Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Rovena Dilo, Mezi Pres Te Behem Nene!

Rovena Dilo: Femija dhurate, mezi po e pres!

Pranvera eshte zgjimi i gjerave me te bukura… Ne pranvere te qesh syri, qesh qielli, gjerat kaltersohen…!” Keshtu e perkufizon stinen qe po kalojme kengetarja e mirenjohur Rovena Dilo, e cila edhe ne jeten e saj private, po perjeton nje pranvere te vertete. Ne kete interviste per “Bluetooth”, nderkaq kengetarja Dilo na tregon per klipin qe do te sjelle se shpejti, projektet e metejshme e pse jo do te mesoni edhe ndonje detaj te jetes se saj private. Le t’i zbulojme bashke me tej…

Rovena me cfare po merreni aktualisht?

Po pergatit nje klip me kengen e fundit qe u prezantua ne festivalin kombetar. Ne fakt kjo kenge nuk ishte e krijuar per t’u prezantuar aty, pasi qe ne fillim ishte menduar per t’u bere klip dhe po merrem aktualisht me realizimin e klipit te saj.

Eshte menyre juaja kjo qe prezantoni nje here kenget ne festival pastaj u realizoni atyre edhe klip (kam parasysh ketu rrugen qe ndoqi edhe kenga “Rrefimi”)?

Kenga “Rrefimi” u krijua per Festival dhe gjate kohes qe asaj iu be ajo padrejtesia qe e quaj une, per arsye se ajo kenge duhet te jetonte. Une mendoj se kenget e Festivalit kane nje jetegjatesi te shkurter. Mbarojne aty ku lindin, pervec kenges qe shkon ne Eurovizion. Keshtu mendova qe kenga “Rrefimi” e meritonte te kishte nje fytyre te sajen, e meritonte te kishte paraqtitje ndryshe. Dhe u krijua klipi i “Rrefimit”, qe eshte nje klip i mire sepse eshte nje kenge e mire. Po nuk ishte materiali muzikor i mire, nuk ka sesi te behet nje klip i mire. Armendi (Rrexhepagiq) dhe Aida kishin bere nje pune shume te mire dhe patjeter qe do te ishte nje humbje nese ajo kenge do te persekutohej ashtu sic u persekutua ne ato tre netet e festivalit. Do te persekutohej edhe nga une nese nuk do te behej nje klip. Pastaj kenget e mira ne nuk i bejme cdo dite; “Rrefimi” eshte nje kenge e tille, e mevetesishme. Kjo ishte pra rruga e “Rrefimit”. Kurse kenga “Pertej kohes” ka pasur destinacion thjesht klip. Pastaj kembengulja e udheheqesit artistik te Festivalit, telefonatat e shumta ma trondditen pak idene qe kisha per kengen.

Si e keni menduar klipin?

Klipi do te jete i thjeshte, do te jete simbolik, nuk do te jete shume nderrmie skenash apo veshjesh. Do te vijne ashtu sic vijne klipet e mia te thjeshta ne dukje por qe kane nje ide te qarte, apo nje simbol qe te percon nje ndjesi, nje emocion ndryshe nga realiteti praktik qe ne jemi mesuar. Kjo sepse une jam romantike, duke qene romantike une nuk mund te dal jashte kesaj edhe ne krijimtarine time. Kenga titullohet “Pertej kohes” dhe ideja ime eshte qe pertej kohes dhe hapesires te con vetem dashuria.

Klipi do te kete te njejtet autore si “Rrefimi”?

Po punojme bashke me Aleksandrin ende me idete per klipin. Une kisha disa ide te qarta, perderisa une kam bere edhe vargjet e kesaj poezie e frymezuar edhe nga muzika e krijuar nga Endri Sina. Dhe kenga sidomos ne hapjen e referenit qe do te shikohet kur te jete gati klipi, se ne festival ajo duke qene nje “live” i dobet, i tmerrshem do te thoja ka humbur shume, por kur klipi te jete i paster, i plote dhe cilesor ajo do duket me mire edhe kenga edhe fraza e folur dhe fraza muzikore. Dhe une kam ankth ashtu si edhe degjuesit e fansat e mi apo ata qe ta degjojne paster pa ato problematikat e ‘live’-t te Festivalit.

Perseri e zhgenjyer nga Festivali, Rovena?

Festivali ka zhgenjime. Zhgenime ka se del e treta, do te jesh e para, del e pesta do te jesh e treta e keshtu me rradhe. Zhgenjimi eshte pjese e konkurrimit. Dhe festivali eshte nje konkurrim. Ne momentin qe hyn ne konkurrim duhet ta marresh mbi shpinen tende edhe peshen e zhgenjimit, kjo eshte pjese e rruges tende ne netet e festivalit. Mua nuk me shqeteson asnje here pozicioni, vleresimet, etj perderisa une e lejoj veten te hyj ne kete konkurrim une duhet t’i pres te gjitha nga zero pike ne 20 pike. Ajo qe me shqeteson eshte se ajo qe paraqesim del ne raportin 1 me 10 nga ajo qe ne perftojme, kur dgjojme veten tone. Degjimi ne salle nuk eshte i mire, fonia ne transmetim eshte pa efektet e duhura, keto jane probleme reale te kengetarit. Keto nuk i njohin as tekniket e skenes, as drejtoret, as pergjegjesit e festivalit. Une dua t’u them nismetareve te festivalit qe materialet muzikore dhe knegetari jane gjeja me e rendesishme e festivalit, shfaqjet, drejtimet, baletet jane elemente plotesues. Une shoh qe me shume rendesi u jepet ketyre te fundit sesa gjese me te rendesishme qe eshte kenge. Gjithmone festivalet e bukura i kene bere te bukura kenget e bukura, asnjehere prezantimet a veshjet e prezantuesve.

Do te merrni pjese me ne Festivale?

Nuk do te konkurroj me ne Festivalet kombetare dhe nuk e di a do te konkurroj me ne ndonje festival. Dhe festivalet nuk jane qelllimi i nje karriere kaq te gjate. E bukura do te ishte te kishim mundesi te benim kenge te bukura, emisione te bukura muzikore, albume dhe klipe te mira here pas here.

Po cilat do te jene planet pas klipit qe po realizoni?

Kam deshire qe pas ketij klipi te bej nje bashkepunim me Ardit Gjerbrean, i cili edhe ma ka premtuar. Kam deshire ta bej nje kenge me te.

Cfare eshte kjo stine per ju?

Pranvera eshte muzike. Kendojne te gjithe llojet e zogjve ne ambientet me peme. Pranvera eshte zgjimi i gjerave me te bukura. Edhe klipin une do ta bej ne pranvere. Ne pranvere te qesh syri, qesh qielli, gjerat kaltersohen.

Ka ne planet e Rovenes nje femije?

Une mendoj qe femija nuk eshte plan. Femija eshte dhurate e dy njerezve dhe e zotit bashke. Kur keto te tria le te themi kombinohen ne menyre absolute vjen femija. Domethene femija eshte gjithmone deshire e njerezve qe duhen. Une nuk mendoj se nje femije planifikohet ashtu si edhe dashuria nuk planifikohet. Askush nuk planifikon se do te bjere ne dashuri, bie ne dashuri dhe kaq. Dhe femija duhet te vij ne kete menyre.

Si do ta vleresonit kete moment te jetes suaj?

Moment pranvere.

/bluetooth/prill 2010/
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[[ translation by google:

Rovena Dilo: child is a gift, can barely wait!

Spring Awakening is the most beautiful things ... In spring eye laughing, laughing sky kaltersohen things ... "So that is defines the season pass Rovena Dilo known singer, who even in her private life, is experiencing a spring of true. In this interview for "Bluetooth", while singer tells us Dilo clips that will be brought soon, and further projects will learn why not and any details of her private life. Let's find out together with further ...

Rovena actually deal with what?

Is preparing a last clip of the song that was presented at the national festival. In fact this song was not created to be presented there, as at the beginning was supposed to be done and the clips are actually deal with the realization of its klipit.

Is this your way to introduce a song on the festival here then make them the clips (I mean here the path that followed the song "story"?

The song "story" was created for the Festival and during the time that what she did injustice to call me, because she must live songs. I think the song of the Festival have a short lifespan. Finish where they arise, except that goes in the Eurovision song contest. So I thought the song "story" and deserve to have a face of thanks, and deserve to have paraqtitje otherwise. And was created clips of "confessions", which is a good clip because it is a good song. If the material was not good music, not how to be a good clip. Armend (Rrexhepagiq) and Aida had done a very good job and certainly that would be a loss if it will persekutohej songs as they were persekutua in three nights of the festival. Will also persekutohej if I will not become a clip. And the best songs we do not do every day, "story" is such a song, its own. It was therefore the way of "confessions". But the song "Beyond Time" has been the destination simply clips. Then the persistence of the artistic leaders of the Festival, numerous calls trondditen little idea that I had the song.

How do you think klipin?

Clips will be simple, will be symbolic, there will be more nderrmie scenery or clothing. Will come as my clips come seemingly simple but have a clear idea, or a character that imparts a feeling, an emotion different from the practical reality that we are learning. This is because I am romantic, being romantic I can not get out of this even in my creativity. The song is called "Beyond Time" and my idea is that beyond time and space only leads to love.

Clips will have the same author as "story"?

If we work together with Alexander still klipin ideas. I had some clear ideas, while the verses I have made this poetry inspired by the music created by Endri Sina. And especially the opening song referenit to be seen when it is ready clips, the festival that she was a "live" poor, dreadful would say has lost much, but when the clips to be clear, complete, and quality it will look even better song and the spoken phrase and musical phrase. And I have anxiety as well as listeners of my fans or those who hear them clean without the problems of '-t live' Festival.

Again disappointed by the festival, Rovena?

The festival is disappointment. Zhgenime is the third out, will be the first, fifth emerges will be the third and so on. Disappointment is part of the competition. The festival is a competition. When you enter the competition must take on your back on the weight of disappointment, this is part of your road in the festival nights. I do not worries no position here, assessments, etc. while I allow myself to go in this competition I have to wait all the zero points in 20 points. She worries that the present is that it is in the report that 1 in 10 from what we obtain when dgjojme ourselves. Hearing in the hall is not good, the transmission is fonia without proper effects, these are real problems to the singer. They do not recognize the scene as technicians or directors, or responsible for the festival. I want to say that the festival starting materials and knegetari music are the most important thing the festival, performances, directions, ballets are additional elements. I see that given more importance than the gesture of the latter that is most important songs. Always beautiful festivals have become the most beautiful of the beautiful songs, never a wardrobe presentations presenters.

Will participate in the festival?

Will not compete with the national and Festivals do not know whether we will compete with any festival. And festivals are not qelllimi of a career so long. The beautiful and we would be able to make beautiful songs, beautiful music shows, albums and good clips from time to time.

Yes that would be after the clips that are plans make?

I wanted to post this clips to do a collaboration with Ardit Gjerbrean, who also promised me. I wanted to do a song with.

What season is it for you?

Spring is the music. Sing all kinds of birds in environments with trees. Spring Awakening is the most beautiful things. Even klipin I will do in the spring. In the spring of laughing eyes, laughs the sky, things kaltersohen.

Rovenes plans of a child?

I think that child is not a plan. The child is a gift of two people and God together. When these three combine say the child is absolutely coming. Therefore the child is always like the people who need them. I do not think a child is planned as well as love is not planned. No plans that will fall in love, fall in love so much. The child must come in this way.

How would you assess this moment of your life?

Spring Moment.

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