Saturday, April 17, 2010

Nora Istrefi: Sivjet Do Te Jem Me Aktive!

“Dolce” Nora

Kengetarja Nora Istrefi tregon per Roze planet per martesen, festimin e ditelindjes se saj dhe (mos)pjesemarrjen ne show “Shpija”.

Ajo eshte njera prej kengetareve me te njohura ne Kosove. Ka realizuar shume hite, nderkaq vazhdon fejesen e saj maratonike me Robertin, te cilen thote se eshte e sigurt qe do ta kurorezoje me martese. Nuk e pengojne shume thashethemet per jeten e saj private, nderkaq thote se ka arritur mjaft per keto vite te karrieres. Per te tjerat, Nora flet vete per Roze...

Roze: Si nje kengetare e arritur, a ju mungon jeta private, apo merreni vetem me jeten artistike?

Nora: E dua shume jeten artistike, vertet, por per mua ka me shume rendesi jeta private dhe mundohem mos ta le anash. Prandaj jam me shume e koncentruar ne jeten private dhe i jap me shume perparesi asaj.

Roze: Cila eshte dita jote nga mengjesi deri ne mbremje?

Nora: Nuk kam ndonje obligim te caktuar. Ritualet e mia fillojne qysh ne oren 10 te mengjesit dhe dita ime vazhdon sipas obligimeve qe kam. Gjithmone i le perparesi punes.

Roze: A mund te na tregoni, a jeni e kenaqur me kete qe keni arritur ne veprimtarine artistike?

Nora: Gjithsesi qe jam shume e kenaqur me kete qe kam arritur deri tash, por mendoj te jap edhe me shume ne veprimtarine artistike. Une e cilesoj se kam arritur ne nje perqindje te madhe, por normalisht qe dua ende me shume.

Roze: Cilat jane projektet e ardhshme te Nores?

Nora: Tashme kam realizuar nje kenge te re dhe eshte realizuar edhe klipi i saj , dhe se shpejti do te leshohet ne media tona.

Roze: A planifikoni te editoni nje album te ri ?

Nora: Kete vit do te jem shume me aktive se vitin e kaluar. Per album nuk mendoj qe eshte koha e duhur. Jam duke e praktikuar me shume te merrem me videoklipe. Mendoj qe cdo tre muaj ta bej nga nje klip.

Roze: Ditelindjen e festuat me 25 mars. Cfare planifikuat per ditelindje?

Nora: Jo ndonje gje te madhe. Nje darke me familjen time dhe shoqerine time do te jete nje nate me ndryshe se neteve tjera.

Roze: Cila do te ishte dhurata me e mire per kete ditelindje?

Nora: Nga Roberti kam fituar nje ore dore Dolce & Gabanna. Te them te drejten nuk jam e fiksuar pas dhuratave, por befasite jane te mireseardhura.

Roze: Ju jeni e fejuar. A jeni duke planifikuar martese per sivjet?

Nora: Per momentin nuk kam plane per martese. Ne jemi mire keshtu. Por, sigurisht qe dashuria jone do te kurorezohet me martese.

Roze: Ne fund, a eshte e vertete qe keni marre ftese per reality show "Shpija"?

Nora: Une kam marre ftese, por e kam refuzuar nga obligimet qe kam, sepse nuk jam
e gatshme t’i anuloj koncertet qe i kam planifikuar qe nje kohe te gjate. Gjithashtu nuk e konsideroj veten te gatshme per nje”reality show”. /anzotika kelmendi/gazeta express/prill 2010/
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[[ translation by google:

Dolce" Nora
Nora Istrefi singer tells rosy plans for marriage, her birthday celebration and participation in the show "leads."

It is one of the most famous singers in Kosovo. Has made more hits, while continuing its marathon fejesen with Robert, which says it is confident that will crown the wedding. Not prevent many rumors about her private life, meanwhile, says it has achieved a lot for these years of career. For others, Nora speaks for itself pink ...

Pink: As a singer of reach, or lack private life, or deal only with the artistic life?

Nora: I love life more artistic, true, but for me there are more important private life and try not to let out. So I concentrated more private life and give it more priority.

Pink: What is your day from morning to evening?

Nora: I do not have any particular obligation. My rituals begin early in the morning at 10 and my day goes by that I have obligations. Always let the priority of work.

Pink: Can you tell us, are you satisfied with this that we have achieved artistic activity?

Nora: Anyway I am very pleased with this that I have achieved so far, but I think to give even more in artistic activity. I've managed to describe that a large proportion, but normally you want still more.

Pink: What are future projects Nores?

Nora: I have now performed a new song and the clips is made of it, and soon to be released in our media.

Pink: Do you plan to edit a new album?

Nora: This year will be much more active than last year. For the album do not think that is the right time. 'm Practicing more to deal with video clips. I think that every three months to do by a clip.

Pink: birthday celebrated on 25 March. What is planned for the birthday?

Nora: Not anything big. A dinner with my family and my society will be a night unlike that other nights.

Pink: What would be the best gift for this birthday?

Nora: The Robert've won a watch Dolce & Gabanna. The right to say I am not fixed after gift, but befasite are welcome.

Pink: You are engaged. Are you planning to get married this year?

Nora: Currently I have no plans for marriage. We are so good. But of course that our love will be crowned with marriage.

Pink: Finally, is it true that you have received an invitation for the reality show "leads"?

Nora: I have received an invitation, but I reject the obligations that I have, because I am not
ready to cancel the concerts that I planned that a long time. Also do not consider themselves ready for a "reality show."

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