Monday, April 12, 2010

Bertina, Nje Pune si Inxhiniere ne Ministri!

/photo public domain/

Bertina realizon endrren... Nje pune ne Ministri

Nuk e kishte menduar asnjehere keshtu. Per te jeta ka filluar nga e para. Kete gje pohon Bertina Mehmeti, vajza nga Delvina qe do te hapte kaq shume diskutime per lidhjen qe krijoi brenda shtepise se Big Brother 3. Me hyrjen e saj ne shtepi nuk e kishte perjashtuar asnjehere nje lidhje dashurie, por nuk do te donte qe kjo gje te ndodhte me te, por, ja qe ndodhi, e me mire keshtu, sepse kjo gje Bertinen e ka bere te lumtur. Sipas saj, Erioni eshte nje djale me te gjitha te mirat... por, gjerat nuk shkojne dhe kaq vaj. Olta, nje tjeter banore brenda ne shtepi ia ka turbulluar pak ujerat Bretines ne lidhjen e saj. Jo vetem tani qe ajo ka dale, por edhe kur ajo ka qene brenda shtepise, "xhelozia" ndaj Oltes ka qene shqetesuese per te. Shqetesuese gjithashtu duket te jete dhe mosvendosja e Erionit, i cili deri me tani po qendron neutral, duke mos e ndare mendjen dhe duke lene pershtypjen sikur do te jete ne qender te vemendjes. Kete gje e ka fituar, ndersa Bertina uron qe Erioni te qendroje sa me gjate ne shtepi dhe me daljen e tij do kuptohet nese lidhja e tyre do funksionoje apo... E nga ana tjeter, fati ka qene me Bertinen, ajo tashme ka marre disa oferta pune, por ajo qe e ka joshur me shume eshte propozimi i Ministrise e Mbrojtjes ne profesionin e saj si Inxhiniere tek Instituti i Projektimeve Ushtarake.

Bertina, u bene gati dy jave qe ke dale nga shtepia e Big Brother, si ndihesh?

Ndihem shume e emocionuar, nje jete krejt e re. Per mua ka filluar gjithcka nga e para e vetmja gje eshte se une mbaj te njejtin emer. Vetem kjo me ka mbetur, identiteti im, se jeta ime e vertete ka ndryshuar...

Ne c'aspekt ka ndryshuar?

Sigurisht qe ka ndryshuar per mire, te jesh mes njerezve cdo dite, te marresh mendime, opinione, vleresime qe nuk i ke menduar kurre qe mund t'i marresh. Qofte edhe ofertat e punes edhe keto jane nje nisme e re e imja pjese e kesaj jete. Te qenit person i njohur eshte perseri nje gje ndryshe.

E kishe menduar keshtu?

Asnjehere. Impakti i pare me boten jashte shtepise ishte komplet ndryshe.

Pse vendose te marresh pjese ne Big Brother?

Per faktin se doja te kuptoja se kush isha une ne te vertete. Doja te shikoja se sa i qendrueshem dhe i duruar ishte karakteri im. Sa i rezistoja hipokrizise, mashtrimeve, situatave dhe njerezve te "ligj"

Ia dole?

Ne nje fare menyre po. Fakti qe njerezit me vleresojne per kete qe jam, atehere them se ia kam dal.

Big Brother mendon se te ka sherbyer per jeten, cfare te mesoi?

Te them te drejten, keto kane qene eksperienca edhe te jetuara dhe perjetuara me perpara. Gjithmone me sinqeritetin jam lekundur. Nese duhet te isha apo jo kaq e sinqerte me njerezit. Une fal sinqeritet, po a me falin edhe te tjeret njejten gje. Megjithese perhere kam dhene sinqeritet te tepruar, perseri nuk kam hezituar ta jap ate vazhdimisht. Ndihem mire keshtu si jam, edhe pse e sinqerte, edhe pse gaboj, perseri e vleresoj kete pjese timen.

Ne kete pike ndryshonit ju nga banoret e tjere te BB?

Ne nje fare menyre them se po, megjithese nuk do te perjashtoja vetem veten time si person i sinqerte, do te thoja qe edhe Menel eshte shume afer tipit tim ne pjesen se sinqeritetit. Apo Graciela, Pamela, te cilat gjithashtu jane vajza te sinqerta, Rezarta po ashtu. Te gjitha keto qe permenda i kam vleresuar per kete aspekt.

Para se te hyje ne shtepi, mendoje se do te krijoje nje lidhje ne Big Brother?

Nuk e kam perjashtuar edhe kur me eshte bere kjo pyetje. Megjithate, kam tentuar dhe e kam mbajtur veten te mos e krijoja kurre ate lidhje, por ja qe ndodhi. Kur je spontane dhe e leshon veten, gjerat ndodhin.

Ishte nje eksperience e bukur per ty?

Sigurisht qe po, kush do qe do ta provonte ne vendin tim kete eksperience, nuk do te mbetej i zhgenjyer, jam e sigurt qe do ta provonte e riprovonte.

Pse zgjodhe pikerisht Erionin si njeriun e pershtatshem?

Erioni qe ne momentin e pare e ka shprehur afeksionin e tij ndaj meje, ka shprehur sinqeritetin, ngrohtesine dhe mbeshtetjen. Kane qene keto karakteristika te tipit te tij qe mua me kane bere per vete.

Vazhdon te kesh te njejten mendim si ne momentin e pare per Erionin?

Sigurisht qe po, edhe pse, jemi pak te distancuar, ne kuptimin qe nuk jemi me afer njeri-tjetrit, kjo vetem fizikisht po menderisht jemi shume prane, keshtu qe jane te njejtat gjera. Une e kuptoj shume mire sjelljen e Erjonit dhe do te ndodhte e njejta gje sikur une te isha ne vendin e tij.

Shumica e publikut menduan se ti ishe shume agresive me te, eshte e vertete?

Nuk mendoj se kam qene aq agresive sa mendojne te tjeret, kam qene aq sa duhet dhe nese nje femer do te ishte ne vendin tim do me kuptonte dhe nuk do me quante aspak agresive. Kam qene thjeshte e matur dhe kam kerkuar disa gjera, per te cilat mendoj se i meritoj, sikurse une kam dhene te Erioni pretendoj edhe te marr.

Ke besim se kjo lodhje do te zgjase?

Kurre mos thuaj kurre, po them se po, gjithcka do sqarohet dhe do te duket ne vijim. Me mire le te ia leme kohes. Koha sheron dhe koha zgjidh cdo gje.

Me thate pak me lart se keni marre disa oferta pune, per cfare?

Ofertat jane te shumta. Kam marre nga Ministria e Mbrojtjes ne profesionin tim si Inxhiniere tek Instituti i Projektimeve Ushtarake, pedagoge ne nje Fakultet te Kuvendi Popullor.

Cfare mendon se do te zgjedhesh nga keto?

Patjeter qe nuk do te refuzoj, por nuk do te refuzoja as spektaklet. Ndoshta te Ministria e Mbrojtjes ka shume gjasa, pedagoge mund te jete pune e dyte.

Ke thene shpesh ne BB se je perballur gjithmone me femra qe i ke pasur kunder dhe qe kane qene xheloze ndaj teje, eshte e vertete kjo gje?

Them se po, femra ka nje natyre te atille qe ve re nje person qe po i shkojne gjerat mire dhe qe po ecen, ne kete moment femra e ka xhelozi, kush do te donte te shihte me mire se sa vetja.

Me cilin nga banoret mbani kontakte tani qe keni dale jashte?

Me Gracielen qe e kam konsideruar si moter, me Pamelen, Rezin, Edin, Gjimin, Renaton e kam takuar.

Ndryshojne banoret kur dalin jashte shtepise?

Une mendoje qe, gjithsekush tregon se vertete eshte ai qe eshte, pavaresisht se ka disa detaje shtesa apo prapashtesa po ne teresi mendoj se pak a shume jane e njejta gje.

Javen e kaluar ju pohuat ne Big Brother se fjala e Erionit, i cili tha per Aden se do te krijoja me shume afrimitet, ju e quajtet montazh, pse?

Ka qene nje moment i imi, lapsus, nje ekzagjerim, ishte montazh ne kuptimin qe ishte diskutuar nje situate dhe ishin marre pjeset me te vecanta te kesaj situate dhe ishin bashkangjitur me njera-tjetren dhe kjo perbente nje montazh aq me teper qe nuk e degjova mire, kur e ridegjova, kuptova dhe aspektin shoqeror qe Erioni pohon ne lidhje me vajzen qe ishte perball meje, Olten.

Familja juaj si ju priti jashte?

Pa dyshim shume, shume mire. Kjo ka qene deshira ime me e madhe, qe te gjeja mbeshtetjen e familjes kur te dilja, nese kam marre ate kam marre gjithcka.

Ishin te kenaqur nga sjellja juaj?

Absolutisht po, edhe mamase i eshte komplimentuar sikurse me komplimtojne mua cdo dite. Dhe motrat me kane ndjekur dhe me kane mbeshtetur shume.

Po tani e ndjek BB?

Sigurisht, kur kam kohe, po.

Cfare te ben pershtypje tani qe ti nuk je me brenda?

Ndersa mua me duket vetja sikur jam aty brenda, por vetem me ndryshimin qe nuk u flas dot, sepse une edhe pse jam jashte, jam serish pjese e lojes, une luaj edhe jashte.

Cili mendon se do te shkoje ne finale?

Ne finale mendoj se do te shkoje, Miri, Erioni, Kika dhe do te doja Meneli, por ndoshta Domi.

Na thuaj nje perkufizim per secilin nga banoret?

Erioni - Gjithe te mirat qe mund t'i kete nje mashkull i ka Erioni, i sinqerte, i perkushtuar, i dashur, i cilter, i zgjuar.

Jetmiri - Person shume i qendrueshem, teper i zgjuar, besnik.

Domenika - Me duket sikur e mban veten gjithmone personazh dytesor, hedh gurin dhe fsheh doren. Eshte person intrigant, por qe intrigat nuk i nxjerr ne pah. Nuk me ka pelqyer gjithmone roli i gjyqtarit qe ka bere.

Kika - Familjar i mire, person i pjekur, i permbajtur, i dashur.

Seldi - Do ta perkufizoja si te pa pjekur, shakatar pa kripe. Por, ne brendesi eshte shume djale i mire.

Menel - Goce shume e mire, e sinqerte, e shoqerueshme.

Tatiana - Asaj nuk i ndien fare, ben cfare te doja Tatiana, por, dhe ajo, ne nje fare menyre, mendoj se luan.

Olta - S'ka koment.

/shekulli/prill 2010/
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[[ translation by google:

Bertina realizes dream ... A job in Minister

There had never thought so. For life has begun from scratch. Bertina asserts this Mehmeti, daughter of Delvina to be open to much discussion about the connection that created the Big Brother 3. Upon entering her home was not exempt never an affair, but we do not want this to happen with, but it has happened, the better so, because this thing has done Bertinen happy. According to her, Erion is a boy with all the best ... But things did not go so much oil. Olta, another resident inside the house has little troubled waters Bretines in its affiliation. Not only now that it has brought, but even when she was inside the house, "jealousy" to Oltes was distressing for him. Also seems to be distressing and mosvendosja of Erion, who until now stays neutral, not separate mind and leaving the impression as if it will be in the spotlight. This has gained, and Bertina Erion congratulates the longer stay at home and with his appearance if he understood their relationship will work correctly or ... And on the other hand, fate has been Bertinen, it has already received several job offers, but it has lured more is the proposal of the Ministry of Defence in her profession as a Design Engineer at the Military Institute.

Bertina, was made almost two weeks which have emerged from the Big Brother, how you feel?

I feel very excited, a whole new life. For me everything started from scratch the only thing is that I keep the same name. Only this has remained, my identity, that my real life has changed ...

We c'aspekt has changed?

Certainly that has changed for the better, to be between people every day, receive opinions, opinions, evaluations do not you ever thought that you can receive. Work even offers the following new initiatives are a part of this mine life. The dog name is something different again.

The church thought so?

Never. The first impact with the world outside the home was completely different.

Why did you decide to participate in Big Brother?

The fact that I wanted to understand who I really was. I wanted to watch how the patient was stable and my character. As hipokrizise resistant, fraud, situations and people "law"

It's Dole?

In a way yes. The fact that people with the value for this that I am, then I say that we have run out.

Big Brother thinks has served for life, whatever they learned?

Say the right, these have been the live experience and experienced before. Truth always am hesitant. Whether or not I should be so honest with people. Forgive me honestly, is there to forgive the others the same. Although I have always given the excessive sincerity, still have not been reluctant to give him constantly. I feel so good as I am, even though sincere, even disappoint, the prize again this part of mine.

At this point you change from other residents of the BB?

In a way I say it is, nonetheless, would not only exclude myself as honest person would say that is very close Menel also type in part of my sincerity. Or Graciela, Pamela, which are also girls frank, pangit as well. All those I mentioned I appreciated about this aspect.

Before you enter the home, think that would create a connection in Big Brother?

I've also excluded when it became this question. However, I tried and I've kept myself to not ever create that connection, but it happened. When you are spontaneous and the issues themselves, things happen.

It was a nice experience for you?

Of course, that is, who wants to try this experience in my country, will not remain disappointed, I am sure he will prove the riprovonte.

Why did you choose exactly how Erion suitable man?

Erion was when first expressed his affection towards me, expressed the sincerity, warmth and support. These features have been his type that I have done for them.

Continues to have the same opinion as to when the first Erion?

Of course, that is, though, are less distance in the sense that we are closer to each other, the only physically but mentally we are very close, so we are the same things. I understand very well the behavior of Erjonit and the same thing happen if I were in his place.

Most of the public thought you were more aggressive with it, is true?

I do not think I was as aggressive as others think, I have enough and if a woman would be my place to understand and will not be called with no aggressive. I was sober and I simply asked some things for which I deserve it, as I have given to Erion even pretend to have.

You have faith that this fatigue will last?

Never say never, but I say that yes, everything will be clarified and will appear in the following. Better let him Leme time. Time and time Sheron solves everything.

With dry slightly above that have received several job offers, for what?

The offers are numerous. I have received from the Ministry of Defence in my profession as a Design Engineer at the Military Institute, a professor in the Faculty of the National Assembly.

What do you think will select from the following?

Definitely will not refuse, but will not override or shows. Perhaps the Ministry of Defence is very likely may be the teacher's second job.

You have said often in the BB that are always faced with women who have been against and who have been jealous to you, this thing is real?

I guess that yes, women have a nature such that overlook a person that is things go well and you are doing, at this moment women are jealous, who would like to see better than ourselves.

Which of the people now that you keep your contacts out?

With Gracielen that I considered as the sister, with Pamelen, Rezi, Edin, Gjimin, Renato've met.

People change when they go outdoors?

I think that, everyone tells is that he really is, despite that there are some additional details or Extension is in general think are more or less the same thing.

Last week the Big Brother you pohuat that word of Erion, who told Aden that will create more afrimitet, you quajtet montage, why?

There was a moment of mine, lapsus, an exaggeration, was a montage in the sense that it was discussing a situation and were taken to separate parts of this situation and were attached to each other and constituted a montage the more that I did not catch well, when ridegjova, and found that the social aspect Erion claims about the girl who had faced me, Olten.

Your family as you received abroad?

No doubt very, very good. This has been my greatest desire, to find support when dilja family, if I got it I got everything.

Were satisfied by your behavior?

Absolutely yes, as komplimentuar mamase has been with me every day komplimtojne. And sisters to have attended and have supported more.

BB is now pursuing?

Of course, when I have time, yes.

What makes the impression now that you're not in?

As for me it seems like I'm there inside, but only change that can not speak, because even though I'm out, I am again part of the game, I play outside.

What do you think will go to the finals?

We think the final will go, Miri, Erion, Kika and would like Meneli, but perhaps Domi.

Tell us a definition for each of the residents?

Erion - all assets that could have a male has Erion, sincere, committed, loving, straightforward, smart.

Jetmiri - very stable person, very smart, loyal.

Domenik - seem to hold themselves always secondary character, throw a stone and hide the hand. It is the designer person, but that intrigues not highlight. There has always favored the role of the judge has made.

Kika - Family good, mature person, is contained, dear.

Seldi - I would define as not mature, playful without salt. But inside is very good boy.

Menel - Goce very good, sincere, sociable.

Tatiana - It does not feel at all, is what to like Tatiana, however, and she, in a way, I think that plays.

Olta - No comment.

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