Sunday, April 18, 2010

Big Brother Albania 3: SPEKTAKLI #13, 17 Prill 2010

Big Brother Albania 3

Big Brother Albania 3: Spektakli #13, 17 Prill 2010 (17.04.2010)

Tatiana humbet “Big Brother”, gati per te fituar shtetesine shqiptare

Tatiana, vajza nga Italia, eshte eliminuar nga shtepia e “Big Brother Albania”. Publiku ka votuar qe ajo te largohet. Nderkaq, surprizat dhe emocionet kane qene te forta ne spektaklin e mbremshem, mes proves se javes, “proves se puthjes” te mesuar prej dy protagonisteve te “Grande Fratello”-s ne Itali, Veronica dhe “Princ” George, si dhe humorit te personazheve te “Portokallise”

Spektakli i madh i “Big Brother” ne “Top Channel” ka nisur me nje lajm te mire per te gjithe fansat e ketij ‘reality show’. Arbana ka bere me dije se dje ne treg ka dale revista me e re e quajtur "Big Magazine", e cila pasqyron gjithcka qe lidhet me banoret e “Big Brother Albania”. Ajo do te jete ne treg per lexuesin cdo te shtune. Nderkaq, spektakli ka vijuar me emocionet dhe surprizat e pafundme qe vetem “Vellai i Madh” di te dhuroje.

Banori i eliminuar
Kika ka qene banori i pare i shpetuar nga eliminimi, pas tij ka qene Seldi qe ka shpetuar. Mes Tatianes dhe Mandit ka qene vajza nga Italia ajo qe eshte larguar perfundimisht prej shtepise se “Big Brother Albania”.

Lidhja Seldi-Domenika
Ne javet e fundit, marredhenia mes Seldit dhe Domenikes dukej sikur po behej gjithnje e me e forte, por me sa eshte pare gjate diteve te fundit, ajo nuk ka qene edhe aq e konsoliduar. Publiku e ka pare qe pas nje zenke, e cila ka nisur prej Jetmirit, cifti duket sikur eshte ndare. Arbana i ka pyetur se si jane emocionalisht dhe ata jane pergjigjur se nuk ndihen mire. Me pas eshte shfaqur edhe nje klip me te gjitha zenkat mes ciftit. Seldi thote se e bezdiste fakti qe Miri dhe Domi kalojne shume kohe bashke. Jetmiri, nga ana e tij, ka thene se i vjen keq per kete situate, sepse ai nuk ka bere asgje me tendence dhe se nuk e dinte se cifti po kalonte ne krize prej tij.

Prova e javes
Arbana ka shpjeguar se prova e kesaj jave ka vene ne dukje aftesite ne atletike te banoreve. Banoret kane shkuar ne fushen e futbollit ku gjendeshin 10 topa. Secili prej tyre ka pasur te drejten te beje nga nje gol nga 11 metershi. “Big Brother” ka vendosur qe prova te cilesohet e kaluar me sukses vetem nese banoret do te benin minimalisht pese gola. Pavaresisht se banoret nuk arriten t’i benin golat, “Vellai i Madh” e konsideroi kete prove javore te fituar.

Veronica dhe George ne BB per proven e puthjes
Ne shtepine me te famshme ne Shqiperi, kane hyre Veronica e “Princ” George Leonard, dy prej konkurrenteve me te perfolur te “Grande Fratello”, programi analog qe u zhvillua ne Itali. Ata jane bere pjese e “Big Brother Albania” te premten ne mbremje per nje prove krejtesisht te vecante, e cila ka rezultuar shume e suksesshme gjate spektaklit ne Itali. Ata jane ftuar mes konkurrenteve shqiptare per nje prove bonus. Banoret nuk kane pasur mundesine qe t’i ndiqnin kete vit, por nje nga provat javore ku ata kane treguar se kane qene me te miret, ka qene ajo e quajtur “teknika e puthjes”. Detyra e tyre ka qene te mesojne banoret per “proven e puthjes”. Veronica dhe George u kane mesuar banoreve teknikat e puthjeve eskimeze, kaske’ (kinematografike) dhe puthjen e rrembyer... Por nuk ka munguar edhe nje mesim per puthjen e famshme “franceze”. Rezultati i kesaj prove, nese eshte pozitiv, do t’u mundesoje banoreve nje bonus shtese ne buxhetin ekzistues.

Tatiana, leter prej nenes dhe surpriza te tjera
Publiku e ka vene re se gjate ketyre diteve Tatiana ka folur shpesh per familjaret e Landit, ish te dashurit, te cilet ajo i do shume dhe i konsideron si familjen e vet, ne nje kohe qe me mamane e saj Angela-n ka nje marredhenie konfliktuale dhe te veshtire. Ajo thote se prinderit e ish te dashurit te saj jane gjithcka per te. Arbana e fton te shkoje ne dhomen e kuqe, ku ajo gjen nje zarf te bardhe dhe nje leter te shkruar prej nenes. Ajo i shkruan se e ka ndjekur permes televizorit. Kam ndier shume emocione dhe se i behet qejfi qe e ka permendur, duke uruar qe te rrije brenda shtepise se BB-se sa me gjate te jete e mundur. “Mos u trego e ashper kur flet per mua se ti e di sa shume te dua edhe pse nuk jam e mire per ta shprehur dashurine”, i shkruan ajo. Tati thote se e di qe ajo e do shume dhe se nuk i mban inat. Nderkaq, prane saj gjendet edhe nje zarf blu, ku per Tatianen jane shkruar te gjitha dokumentet qe duhet te plotesoje per te marre nenshtetesine shqiptare, te cilen ajo e deshiron shume. Per Tatin gjendej edhe dhurata prej prinderve te Landit, nje torte ku mami dhe babi i urojne te gjithe te mirat e kesaj bote.

Seldi, “provim” kantoje ne “Big Brother”
Seldi duhej t’i nenshtrohej nje provimi, ne te cilin nuk mundi te merrte pjese, per shkak te pranise se tij ne “Big Brother”. Per kete arsye, “Vellai i Madh” ka bere te mundur qe gjate spektaklit te mbremshem ai ta jepte kete “provim”. Ne ambientet e shtepise hyn profesoresha e tij Merita Rexha, e cila e ka shoqeruar ne piano. Seldi ka filluar te kendoje, ndersa banoret e kane ndjekur si publik. Pas pak ne shtepi ka hyre edhe tenori i njohur shqiptar Kastriot Tusha, i cili ka kenduar se bashku me Seldin, duke falur shume emocione per banoret dhe vete Seldin.

Humor ne BB me aktoret e “Portokallise”
Nje surprize te kendshme ka rezervuar mbremjen e djeshme per banoret “Vellai i Madh”. Ne ambientet e shtepise kane qene tri personazhe te spektaklit te mirenjohur te humorit “Portokalli”. Ata imitojne banoret e “Big Brother”: Bertinen, Valentinen e Gracielen. Te tre personazhet u kane falur momente argetuese banoreve, te cilet kane qeshur me humorin e tyre. Por surpriza nuk mbaron me kaq, sepse ne studio vjen personazhi qe imiton Arbanen ne “Portokalli”. / shqip/prill 2010/

p.s. videoja e spektaklit komplet me vone!

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[[ translation by google:

Tatiana lost "Big Brother", ready to make the Albanian citizenship

Tatiana, daughter of Italy, is eliminated from the house of "Big Brother". The public has voted that it be removed. Meanwhile, surprises and emotions have been strong in the mbremshem spectacle, between the test week, "puthjes test" to learn of the two protagonists of the "Grande Fratello" s in Italy, Veronica and "Prince" George, and humor to characters of "Portokallise

Big show "Big Brother" in the "Top Channel" has started with good news for all fans of this 'reality show'. Arbana made yesterday suggested that the market has brought a new magazine called "Big Magazine", which reflects everything that relates to people of "Big Brother". It will be for the reader market every Saturday. Meanwhile, the show has continued with the endless excitement and surprises that only "Big Brother" knows to donate.

Eliminate resident
Kika was the first resident of escape from elimination, then it has been Seldi that has survived. Among Tatianes and was Mandi girls from Italy that she is finally away from home "Big Brother".

Domenik Seldi-League
In recent weeks, and the relationship between Seldit Domenikes seemed to become increasingly strong, but is seen as the last few days, it has not been so consolidated. The public has seen after a brawl, which started from Jetmirit, the couple looks like is divided. Arbana are asked how they have responded emotionally and not feeling well. Then a clip is shown with all the contention between the couple. Bezdiste Seldi says Domi fact that Miri and spend more time together. Jetmiri, in turn, has said sorry for this situation, because he did nothing with the trend and that the couple knew there was passing in his crisis.

Proof of the week
Arbana explained this week that evidence has pointed to the athletic skills of residents. People are going to the football field where caught 10 balls. Each of them has had the right to carry out a goal from 11 metershi. "Big Brother" has decided to qualify the test passed successfully only if people will do a minimum of five goals. Although residents were not to do goals, "Big Brother" and considered this test weekly win.

Veronica and George in the test puthjes BB
In the most famous home in Albania, have entered the Veronica's "Prince" George Leonard, two competitors with perfolur of "Grande Fratello" analog program that was developed in Italy. They are part of "Big Brother" on Friday night for a totally unique test, which has resulted spektaklit very successful in Italy. They are among the competitors Albanian invited for a trial bonus. Residents have not had the opportunity to attend this year, but one week where they have evidence showing that they were the best, it was called "puthjes technique. Their task was to teach people to "test puthjes. Veronica and George residents have learned the techniques of kissing Eskimo, helmet '(cinema) and kiss kidnapped ... But there has been also a lesson to kiss the famous "France." The result of this test, if positive, will enable residents an additional bonus in the existing budget.

Tatiana, letter from the mother and other surprises
The public has noticed that during these days, Tatiana has spoken often of State for family members, former loved ones, whom she loves and considers many of his family, a long with her mother Angela, n has a relationship conflicting and difficult. She says that parents of her former boyfriend are everything for him. Arbana invites go to the red room, where she finds a white envelope and a letter written from the mother. She writes that he has followed through television. I felt many emotions and it becomes hobby that has mentioned, wishing to stay in the BB house, how much longer possible. "Do not show severe when speaking to me that you know how much I love you even though I am not better to express love," she writes. Tati says that she knows more and will not hold rancor. Meanwhile, it is also near a blue envelope, which are written for Tatianen All documents must meet to obtain Albanian citizenship, which she wants more. Tatin for the gift of the parents found the State, a cake where mom and dad Congratulate all the benefits of this world.

Seldi, "test" kantoje "Big Brother"
Seldi had to undergo an examination, in which we could not take part, due to the presence of his "Big Brother". For this reason, the "Big Brother" has made it possible to mbremshem spektaklit him to give this "test". We professor enters the premises of his house Merita Rexha, which has accompanied the piano. Seldi began to sing, and people have followed an audience. After a home has entered the famous tenor Kastriot Tusha, who is singing along with Seldin, pardoning many emotions for people and himself Seldin.

Humor at the actors BB "Portokallise
A pleasant surprise yesterday evening is reserved for residents "Big Brother". In home environments have been three characters involved in performing pre-eminent humor "orange". They imitate people's "Big Brother": Bertinen Valentina Gracielen. All three characters were entertaining moments have forgiven residents, who are laughing with their humor. But the surprises did not end with that, because the studio comes the character who imitates Arbanen the "orange".

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