Sunday, April 18, 2010

Big Brother Albania 3: TATIANA ELIMINOHET!

Big Brother Albania 3: Tatiana eliminohet, Spektakli #13, 17 prill 2010

Tatiana, e eleminuara e radhes

Arbana fton banoret qe te jene te vemendshem pasi tashme ka ardhur momenti per te mesuar se cili do te eleminohet. Katert te nominuarit ndjehen me te emocionuar sesa me pare dhe emocionet vijojne te rriten ne cdo moment. Arbana njofton se banoret qe shpetojne te paret jane Hakiu dhe Seldi. Dy banoret e fundit qe mbeten ne gare jane Mandi dhe Tatiana dhe banorja qe eleminohet eshte Tatiana. Ajo menjehere takohet me banoret per te shkuar ne studion e Big Brother. Tatiana edhe pse e merzitur, perpiqet te mos e shfaqe. Banori qe ndjehet me keq eshte Hakiu i cili rri i heshtuar.

Opinionisti, Ariani shprehet se dalja e Tatianes ishte e papritur per ta dhe kjo u reflektua edhe nga reagimet e publikut. Sipas tij, dalja e Tatianes mund te kete ardhur pikerisht nga origjina e saj, italiane dhe mundesia per te patur me pak perkrahes sa pjesa tjeter e banoreve, ky mund te quhej nje disavantazh per te.

Tatiana ne studion e BB

Tatiana mirepritet me nje duartrokitje te forte nga publiku. Ajo duket e kenaqur nga kjo pritje, por shprehet se u merzit qe doli, pasi si cdo konkurent, do donte qe te shkonte deri ne fund te kesaj aventure. Gjithsesi ajo shprehet e kenaqur qe shqiptaret e duan. Per kete eksperience, ajo shprehet se ndjehet e kenaqur pasi ka provuar ndjenja dhe emocione qe ndryshojne nga jeta jashte, por fakti qe qendronin mbyllur pa patur mundesi te dilte, e mundonte pak. Sipas saj, banori me i sinqerte eshte Hakiu ndersa me pak i sinqert eshte Seldi dhe ky mendim vjen nga disa biseda qe ajo ka degjuar mes tij dhe Domit ku kjo e fundit i thoshte se nese do fillonte te fliste, do ishte ne disfavor per te. Keto fjale e bene te mendoje se Seldi nuk ishte i sinqert. Ajo shikon edhe klipin me momentet me te bukura ne shtepi dhe thashethemet e banoreve per te. ne fund te klipit eshte Olta qe mendon se ajo manipulohej nga Miri. Tatiana shprehet se ajo kishte dhe bazohej vetem ne mendimet e saja per te tjeret. Ajo thote se kete sjellje qe pati ne shtepi, e ka edhe ne jeten jashte. Ariani, opinionisti mendon se ajo ka qene teper spontane dhe origjinale, ndryshe nga banoret e tjere. Ai e pyet ne lidhje me dashurine qe ka ajo si per nenen e vertete, ashtu edhe per familjen e ish te dashurit a eshte ndopak e ekzagjeruar kjo sjellje. Tatiana pergjigjet se familjen e ish te dashurit e do fort. Ai e pyet edhe nese fakti qe do te vetvendos dhe nena e saj nuk e ka lejuar, ndersa familja tjeter nuk nderhyn, mund te jete nje arsye e kesaj dashurie dhe Tatiana pohon. /
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[[ translation by google:

Tatiana, the next eliminated one

Arbana invites residents to be careful because now the time has come to learn what will be eliminated. Four nominees to feel excited than before, and emotions continue to grow at any moment. Arbana reports of people who save money are Hakiu and Seldi. Two people who I remain in the race are Mandi and Tatiana and Tatiana residents that is eliminated. She immediately meets with residents to go to the Big Brother studio. Tatiana even bored, trying not to appear. Resident evil is felt that hang Hakiu heshtuar.

Opinionistin, Ariani says Tatianes exit was unexpected for them and this was reflected by the reactions of the public. According to him, the emergence of Tatianes may have come precisely from its origin, the Italian and the opportunity to have fewer supporters than the rest of the residents, this can be called a disadvantage for him.

Tatiana the BB studio

Tatiana welcomed with a strong applause from the audience. She seems pleased by this expectation, but says it bother that came after as any competitor would like to go to the end of this adventure. However she expressed satisfaction that the Albanians want. For this experience, she says it feels satisfied after having experienced feelings and emotions that change from life outside, but the fact that stay closed without having the opportunity to appear, the mundonte bit. According to her, with honest capita is less Hakiu while honest opinion is Seldi and this comes from several conversations she heard between him and Domi where the latter had said that if it will start to speak, would be the drawback to . These words did not think that was true Seldi. It also looks klipin with beautiful moments at home, and rumors of residents. At the end of klipit Olta who thinks that she manipulohej from Miri. Tatiana says that she and based only on its thoughts to others. She says that this behavior was at home, and some life abroad. Ariani, opinionistin think it was more spontaneous and original, unlike other people. He asks about the love that has it as the true mother, as well as for the family of former loved ones is a little exaggerated this behavior. Tatiana responds that the family of former loved ones will be hard. He also questioned whether the fact that will vetvendos and her mother has not allowed, while another family did not interfere, may be a reason of this love and Tatiana claims.

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