe me ka perkrahur ne karrieren time... por s’mund te le pa permendur Shemi Kelmendin, Bekim Mucen, Driton Kuken, Besnik Istrefin, qe me kane ushtruar ne Kosove, pastaj Luis Ruiz, Ray, Pallilo, Teddy Atlas, Rallfei, Colin Morgan, Harold Knight, Chello, edhe trenerin qe e kam tash, Buddy McGirt, treneret e jetes sime dhe Victor Maqaren qe ka ardhur ne mecin e fundit qe e kam pasur ne Kosove, menaxherin qe e kam pas 8 vite Frank LoCascio dhe baben e tij, menaxheret Joe Duva edhe promotoret Star Boxing edhe Done King . Dhe, patjeter familjen, axhallaret, por me se shumti adhuruesit e mi...

Edhe pse keni ende shume rruge cdo sport tjeter dhe boksi ka nje "date skadence". A keni menduar se ku do te ofroni kontributin tuaj me pas, te supozojme ne sherbim te gjenerates se re te boksiereve?

Kur do ta mbaroj karrieren do te ndihmoj patjeter te gjithe boksieret shqiptar, per te dale sa me te suksesshem ne boks. Une, do te merrem edhe me biznese tjera, por kam edhe 5 vite per t’u munduar qe te hy ne Liber te Ginisit si shqiptari i pare kampion i Botes ne Pro Boxing ne njeren nga Federatat WBC, WBA, IBF, WBO, por deshira ime eshte te arrij WBC-ne.

Juve si duket ju pelqejne me shume modelet. Ne media shkruhet se tashme ne krah keni dhe po perjetoni nje lidhje te suksesshme dashurie me 21-vjecaren Roza Gough (Roza fitoi kuroren e me te bukures ne evenimentin "Elita Model Look").

Po, tash nje vit e tre muaj jam ne lidhje me Rosa Gough, nje vajze shume e mire, e thjesht. Pasi kishte mbaruar “Fashion Week” ne Itali edhe ne Paris, ajo ishte ne Kosove 10 dite. Pasi une jam kthyer ne New York, kam shkuar ne vendlindjen e saj, ne Republiken Dominikane. Jam shume i lumtur me te, per respektin qe ka ndaj meje dhe familjes sime... Eshte nje manekene shume e suksesshme, bashkepunon me markat me te medha boterore te modes…

Cka vlereson se pari kur te takohesh me nje femer?

Se pari, kur ta shohesh nje femer e vlereson nga pamja, pastaj nga veset qe i ka dhe, une, ia shikoj duart cfare i ka. /telegrafi/maj 2010/
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I live a dream!

There is a goal, which for years has kept the shy, under the brilliance, fame, success and successive. To become World Champion! This is the last wish Elvir Muriqi. But it is also neat.

Elvir Muriqi has a very special story. He has traveled to the United States of America in 1996, while in Kosovo was promulgated in kikboks champion at age 15 years. Has migrated in the Bronx, New York, the famous neighborhood of which have brought many world-class boxer ... In fact the United States begins with the sport of kickboxing and ate with great success. Proclaimed champion of the America East champion and three U.S. federal states New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. All this amounts to a record 18th successive victory without any loss suffered only. After this begins with amateur boxing in category boksuar half serious and serious. His first outbreak in ringun of boxing like in April 1998 when the famous win in the arena of "Madison Square Garden" tour prestigious "Golden gloves. Albanian boxer often had himself against the ring opponent besides other factors that have direct or indirect influence on the outcome of some of his duel.

Can we talk about your childhood up to the moment Elviri met with boxing ...

I belong to a generous family and supporters in every aspect ... A pick the sport is, of Elvis and I have two brothers and two sisters Avdylin, Elviren and Elinden. Father and mother Ramizi Rabin and all the others have been engaged I dealing with sport, and not only in boxing. I started karate, I am taken with gymnastics, soccer, I practice kickboxing, boxing now ... And I thank my family that if it had not been their engagement, they know where I will today! Even with support up to a maximum ...

What was the reaction of your family, because they realized it would take to boxing?

When we started to deal with coke, the club Muqa Bekim Pec, I was very young, 9 years old. I conducted a year and a half. The family has supported. After a year and a half, we started to engage in kick boxing, kick boxing club in the Bruno Kuka Istrefi Loyalty and honor ... I practice there five years. At the same time I also received football, gymnastics ... combat sports. Even the family's reaction was that I had to deal only with sport. And I've done this all my life.

I want to tell really, when dealing with boxing started to think that it would reach up here, despite that as say "hope dies last always, deep in himself more and hope, or believe this feeling of success to achieve?

Ever I did not think that will reach here where I am today, but I always had the feeling that something will get sport. Ama, being a small country like Kosovo, or that the mind goes boksosh that will, one day, with the best boxer in the world and triumfosh example, opposite Antonio Tarvarit, the best amateur boxer of all times in America, the first boxer who could have three times the sample of the world, Joy Rones, by knockout, KO, in the second round. Me, as children, has inspired the movie "Rocky", and after several years boksova the man who played a key role in "Rocky 6"! Often, say, I am not dream, but this is reality. I will not stop until we win the world championship title in one of four Federations. I believe that one day will achieve this goal, if not make me wrong.

What emotions you describe the ring, when you feel surrounded by sportdashes, Albanian flags and heart, encouraging you to the end?

Will stop at three mece was encouraged to have until the end. On April 3, 1998, when I make a grip of Arts in Madison Square Garden, I was the first winner as a 18 year old Albanian ... That have raised international flag, the first, we Medison, many Albanian supported that night. The second moment was when I boksuar with Samy Amad in 2002, when after four nokdaunave, with technical knockout in the third round, and won mecin. That night, for the first time and I managed to Perjetova nokdaunin mecin win. There was something indescribable that night. And, the war that showed the world who is Elviri Muriqi, with Antonio Tarver meci .... When HY in that room I've seen the biggest crowd of Albanians and I have heard song, ready to have issued standing feelings ... It was a patriotic song that raised the blood before the War, "The flag is calling us ... Fadil Berisha and Albanian fans ... but not the left to hear the applause of their ... indescribable feeling.

Boxing is manly sports. You boxers, are normally bitter ring ... But I want to know, in a normal day, c'domethenie has this sport for a boxer, is present, or simply left the sport of boxing ringut?

But boxing is a manly sport. But, most boxers are cool people. Elviri is a very quiet person when bokson, but also in the everyday.

What was the fierce fighting ...?

The fierce struggle was with Ahmed Samy, by July 23, 2002, in New York, ESPN2 meci year in 2002.

What are the basic differences between professional and the amateur boxing?

We fought in amateur boxing 4 rounds, and rounds 4-12 in that training, even without 'kaxiga', no vest, gloves are small. In professional boxing, as much as the opponent to earn points lendosh more ...

What is your idol in professional boxing?

Once Mike Tayson and Alia Muhammad, then Roy Jones, but their time has passed and now, I myself Idol.

Ambition of every sportsman is to achieve maximum success. In your opinion, I realize that this man, besides talent c'gje else is needed?

Talent, then the discipline to work very well as a thing that not many sportsmen either: leave the food are almost as important commitment!

Having seen the professional viewpoint, do you think the sport of boxing is evaluated enough, given the fact that bound cover of newspapers, magazines to occupy different and a little football boxers ...?

Appreciate football in Europe, but boxing in America is the god. But each sport has its merits ...

To get to you so successful, supports talent and think you have the support of several people who had not only helped them, but you are stimulated to make a step further, and at this point I refer not only family, but also those outside it was probably whom you're grateful, we can mention any names?

First of all thank everyone who has supported my career ... but can not let no mention Shemi Kelmendi, Bekim Muca, Bruno Kuken, Loyalty Istrefi, that they have exercised in Kosovo, then Luis Ruiz, Ray, Pallilo, Teddy Atlas, Rallfei, Colin Morgan, Harold Knight, Chello, even trenerin that I have now, Buddy McGirt, treneret of my life and Victor Maqaren that has come in recent mecin that I had in Kosovo, the manager that I had eight years Frank LoCascio and his dad, manager Joe Duva and promoter Star Boxing Done the King. And definitely family, axhallaret, but mostly my fans ...

Even though you still have more road ahead ... as any other sport, and boxing has a "deadline date". Have you thought about where your contribution will provide the following, we assume the service of a new generation of boxers?

When you finish career will definitely help all Albanian boxers, to appear as successful in boxing. I shall also deal with other businesses, but also have five years to try to book Ginisit HY in Albanian as the first World Champion in Pro Boxing Federations on one of WBC, WBA, IBF, WBO, but My desire is to reach WBC-in.

You seem like you more models. In the media states that have already in hand and is about a successful experience the love with 21-vjecaren Roza Gough (Roza won the crown of the event bukures "Elite Model Look").

But now a year and three months I am about Rosa Gough, a very good girl, simple. Having finished "Fashion Week" in Italy and in Paris, it was 10 days in Kosovo. Once I am back in New York, I go to her hometown, in the Dominican Republic. I am very happy with, the respect that is against me and my family ... It is a very successful manekene, collaborates with the world's largest brands of fashion ...

What's discretion when to meet first with a woman?

First, when you see a woman appreciates the sight, then the vices that have, and I, we see what has hands.