Saturday, June 13, 2009

Violeta Kukaj Flet Per Progresin ne Kosove!

Si e vlereson estrada progresin ne Kosove, dhjete vjet pas luftes?
Violete Kukaj: Derdhnim lot gezimi per diten e clirimit dhe lot hidherimi per ata qe rane e nuk e priten ate dite

Violeta Kukaj Photo by Vedat XhymshitiSi te gjithe shqiptaret edhe une kete dite e kam perjetuar me shume emocion. Te degjosh se u clirua Prishtina, Kosova, ishte momenti me i mire i jetes sime. Ishte pikerisht ajo dite qe e kuptuam qe jemi te lire. Ishte nje ndjenje e perzier, kishim edhe gezim edhe vaj. Me kujtohet, isha me familjen dhe kemi qare shume dhe ai vaj nuk ishte vetem vaj gezimi, por edhe vaj i dhembjes per gjithe ato qe i perjetuam, per gjithe ata deshmore qe u flijuan per ate dite dhe nuk e priten, dhe per te gjithe ata qytetaret te pafajshem qe u vrane. Edhe sot kur flas per ate dite e perjetoj po ate emocion te cilin ate dite nuk kam dite as se si ta shprehi. Sot, por edhe cdo here tjeter mendoj se ajo ndjenje do te percillet. Me 12 qershor isha ne Tetove. Lajmin e kam marre atje dhe pas nje apo dy ditesh, nuk me kujtohet saktesisht, jemi kthyer ne Kosove. E kujtoj qe derisa kemi ardhur ne Prishtine ka qene nje moment shume i gjate. E sot kur e shikojme Kosoven dhe gjerat qe kane ndodhur prej dites se clirimit, mendoj se ka perparuar shume. Gradualisht gjerat po vine ne vend, ndonese po t’i shohim edhe gjerat negative ka mjaft shume. Por, une jam nje njeri shume optimist ne pergjithesi dhe mundohem mos t’i shoh ato anet negative. Gjithsesi, mendoj se gjerat po shkojne mire dhe mbare, dhe shpresoj se do behet edhe me mire. /melihate gashi/infopress/12.06.09/
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[[ translation by google:

How burlesque evaluates progress in Kosovo, ten years after the war?

Violeta Kukaj: Derdhnim lot for the day of joy and tears of sorrow liberation for those who fell and did not expected that day

As all Albanians even this day I've experienced more emotion. Hear that clirua Pristina, Kosovo, was the best moment of my life. It was exactly what day was that we kuptuam free. It was a mixed feeling, and had even Gezim oil. With the recall, I was crying with the family and have more oil and oil was not only joy but also of oil dhembjes for all those perjetuam, martyr for all those who flijuan for that day and not expected, and for all those innocent citizens who were killed. Even today, when talking to that day's experience is the emotion that day no day nor how to habit. Today, as well as any other here think that sentiment will be forwarded. On June 12th I was in Tetove. I received the news there, and after one or two days, not to remember exactly, we're back in Kosovo. And remember that until we arrived in Pristina have been a moment too long. And when you look at Kosovo today and things that have happened from the day of liberation, I think that is more advanced. Gradually things are come to the country, although if you see the negative things there are a lot more. But, I am a very optimistic person in general and try not to see those negative sides. However, I think things are going well wide, and I hope it will become even better.

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