Sunday, April 18, 2010

Big Brother Albania 3: PORTOKALLIA ne BB

Big Brother Albania 3: Portokallia ne Big Brother, Spektakli #13, 17 Prill 2010

Portokallia ne Big Brother

Tre aktoret e portokallise te cilat imitojne Bertinen, mama Valen dhe Gracielen ndodhen ne dhomen e kuqe, te transformuar pikerisht si personazhet e tyre. banoret i shohin ato ne monitor, por nuk e kuptojne se cilat jane, pervec Mandit dhe Jones. Arbana i prezanton ato si personazhet e BB te cilat po rikthehen ne shtepine e tyre. banorja e pare, Graciela shprehet se ka disa gjera per te sqaruar me Mirin, ndaj Arbana e fton Mirin qe ta marre ate. Ata takohen dhe Miri e con ate te njihet edhe me banoret e tjere. Banoret qeshin me batutat e saj, njesoj si Graciela e vertete. Arbana therret edhe Erionin qe te shkoje te takoje Bertinen e cila ndodhet ne dhomen e bardhe qe ka te njejten pamje si ajo gjate takimit te tyre spektaklin e kaluar. Erioni hyn menjehere ne rol dhe fillon te sillet sikur ajo eshte Bertina. Bertina sillet ftohte me te, pasi ka disa sjellje te tijat qe nuk i pelqejne. Ai e merr brenda ne shtepi qe te njihet me te tjeret por edhe me shtepine. Keshtu fillimisht ai e njeh me dhomen e gjumit, krevatin e tyre ku shtrihen per te rikujtuar ato momente. Bertina takohet edhe me banoret ku fillimisht me Mirin. Nderkohe, Domenika shkon te takohet me mama Valen. Ajo e puth dhe e perqafon dhe qesh me batutat e saja kur imiton mama Valen e vertete. domenika shprehet se po cmallet njesoj sikur te ishta mamaja e saj. Edhe mama Vale shkon te takohet me banoret. Por surpriza nuk mbaron me kaq. Ne studio vjen aktorja e portokallise qe imiton Arbanen. Arbana qesh me te madhe duke mos e pritur kete surprize. Arbana aktore imiton ne cdo levizje Arbanen e vertete, duke shkaktuar shume te qeshura mes publikut dhe banoreve. Si perfundim, Arbana aktore, merr zarfin per te shpallur te eleminuarit e shtepise qe jane Bertina, Graciela dhe mama Vale te cilat pasi takohen me banoret, lene shtepine. / 2010/
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[[ translation by google:

Big Brother Portokalli

Three actors Portokallise which imitate Bertinen, Valen and Gracielen mum in the room are red, exactly how to transform their characters. people see them on display, but do not understand what are, in addition to Mandi and Jones. Arbana presents them as the characters of BB which are returning to their home. The first residents, Graciela says that there are some things to clarify with the best, best way to invite Arbana to take it. They meet and Miri con it be known with other people. People laughed with her mot, Graciela same as true. Erion Arbana also calls to go to meet Bertinen which is white in the room that has the same view as that during their meeting last spectacle. Erion role immediately enters and begins to behave as if it is Bertina. Bertina brought the cold, having some of his behavior do not like. He gets inside the house to be known by others but also with home. So he knows first with sleeping room, where their bed to lie recalling those moments. Bertina even meet people initially with the best. Meanwhile, Domenik mum goes to meet with Valen. She perqafon and kiss and laugh with her mot when Valen mama imitates true. Domenik cmallet says is the same as if it was her mother. Vale mum also goes to meet with residents. But the surprises did not end with that. In the studio coming actress who imitates Arbanen Portokallise. Arbana big laugh by not expecting this surprise. Arbana actress imitates every movement Arbanen true, causing much laughter among the public and residents. Finally, Arbana actress, takes the envelope to announce the Station eleminuarit are Bertina, Graciela and Vale mum that after meeting with residents, left the home.

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