![Big Brother Albania 3](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEildW1k9LHf6tmLmrnM_w3ufyEfYPvLXPksz7n-LchXQ42YqJ18Irnm-zQlpxC609QctC3HCzB2cc_xmeCGSQqtsndRyw0jxtRivdoIOvKg_2Pjk_zdtGQHvmJudwodgbRfxVpIX0oJES-b/s1600/header-01b.jpg)
Perfundon aventura e Edit, Bertina perballet me Olten dhe Aden
Ne nje lidhje direkte, Erioni eshte shprehur se, nese do te hynte edhe nje here ne shtepi, nuk do te krijonte lidhje, ndersa do te kishte me shume afersi me Aden. Tatiana ka rrefyer historine e vertete te dashurise me nje djale shqiptar.
Banoret kane perjetuar emocionet e medha te surprizave, te eliminimit, te kandidimeve, ndersa publiku ka ndjekur nje spektakel plot dinamike. Edi eshte zgjedhur nga publiku per t’u larguar nga shtepia. Bertina eshte perballur me Aden dhe Olten per Erionin, ndersa ky i fundit, ne nje klip ne dhomen e rrefimit, eshte shprehur se, nese do te hynte edhe nje here ne shtepi, nuk do te kishte krijuar lidhje, por do te kishte marredhenie me te aferta me Aden. Gjate spektakleve te se shtunave nuk kane munguar rrefime te sekreteve te medha. Kete radhe ka qene Tatiana ajo qe ka treguar per historine e saj te dashurise me nje djale shqiptar. Permes letres, ajo beri te ditur per publikun por dhe per ish te dashurin se disa kohe me pare ka humbur nje femije te tij.
Shtatzenia e rreme e Domenikes
Domenika dhe Seldi organizuan nje loje per banoret, por edhe per publikun me 1 Prill, diten e genjeshtrave. Domenika i tha me pare Oltes dhe Klodit se ishte shtatzene. Seldi iu bashkua lojes se saj, duke u shtirur shume i shqetesuar. Lajmi eshte perhapur edhe te banoret e tjere, disa prej te cileve kane dyshuar se kjo mund te jete loje. Te pyetur nga Arbana, Domenika dhe Seldi jane shprehur se ka qene paksa e veshtire realizimi i kesaj loje, por jane shprehur te kenaqur qe ia kane dale mbane te bindin publikun.
Zarfet e Kuq
Qe ne fillim te spektaklit, “Vellai i Madh” kishte rezervuar nga nje zarf te kuq per te gjithe te kandiduarit. Ne secilin prej zarfeve qendronte nga nje surprize per te kandiduarit, te cilat jane zbuluar ne vazhdim te spektaklit.
Prova e javes
Qe ne spektaklin e javes se shkuar, u lajmerua se spektakli i “Big Brother 3” do te zgjatej edhe dy jave me shume, ndersa banoret do te kishin mundesine te rrisnin shumen e cmimit te madh permes disa provave qe duhet t’i realizonin gjate kesaj jave. Seldi dhe Tatiana ishin te paret qe provuan te hanin nje pjate makarona me fruta deti te gjalla. Te dy kane tentuar te hane pak nga pjata qe kane perpara. Gjate javes, banoret jane vene ne te tjera sprova. Duhet te hanin nje torte, me tej molle me duar te lidhura e ne perfundim ka qene Edi ai qe ka tentuar te fitoje proven per te shtuar buxhetin. Pasi hap zarfin, ai gjen te shkruar emrin e mikut te tij. Per t’i telefonuar duhet te gjeje ne tre ene telefonin celular dhe numrin te ndare ne dy pjese. Ne njeren prej eneve jane disa kavie, ne tjetren dy mace dhe ne te treten, nje krokodil. Edi arrin te gjeje telefonin dhe numrat dhe komunikon me mikun e ngushte. Pavaresisht kesaj, “Vellai i Madh” nuk e ka quajtur te kaluar proven, prandaj cmimi i madh mbetet ne te njejten vlere, 10 milione leke te reja.
Surpriza e Oltes
“Vellai i Madh” i ka dhene mundesi banoreve te shkruajne nga nje leter. Olta kishte shkruar nje leter per nipin e saj. Ne zarfin e kuq ajo gjen nje foto te nipit te saj, per te cilin ka thene se eshte gjeja me e shtrenjte, ndersa ne dhomen e rrefimit ka gjetur nje loder te tij.
Bertina perballet me Olten dhe Aden
Marredhenia e Erionit dhe Bertines ka qene mjaft e diskutuar brenda dhe jashte shtepise se “Big Brother”. Nga ana tjeter, Olta dhe marredhenia e saj me Erionin ka qene nje arsye e vazhdueshme qe Bertina te ndjehej xheloze gjate kohes qe ka qendruar ne shtepi. Dalja e saj nga shtepia gjate spektaklit te javes se shkuar i ka ndryshuar marredheniet brenda shtepise. Nga ana tjeter, deklarata e Ades javen e kaluar se do te donte ta njihte me mire Erionin kur te dilte nga shtepia, ka shkaktuar reagimin e Bertines. Te dyja vajzat jane ftuar ne studio te perballen me njera-tjetren. Pasi ka treguar se java e pare jashte shtepise ka qene e mbushur plot intervista dhe emisione televizive, Bertina ka replikuar me Aden, per marredhenien me Erionin. Ajo eshte shprehur e kenaqur qe nuk pati shoqeri me Aden brenda shtepise, sepse tashme nga jashte ka pare se ajo kishte bere veprime te uleta dhe kishte thene fjale fyese per te. Bertina i ka thene Ades se fakti qe Erioni i buzeqeshte dhe here i qendronte afer nuk do te thote me patjeter se e ka dashur, por Ada, nga ana e saj, ka thene se Erionin e kishte vetem mik te mire dhe do te donte ta kishte pjese te shoqerise edhe jashte shtepise. Nje klip i Erionit per marredhenien me Olten pas largimit te Bertines, ka shkaktuar reagime te tjera. E ftuar ne dhomen e rrefimit, edhe Olta ka thene se me Erionin ka vetem nje shoqeri te mire dhe vetem kaq. Ajo ka thene se Erioni eshte cliruar pas largimit te Bertines dhe ajo kishte dashur pikerisht kete, te shihte Erionin e vertete. Keto fjale kane shkaktuar irritimin e Bertines, e cila i eshte kundervene Oltes. Ne kete diskutim eshte perfshire edhe Bledari, i cili brenda shtepise kishte shfaqur simpati per Olten, duke i thene se ajo eshte shume energjike e te vazhdoje ashtu sic ka qene. Sqarimin e ketyre marredhenieve e ka bere vete Erioni, permes nje klipi ne dhomen e rrefimit. Ai ka thene se donte te ndjehej me i lire dhe nese do te futej edhe nje here ne shtepine e “Big Brother” nuk do te krijonte marredhenie, por do te kishte me shume afrimitet me Aden. Meqenese Bertina nuk ka qene e bindur nga keto fjale, Erioni eshte thirrur ne dhomen e rrefimit, ku ka pohuar edhe nje here ato qe kishte thene ne dhomen e rrefimit.
Jetmiri takon Rezarten
Prej disa javesh, Jetmiri nuk e perjeton me brenda shtepise lidhjen qe kishte me Rezarten, per shkak te largimit te saj. “Vellai i Madh” kishte menduar qe t’i bente nje surprize. Gjate spektaklit te mbremshem, Jetmiri e takoi Rezarten brenda shtepise. Te dy kane qene te permalluar per njeri-tjetrin. Por surpriza nuk ka mbaruar me kaq. Ne zarfin e kuq, Jetmiri gjen nje foto provokuese te Rezartes me Gjimin. Ne studio ka pasur reagime, ndersa Jetmiri ka thene se nuk behet aspak xheloz per te.
Edi le shtepine
Publiku ka vendosur qe Edi te jete banori i radhes qe le lojen. I kandiduar se bashku me Olten, Jetmirin dhe Manal, Edi ka perfunduar aventuren e tij. Edhe me pare, banoret ishin shprehur shpesh se Edi ishte bere shume i heshtur, nuk po aktivizohej me, prandaj edhe u shprehen qe duhet te largohej ai. /t.ch./prill/2010/
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[[ translation by google:
Edi's adventure ends, Bertina face Aden and Olten
In a direct connection, Erion is said, if we could once again enter the house, will not establish connection, while there will be more close to Aden. Tatiana has rrefyer true love story with an Albanian boy
Residents have experienced the excitement of major surprises, the elimination, of kandidimeve, while the public has followed a dynamic full spektakel. Major is elected by the public to leave the house. Bertina was faced with the Erion Aden and Olten, while the latter, in a room confessions clips, is said, whether to enter the house once, it will not be creating, but will have a relationship with close to Aden. During Saturday shows that there have been stories of big secrets. Tatiana was this time it has shown for her love story with an Albanian boy. Through the letter, she made known to the public but also for ex boyfriend some time ago has lost a child of his.
The false pregnancy Domenikes
Domenik and Seldi staged a play for residents, but also to the public on 1 April, the day lies. Domenik said before Klodi Oltes and was pregnant. Seldi joined her game, being very concerned posed. The news has spread to other people, some of whom have suspected that this might be the game. Asked by Arbana, Domenik and Seldi are expressed to have been somewhat difficult realization of this game, but have expressed satisfaction that have succeeded to convince the public.
Red envelopes
Since the beginning involved in performing, "Big Brother" was booked by a red envelope for all kandiduarit. We stood by each of the envelopes for a surprise kandiduarit, which are involved in performing the following discovered.
Proof of the week
Since last week's spectacle, it was announced that the spectacle of "Big Brother 3" will be extended two more weeks, while residents will have the opportunity to increase the amount of great price through some tests that need to realize during this week. Seldi and Tatiana were sampled first to eat a plate of pasta with seafood and raw fruits. Both have tried to eat the dishes that have slightly ahead. During the week, people are put in other trials. You have to eat a cake, the apple with their hands still connected and in the end it was Major who has tried to win the test to add the budget. Once opened the envelope, he finds written the name of his friend. To call to find the three vessel cell phone number and divided into two parts. We are one of several kavie eneve, the other two and the third cat, a crocodile. Major arrives and find phone numbers and communicates with close friend. Despite this, "Big Brother" has not called to pass the test, so the price remains the same great value, 10 million new lek.
Oltes surprises
"Big Brother" has provided residents the opportunity to write a letter. Olta had written a letter to her nephew. In the red envelope she finds a picture of her nephew, for whom said that is the most expensive, while in the room confessions found a toy to him.
Bertina face and Aden Olten
Erion and Bertines relationship has been very controversial within and outside the home of "Big Brother". On the other hand, Olta and its relationship with Erion has been a constant reason to feel jealous that Bertina while you are staying at home. Output from her home spektaklit last week has changed the relationships within the home. On the other hand, grandsons statement last week that he would like to recognize Erion better when coming out of the house, caused Bertines response. Both girls are invited to the studio to face each other. Having shown that the first week outside the home was packed full of interviews and television, has Bertina replicate in Aden, the relationship with Erion. It is said the company was not satisfied with Aden in the house, because now the outside has seen that she had made low action and had said insulting words to. Bertina has said that the fact that Erion grandsons of smiled and stood near here is not definitely mean he wanted, but Ada, in turn, has said Erion had only good friend and would like to was part of the society outside the home. A clip of the relationship with Erion after leaving the Bertines Olten, has caused other reactions. The guest room confessions, even Olta Erion said that the company has only one good and only that. She has said Erion is released after spending the Bertines and it had been exactly this, to see Erion true. These words have caused the Bertines fume, which is opposed Oltes. In this discussion is included Bledari, which the house had shown sympathy for Olten, saying that she is very energetic and continue as it has been. Clarification of these relationships has made himself Erion clips through a room confessions. He said he wanted to feel with the freedom and if it will fall once the home of "Big Brother" will not create relationships, but would have more afrimitet with Aden. Since Bertina was not convinced by these words, Erion is in the room called confessions, where he once claimed that he had told the House of confessions.
Jetmiri up Rezarten
For some weeks, Jetmiri not experiencing connection with the house that had Rezarten, because of its departure. "Big Brother" was supposed to be making a surprise. During spektaklit mbremshem, Jetmiri Rezarten met inside the house. Both have been homesick for each other. But surprises are not finished with that. In the red envelope, Jetmiri finds a provocative picture of the Gjimin Rezartes. In the studio there was feedback, and said he did not Jetmiri not be jealous of her.
Major home le
The public has decided that the resident Edi be next to leave the game. I run along with Olten, Jetmirin and Manal, Edi has finished his adventure. Even before, people were often expressed that Major had become very quiet, with not aktivizohej thus expressed that he should leave. ]]
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