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Ministri Beqiri pergezon aktoren Leze Qena
Doajenia e skenes se teatrit dhe televizionit, Leze Qena, ka mbushur 75 vjet. Pervjetori i 75-te kete aktore e gjeti ne interpretim ne skenen e Teatrit Kombetar, ne shfaqjen “Macja mbi catine e nxehte”. Ne kete pervjetor aktorja Qena eshte pergezuar edhe nga vete ministri i Kultures, Valton Beqiri, te henen ne mbremje, pas reprizes se shfaqjes “Macja….”. Me kete rast, duke i dhuruar nje buqete me lule aktores, ministri Beqiri e ka pergezuar per kontributin e saj ne zhvillimin e Teatrit ne Kosoves, duke i shprehur falenderimin dhe mirenjohjen e thelle aktores Leze Qena per angazhimin e saj te gjate, me role te shumta, ne skenen teatrore kombetare.“Angazhimi juaj ne skenen e teatrit eshte nje thesar i cmuar per historikun e teatrit kosovar”, ka thene ministri Beqiri. Ndersa, drejtoresha e TKK-se, Burbuqe Berisha, ne emer te ketij teatri, ne kete 75-vjetor nderoi kontributin e aktores, duke ia dorezuar nje dhurate punim dore ne filigran. /l.v./kosova sot/mars 2010/
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p.s. Leze Qena ka lindur me 1 mars 1935 ne qytetin e bukur te Prizrenit.
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[[ translation by google:
Minister Beqiri congratulates actress Leze Qena
Doajenia the stage that theater and television, Leze Qena, has reached 75 years. 75th anniversary of this actress, found in the interpretation stage of the National Theater, the show "Cat on the hot roof. In this anniversary actress Qena is congratulated by Minister of Culture himself, Valton Beqiri, Monday evening, after reprizes that show "Cat ....". In this case, given a bouquet of flowers actress, Beqiri minister has praised for its contribution to the development of Theater in Kosovo, and expressed deep thanks and gratitude Leze Qena actress for her long commitment, with roles numerous national theater scene. "Your commitment theater scene is a precious treasure for the Kosovo theater history," said Minister Beqiri. Instead, director of TKK-that Burbuqe Berisha, in the name of this theater, this 75-honored annual contribution actress, while he submitted a hand in gift paper filigree. / l.v. / Kosova Sot / March 2010 /
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p.s. Leze Qena was born on 1 March 1935 in the beautiful city of Prizren. ]]