Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Zajmina Vasjari: Jam Lodhur Me Shpifjet e Gazetareve...!

Zajmina Vasjari: Ju rrefej problemin tim...

Nese ju kane thene se bukuria dhe zgjuarsia nuk qendrojne dot te shkrira tek nje person i vetem, ju kane genjyer. Ajo ka perfunduar me mesatare 9.9 gjimnazin “Petro Nini Luarasi”, ka ndjekur nje shkolle per dizajn dhe tani i eshte perkushtuar teresisht pasionit te saj te hershem, arkitektures. Aktualisht eshte ne nje periudhe sezoni, por rezultatet paraardhese kane qene shokuese, te paimagjinueshme. Asnjeri nuk e mendon dot vajzen e bukur, seksi dhe te suksesshme ne muzike, si nje nxenese te 10-es...E tille eshte kengetarja Zajmina Vasjari, e cila ka befasuar serish gjithe publikun shqiptar me klipin e ri, kengen dhe look-un tashme te ndryshuar.

Nen tingujt e Elgit Dodes dhe vargjet e Big Bastes, Zaji solli kete here kengen qe do te perbeje pa diskutim nje nga hitet e kesaj vere, “Problemin”... Pas nje mungese te gjate ne mediat roze, Zajmina rrefen sot permes kesaj interviste problemin e saj te vertete... Ndonese per disa mund te tingelloje cuditshem, problemin Zaji e ka pikerisht me gazetaret, me ata qe shpifin pa kriter historira dhe ngjarje ne lidhje me te. Ndonese jo ne dijenine e saj, shume gazetare kane perfituar nga sinqeriteti dhe ciltersia e kengetares. “Nuk dua te shpifin me per mua, jam lodhur tani”, - tregon bukuroshja Vasjari. Por cfare na rrefen tjeter ajo, zbulojeni ne vijim te intervistes...

Se pari komplimente per klipin, si lindi ideja per te?
Eshte nje nderthurje e ideve te mia dhe te stafit te ‘Max Production’. U deshen 2 muaj per t’u pergatitur per kete klip dhe sinqerisht qe nuk me besohet ende qe cdo gje ka mbaruar tani.

Me ke bashkepunove per realizimin e ketij klipi?
Sigurisht qe me ‘Max Production’, qe eshte edhe producenti im qe nga dhjetori. I falenderoj nga zemra sepse kane qene nje mbeshtetje maksimale per mua.

Po autori i kenges?
Kenga eshte nje krijim i Elgit Dodes, i cili po merret me te gjitha materialet e albumit tim te ri, me te cilat jam dashuruar krejtesisht dhe besoj qe edhe publiku do t’i prese njesoj si une.

Cila eshte fabula e kenges?
Kenga flet per nje dashuri qe ka perfunduar tashme per mua, nderkohe djali vazhdon te me vije nga pas, prandaj dhe kjo ndjekje e tij trajtohet si problem ne kenge. Ai e ka problem qe une nuk e dua me...

Pse ky titull?
Mendoj qe eshte nje titull qe te ngacmon, megjithese nuk jam une autorja e tekstit, por Big Basta.

A ka realisht Zajmina ndonje problem?
Jo, nuk kam asnje problem serioz, merzitem ndonjehere nga gazetaret qe shpifin pa kriter histori per mua.

Na trego ndonje prapaskene interesante te klipit?
Skena e krevatit ka qene me e lodhshmja dhe komikja njekohesisht per mua. Ka zgjatur shume me shume se te tjerat, pasi une isha me taka siper krevatit dhe per pjeset kur me duhej te ecja, jane bere pafundesisht dubla ngaqe me ngaterroheshin kembet dhe rrezohesha.

Vjen ne kete klip me look-un e ndryshuar, pse ky ndryshim? Mos eshte nje perpjekje per t’iu rikthyer platinit?
Jo kurre, e kam sterthene qe une nuk do te jem me kurre bionde platin. Thjesht ndryshova per klipin dhe ndoshta do t’i rikthehem serish flokeve brun, ende nuk e kam vendosur.

Kush u kujdes per look-un tend ne kete klip?
Per ndryshimin e look-ut tim eshte kujdesur Olti Shulla dhe Elona Balaj, te cilet perfitoj nga rasti t’i falenderoj.

Zajmina, duam apo s’duam ta pranojme, sot je nje nder kengetaret me te paguara ne Shqiperi, cili eshte celesi i ketij suksesi? Pse mendon se te duan njerezit ty?
Mendoj qe fillimisht kam qene e perkedhelur nga fati, me pas kam punuar shume per te arritur ketu ku jam sot. Megjithate, une kam akoma shume per t’i dhene publikut shqiptar.

Sa te sherben seksualiteti per te qene e suksesshme?
Luan nje rol te rendesishem ne karrieren time, por kuptohet qe ka edhe shume komponente te tjere qe duhen per te qene e suksesshme. Vetem seksualiteti nuk mjafton.

Cila eshte gjeja qe ti e ke plus ne krahasim me kengetaret e tjera te gjenerates tende?
Nuk e krahasoj veten me asnjeren, secila ka te vecanten e saj.

Mendon se po te mos ishe nje femer “sexy”, njerezit do te kishin po te njejtin pelqim per ty?
Nuk e di, ndoshta nuk do te isha marre fare me kete profesion.

Pervecse kengetare, edhe nje biznesmene e zonja, si po te shkon biznesi
Shume mire, eshte nje periudhe shume e frytshme ne jeten time.

Ndihesh me mire tani qe i stilon vete veshjet e tua?
Po, ndihem shume rehat, sepse e di me imtesi se cfare me pershtatet dhe cfare jo.

Studimet per arkitekture si po shkojne?
Sapo kam marre sezonin e provimeve dhe keto jave ne vazhdim jam totalisht e angazhuar me studimet.

Mendon qe ne nje te ardhme ta lesh muziken per t’iu perkushtuar plotesisht pasionit tend te hershem, arkitektures?
Nuk mendoj, kjo eshte e ardhmja ime.

A eshte e dashuruar aktualisht Zajmina?
No comment.

Plane te reja ne fushen e muzikes?
Ne 9 qershor do te jem e pranishme ne Festivalin “Celesi Muzikor” ne Kosove per finalen e ketij festivali. Sapo kam perfunduar nje tjeter material, te cilit do t’i xhirohet videoklipi sapo une te mbaroj provimet ne jug te Shqiperise.

Ke planifikuar pushime kete vere?
Akoma jo.


Kjo periudhe eshte e mbushur me suksese per te... Vetem nje jave me pare klipi i kenges "Vec ti" te cilin Zajmina e realizoi ne bashkepunim me kengetarin Blero, eshte shpallur fitues i nje nder cmimeve me te rendesishme ne Festivalin e Klipit Shqiptar, duke rrembyer keshtu cmimin "Produksioni me i mire"...
/erald rexho/bluetooth/qershor 2010/
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+tag: zaimina vasiari
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[[ translation by google:

Zajmina Vasjari: I'll tell you my problem ...

If you have said that the beauty and ingenuity can not be merged to remain a single person, you are lying. She finished high school with the average 9.9 "Petro Nini Luarasi, followed by a school for design and now is completely dedicated to her early passion, architecture. Is currently in a period of season, but previous results have been shocking, unimaginable. Nobody can think beautiful daughter, sex and success in music, as a student of 10th-es ... so is the singer Zajmina Vasjari, which again has surprised all Albanian public klipin new song and look- I already changed.

Under the sound of Elgin and ranges Dodes Big Bastes, Zaji brought this here song that will undoubtedly constitute one of the hits of this summer, "the problem" ... After a long absence in the media pink, Zajmina rrefen today through this interview her real problem ... Although some may sound strange, the problem has exactly Zaji journalists, those who forge Inappropriate stories and events related to it. Although not in the knowledge of her, many journalists have benefited from the sincerity and openness of the singer. "I do not want to forge with for me, I'm tired now," - shows Vasjari Beauty. But what else it rrefen us, zbulojeni following the interview ...

First klipin compliments as to the idea?
It is a combination of my ideas and the staff of 'Max Production'. It took two months to prepare for this clip, and frankly I do not believe yet that everything is over now.

Bashkepunove with you to achieve this clips?
Of course, that the 'Max Production', which is also my producer since December. I thank you from the heart because they have been a maximum support for me.

But the author of the song?
The song is a Dodes creation of Elgin, who is busy with all the materials my new album, with which I totally love and believe that the public will wait the same as me.

What is the fable of the song?
Song about a love that has already finished for me, while the boy continues to come from behind, and therefore that his prosecution is treated as a problem in the songs. He has a problem that I do not want to ...

Why this title?
I think that is a title that worry, although I am not the author of the text, but Big Basta.

Is there really any problem Zajmina?
No, I do not have any serious problem, sometimes bored by journalists who forge Inappropriate story for me.

Tell us any interesting background klipit?
Scenes of the bed was the most tedious and funny at the same time for me. Took much more than others, as I was with taka parts above the bed and when I had to walk, have dubla indefinitely because the legs and rrezohesha ngaterroheshin.

Coming at this clip to look un-changed, although this difference? Is not trying to restore a platinum?
Not ever, I've twice-told that I will not ever be with bionde platinum. Just changed klipin and perhaps will again regain Hair Brun, still have not decided.

Who care for your look-I in this clip?
To change my look-ut is cared Olti Balaj Shulla and Elona, who take this opportunity to thank them.

Zajmina, or want to accept s'duam today are one of the paid singers in Albania, which is the key to this success? Why do people think that you want?
I think that initially I was the pet of fate, then I worked hard to reach here where I am today. However, I still have more to give the Albanian public.

Serves as the sexuality to be successful?
Plays an important role in my career but understand that there are many other components that need to be successful. Sexuality alone is not enough.

What is the thing that you have plus compared to other singers of your generation?
Do not compare yourself with either, each has its vecanten.

Believes that unless you were a woman "sexy", people would have the same consent for you?
I do not know, maybe I will not take any of this profession.

In addition singer, a businesswoman and the lady, as if business goes?
Very well, is a very productive period in my life.

Feel better now that stilon your own clothes?
Yes, I feel more comfortable, because I know the perfect fit with what and what not.

Studying architecture as you go?
Once I take the exam season and this week onwards I am totally committed to the study.

Thinks that in the near future to let music be fully dedicated to your passion early, architecture?
I do not think this is my future.

Is currently Zajmina lovers?
No comment.

New plans in the field of music?
In June 9 will be present at the Festival "Music Power" in Kosovo for the finale of this festival. I just finished another material, which will be video shot once I finish exams in southern Albania.

You planned this summer vacation?
Still not.

This period is filled with success for ... Only a week ago clips of the song "In addition to" which Zajmina conducted in collaboration with singer Blero, is declared the winner of one of the most important prizes in the Festival of Albanian Klipit by kidnapped so price "Production of the best".

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