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Nusja seksi
Me nje stil krejt ndryshe; ekstravagante, e vendosur dhe e bindur ne sukses, e vlereson seksin. E do shume aktrimin, nuk eshte ne lidhje dhe premton duete... Kjo eshte aktorja-kengetarja Shota Baraliu.
Shota, pas sukseseve ne lemin e aktrimit, se fundmi ka pergatitur 5 kenge, te cilat pa dyshim kane zene vend ne top-listat e medieve te ndryshme ne te gjitha trojet shqiptare. Artistja me nje shpirt “vullkan” nga dashuria per kengen dhe muziken ne pergjithesi, per nje periudhe shume te shkurter, ka arritur te rrembeje zemrat e dashamireve te muzikes argetuese.
Sa kenge keni realizuar deri tani?
Shota: Kam realizuar 5 kenge. “E zonja"”, "Une vlej", “Adonisi”, “Kot e ke” dhe “FLM per SMS”, jane kenget e realizuara. Mendoj se kenga “Adonis” ka arritur sukseset me te medha krahasuar me kenget tjera. Po ketu nuk duhet anashkaluar as kengen “FLM per SMS”, ngase edhe kjo eshte duke u pelqyer shume nga adhuruesit, sidomos ne Shqiperi.
Cka i ben te vecanta keto dy kenge?
Shota: Paj... mendoj se profesionalizmi i punimit te ketyre dy kengeve ka qene arsyeja qe publiku po i pelqen. Por, edhe teksti dhe muzika.
Ku jeni paraqitur si kengetare?
Shota: Ne Kengen Magjike kam marre pjese me kengen “Adonis” dhe aty kam arritur ne gjysmefinale.
Kush i shkruan tekstet dhe kush e ben muziken e Shotes?
Shota: Te gjitha tekstet e mia i shkruan Aida Baraku, ndersa muziken e ben Armend Rexhepagiqi.
Cili eshte projekti juaj i fundit ne muzike?
Shota: Tash se fundmi jam paraqitur dhe po garoj ne festivalin tradicional Top-Fest ne Shqiperi. Aty jam duke garuar me kengen “FLM per SMS”, tekstin e se ciles e ka shkruar Aida, ndersa muziken Armendi. Kjo kenge eshte prit shume mire dhe eshte transmetuar shume shpesh, sidomos kohen e fundit dhe po klikohet ne youtube.
E dime se je nje aktore. Ke marre pjese ne shume projekte. Tash se fundmi me muzike. Cili eshte profesioni juaj i vertete?
Shota: Ooo aktrimin nuk e nderroj me asnje profesion ne bote... Me muzike vendosa te merrem per shkak se profesioni i aktorit nuk po vleresohet sa duhet dhe kam dashuri per muziken.
Sa jeni e famshme pas gjithe ketyre angazhimeve?
Shota: Ne Kosove jam me shume e njohur si aktore... Angazhimi ne disa projekte filmike ka bere qe une te jem me e njohur si aktore. Ne Shqiperi jam shume e njohur si kengetare. Atje, shume interesant, eshte mundesia shume me e madhe qe te jesh e popullarizuar. Ne Shqiperi nuk me mungon fama, as ne Kosove jo, ama atje mediet i kushtojne shume rendesi show-biz-it.
Kohet e fundit po flitet se ju keni pas nje lidhje me Erionin e “Big Brother 3”. Sa ka te vertete ketu?
Shota: Sipas gazetave te Shqiperise, une jam martuar disa here. Une kurre ne jeten time nuk kam pas kurrfare lidhjeje me kete djalin e bigut, Erionin. Kjo eshte nje shpifje e paster dhe nuk e di se kujt i ka shkuar mendja te spekuloje keshtu per mua.
A jeni ne ndonje lidhje aktualisht?
Shota: Jo. Jam ne kerkim e siper per ta pasur nje te dashur... Hahahah, por kjo nuk do te jete larg. Besoj se une kur te martohem do te jem nje nuse shume seksi.
Shota sa kujdeset per dukjen?
Shota: Jam kujdesur shume ma heret, por koheve te fundit me pak. Megjithate, ka nje vend te vecante dhe te rendesishem dukja te une.
A keni intervenuar kirurgjikisht ne trupin tuaj?
Shota: Kurre ne jete edhe jam shume kunder ketij fenomeni.
Te flasim pak per seksin. Sa eshte i rendesishem seksi per ty?
Shota: Hahah seksiii hemeee... Seksi eshte pjese e jetes dhe e bej rralle e mire. Hahahaha...
Cfare presim nga ju? Keni ndonje plan rreth muzikes?
Shota: Po, e kam ndermend te gjitha kenget me i permbledh ne nje album... dhe pervec kesaj ne kete album planifikoj t’i fus edhe dy kenge te reja.
A keni menduar per ndonje bashkepunim?
Shota: Po. Keto dy kenge, qe te thash, qe kane me qene pjese e albumit jane duete. Do te jete nje duet me nje kengetare nga Shqiperia, nje kengetare shume seksi. Dhe nje duet tjeter me nje kengetar nga Kosova, po nje kenge shume e mire. /kosovapress/prill 2010/
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[[ translation by google:
Sexy Bride
With a completely different style, extravagant, confident and determined to succeed, sex estimates. And will more acting, and not about promises duet ... This is actress-singer Shota Baraliu.
Shota, after successes in the field of acting, has recently prepared 5 songs, which no doubt have occupied the country in top-lists of different media in all Albanian territories. Artist with a soul "volcano" out of love for song and music in general, for a very short period, has managed to grab the hearts of the kind of music entertainment.
How many songs have made so far?
Shota: I made 5 songs. "The lady, I be of value", "Adonisi", "Kot have" and "FLM to SMS" songs are completed. I think the song "Adonis" has achieved the greatest success compared to other songs. But here should not be overlooked as the song "FLM to SMS, because it is being well liked by many fans, especially in Albania.
What makes these two special songs?
Shota: Well ... I think the manufacturing expertise of these two songs was the reason that the public is like. But the text and music.
Where are presented as a singer?
Shota: The Song Magic I have been involved with the song "Adonis" and they've reached the semis.
Who writes the lyrics and who makes music Shotes?
Shota: All my texts Aida Barak writes, makes music while Armend Rexhepagiqi.
What is your final project in music?
Shota: Now that I recently submitted and is being run in the traditional Top-Fest festival in the country. There'm competing with the song "FLM to SMS", whose text was written Aida, while Armend music. This song is very well received and is transmitted more often, especially lately and if clicked on youtube.
I understand that you are an actress. You have participated in many projects. Now that the conservatory recently. What is your real occupation?
Shota: ooo acting does not change with any profession in the world ... Decided to deal with music because footlights are not sufficiently evaluated and I love the music.
What are popular after all these commitments?
Shota: In Kosovo'm more known as the actress ... Engaging in some film projects I have done to be known actress. In Albania am well known as singers. There, more interestingly, is much greater opportunity to be popular. Travellers do not miss fame, not even in Kosovo, the media cost Ama there more important show-biz's.
Recently, that you are talking about Erion after a "Big Brother 3." What is really here?
Shota: The Albanian newspaper, I am married several times. I never in my life I had not any relationship with this boy bigut, Erion. This is a pure lie and do not know who has gone thought so for me to speculate.
Are you currently in any respect?
Shota: No. I am in search for the above to have a loved one ... Hahahaha, but it would not be far away. I believe that when you marry a bride will be more sex.
Shota as care for the appearance?
Shota: I'm sure very early, but recent low. However, there is a special place and I seemingly important.
Do you intervene kirurgjikisht in your body?
Shota: Never in life and am very against this phenomenon.
Talk less about sex. How important is sex to you?
Shota: Hahah seksiii hemeee ... Sex is part of life and rarely do well. Hahahaha ...
What we expect from you? Have any plan about music?
Shota: Yes, I intend to summarize all of the songs in an album ... and besides this we plan to make this album, two new songs.
Do you think for any collaboration?
Shota: Yes. These two songs, that I said, who have been part of the album are the duet. Will be a duet with a singer from Albania, a very sexy singer. And the other a duet with a singer from Kosovo, is a very good song. ]]
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