Monday, May 10, 2010


Big Brother Albania 3: Domenika Finaliste, 8 Maj 2010

Domenika, finalistja e pare e BB

Kjo eshte java e fundit per banoret dhe pas daljes se Mandit, ata mendojne se tashme jane te gjithe finaliste. Por, kjo gje nuk eshte vendosur ende. Ndryshe nga heret e tjera, kete mbremje do kete serish nominime, por ne nje tjeter forme. Banoret shkojne nje nga nje ne dhomen e rrefimit dhe ne menyre sekret, thone emrin se cili banor do donin qe te shkonte menjehere ne finale. Miri thote per Erionin, Erioni per Mirin, Jona dhe Klodi per Domeniken, ndersa Domi per Klodin. Keshtu, banorja e pare qe shkon ne finale pasi ka marre dy kandidatura eshte Domenika. Keshtu ajo eshte finalistja e pare e ketij edicioni. Nderkohe, kater banoret e tjere do te shkojne ne nominim, si gjithnje ku nje prej tyre do te votohet per te lene shtepine, pra nje nominim i zakonshem. Arbana ua komunikon kete vendim banoreve. Domenika kenaqet, ndersa te tjeret habiten me kete forme te re nominimi. Ata nuk jane te qarte se cdo behet me ta, por Arbana u thote se jane ne nominim te katert e nje prej tyre nuk do jete finalist. Per kete do votohet tere javen. Nderkohe, banoret dalin ne kopsht per te shijuar nje drke te mrekullueshme te pergatitur enkas per ta.. Keshtu ata fillojne nga komentet si dhe te shijojne darken. /
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[[ translation by google:

Domenik, the first finalists of BB

This is the last week residents of Mandi and after retirement, they think that now are all finalists. But this is not decided yet. Unlike other early, again this evening will have nominations, but in another form. People go one by one in the room and so secret confessions, say the name of a resident who would like to go immediately to the final. Miri says to Erion, Erion for the best, Jonah and the Domeniken Klodi, while Domi for Klodi. Thus, residents of the first moves after taking the final two is Domenik candidacy. So it is the first finalist of this edition. Meanwhile, four other people will go to the nomination, as ever, where one of them would vote to leave home, so a normal nomination. This decision Arbana communicate their residents. Domenik satisfy, while others wonder with this new nomination form. They are not made clear that any of them, but Arbana says the four are in the nomination of one of them will not be a finalist. For this entire week will vote. Meanwhile, people go in the garden to enjoy a wonderful drke prepared especially for them .. So they begin from the comments and enjoy dinner.

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