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Hipnotizohet Ryva
Duket qe do te kalojne edhe disa dite dhe ende do te shkruhet per “Videofestin Muzikor”. Shume kengetare jane ndare te zhgenjyer me mosmarrjen e asnje cmimi, e disa te tjere te pakenaqur qe asnje videoklip i tyre nuk ka qene i nominuar. Ne grupin e ketyre te fundit eshte edhe kengetarja Ryva Kajtazi. Vetem ne vitin e fundit ajo ka realizuar tri videoklipe, por juria nuk e ka pare te arsyeshme qe asnjeri prej tyre te jete pjese e 16 kategorive.
“Kete vit fituan produksionet e Kosoves, ndersa ne karrieren time kam 5-6 videoklipe qe jane te punuara nga produksionet vendore dhe kurre nuk kam qene e nominuar. Brenda vitit te fundit une kam punuar tri videoklipe, ku dy prej tyre kane qene nga produksionet e Kosoves, por nuk jam nominuar”, shprehet Ryva e pakenaqur me perzgjedhjen e videoklipeve nga juria.
Me nje kenge dhe videoklip te ri
Megjithate, anashkalimi i vleresimit te punes se saj te nje festivali nuk mund te ndaloje ate per te ecur drejt sukseseve te reja. Ryva mendon se publiku eshte “juria” me e mire qe e vlereson punen e secilit kengetar. Kengetarja Kajtazi sapo ka perfunduar xhirimet e videoklipit te kenges me te re me titull “Me hipnotizon” e cila eshte e punuar nga kompozitori boshnjak, Cekic, ndersa videoklipi nga “Max Production” ne Shqiperi.
“Kenga eshte verore dhe e pershtatshme per kete stine, ndersa xhirimet e videoklipit jane bere ne Tirane, por meqe eshte ne montazh, ende nuk e kam shikuar fazen perfundimtare”, eshte shprehur ajo duke treguar edhe arsyet se pse ka zgjedhur te bashkepunoj me kete produksion. “‘Max Production’ jane shume aktual muajve te fundit, kane nje grup profesional dhe mbi te gjitha kane nje cmim te arsyeshem”, ka thene ajo duke shpresuar se videoklipi brenda 10 ditesh te jete i gatshem per transmetim.
Nuk eshte vetem kenga “Me hipnotizon” qe Ryva do te sjell para publikut te saj gjate kesaj stine, ajo menjehere ka filluar punen per nje kenge te re me nje kompozitor te huaj. “Do te jete nje kenge krejt tjeter e punuar nga nje kompozitor i huaj, por nuk dua te jap me shume detaje, ngase deshiroj te jete surprize per publikun”, shprehet Kajtazi, e cila ka theksuar se gjate sezonit verore do te jete mjafte e angazhuar duke kenduar neper vende te hapura ne Kosove, Ulqin dhe Durres.
Gati magjistraturen per aktrim
Edhe pse fokusimi i Ryves eshte me shume ne muzike, ajo per asnje moment nuk e le anash as profesionin e saj ne aktrim, madje ka thene se eshte duke e pergatit nje shfaqje per te mbrojtur magjistraturen ne degen e aktrimit. “Jam duke e pergatit nje shfaqje me profesor Enver Petrovcin, qe brenda ketij muaji do te jete e gatshme premiera, si dhe jam duke vazhduar se punuari ne serine vendore ‘Spitaliks’”, ka perfunduar Ryva. /arben gjinaj/zeri/qershor 2010/
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[[ translation by google:
Ryva Hypnotised
It seems to be to spend a few days and still be written for "Music Videofestin. Many singers are divided and frustrated with the failing any price, and some other disappointed that none of their video was not nominated. In the latter group is the singer Ryva Kajtazi. Only last year she has made three video clips, but the jury has not seen at none of them fit to be part of the 16 categories.
"This year's productions won Kosovo, while in my career I have 5-6 clips that are worked by local productions and have never been nominated. Within the last year I've worked three video clips where two of them have been the productions of Kosovo, but I am not nominated, "says Ryva disappointed with the selection of video clips from the jury.
With a new song and video
However, bypass the evaluation of its work to a festival can not stop it to move towards new successes. Petro thinks that the public is "jury" the best that appreciates the work of each musician. Kajtazi singer has just finished filming the video with new song titled "With hipnotizon" which is the work of Bosnian composer, Cekic, while video from the "Max Production" in Albania.
"The song is suitable for summer and this season, while shooting the video have been made in Albania, but as is montage, yet I did not watch the final stages, has expressed it, indicating the reasons why there has chosen to work with this production. "'Max Production' are very current months, have a professional team and above all have a reasonable price," said she hoped the video within 10 days to be ready for broadcast.
There is just song "With hipnotizon" that petro will bring her to the public during this season, she immediately began work on a new song by a foreign composer. "It would be a completely different song has been created by a foreign composer, but do not want to give more details because I want to be a surprise to the public," says Kajtazi, which stated that during the summer season will be fair engaged by singing through the open places in Kosovo, Ulcinj and Durres.
Master ready for acting
Although the focus of Ryves is more in music, for any moment she did not let either side of her acting profession, even has said it is prepared by a master play to protect the acting branch. "I am preparing a professor Enver Petrovci show that within this month will be ready premieres, and am continuing the series running in local 'Spitaliks'", has finished Ryva. ]]
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