Sunday, April 18, 2010

Nora Istrefi Nudo ne Klipin e Ri!

/photo entermedia/

Nora Istrefi Nudo ne Klipin "Dy Shoke"

Qysh heret mediat paralajmeruan se Nora do te duket me e zhveshur se asnjehere me pare ne klipin e saj me te ri "Dy shoke" (kliko per video). Nora nje gje te tille e kishte mohuar duke thene:

"Do te kene rastin edhe shikuesit qe te shohin videoklipin dhe te verejne se asgje nuk do te jete vulgare. Eshte nje videoklip i thjeshte, por qe ka disa detaje kompjuterike"

Dhe vertete aty kishte disa "pupla kompjuterike" qe kishin qellimin te mbulojne paksa Noren e cila dukej plotesisht e zhveshur. Natyrisht, nuk eshte fjala per vulgare, ne te kunderten, ajo duket shume bukur. Dhe jo pse kemi ndonje ankese ne lidhje me kete por vetem duam qe te konstatojme faktin qe ajo eshte nudo para kamerave. Nuk ka dyshim qe fansat e Nores do te deshironin te shohin ate te zhveshur per cdo dite dhe jo vetem ne kete klip.

Perndryshe, Nora ka pasur nje ftese per "VIP Shpija" te cilen ajo e kishte refuzuar per arsye te angazhimeve rreth ketij klipi dhe per arsyen tjeter se nuk eshte e gatshme te vezhgohet 24 ore nen kamera. Mirepo, ajo na befasoi kete vikend duke qene mysafire ne "VIP Shpija" dhe e shijoi paksa jeten nen vezhgim te kamerave. Ajo tha se ka percjellur spektaklin nga jashte dhe se ndoshta ka bere gabim qe nuk ka hyre qe ne fillim pasi qe i pelqen ambienti dhe atmosfera e krijuar ne shtepi.
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[[ translation by google:

Nora Istrefi Nudo in the clip "Two Friends"

Since before the media warned that Nora would seem naked than ever before in its klipin new "two friends" (click for video). Nora such a thing was denied, saying:

"You will have an opportunity to see the video viewer and notice that nothing would be vulgar. It is a simple video, but there are some computer details"

And indeed there were some "feathers computer" that had little purpose Noren cover that looked completely naked. Of course, there is no vulgar word, on the contrary, she seemed very nice. And why have not any complaints about this but just want to realize the fact that it is nudo before the cameras. Nu doubt that fans will want Nores see him naked every day and not only in this clip.

Otherwise, Nora has had an invitation for "VIP leads" which she had refused because of commitments about the clips and the other reason that is not readily observed under 24 hour camera. However, she was a guest this weekend on "VIP leads" and enjoyed a bit of life under surveillance cameras. She said she has followed the spectacle from the outside and that probably made a mistake that has no access at the start after that like ambiance and atmosphere created at home.

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