Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Vedat Ademi: Bashkeshortja Fansja Ime me e Cmendur!

Vedat Ademi: “Fansja ime me e cmendur eshte bashkeshortja”

Do te jete me ne sot ne “Bluetooth”, edhe nje nga pretendentet kryesor per cmimin e madh ne ‘Top Fest 7’. Kengetari Vedat Ademi, qe me te kenduarin e tij “live” kenaq gjithe degjuesit, rrefen sot shume nga prapaskenat e ketij konkurrimi. Nderkaq, ai tregon edhe per bashkeshorten e tij, e cila eshte fansja me e cmendur e Vedatit. Mendon qe ne vere te realizoje nje tur koncertor ne te gjitha trojet shqipfolese per te promovuar albumin e tij te pare, te cilin tashme e ka mbaruar... Keto dhe te tjera detaje nga jetesa aktuale e kengetarit Ademi, ua percjellim sot ne kete interviste...

Ku jeni ne keto momente, dhe me cfare jeni duke u marre?

Jam aktiv me muziken live ne “pub-et” e Tiranes, marr pjese ne ‘Top Fest 7’ me kengen “Koha s’kthehet”, kompozitor i se ciles eshte Kledi Bahiti. Tani per momentin jam duke u marre me provat e ‘Top Festit’ per naten finale.

Si ndiheni dhe cila eshte arsyeja qe ju ka bere te riktheheni ne kete festival?

Emocionet e ‘Top Festit’ jane te shumta. Marredhenia e pare ne Shqiperi per mua ka qene me kete festival. ‘Top Fest’ eshte nje festival modern, qe i jep mundesine gjithe artisteve per te promovuar kenget e tyre. Jam ndiere shume mire, kjo ka qene arsyeja qe kam marr pjese.

Duke qene se kete vit ‘Top Fest’ do te jete ‘live’, mendon se kjo do te ndikoje pozitivisht ne vleresimin sa me te plote te kenges dhe interpretimit tuaj?

Kete vit eshte shume pozitive qe Festivali eshte ‘live’. Nje kengetar duhet te kendoje kengen e vet, ndryshe nuk eshte kengetar. Eshte iniciative shume e madhe, eshte shume e vleresuar nga ana ime dhe e artisteve qe kendojne ‘live’.

Nga se perbehet grupi juaj?

Grupi perbehet nga 4 persona; une, Julian Kocaj (guitar), Kledi Bahiti (Vokali), Erion Medha (Drums).

Keni pasur ndonjehere keqkuptime mes grupit tuaj?

Ne kemi gjetur mirekuptimin ne grup. Fakti qe kemi 4 vjet bashke, tregon qe jemi shume mire.

Po ben nje vit qe jeni martuar, cfare mendimi ka gruaja juaj per muziken tuaj?

Gruaja ime vjen nga nje familje muzikantesh, vjehrri eshte kompozitor, kunati eshte kitarist, pra lidhjet qe ajo ka me muziken i kane rrenjet qe ne vogeline e saj. Eshte nje mbeshtetje shume e madhe per mua, ka shkruar disa tekste te kengeve te mia dhe eshte fansja ime me e cmendur. Pelqen gjithe kenget e mia, nje nder kenget me te pelqyera te saj eshte kenga e ‘Top Festit’.

Ju keni marre pjese ne shume festivale, keni realizuar disa videoklipe, keni ne repertorin tuaj kenge shume te bukura, perfshire ketu dhe nje prej kengeve me te mira dedikuar dashurise (‘Me mashtruan syte’). Perse nuk keni publikuar ende nje album, kur do te kemi nje album prej Vedat Ademit?

Me behet qejfi qe kenga ime klasifikohet si nder kenget me te bukura te dashurise, sa i perket albumit, si material eshte gati. Ideja eshte qe mund te bej nje tip turneu qe ta promovoj vete. Shpresoj dhe besoj shume qe do dale kete vere, normalisht pjese e albumit do jene 1 ose 2 videoklipe, qe do t’i paraprijne albumit.

Pretendoni cmimin e madh ne ‘Top Fest 7’?

Vleresoj anen e vleresimit, ne radhe te pare, me behet qejfi qe kenga eshte pritur mire nga publiku, eshte kenge moderne e realizuar shume mire. Shpresoj te vleresohet. Sigurisht, per artistin eshte shtyse. Gara eshte shume e forte, ka kenge shume te bukura, me e rendesishme eshte qe performanca te dale mire. /ida kokonozi/bluetooth/maj 2010/
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[[ translation by google:

Vedat Ademi: "My craziest fan is my wife"

Will be with us today in the "Bluetooth", and one of the main contenders for the Grand Prix in the 'Top Fest seven'. Vedat Ademi singer, who with his singing "live" satisfies all listeners, many of today rrefen behind this competition. Meanwhile, he tells his wife about, which is the crazy fans of Vedatit. Thinks that in the summer to realize a concert tour in all territories speaking to promote his first album, which already has expired ... These and other details of the actual existence of the singer Adam, deliver them today in this interview ...

Where are you in these moments, and what are being taken?

I am active with live music in the "pub-et" in Tirana, take part in 'Top Fest 7' with the song "Time it back", whose composer is Kledi Bahiti. Now I'm currently doing tests 'Top Festit' for the final night.

How do you feel and what is the reason that you let us check this festival?

Emotions of 'Top Festit' are numerous. Albania's first relationship for me has been to this festival. 'Top Fest' is a modern festival, which allows all artists to promote their songs. I felt very well, this was the reason that I take part.

Since this year's 'Top Fest' will be 'live', believes that this will positively affect the evaluation as a full song and your interpretation?

This year is very positive that the festival is 'live'. A singer must sing his song, otherwise it is not a musician. Initiative is very great, is very appreciated by my side and the artists who sing 'live'.

By that made your group?

The group consists of four people, I, Kocaj Julian (guitar), Kledi Bahiti (vokalin), Erion large (Drums).

Have you ever had misunderstandings among your group?

We have found understanding in the group. The fact that we have four years together, we show that very well.

What makes a year that you are married, your wife what is thought to your music?

My wife comes from a family the musicians, vjehrri is songwriter, guitarist brother is, so it has links to music that we have rooted her wisp. It is a very big support for me has written several books of my songs and my fans is the madman. I love all of my songs, one song by her is pleasing to the song 'Top Festit. "

You have participated in many festivals, have made some video clips, songs you have in your repertoire very beautiful, and including one of the better songs dedicated to love ('The mashtruan eyes'). Why do not you publish an album yet, when we have an album of Vedat Ademi?

Indulge you with my song becomes classified as among the most beautiful songs of love in terms of album, as material is ready. The idea is that a dude can do that to promote the tournament itself. I hope and believe that more will come out this summer, normally part of the album will be one or two clips, which will precede the album.

Claim Grand Prix in 'Top Fest 7'?

Prize means of evaluation, in the first place, to be please that song is well received by the public, is modern songs performed very well. I hope evaluated. Of course, the artist is driving. Competition is very strong, has very beautiful songs, more important is that good performance to come.

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