Sunday, April 18, 2010

Big Brother Albania 3: Perfundon Historia Mes Seldit dhe Domenikes!

Big Brother Albania 3: Perfundon Historia Seldi - Domenika, Spektakli #13, 17 Prill 2010

Perfundimi i historise mes Seldit dhe Domenikes
Nje histori e bukur dashurie ka qene ajo mes Seldit dhe Domenikes, cifti i pare i krijuar ne shtepi. Por, raporti i tyre nuk ka qene gjithnje konstant, ata kane patur shpesh ulje dhe ngritje apo ndonjehere edhe ndarje te perkohshme. Duket se kete here, ndjenjat jane thyer ne mes, pasi kjo jave ka qene e mbushur me debate, zenka dhe konfirmim i ndarjes se tyre. Shkak i gjithckaje duket sikur kete here ka qene xhelozia e Seldit ndaj Mirit. Te dy banoret shprehen se nuk nndjehen aspak mire, por nuk shtojne asgje tjeter. Per te kuptuar me mire keto situata, per ta shfaqet nje klip ku dallohen dy debatet kryesore te Seldit me Domeniken per Mirin kryesisht per bisedat dhe ndarjen e cigareve, duke u shfaqur hapur bezdia dhe xhelozia e Seldit. Ne klip shfaqen edhe momentet romantike, te bukura, bisedat e Domit me Mirin, debatet e forta dhe pranimi nga te dy banoret per ndarjen definitive, pavaresisht ekzistences se ndjenjave tek te dy te rinjte. Ne perfundim te klipit, Seldi shprehet se nuk i pelqejne disa sjellje te Domit. Ai mendon se ajo mund ta falte Mirin, por jo ta ekzagjeronte me qendrimin me te aq te afert, gjate gjithe kohes. Sipas tij, kushdo te ishte ne vend te Mirit, ashtu do sillej. Opinionisti, Ariani pyet Seldin nese mendon se Domi ka ndjenja ndaj Mirit apo nese Miri ben kete sjellje ndaj saj per te rritur shikueshmerine ndaj vetes, te cilat ai i mohon pernjehere. Seldi insiston se kur nje njeri te mohon, nuk duhet t’i afrohesh ne ate menyre, pavaresisht se e fal, serish duhet te mbash qendrim. Sipas Arianit, Seldi mendon se Domi duhet te beje ato qe do ai, por Seldi mendon se Domi duhet te beje ato qe do. Ariani pyet edhe Domeniken se pasi ka degjuar prej saj fjale shume te prera ne lidhje me ndarjen dhe Seldin, nese i mendon vertete ato. domi shprehet se ato jane thene ne nxehje e siper, gjate debateve, por qe me Seldin do sqarohet serish jashte, ne rast se ai del kete mbremje. Ariani ka nje pyetje edhe per Mirin. Ai e pyet se nese do i rikthehej serish fillimit, a do kishte te njejtin raport me Domin. Ai pergjigjet se nuk do kishin zenkat, por paqe dhe harmoni. Miri shton se nuk ishte ne dijeni te ketij raporti mes ciftit e shkaktuar prej tij. Sipas tij, e vetmja gje qe donte ishte te rifillonte raportin dhe njohjen me Domin e te krijonin te dy nje ide dhe opinion per njeri-tjetrin. Ai sqaron se nuk kishte ndermend te futej mes tyre. / 2010/
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[[ translation by google:

End of story between Seldit and Domenikes
A beautiful love story she was between Seldit and Domenikes, created the first couple at home. But their relationship was not always constant, they have had ups and downs often or sometimes even a temporary separation. It seems that this time, feelings are broken in the middle, as this week has been filled with debate, brawl and confirmation of their separation. Because of this time everything seems to have been jealousy of Seldit to the best. The two residents said that no nndjehen not good, but not add anything else. To better understand these situations, to show a clip where distinguished two main debates with Domeniken Seldit Miri mainly for conversations and sharing cigarettes, appearing open the Seldit bezdia and jealousy. We also show clips romantic moments, beautiful, Domi conversations with the best, intense debates and acceptance by both people for definitive separation, despite the existence of emotions in both the young. At the end of klipit, says Seldi not like some of Domi behavior. He thinks that she can pray best, but not to ekzagjeronte to stay so close with, at all times. According to him, everyone was in place the best, and will behave. Opinionistin, Ariani Seldin asked if he thinks Domi has feelings to Miri or Miri Ben if this behavior to increase its viewership to himself, which he denies at once. Seldi insists that when a man denies, should not approach in a way, regardless of the pardon, should keep stay again. According Arianit, Domi Seldi thinks they should do that he will, but Domi Seldi thinks they should do that will. Ariani also questioned Domeniken that has heard of it as very large cut in relation to separation and Seldin, if he really believes them. Domi says that they are in heat for the above said during debates, but with Seldin will explain again outside in case he comes this evening. Ariani is a question for the best. He asks that if the rikthehej start again, will have the same relation with Domi. He replies that do not have contention, but peace and harmony. Best added that it was not aware of this relationship between the couple caused by it. According to him, the only thing you wanted was to resume with the report and the recognition of Domi create both an idea and opinion for each other. He explains he has no intention to fall between them.

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