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Po jetoj nje enderr!
Ka nje synim, te cilen prej vitesh e ka mbajtur te strukur, nen shkelqimin, famen, sukseset e njepasnjeshme. Te behet Kampion Bote! Kjo eshte deshira e fundit e Elvir Muriqit. Vecse eshte edhe i zoti.
Elvir Muriqi ka nje histori shume te vecante. Ai ka udhetuar drejt Shteteve te Bashkuara te Amerikes ne vitin 1996, ndersa ne Kosove ishte shpallur kampion ne kikboks qe ne moshen 15-vjecare. Ka emigruar ne Bronks te Nju Jorkut, lagja e famshme nga e cila kane dale shume boksiere te klasit boteror... Ne fakt edhe ne Shtetet e Bashkuara fillon me sportin e kikboksit dhe ate me mjaft sukses. Shpallet kampion i Amerikes Lindore si dhe kampion i tri shteteve federale amerikane New York, New Jersey e Konektikat. Te gjitha keto i arrin me nje rekord prej 18 fitoresh te njepasnjeshme pa pesuar asnje humbje te vetme. Pas kesaj fillon boksin amator duke boksuar ne kategorine gjysme te rende dhe te rende. Shperthimi i tij i pare ne ringun e boksit ngjan ne prill te vitit 1998 kur fiton ne arenen e famshme te “Madison Square Garden” turneun prestigjioz “Golden Gloves”. Jo rralle boksieri shqiptar ka pasur kunder vetes pervec kundershtarit ne ring edhe faktore te tjere qe kane ndikuar direkt apo indirekt ne epilogun e disa prej dueleve te tij.
Mund te na flisni per femijerine tuaj, deri tek momenti qe Elviri u takua me boksin…
Une i perkas nje familje bujare edhe perkrahese ne cdo aspekt... Babai eshte marr me sport, i kam dy vellezer Elvisin dhe Avdylin edhe dy motra, Elviren dhe Elinden. Babai Ramizi dhe nena Rabija dhe te gjithe te tjeret kane qene te angazhuar qe une te merresha me sport, dhe jo vetem me boks. Kam filluar me karate, jam marre me gjimnastike, futboll, kam ushtruar kickboxing, tani me boks...E falenderoj familjen time se po te mos kishte qene angazhimi i tyre, se di se ku do te isha sot! Edhe me perkrahin deri ne maksimum...
Cili ishte reagimi i familjes suaj, pasi kuptuan se do te merreni me boks?
Kur ia fillova te merrem me koks, ne klubin e Pejes te Bekim Muqa, isha shume i ri, 9 vjec. Kam ushtruar nje vit e gjysme. Familja me ka perkrahur. Mbas nje viti e gjysme, ia fillova qe te merrem me kick boxing, ne klubin e kick boksit te Driton Kuka dhe i nderi Besnik Istrefi... kam ushtruar aty 5 vite. Ne te njejten kohe jam marre edhe me futboll, gjimnastike...sporte luftarake. Edhe reagimi i familjes ishte qe une duhej te merresh vetem me sport. Dhe kete e kam bere tere jeten.
Dua te me thoni realisht, kur filluat te merreshit me boksin mendonit se do te arrinit deri ketu, pavaresisht se sic thone "shpresa vdes gjithmone e fundit", thelle ne vetvete me shume e shpresonit, apo e besonit kete ndjenjen e suksesit te arritur?
Kurre ne jete nuk e kam menduar qe do te arrij ketu ku jam sot, porse e kam pasur perhere ndjenjen se ne sport dicka do te arrij. Ama, te jesh ne nje vend te vogel si Kosova, as qe te shkon mendja se do te boksosh, nje dite, me boksieret me te mire ne bote dhe te triumfosh psh, perballe Antonio Tarvarit, boksierit amator me te mire te te gjitha koheve ne Amerike, boksieri te pare qe e ka mundur 3 here kampionin e botes, Joy Rones, me nokaut, KO, ne rundin e dyte. Mua, si femije, me ka inspiruar filmi “ROCKY”, ndersa pas disa viteve boksova me njeriun qe e ka luajtur rolin kryesor ne “ROCKY 6”! Shpesh, thosha, mos jam ne enderr, por ky eshte realiteti. Une nuk do te ndalem derisa ta fitoj titullin e Kampionit te Botes ne njeren prej 4 Federatave. Besoj qe nje dite do ta arrij kete synim, nese nuk ma bejne te padrejte.
Cilat emocione ju pershkruajne ne ring, kur ndiheni i rrethuar nga sportdashes, flamuj dhe zemra shqiptare, qe ju inkurajojne deri ne fund
Do te ndalem te tri mece qe me kane inkurajuar deri ne fund. Me 3 prill 1998, kur e kam fituar Dorezen e Arte ne Madison Square Garden, kam qene i pari shqiptar fitues si 18 vjecar... Qe e kam ngrit flamurin nderkombetar, i pari, ne Medison, shume shqiptar me kane perkrahur ate nate. Momenti i dyte ka qene kur kam boksuar me Samy Amad me 2002, kur pas 4 nokdaunave, me nokaut teknik ne rundin e trete, e fitova mecin. Ate nate, per here te pare perjetova nokdaunin edhe arrita ta fitoj mecin. Ka qene dicka e papershkrueshme ajo nate. Dhe, lufta qe i tregoi botes se kush eshte Elviri Muriqi, meci me Antonio Tarver.... Kur kam hy ne ate salle kam pare turmen e madhe te shqiptareve dhe kam degjuar kengen, gati me kane leshuar kembet prej ndjenjave... Ishte nje kenge patriotike qe me ngriti gjakun para luftes, “Ky flamur po na therret...Fadil Berisha...por shqiptaret dhe adhuruesit nuk me lane ta degjoj nga brohoritjet e tyre...ndjenje e papershkrueshme.
Boksi eshte sporti me burreror. Ju boksieret, normalisht jeni te ashper ne ring... Por doja te di, ne nje dite te zakonshme, c’domethenie ka ky sport per nje boksier, eshte i pranishem, apo thjeshte boksi mbetet vetem sporti i ringut?
Po boksi eshte sport burreror. Por, shumica e boksiereve jane njerez te qete. Elviri eshte nje njeri teper i qete kur bokson, por edhe ne te perditshmen.
Cila ka qene lufta me e ashper...?
Lufta me e ashper ka qene me Samy Ahmed, me 23 korrik 2002, ne New York, meci i vitit ne ESPN2 2002.
Cilat jane ndryshimet baze midis boksit profesionist dhe atij amator
Ne boksin amator luftohet ne 4 runda, ndersa ne ate profesional 4-12 runda, edhe pa ‘kaxiga’, pa kanotiere, dorezat jane me te vogla. Ne boksin profesional, sa me shume qe ta lendosh kundershtarin fiton pike me shume…
Cili eshte idhulli yt ne boksin profesional?
Dikur Mike Tayson edhe Muhamed Alia, pastaj Roy Jones, por ka kaluar koha e tyre edhe tash, idol e kam vetveten.
Ambicia e cdo sportisti eshte arritja e suksesit maksimal. Sipas mendimit tuaj, qe ta realizoj dikush kete, pervec talentit c’gje tjeter nevojitet?
Talenti, pastaj disiplina qe te punosh sa me shume edhe nje gje qe nuk e permendin sportistet shume: pushimi edhe ushqimi jane me rendesi gati sa angazhimi!
Duke e pare nga kendveshtrimi profesional, a mendoni se sporti i boksit vleresohet aq sa duhet, duke pasur parasysh vete faktin, qe kopertinat e gazetave, revistave te ndryshme i pushtojne futbollistet dhe me pak boksieret...?
Futbollin e vleresojne ne Evrope, por ne Amerike boksi eshte me i adhuruar. Por, cdo sport e ka meriten e vet...
Te arrini te jeni kaq i suksesshem, perkrahe talentit mendoj se keni patur dhe mbeshtetjen e disa njerezve te dashur te cilet jo vetem ju kane ndihmuar, por dhe ju kane stimuluar qe te beni nje hap me tej, dhe ne kete pike nuk i referohem vetem familjes, por dhe atyre jashte saj te cileve ndoshta u jeni mirenjohes, mund te na permendni ndonje emer?
Se pari falenderoj secilin qe me ka perkrahur ne karrieren time... por s’mund te le pa permendur Shemi Kelmendin, Bekim Mucen, Driton Kuken, Besnik Istrefin, qe me kane ushtruar ne Kosove, pastaj Luis Ruiz, Ray, Pallilo, Teddy Atlas, Rallfei, Colin Morgan, Harold Knight, Chello, edhe trenerin qe e kam tash, Buddy McGirt, treneret e jetes sime dhe Victor Maqaren qe ka ardhur ne mecin e fundit qe e kam pasur ne Kosove, menaxherin qe e kam pas 8 vite Frank LoCascio dhe baben e tij, menaxheret Joe Duva edhe promotoret Star Boxing edhe Done King . Dhe, patjeter familjen, axhallaret, por me se shumti adhuruesit e mi...
Edhe pse keni ende shume rruge perpara...si cdo sport tjeter dhe boksi ka nje "date skadence". A keni menduar se ku do te ofroni kontributin tuaj me pas, te supozojme ne sherbim te gjenerates se re te boksiereve?
Kur do ta mbaroj karrieren do te ndihmoj patjeter te gjithe boksieret shqiptar, per te dale sa me te suksesshem ne boks. Une, do te merrem edhe me biznese tjera, por kam edhe 5 vite per t’u munduar qe te hy ne Liber te Ginisit si shqiptari i pare kampion i Botes ne Pro Boxing ne njeren nga Federatat WBC, WBA, IBF, WBO, por deshira ime eshte te arrij WBC-ne.
Juve si duket ju pelqejne me shume modelet. Ne media shkruhet se tashme ne krah keni dhe po perjetoni nje lidhje te suksesshme dashurie me 21-vjecaren Roza Gough (Roza fitoi kuroren e me te bukures ne evenimentin "Elita Model Look").
Po, tash nje vit e tre muaj jam ne lidhje me Rosa Gough, nje vajze shume e mire, e thjesht. Pasi kishte mbaruar “Fashion Week” ne Itali edhe ne Paris, ajo ishte ne Kosove 10 dite. Pasi une jam kthyer ne New York, kam shkuar ne vendlindjen e saj, ne Republiken Dominikane. Jam shume i lumtur me te, per respektin qe ka ndaj meje dhe familjes sime... Eshte nje manekene shume e suksesshme, bashkepunon me markat me te medha boterore te modes…
Cka vlereson se pari kur te takohesh me nje femer?
Se pari, kur ta shohesh nje femer e vlereson nga pamja, pastaj nga veset qe i ka dhe, une, ia shikoj duart cfare i ka. /telegrafi/maj 2010/
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[[ translation by google:
I live a dream!
There is a goal, which for years has kept the shy, under the brilliance, fame, success and successive. To become World Champion! This is the last wish Elvir Muriqi. But it is also neat.
Elvir Muriqi has a very special story. He has traveled to the United States of America in 1996, while in Kosovo was promulgated in kikboks champion at age 15 years. Has migrated in the Bronx, New York, the famous neighborhood of which have brought many world-class boxer ... In fact the United States begins with the sport of kickboxing and ate with great success. Proclaimed champion of the America East champion and three U.S. federal states New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. All this amounts to a record 18th successive victory without any loss suffered only. After this begins with amateur boxing in category boksuar half serious and serious. His first outbreak in ringun of boxing like in April 1998 when the famous win in the arena of "Madison Square Garden" tour prestigious "Golden gloves. Albanian boxer often had himself against the ring opponent besides other factors that have direct or indirect influence on the outcome of some of his duel.
Can we talk about your childhood up to the moment Elviri met with boxing ...
I belong to a generous family and supporters in every aspect ... A pick the sport is, of Elvis and I have two brothers and two sisters Avdylin, Elviren and Elinden. Father and mother Ramizi Rabin and all the others have been engaged I dealing with sport, and not only in boxing. I started karate, I am taken with gymnastics, soccer, I practice kickboxing, boxing now ... And I thank my family that if it had not been their engagement, they know where I will today! Even with support up to a maximum ...
What was the reaction of your family, because they realized it would take to boxing?
When we started to deal with coke, the club Muqa Bekim Pec, I was very young, 9 years old. I conducted a year and a half. The family has supported. After a year and a half, we started to engage in kick boxing, kick boxing club in the Bruno Kuka Istrefi Loyalty and honor ... I practice there five years. At the same time I also received football, gymnastics ... combat sports. Even the family's reaction was that I had to deal only with sport. And I've done this all my life.
I want to tell really, when dealing with boxing started to think that it would reach up here, despite that as say "hope dies last always, deep in himself more and hope, or believe this feeling of success to achieve?
Ever I did not think that will reach here where I am today, but I always had the feeling that something will get sport. Ama, being a small country like Kosovo, or that the mind goes boksosh that will, one day, with the best boxer in the world and triumfosh example, opposite Antonio Tarvarit, the best amateur boxer of all times in America, the first boxer who could have three times the sample of the world, Joy Rones, by knockout, KO, in the second round. Me, as children, has inspired the movie "Rocky", and after several years boksova the man who played a key role in "Rocky 6"! Often, say, I am not dream, but this is reality. I will not stop until we win the world championship title in one of four Federations. I believe that one day will achieve this goal, if not make me wrong.
What emotions you describe the ring, when you feel surrounded by sportdashes, Albanian flags and heart, encouraging you to the end?
Will stop at three mece was encouraged to have until the end. On April 3, 1998, when I make a grip of Arts in Madison Square Garden, I was the first winner as a 18 year old Albanian ... That have raised international flag, the first, we Medison, many Albanian supported that night. The second moment was when I boksuar with Samy Amad in 2002, when after four nokdaunave, with technical knockout in the third round, and won mecin. That night, for the first time and I managed to Perjetova nokdaunin mecin win. There was something indescribable that night. And, the war that showed the world who is Elviri Muriqi, with Antonio Tarver meci .... When HY in that room I've seen the biggest crowd of Albanians and I have heard song, ready to have issued standing feelings ... It was a patriotic song that raised the blood before the War, "The flag is calling us ... Fadil Berisha and Albanian fans ... but not the left to hear the applause of their ... indescribable feeling.
Boxing is manly sports. You boxers, are normally bitter ring ... But I want to know, in a normal day, c'domethenie has this sport for a boxer, is present, or simply left the sport of boxing ringut?
But boxing is a manly sport. But, most boxers are cool people. Elviri is a very quiet person when bokson, but also in the everyday.
What was the fierce fighting ...?
The fierce struggle was with Ahmed Samy, by July 23, 2002, in New York, ESPN2 meci year in 2002.
What are the basic differences between professional and the amateur boxing?
We fought in amateur boxing 4 rounds, and rounds 4-12 in that training, even without 'kaxiga', no vest, gloves are small. In professional boxing, as much as the opponent to earn points lendosh more ...
What is your idol in professional boxing?
Once Mike Tayson and Alia Muhammad, then Roy Jones, but their time has passed and now, I myself Idol.
Ambition of every sportsman is to achieve maximum success. In your opinion, I realize that this man, besides talent c'gje else is needed?
Talent, then the discipline to work very well as a thing that not many sportsmen either: leave the food are almost as important commitment!
Having seen the professional viewpoint, do you think the sport of boxing is evaluated enough, given the fact that bound cover of newspapers, magazines to occupy different and a little football boxers ...?
Appreciate football in Europe, but boxing in America is the god. But each sport has its merits ...
To get to you so successful, supports talent and think you have the support of several people who had not only helped them, but you are stimulated to make a step further, and at this point I refer not only family, but also those outside it was probably whom you're grateful, we can mention any names?
First of all thank everyone who has supported my career ... but can not let no mention Shemi Kelmendi, Bekim Muca, Bruno Kuken, Loyalty Istrefi, that they have exercised in Kosovo, then Luis Ruiz, Ray, Pallilo, Teddy Atlas, Rallfei, Colin Morgan, Harold Knight, Chello, even trenerin that I have now, Buddy McGirt, treneret of my life and Victor Maqaren that has come in recent mecin that I had in Kosovo, the manager that I had eight years Frank LoCascio and his dad, manager Joe Duva and promoter Star Boxing Done the King. And definitely family, axhallaret, but mostly my fans ...
Even though you still have more road ahead ... as any other sport, and boxing has a "deadline date". Have you thought about where your contribution will provide the following, we assume the service of a new generation of boxers?
When you finish career will definitely help all Albanian boxers, to appear as successful in boxing. I shall also deal with other businesses, but also have five years to try to book Ginisit HY in Albanian as the first World Champion in Pro Boxing Federations on one of WBC, WBA, IBF, WBO, but My desire is to reach WBC-in.
You seem like you more models. In the media states that have already in hand and is about a successful experience the love with 21-vjecaren Roza Gough (Roza won the crown of the event bukures "Elite Model Look").
But now a year and three months I am about Rosa Gough, a very good girl, simple. Having finished "Fashion Week" in Italy and in Paris, it was 10 days in Kosovo. Once I am back in New York, I go to her hometown, in the Dominican Republic. I am very happy with, the respect that is against me and my family ... It is a very successful manekene, collaborates with the world's largest brands of fashion ...
What's discretion when to meet first with a woman?
First, when you see a woman appreciates the sight, then the vices that have, and I, we see what has hands. ]]
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