Monday, May 10, 2010

Hakiu: Publiku Me Do!

Hakiu: “Publiku mendon se jam fitues”

Arbana fton Hakiun qe te vije per te bere intervisten me te dhe te shohe klipin me momentet me te bukura e me te vecanta qe ka kaluar ne BB. Hakiu shprehet se kjo ishte nje sfide e bukur, e veshtire dhe duhet shume kurajo qe te jesh pjese e saj. Arbana e pyet se cfare mendon ai qe e penalizoi e qe doli ne televotimin e kaluar. Hakiu mendon se nuk doli nga publiku sepse nga reagimi i publikut tani qe ka dale ka kuptuar se eshte shume i pelqyer. Ai mendon se mund te kete gabuar diku. Arbana e sqaron se ky ishte vendimi i publikut dhe i kujton se ndryshimi te perqindja ndermjet tij dhe Mirit ishte shume e vogel. Ndersa shikon klipin me momentet e bukura, Hakiu nuk qesh shume, por rri serioz duke treguar se i vjen keq qe eshte larguar nga ajo shtepi, nga loja. Opinionisti, Ariani mendon se nese do kishte zgjatur vetem dy muaj, Kika me siguri do ishte fituesi i esaj loje. Ai mendon se Kika eshte nje person me shume vlera, i arsyetueshem, plot miresi e nje gjykim te drejt, me nje sjellje per t’u vleresuar, virtyte qe i ka patur gjate gjithe kohes. Ai e pyet nese keto virtyte e kane lodhur publikun pasi nuk kane pare asnje ndryshim ne sjelljen e tij ne situata te ndryshme. Hakiu mendon se jo pasi e ka pare qe publiku e do. Ai mendon se nese do rrinte edhe tre vjet, serish publiku nuk do merzitej me te se do kishte cfare te jepte. Ariani mendon se shumica e njerezve, publikut, jane ndryshe nga ai dhe pasi kalon nje kohe, ata nuk i vleresojne me pasi kthehet ne nje personazh te bezdisshem. Ai e pyet se si e mendon, nese shprehja “jam me i miri” u be e bezdisshme tek publiku. Hakiu pergjigjet se po te mos besosh tek vetja, nuk mund te ecesh perpara ndaj mendon se nuk eshte bezdisur asnje nga ato fjale. /
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[[ translation by google:

Hakiu: "The public thinks that I'm a winner"

Arbana Hakiun invites you to come to do the interview and see klipin with beautiful moments of the individual that has passed in the BB. Hakiu says it was a nice challenge, very tough and have courage to be part of it. Arbana and asks what he thinks of penalizoi of that came in last televotimin. Hakiu thinks that failed because of public reaction that has brought the public now understands that is very liked. He thinks he may be wrong somewhere. Arbana explains that this was the decision of the audience and reminds the percentage difference between him and Miri was very small. While looking klipin with beautiful moments, Hakiu not laugh much, but keep showing serious regrets that she is away from home, from the game. Opinionistin, Ariani thinks that if he had lasted only two months, Kika certainly would esaj game winner. He thinks Kika is a person with many values of arsyetueshem, full of kindness toward a trial, with a behavior to be evaluated, virtues that have been at all times. He asks whether these are virtues of public tired after not have seen any change in his behavior in different situations. Hakiu thinks that not once has seen that the public will. He thinks if he would stay three years, the public will again merzitej with what it would have to give. Ariani think that most people, public, and are different from going after a while, they do not appreciate the return to a character as annoying. He asks how you think, if the phrase "I am the best" became a nuisance to the public. Hakiu replies that it is not to believe in ourselves, can not proceed ahead to think that it is not any of those nagging question.

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