/photo gazeta shqiptare/
Kengetarja Alberie Hadergjonaj ndalohet ne Greqi
Kengetarja e njohur e muzikes se lehte Alberie Hadergjonaj nuk eshte lejuar te hyje ne Greqi. Lajmi eshte botuar sot ne "Gazeta Shqiptare" e cila sakteson se autoritet greke nuk kane njohur pasaporten kosovare te kengetares.
Ne intervisten e botuar sot ne kete gazete Hadergjonaj tregon se kengetarja ishte nisur te shtunen per nje koncert ne Athine, por incidenti kishte bere qe te anulohej edhe aktiviteti. Dhe nderhyrja e autoriteteve shqiptare nuk ka sherbyer per asgje tjeter, vec pershpejtimit te debimit te Hadergjonajt, e cila eshte kthyer te dielen ne Tirane. Madje perballe autoriteteve aeroportuale te Athines nuk ka “pire uje” as viza Shengen e leshuar nga ambasada gjermane. “Kurre nuk me ka ndodhur keshtu ne jeten time” - eshte shprehur kengetarja e cila ka rrefyer per Gazeten detaje te incidentit te rende ndalimin e saj per 24 ore dhe dergimin ne nje kamp refugjatesh me somaleze ne Greqi.
Hadergjonaj deklaron se do te padise ne gjykate kompanine qe i shiti bileten dhe mori persiper udhetimin e saj pasi kjo e fundit “duhej ta kishte paralajmeruar per ate cfare e priste cdo kosovar, me pasaporten e shtetit te tij, ne Greqi”.
Artikulli i plote:
Ndalohet per 24 ore dhe dergohet ne nje kamp refugjatesh me somaleze ne Greqi, kengetarja e muzikes se lehte, Alberie Hadergjonaj. Kengetarja ishte nisur te shtunen per nje koncert ne Athine, por incidenti ka bere qe te anulohej edhe aktiviteti. Autoritetet greke nuk kane njohur pasaporten kosovare te kengetares dhe nderhyrja e autoriteteve shqiptare nuk ka sherbyer per asgje tjeter, vec pershpejtimit te debimit te Hadergjonajt, e cila eshte kthyer te dielen ne Tirane. Madje perballe autoriteteve aeroportuale te Athines nuk ka "pire uje" as viza Shengen e leshuar nga ambasada gjermane.
"Kurre nuk me ka ndodhur keshtu ne jeten time" - eshte shprehur kengetarja, e cila ka rrefyer per Gazeten detaje te incidentit te rende.
Si ndodhi ndalimi juaj ne Greqi?
Jam nisur te shtunen (5 qershor) nga aeroporti i Rinasit per nje koncert ne Athine. Kam kaluar ne check-in vetem kur u sigurova nga kompania Olimpik se bileta ishte e vlefshme dhe se pavaresisht se kisha pasaporte te shtetit te Kosoves nuk do kishte probleme me Greqine, per sa kohe qe kisha vize Shengen gjermane. Udhetimi shkoi normalisht ndersa "supriza" ndodhi kur u paraqita ne piken e kontrollit per te dale nga aeroporti grek. Nuk e di, por ne jeten time nuk me kishte ndodhur ndonjehere keshtu. Shume te pasjellshem... Me komunikuan se nuk e njihnin pasaporten time. E kuptova se cfare donte te thoshte kjo dhe kerkova te qendroja te tranzit-i i aeroportit dhe meqe kisha vizen Shengen te nisesha per ne Gjermani. Kjo per shkak se nuk kishte avion per t'u kthyer ne Tirane.
Si ju trajtuan ne aeroport?
Nuk e di, por shume te pasjellshem. Me vjen shume keq, vecanerisht per nje shtet te tille si Greqia, nje shtet kapitalist. U shpjegova se nuk e kisha bere me qellim, por me ndodhi. Kurre ne jeten time nuk jam ndier keshtu. Greqia eshte nje vend qe ndeshet shpesh me probleme te refugjateve, madje merr edhe donacione per kete fakt dhe te kene nje trajtim te tille.
Po nga autoritetet shqiptare apo kosovare, a pati ndonje interesim per incidentin tuaj?
Do te doja te falenderoja ambasaden shqiptare ne Greqi, te cilet u perpoqen te me ndihmonin. Te pakten te akomodohesha ne hotelet qe viheshin ne dispozicion te pasagjereve qe humbnin fluturimet apo kane probleme me biletat. Por, ata e moren shume personale dhe interesimi i autoriteteve shqiptare nuk solli asnje ndryshim ne sjelljen e tyre.
Ku ju cuan?
Me moren bagazhet, canten personale, telefonin dhe sende te tjera qe i kisha me vete dhe me cuan ne nje kamp refugjatesh me somaleze. Me vjen zor qe e bera, por munda te maskoja nje telefon celular qe te pakten te kisha nje mundesi komunikimi me njerezit e mi, te cilet u bene merak per kete incident. Te nesermen (e diele 6 qershor), me linjat ajrore, jam deportuar per ne Tirane. E kam dashur shume Greqine me pare, eshte nje vend i bukur ku do te kisha dashur shume here te kaloja pushimet. Me kete qe me ndodhi me ka ardhur shume keq per ate shtet. Rastesia me solli te qendroje mes emigranteve te shumte dhe kam pare se si trajtoheshin ata, kam bere edhe disa filmime. Kurse per ne kosovaret, te tilla sjellje nuk ka pasur as ne Gjermani dhe ne asnje vend tjeter te BE-se, edhe ne kohen e dyndjes se refugjateve gjate luftes ne Kosove.
Cfare ndodhi me koncertin tuaj?
Koncerti u anulua. Me vjen keq per fansat pasi kisha marre shume mesazhe prej tyre dhe per deshiren e madhe qe kishin per te ardhur ne nje koncert te tille. Tani uroj te marr pasaporten shqiptare, pasi kam aplikuar per nenshtetesine. Kjo do ishte e vetmja mundesi per t'ua plotesuar deshiren atyre fansave ne Greqi.
Juve e konsideroni te mbyllur kete incident me kthimin ne Tirane, apo do te kerkoni te drejten tuaj?
Nuk mund ta le te shkoje me kaq. Kompania qe me shiti bileten dhe mori persiper udhetimin duhej te me kishte paralajmeruar per ate cfare e priste cdo kosovar, me pasaporten e shtetit te tij, ne Greqi. Fitimi prej nje bilete nuk mund te justifikoje nje stres dhe incident te tille. Ndaj kompanise do te ngre padi ne gjykate. Por, edhe autoritetet aeroportuale te Rinasit, te cilat jane ne dijeni te plote per problemet qe kane pasaportat kosovare me vendet e BE-se qe nuk e kane njohur shtetin e ri, duhej te me kishin keshilluar qe me mos nisesha ose te merrja vete persiper pasojat. /gerti xhaja/gazeta shqiptare/qershor 2010/
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[[ translation by google:
Hadergjonaj Alberie singer banned in Greece
The singer known light music Alberie Hadergjonaj was not allowed to enter Greece. News is published today in Gazeta Shqiptare which sakteson that Greek authorities have not recognized Kosovo passport singer.
In an interview published today in this newspaper shows that the singer Hadergjonaj was launched on Saturday for a concert in Athens, but the incident was made to anulohej the activity. The intervention of the Albanian authorities have not served for nothing else, keep on accelerating the expulsion of Hadergjonaj, which has returned to Tirana on Sunday. Even in front of Athens airport authority does not "drinking water" or Schengen visas issued by the German Embassy. "Never has so happened in my life" - is voiced singer who has rrefyer the newspaper details of a serious incident of its ban for 24 hours and send in a refugee camp in Greece with pirates.
Hadergjonaj said it will sue in court that the company sold the ticket and took its journey after the latter "should have warned him what to expect every Kosovar state with his passport in Greece.
Full article:
Prohibited for 24 hours and sent to a refugee camp in Greece with pirates, light music singer, Alberie Hadergjonaj. The singer had left on Saturday for a concert in Athens, but the incident has to anulohej the activity. Greek authorities have not recognized Kosovo passport singer and intervention by the Albanian authorities have not served for nothing else, keep accelerating Hadergjonaj deportation, which has returned to Tirana on Sunday. Even in front of Athens airport authority does not "drinking water" or Schengen visas issued by the German Embassy.
"Never has so happened in my life" - is voiced singer, who has rrefyer the newspaper details of a serious incident.
How did your detention in Greece?
I started on Saturday (June 5) from Rinas airport for a concert in Athens. I passed the check-in only when the company was assured by the Olympic tickets were available and that the church regardless of the state of Kosovo passport will not have problems with Greece, as long as I German Schengen visa. Travel went smoothly as the "surprise" came when he presented the point of control to come from the Greek airport. I do not know, but in my life not to have happened so ever. Very rude ... With komunikuan did not know that my passport. And I realized that what she wanted to say this and asked to stand in transit, the airport and since I had to nisesh Schengen visa for Germany. This is because the plane had to return to Tirana.
How you dealt with at the airport?
I do not know, but very rude. I'm very sorry, especially for a country such as Greece, a capitalist state. He explained that it had done in order, but it happened. Never in my life I felt not so. Greece is a country that often faces problems of refugees, even taking the donations for this fact and to have such a treatment.
Yes or Kosovo Albanian authorities, or had any interest for your incident?
Would like to thank the Albanian Embassy in Greece, who tried to help me. At least to the hotels that useful akomodohesha available to passengers who miss flights or have problems with tickets. But they took more personal interest of the Albanian authorities did not return any change in their behavior.
Where are you led?
Taken with luggage, personal bag, phone and other items that had him and led to a refugee camp with pirates. I'm hardly was made, but it masks a mobile phone that at least had an opportunity of communicating with my people, who became worried about this incident. The next day (Sunday 6 June), with airlines, to be deported in Tirana. I wanted more before Greece is a place where I would like more time to spend holidays. That this has happened with very bad for that state. Chance to remain among immigrants brought numerous and have seen how they treated, I made several footages. But for the Kosovars, such behavior has not been in Germany or in any other country in the EU, even at the time the influx of refugees during the Kosovo war.
What happened to your concert?
The concert was canceled. Sorry for the fans after the church received many messages from them and they had great desire to come to such a concert. Now I wish to Albanian passport, after I applied for citizenship. This was the only opportunity to wish them meet those fans in Greece.
You consider this incident closed with the return in Tirana, or search for your right?
I can not let go with that. The company that sold the ticket and took the trip should be warned about what she had expected anything of Kosovo, the state of his passport in Greece. The acquisition of a ticket can not justify an incident stress and such. Therefore the company will proceed in court. However, the Rinas airport authorities, which are fully aware of the problems that have passports in a new EU countries that have not recognized the new state, should be advised to have non nisesh or recovering over consequences. ]]