Monday, May 17, 2010

Jetmir Salaj: Hyra Per Te Fituar!

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Jetmiri: Hyra ne “Big Brother” per te fituar

Pas me shume se tre muajsh, Jetmiri kurorezohet fitues i edicionit te trete te “Big Brother Albania”. Nuk ka menduar ende se cfare do te beje me cmimin e madh, por di qe jeta e tij ne vazhdim do te ndertohet ne Shqiperi

Thuajse i pagjume, pas nje nate plot emocione, Jetmiri ende nuk e ka prekur realisht shijen e fitores. Vazhdon ta perserise se gjithcka qe ka bere aty brenda, e ka bere per hir te lojes. I konfliktuar thuajse me te gjithe banoret e tjere, Jetmiri shprehet se do te donte qe gjithcka te mbetej ne ate shtepi dhe jashte te ishin miq.

Kane kaluar vetem pak ore nga nata finale e “Big Brother”. Si ndjehesh?

Pa gjume, i lodhur dhe shume konfuz. U bene kater muaj ne izolim dhe cdo gje me duket ndryshe. Me duket vetja si femija i porsalindur qe kerkon te njohe gjithcka perreth tij.

E ke fituar vetedijen e te qenit fitues i cmimit te madh?

Eshte ende shpejt. Me duhet te kthjelloj idete, te kuptoj e te provoj realisht se c’me ka ndodhur.

Ti, jo vetem e perjetove kete aventure, por edhe e finalizove ate. E kishe qellim ne vetvete?

Jam krenar jo vetem per faktin qe realizova nje loje, por edhe per faktin se u bera pjese e saj me idene per ta fituar dhe e realizova. Kam punuar shume per kete. Nuk ka qene e lehte te luftosh me karaktere te ndryshme, me njerez me prejardhje shume ndryshe nga mua, me te cilet e kisha te veshtire te pershtatesha. Kjo loje me ka harxhuar shume kohe, shume kile minus, por “Big Brother” mbetet nje gje unike.

Cdo veprim, debat, perballje, cdo gje qe ka ndodhur brenda shtepise ka qene e menduar ne funksion te lojes?

Une nuk kam pasur strategji ne koke. Ndryshe nga banoret e tjere qe ishin te mirinformuar, une nuk i kam ndjekur edicionet e meparshme te “Big Brother” dhe nuk me ka interesuar kjo lloj bote. Erdha me idene qe te beja kete pervoje ne moshen 25- vjecare. Gjate rruges e kuptova qe duhet te konfrontohesha me te gjithe sepse te gjithe pjesemarresit i kishin te qarta strategjite ne koke. Nuk bera gje tjeter vecse kam sulmuar karakteret e tyre, i kam bere te nxirrnin ne pah ate pjese qe ata donin te fshihnin.

Do te thote se ishte nje zgjedhje e diktuar nga loja?

Po, kjo menyre e te vepruarit m’u diktua brenda shtepise, atehere kur une kuptova realisht se si funksiononte kjo loje. Javet e para m’u desh pak kohe qe te ambientohesha e te kuptoja pritshmerite e banoreve dhe menyren se si arsyetonin. Ne momentin qe kuptova qellimin qe kishin per vazhdimesine e lojes, nuk bera gje tjeter vecse i sulmova ne te gjitha menyrat ne karakteret e tyre.

Nese ai qe kemi pare ishte Jetmiri i lojes se “Big Brother”, si je ti ne te vertete?

Jam nje djale me shume bote, me vizion, i rritur me principe te shendosha, me familje me shume moral. Gezoj nje moral te mire familjar dhe nje status te nje njeriu, besoj te ditur. Per hir te lojes, m’u desh te devijoja nga ai qe jam. Shpeshhere dola ne versionin e arrogantit, te ironikut, provokativit, por keto te gjitha jane pjese e lojes.

Ti u perballe me Domeniken ne finale. Do doje te kishe dale me dike tjeter?

Faktikisht do kisha dashur te dilja me Kiken. Domeniken e kisha menduar ne fillim te lojes ne finale me mua, por pastaj nuk e pashe me si konkurrente te forte. Ne momentin qe gjate rruges hasa Kiken, nje djale shume i mire dhe njeri i respektuar, qe vlente, kemi pasur gjate gjithe kohes konfrontim, secili ne menyren e tij.

U merzite shume kur Erioni u eliminua. Pse?

Doja qe une dhe Erioni te ishim ne finale, pavaresisht se kush e fitonte nga ne te dy.

Marredhenia juaj ka pasur edhe luhatje, edhe distanca. Dy javet e fundit ishit me te lidhur se kurre. Ishte njefare aleance?

Ne kemi qene te lidhur nga fillimi ne fund. Per menyren se si e mendoj une jeten, pavaresisht se sa shok mund te jene dy njerez, kane nevoje per hapesirat e tyre. Une i kam lejuar hapesiren e tij dhe Erioni me ka lejuar hapesirat e mia. Ai nisi nje histori me Bertinen, ne te njejten kohe une nisa nje histori me Rezarten dhe donim s’donim do distancoheshim ne njefare menyre.

Te flasim pak per Rezin. Disa nga banoret e kane quajtur lidhjen tuaj pjese te lojes dhe shpesh Rezin si “viktime”?

Eshte me se normale qe ne pozicionin qe ndodheshin te gjithe do provonin me cdo menyre te diskreditonin figuren time. Do te godisnin Rezarten, mua dhe keto ishin armet qe kishin per te luftuar.

U prishen ekuilibrat e tu me hyrjen e Enxhit?

Jo. Ne kemi pasur nje marredhenie shoqerore, pavaresisht se si mund te jete interpretuar. Ajo kishte hyre per te bere nje loje, te cilen e luajti shume mire dhe besoj se do te mbetemi miq.

C’do te besh me cmimin prej njeqind milione lekesh?

Eshte shume shpejt per te dhene pergjigje. Nuk e kam menduar. Ngjarjet kane rrjedhur ne nje cikel: kur nisesh per te ndjekur nje rruge, nuk e di as si e as sa do te zgjase. Ne momentin qe hyn ne loje, parate duken thjesht nje enderr. Kur i prek realisht, atehere nisin te behen llogaritjet se cfare mund te besh me to.

Je banori qe thuajse je konfliktuar me te gjithe konkurrentet e tjere. Do te mbesin ne ate shtepi debatet. Si do te vijojne marredheniet jashte shtepise?

Ndodhi qe te gjithe qe dilnin nga loja, shkonin e shfryheshin ne studio per pakenaqesite. Mundoheshin qe ta vazhdonin edhe jashte lojes pjesen e konfliktit, por une i dua shume te gjithe. Eshte nje loje dhe nese jane njerez te rritur, te pergjegjshem dhe me moral te shendoshe ashtu si ata e quajne veten, do mjaftonte te takoheshim dhe gjithcka qe beme brenda t’i linim brenda. Ne fund te fundit, jam njeri pozitiv.

Ke shume pak kohe qe je kthyer ne Shqiperi. E ke menduar se ku do te vazhdoje jeta jote?

Une jetoj shqip, mendoj shqip, arsyetoj shqip. Pavaresisht se kam ikur i vogel dhe per nje kohe te gjate kam jetuar jashte, mendja dhe zemra jane ne Shqiperi. Pavaresisht te gjithave, dukem si nje djale qe jam rritur ne nje geto shqiptare. Pervec menyres se komunikimit qe njohen prej meje gjate lojes, do te kem mundesi te tregoj qe jam njeri edhe i arsyes, i moralit, i edukates, i etikes, i shkolluar dhe i profilizuar. Shpresoj qe t’i tregoj te gjitha keto. /gazeta shqip/maj 2010/
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[[ translation by google:

Jetmiri: I entered the "Big Brother" to win

After more than three months, Jetmiri crowned winner of the third edition of "Big Brother". There is still thinking what to do with the Grand Prix, but knows that his life continued to be built in Albania

Almost sleepless after a night full of emotions, Jetmiri has not really affected the taste of victory. Continues to repeat that everything that has made it inside, and has done for the sake of the game. I konfliktuar almost all other people, says Jetmiri would like everything to remain in the home and abroad were guests.

Passed only a few hours from the final night of "Big Brother". How do you feel?

No sleep, very tired and confused. He did four months in isolation and everything seems different. With it seems like the newborn child who wants to recognize anything around it.

And you gain awareness of being the winner of great price?

It is still early. I need to crystallize ideas, to understand and to prove it really happened c'me.

You not only experienced this adventure, but also finalised it. You had it as a goal in yourself?

I am proud of the fact that not only fulfilled a game, but the fact that part of it was made with the idea to win and fulfilled. I worked hard for this. Was not easy to fight with various characters, with people with backgrounds very different from me, with whom I had difficult to pershtatesha. This game has spent more time, minus the extra pounds, but "Big Brother" remains a unique thing.

Every action, debate, perballje, everything that happened inside the house was designed in view of the game?

I have not had a strategy in the head. Unlike other people who were knowledgeable, I have not attended previous editions of "Big Brother" and is not concerned with this kind of world. I came with the idea that the Beja this experience at age 25 - years. On our way to be realized with all konfrontohesha because all participants had clear strategies in the head. There I made nothing but attack their characters, I made the point that part of the issue that they wanted to hide.

Means that it was a choice dictated by the game?

Yes, this way of doing things dictated to me the house, then when I really realized how this game function. Weeks before it took me a while to understand ambientohesha expectations of residents and how they argued. When that goal was realized for the continuation of the game had not made anything else except the sulmova in all ways in their characters.

If he was Jetmiri we have seen of the game that "Big Brother", as we really are you?

I am a guy with more life, the vision, the principles of adult healthy, moral family more. Enjoy a good moral family and a status of a man, I believe you know. For the sake of the game, I had to be deviating from that. Often came in arrogant version, the ironikut, provokativit, but these are all part of the game.

You Domeniken faced in the final. Church will take to come up with someone else?

I had actually wanted to dilja the pinnacle. Domeniken I had thought at the beginning of the game in the finals with me, but then I saw the how strong competitive. When the long road pinnacle Hasan, a very good boy and respected man, who was worth, we had confrontation at all times, each in his own way.

Was very bored when Erion was eliminated. Why?

Erion that I wanted and we were in the final, regardless of who wins out in both.

Your relationship has been the fluctuations, even remotely. Last two weeks were associated with than ever. It was a certain alliance?

We have been associated from the beginning to end. For the way I think life, regardless of how much shock can be two people, they need their space. I've allowed him space and Erion has allowed my spaces. He started a story with Bertinen, at the same time I started a story with me and wanted Rezarten distancoheshim s'donim will in some way.

Talk a bit about Rezi. Some people have called from your part of the game and often Rezi as "victim"?

It is normal for the position that there were all tried in every way will be diskreditonin my figure. Will godisnin Rezarten, me and these were weapons that had to fight.

They break down your balances with Engin's entry?

No. We have had a social relationship, regardless of how you can be interpreted. She had entered to make a game, which played very well and I believe will remain friends.

What does it do with the price of one hundred million lek?

It is too early to answer. I thought not. Events have leaked in a cycle: when nisesh to follow a road, do not know either how or how long it will last. When you enter the game, money seem just a dream. When you touch a real, then start to become what calculations can do with them.

You are almost konfliktuar resident with all the other competitors. Will remain in that house debates. How will the following relationships outside the home?

Events that all who break the game, go in the studio for the shfryheshin dissatisfaction. I tried to continue the game out of part of the conflict, but I love most of all. It is a game and if people are adults, responsible and healthy moral as they call themselves, will suffice a meeting and there was everything in them linim inside. After all, I am a positive person.

You have very little time that you are back in Albania. And you thought where you will continue your life?

I live in Albanian, Albanian think, justify package. Although small and I left for a long time I lived abroad, mind and heart are in the country. Despite all this, look like a guy who I grew up in a ghetto Albanian. Besides the communication methods that recognized by me during the game, will I be able to tell that the man of reason, of morality, of education, of ethics, enlightened and profiled. I hope to tell all these.

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