Monday, April 12, 2010

Big Brother Albania 3: OLTA ELIMINOHET!

Big Brother Albania 3: Olta Eliminohet, Spektakli #12, 10 Prill 2010 (10.04.2010)

Olta, e eleminuara e mbremjes
Arbana u komunikon banoreve vendimin e publikut se cili prej tyre duhet te lere shtepine kete mbremje. Te gjithe duken te emocionuar, sidomos banoret qe jane ne nominim. Fillimisht ajo permend emrat e dy banoreve qe i kane shpetuar eleminimit, respektivisht Jetmiri dhe Hakiu. Ky vendim pritet me duartrokitje nga publiku. Olta dhe Manal, dy vajzat kapen perduarsh ne pritje te vendimit. Ato duken vertete te emoconuara. Arbana tregon se banorja qe eleminohet, eshte Olta duke perfunduar keshtu aventuren e saj ne kete loje. Ne fytyren e Oltes vihet re nje habi, ndersa Manal entuziazmohet e fillon te gezoje. Prane dy vajzave shkojne banoret sipas raporteve qe kane. Prane Manal shkojne Miri, Hakiu, Tatiana te cilet e pergezojne per qendrimin. Prane Oltes shkojne Klodi, Domi, Mandi, Seldi dhe Erioni qe duken te merzitur per largimin e saj. Olta pershendetet me te gjithe me radhe dhe niset per ne studio. Edhe pse nuk e jep veten, ajo duket e merzitur. Pasi del Olta, Klodi dhe Domenika qendrojne ne oborr te perqafuar e te merzitur. Ne shtepi, te tjeret duken me te qete, ndersa ne fytyren e Mirit duket gezim.

Olta ne studion e BB
Olta vjen ne studio dhe mirepritet me nje duartrokitje. Ajo shprehet se nuk e priste dhe u cudit qe doli, por kete gje e di publiku. Olta thote se ka dashur gjithnje qe te votohet si Olta, e forte e per ate qe jep aty. Arbana e pyet per pozicionimin e saj mes raportit te Erionit dhe Bertines. Ajo shprehet se ka qene korrekte ndaj tyre, s’donte te hynte ne mes apo te prishte lidhjen e tyre. Olta mendon se tek Erioni, nga sjellja e tij, ka pare se lidhja ishte nje loje e po keshtu edhe nga Bertina. Ajo thekson serish se eshte nje mike e mire me Erionin. Arbana e pyet edhe per raportin me Mirin dhe ajo tregon se u prish raporti mes tyre pas nje ofeze te tij dhe qe nuk i kerkoi asnjehere falje si dhe qe thoshte gjera jo te verteta. Biseda rikthehet serish tek Erioni. Opinionisti shprehet se nga sjellja e saj e hapur, kishte kuptuar se ajo e pelqente Erionin, por kur perseriste vazhdimisht se e kishte mik, atehere i dukej si nje hipokrite qe nuk thoshte te verteten. Olta pergjigjet se te dy, si ajo dhe Erioni kane luajtur, por nuk e do ate. Ajo pranon se nuk i pelqen ne ate aspekt Erioni e nuk do lidhej me te edhe nese do ishte i palidhur. Ariani mendon se Olta kishte vetem deshiren te bente Bertinen te ndjehej keq, por ajo thote se fillimisht donte qe ata te pranonin se pelqeheshin. Arbana e nderpret duke i thene se ajo, duke e konsideruar Erionin mik dhe qe ai u lidh me nje person qe ajo nuk pelqente, duhej te sillej ndryshe e jo ta provokonte ate. Olta mohon se e ka provokuar ashtu sic pretendojne ata. Per Erionin ajo thote se nuk eshte naiv dhe se i kupton situatat. Per Olten shfaqet edhe klipi i pergatitur per te. me pas ajo komenton me disa nga ish banoret, si Gracielen e cila u gezua tej mase kur ajo doli. Graciela i thote se ajo nuk ka pse te mbaje ate qendrim fals, se eshte zhgenjyer prej saj. Graciela pranon se ka patur simpati per te, por deri ne ditet e para pasi maska e saj ra. Edhe Rezarta flet me te. Olta tregon se kane patur nje raport te mire, deri sa Rezi beri lojen, po ajo mendon se Olta, nese do ishte shoqe e mire, do i kishte trguar per lojen e Mirit e jo ta kishte shfrytezuar situaten per te nxjerre Mirin keq. Rezarta i thote gjithashtu se ajo nuk eshte perballur kurre vetem me banoret por gjithnje ka patur me vete banoret e tjere si pershembull Aden, Bledin apo ndonje tjeter. Olta ia kthen se vetem ka hyre ne ate loje. /
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[[ translation by google:

Olta, the eliminated of the evening
Arbana informs residents of public decision which of them should leave the house this evening. All seem excited, especially people who are in the nomination. Initially, it mentions the names of two residents who have survived elimination, respectively Jetmiri and Hakiu. This decision met with applause from the audience. Olta and Manal, the two girls caught perduarsh pending decision. Emoconuara They look real. Arbana shows that residents who eliminated, thus completing Olta is her adventure in this game. In the face of Oltes noticed a surprise, while Manal entuziazmohet begins to enjoy. Two girls go at people who have reportedly. Manal go near Miri, Hakiu, Tatiana Praise for which the position. At Oltes go Klodi, Domi, Mandi, and Erion Seldi that seem to upset about her departure. Olta greet with all the time and leave for the studio. And why not give yourself, she looks bored. After del Olta, Domenik Klodi and stay in the yard of the embrace of the upset. At home, others seem to be quiet, and we face the joy seems Miri.

Olta in the BB studio
Olta comes in the studio and welcomed with applause. She says do not wait and wonder that came out, but the public knows this. Olta says he always wanted to vote as Olta, strong and for what it gives. Arbana asks for her position among Erion and Bertines report. She says it was correct to them, s'donte entering the middle or to undermine their relationship. Olta thinks to Erion, by his conduct, has seen that the connection was a game is so well Bertina. It emphasizes again that is a good friend with Erion. Arbana also asked to report the best and it shows that their relationship broke down after one of his ofeze not never asked forgiveness and to say things not true. The conversation returns again to Erion. Opinionistin says her conduct open, he realized that she liked Erion, but when it was constantly reiterated friend, then looked like a hypocritical not saying the truth. Olta replies that the two, as she and Erion have played, but it does not. It acknowledges that we do not like that aspect of Erion not linked to the case would be unrelated. Olta Ariani thinks he only wish to make Bertinen of felt bad, but she says they initially wanted to accept that pelqeheshin. Arbana interrupts saying that she, considering Erion friend and that he was connected with a person who liked it, had to behave differently, not to provoke it. Olta denies it has provoked as they claim. For Erion it says it is not naive and understand situations. For Olten appears prepared to clips. then she comments on some of the former residents, as Gracielen which was extremely gezua when it came out. Graciela says she does not have to keep that attitude false, he is disappointed by it. Graciela admits that there was sympathy for, but up in the early days when her mask fell. Even Rezarta speak with. Olta shows have had a good report, until Rezi made game, but she thinks that Olta, if we were good friends, will trguar had to play the best I had not used its best to bring the situation worse. Rezarta also says that it is not faced only with people but never ever has had with other people like themselves Aden example, or any other Bledin. Olta turn only entered in that game.

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