![Aida Troka dhe Gjergj Skendo](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgkXWLxHb6K9XBunHIokBTlxAb1ce_F4ckYbQW2KWQhqLgyXAzIDfgLHMQ1wqK8RfVK7akfjaSJZooL-V8SUHeP3oqw5rwtBWbMNTfY8izAA93HBXk9BPTdx1YEnyC_51LXnhXrTac1skf_/s1600/aida-troka-014-megjergj-500.jpg)
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Aida e “Big Brother”, jeta ne vilen luksoze me djalin e milionerit
Aida ka disa jave qe eshte lidhur me Gjergjin, djalin e biznesmenit Marsel Skendo
Nuk kane deshire te flasin duke preferuar qe intimitetin e tyre te mos e ndajne me askend. Por nga ana tjeter nuk e kane patur problem per tu frekuentuar haptazi edhe ne lokalet e Tiranes packa se te dy jane te njohur.
Keto dite Aida dhe Gjergji jane spostuar ne vilen luksoze te ketij te fundit ne nje nga fshatrat turistike me te bukur te Golemit, ne nje kompleks vilash ku jetojne disa personazhe te njohur. Ata po jetojne aty ditet e tyre te dashurise ne nje qetesi absolute dhe larg syve kureshtare dhe mbi te gjitha larg prej nesh, gazetareve...
Sa here kemi shkruar per Aiden e “Big Brother”, natyrishem behej nje lidhje logjike mes saj dhe historive te trishta qe ajo mund te mbarte ne jeten e saj. Kemi folur shume heret per 25 vjecaren nga Tirana e cila ra menjehere se sy brenda shtepise se “Big Brother” per natyren e saj te drejtperdrejte dhe krenare. Ka qene nje nga personazhet e pare qe kemi spikatur dhe iu a kemi sjellur ne gazete qe javen e pare te fillimit te spektaklit ku ajo ishte nje nga protagonistet. Aida ishte nje nga ato personazhe qe beri per vete shume fansa por pat edhe prej atyre qe nuk ishin dakord me shume ide apo sjellje te saj. Por ne fund te fundit ky ishte edhe qellimi i lojes, qe te hapeshin sa me shume debate dhe polemika dhe gjithsecili te pozicionohej prane personazhit qe e ndjente se e perfaqesonte sadopak. Le te kthehemi te historite e trishta. Sic e kemi shkruar, Aida ka disa vite qe i mungojne prinderit. Ne fillim humbi nenen e mbas disa vitesh edhe babain. Edhe pse mund te kishte fituar mjaft mbeshtetje duke prekur ndjenjat e njerezve me kete histori jete, ajo nuk pranoi asnjehere qe t’i meshonte ketij fakti, por ama nuk mund ta fshihte lumturine dhe mallengjimin e madh kur organizatoret i kishin pergatitur nje surprize, nje telefonate me motren e saj qe jeton ne Itali, i vetmi njeri i familjes qe ajo ka. Pas daljes nga “Big Brother”, ashtu si ish banoret e tjere, edhe Aida konstatoi me kenaqesi se gjeti jashte shume me teper miq se sa kishte lene. Ata qe e pelqenin Aiden ia demonstronin sa here iu jepej mundesia, virtulisht ose personalisht.
![Aida Troka dhe Gjergj Skendo](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj95NJUluGTWF016aabR5Qqpp1NNP8QzlrtQ6fS69yj-ft2lZ5wbcLe4lKEZfnW5PtfSNAC2GuPtU6tIR1qqomPKx9G4p4H9kC8tLvHyCIovLlwx8FUqc_ZeTl0NpOsEfBhX7belFxAOxNG/s1600/aida-troka-012-megjergj-500.jpg)
Nderkohe qe vajza simpatike bjonde kuptonte perdite se nje eksperience e tille ia kishte vlejtur. Por mesa duket kjo nuk ishte gjithcka, fati i kishte rezervuar asaj dicka tjeter, akoma me speciale, nje histori dashurie, si ato te perrallave. Dhe kesaj here trishtimi dhe ndjenjat e keqardhjes dukeshin kaq te largeta, gati te sfumuara nga nje e tashme shume, shume e bukur. Para se te rrefejme ngjarjen me te re ne jeten e Aides duam te bejme nje paranteze. Aida ka njohur shume djem por ajo qe i ka ardhur me natyrshem ne mardhenie me to, ka qene raporti qe ajo ka krijuar si shoke. Ajo vete ka thene se e ka shume te veshtire te bjere ne dashuri pasi tek partneri i saj ajo kerkon te shohe te misheruara disa ane te rendesishme te personalitetit, mbase te ngjashme edhe me te sajat, por per te cilat ajo nuk mund te beje asnje lloj kompromisi. Dhe me ne fund ka njohur dike te cilin ajo e ka pare jo thjesht si shok. Ai eshte Gjergji Skendo, djaloshi 28 vjecar me te cilin Aida ka disa jave qe eshte lidhur. Nuk dime me saktesi se sa kohe kane qe njihen dhe nese ka influencuar programi “Big Brother” qe Gjergji te ‘piketonte’ Aiden si nje vajze qe e pelqente dhe do te donte te kishte nje lidhje, apo mund te jene njohur para spektaklit meqe te dy jetojne ne Tirane dhe frekuentoje mbase te njejtat ambiente.
Sipas miqve te tij, Gjergji, edhe pse djali i nje personazhi te njohur ne Tirane, Marsel Skendos, botuesit te revistes “Klan” dhe sipermarres te disa bizneseve te tjera, ai njihet si nje dale modest dhe me kembe ne toke. Nuk i ka pelqyer asnjehere te tunde si flamur privilegjet e familjes se tij per te patur me pas ai vete privilegje te tjera, por perkundrazi ka ditur te beje jeten e tij pa zhurme. Mbas diplomimit eshte angazhuar me punet e te jatit por nuk ka harruar te beje edhe jeten e tij prej te riu.
![Aida Troka dhe Gjergj Skendo](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhD4aYPlyxBDOfxjrdN3xmMcPC7SffoopF0rXKvjo0K60WDSG7gPZ_F3QDX__ahDoY_TG_re0iJcC34v_vN3lyUFeipi6La41S4E73sUDhvoQGMvtfuBm_4gpo_WruD_QHAvmct4ITpbVk4/s1600/aida-troka-013-megjergj-400.jpg)
Duket se Aida dhe Gjergji kane gjetur menjehere veten tek njeri tjetri dhe kane filluar nje histori te bukur dashurie. Te dy duken te qete ne kete lidhje duke mos reflektuar as ato shenjat tipike te euforise qe ne pergjithesi karakterizon nje fillim njoheje. Duket sikur kane vite qe jetojne me njeri tjetrin dhe per pasoje njihen shume mire. E kane marre me qetesi kete risi ne jeten e tyre dhe kerkojne vetem ta shijojne ate pa e vrare mendjen se cfare do te ndodhe neser. Nuk kane deshire as njeri dhe as tjetri te flasin per kete gje duke preferuar qe intimitetin e tyre te mos e ndajne me askend. Por nga ana tjeter nuk e kane patur problem per tu frekuentuar haptazi edhe ne lokalet e Tiranes packa se te dy jane te njohur dhe nuk mund te kalojne pa u vene re. Keto dite Aida dhe Gjergji jane spostuar ne vilen luksoze te ketij te fundit ne nje nga fshatrat turistike me te bukur te Golemit, ne nje kompleks vilash ku jetojne disa personazhe te njohur. Aida dhe Gjergji po jetojne aty ditet e tyre te dashurise ne nje qetesi absolute dhe larg syve kureshtare dhe mbi te gjitha larg prej nesh, gazetareve, por ne kete rast pa rezultat pasi dihet se ne keto raste ne arrijme te infiltrohemi gjithkund vetem e vetem qe te sjellim lajme te cilat jane pa dyshim interesante per lexuesit tane. Tani qe u dekonspiruan, te shohim nese Aida dhe Gjergji do pranojne te na tregojne dicka me shume per lidhjen e tyre si dhe planet qe kane bere per te ardhmen. /panorama/27.06.09/
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+tag: aida troka
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[[ translation by google:
Aida's "Big Brother", lives in luxury villa with millionair's son
Aida has a few weeks which is related to George, son of businessman Marcel Skendo
Have no desire to speak preferring that their privacy does not share with anyone. But on the other hand have not had a problem to attend openly in shops in Tirana pack that both are known.
These days, Aida and Gjergji bunch are shifted in the latter's luxury in a tourist village with a beautiful Golemit, in a complex where they live vilash several known characters. They are living there day to love them in an absolute and tranquility away from inquisitive eyes and on all away from us, journalists ...
How many times have written of Eide for "Big Brother", natyrishem become a logical link between her and the stories trishta it can mbarte in her life. We have spoken too early for 25 vjecaren from Tirana which fell immediately Station within the eye that "Big Brother" for its direct nature and proud. Has been one of the first prominent and we have to bring in a newspaper that the first week of the beginning of spektaklit where she was a protagonistet. Aida was one of those characters that made many fans for himself but also of those who had disagreed with many of its ideas or behavior. But ultimately this was the purpose of the game, to open as much debate and controversy and pozicionohej the character of everyone who felt it represented sadopak. Let's return to stories trishta. As we write, Aida has several years of missing parents. We lost the first several years after the mother of the father. Although you can gain enough support to have the feelings of people affected by this story of life, she never refused to meshonte this fact, but Ama could not fshihte Happiness and mallengjimin great when organizers had prepared a surprise, a call with her sister who lives in Italy, the only man that she has family. After emerging from the "Big Brother", as former residents of other, even Aida found with pleasure that they found out much more than friends had left. They were like Eide then demonstrate how to provide opportunities here, virtulisht or personally.
While charming blonde girls understand that every such an experience we had vlejtur. But it looks like it was not everything, that fate had something else aside, even special, a love story, such as cloud. And this time trishtimi and feelings keqardhjes seemed so remote, sfumuara ready to present a very, very beautiful. Before confess story with new life Aides want to make a bracket. Aida has recognized that many boys, but it has come with the natural relations with them, report that it has been created as friends. It itself has said is very difficult to fall in love as to her partner she wants to see incorporated some of the most important means of personality, perhaps similar to its well, but for which it can not make any kind of compromise. And finally has someone to whom she has seen not just as friends. He is Skendo Gjergji, Djaloshi 28-year-old with whom Aida is certain about is that week. Not know exactly how long you have known and if the program has influenced "Big Brother" was the Gjergji 'piketonte' Eide as a girl who liked and would like to have a connection, or can be known first as spektaklit Both live in Tirana, and perhaps attend the same environments.
According to his friends, Gjergji, although the son of a character known in Tirana, Marcel Skendos, publisher of the magazine "Klan" and several entrepreneurs in other businesses, he is known as a modest and brought down to earth. There's never liked to wield as flag privileges to his family after he had been with them other privileges, but rather has given his life to do without noise. After graduation is engaged with the work of the jatit but has not forgotten to make the life of his youth.
DAYS IN THE George's villa in Golem
It appears that Aida and Gjergji have immediately found themselves at each other and have started a beautiful love story. Both seem calm in this regard by not even reflect those of the typical signs euforise that generally characterizes an early recognition. Seem to have years of living with each other and consequently know very well. Have this cool novelty in their lives and only want to taste it without killing the mind what will happen tomorrow. Did not even like each other, nor speak for this preferring that their privacy does not share with anyone. But on the other hand have not had a problem to attend openly in shops in Tirana pack that both are known and can not pass unnoticed. These days, Aida and Gjergji bunch are shifted in the latter's luxury in a tourist village with a beautiful Golemit, in a complex where they live vilash several known characters. Aida and Gjergji days there is live their love in an absolute and tranquility away from inquisitive eyes and on all away from us, journalists, but in this case without result as it is known that in these cases we manage to infiltrohemi everywhere only only to bring news which are undoubtedly interesting to our readers. Now that was dekonspiruan, to see if Gjergji Aida and will agree to show us something more about their relationship and have made plans for the future. ]]
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