Sunday, May 9, 2010

Valton Krasniqi Puthet Me Modelen Nora Asani...

Valton Krasniqi, puthet me top modelen Nora Asani ne klipin e ri

Kengetari kosovar Valton Krasniqi, mesa duket ka gjetur nje strategji te mire per te rene ne sy, dhe per te bere me shume karriere ne muzike. Sekreti i tij jane femrat e bukura qe fton ne klipe, te cilat ne shumicen e rasteve jane modele. Keshtu ka bere dhe me klipin me te ri balade “Sonte”, xhirimet per te cilin jane realizuar ne rruget kryesore te Parisit. Kesaj here, ai ka zgjedhur te luaje ne klip me fotomodelen shqiptare, e njohur ne Zvicer, Gjermani dhe Shtetet e Bashkuara te Amerikes, 23-vjecaren Nora Asani.

“Sonte” duket sikur behet fjale per nje flirt qe ka zgjatur vetem nje nate. Eshte keshtu, apo jo?

Jo ne fakt eshte e kunderta, pasi fabula e klipit ben fjale per nje lidhje mes meje dhe nje vajze qe une e kam dashuruar vertet, por fatkeqesisht ndahemi shume papritur. Keshtu une mbetem i vetmuar ne rruget e Parisit, ku sjell ne mendje kujtimet me te. Klipi eshte shume romantik, ka momente prekese te ndjenjave te verteta te dashurise dhe vjen si muzike e perzier; Pop dhe R and B.

Pse zgjodhet per kete klip fotomodelen Nora Asani, njiheshit me pare

Ishte nje propozim qe i bera une, per faktin se me pelqen karriera qe ajo ka bere ne Evrope dhe Amerike si fotomodele, nderkohe qe di te aktroje. Per here te pare e kam takuar Noren para tre vitesh por nuk kemi kontaktuar rregullisht, per shkak te udhetimeve te saj te vazhdueshme ne SHBA, ku punon per agjenci te ndryshme mode.

Cfare ju ka terhequr tek ajo per ta ftuar protagoniste ne klip?

Me terheq pamja e saj seksi, eshte e sjellshme dhe shume e zgjuar.

That me siper qe Nora di te aktroje, ka pranuar ajo skena puthjesh ne klip?

Edhe pse dua te mos shuaj kuriozitetin pasi klipi ende s’eshte publikuar, mund te them se kemi realizuar skena puthjesh te cilat shfaqen ne plan te dyte. Kjo pasi ne ekran diktohet nje forme censure, qe puthja nuk duket ne plan te pare. Mund te them se per mua eshte nje kujtim i paharrushem, pasi behet fjale per nje aktrim modern.

Ky eshte klipi i pare ku ju dilni me skena provokative?

Ne klipet e mia vertete nuk ka pasur puthje direkte, por nuk kane munguar asnjehere skenat provokative si ne klipin “E imja s’je”. /panorama plus/maj 2010/
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[[ translation by google:

Valton Krasniqi, kiss the top modelen Nora Asani in new klipin

Valton Krasniqi Kosovo singer, apparently has found a good strategy for the fallen in the eyes, and make more career in music. His secret of beautiful women who are inviting the videos, which in most cases are models. Has done so with the new klipin saga "Tonight" recordings for which are performed in main streets of Paris. This time, he has chosen to play the clips with the Albanian fotomodelen, known in Switzerland, Germany and the United States of America, 23-vjecaren Nora Asani.

"Tonight" comes to seem a flirtation that lasted only one night. So, or not?

Not the opposite, in fact, after the fable comes to klipit makes a connection between me and a girl who I've really loved, but unfortunately many depart unexpectedly. So I remain alone on the streets of Paris, which bring to mind memories with. Clips is very romantic, has moments of touching the emotions of love and truth comes as a mixed music, pop and R and B.

Why did you choose for this clip fotomodelen Nora Asani, previously known?

It was a proposal that I made, I like the fact that it has made careers in Europe and America as fotomodele, while the aktroje know. For the first time I met Noren three years but have not contacted regularly, because of her constant travel in the U.S., where different agencies working for the mode.

What attracted you to invite it to protagonists in clips?

With her appearance attracts sex, is polite and very smart.

Dry above that Nora knows the aktroje, she received the kiss scene videos?

Although not want to quench curiosity as none yet published clips, you can say that we realized that kiss scene displayed in the second plan. This is because the screen dictated a form of censure, that kiss did not appear in the first plan. You can say that for me is a reminder of paharrushem, as it comes to a modern acting.

This is the first clips of the scenes where you get provocative?

In my real property and had no direct kiss, but there have been provocative scenes ever as we klipin "The mine Province.

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