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E rikthyera Blerina Osaj
Blerina Osaj, lirisht mund te quhet e rikthyera e skenes muzikore. Osaj, qe nga perfundimi i versionit femeror te kenges se Bleros me titull “E di”, me nuk eshte pare.
E interesuar per vlera
Ndonese ka realizuar edhe disa kenge dhe ka paralajmeruar disa bashkepunime, nder tjerash edhe me Dj Blunt, Blerina e cila qe nga femijeria jeton ne Suedi, nuk ka bere shume perpjekje per ekspozim, e nje arsye e forte sic pranon edhe vete ka qene kaosi i cili mbizoteron ne muziken shqiptare. “Kerkohet komercializem. Une nuk jam prej atyre qe di te beje kenge te cilat i duan te gjithe. Nese nuk me pelqen mua dicka, nuk e kendoj. Pra, me teper jam e interesuar te kendoj dicka qe vertete e vlen”.
E kenaqur me kengen
Muaj me pare u perfol se kengetarja pikerisht per keto arsye e ka lene perfundimisht muziken. Megjithate, Osaj thote se muzika eshte pasioni i saj, andaj edhe pse mund te pauzoje per nje kohe per ceshtje private, apo zhgenjimi, gjithmone do te gjeje rast per t’u rikthyer, sic ka bere kete radhe. Blerina, vec sa ka perfunduar nje kenge te re se ciles i ka realizuar edhe klipin "24-7" (kliko per video). “Kenga eshte nje stil me ndryshe, per mua tingellon interesante. Kam punuar me Bardh Latifin, nderkaq videoklipin e kam realizuar me nje produksion te Suedise. Per pamjen time eshte perkujdesur motra ime, Bujana, e cila eshte e specializuar ne kete lemi dhe ma njeh mire shijen time. Nuk kam investuar shume, mirepo jam e kenaqur me rezultatin”, perfundon kengetarja, kenga e se ciles tashme ka nisur te ze vend ne ekranet tona, edhe pse vete nuk e ka pare te udhes te vije nga Suedia per ne Kosove qe t’i beje promovimin ketij klipi.
Kenget me te njohura te saj jane: “E di”, “Nese shkon”, “Si nje shi” e te tjera. /arben gjinaj/zeri/prill 2010/
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[[ translation by google:
Returning Blerina Osaj
Blerina Osaj, freely can be called the return of the musical scene. Osaj, since realisation of female version of the song that Bleros entitled "I Know" has not been seen.
Interested in values
Although some songs are performed well and has warned some collaboration, inter alia by Dj Blunt, Blerina which since childhood living in Sweden, has made many attempts to exposure, a strong reason as itself admits there was chaos which prevails in the Albanian music. "Komercializem requested. I am not of those who do know what love songs all. If you do not like me something, do not sing. So I'm more interested to sing something that really applies. "
The happy song
Perfol months ago was that exactly for these reasons the singer has finally left the music. However, Blerina Osaj says music is her passion, so even though it may be time for pauzoje for a private issue, or disappointment, always will find occasion to return, as it has done this time. Blerina, as has already finished a new song which has made it even klipin. "The song is a different style with, to me sounds interesting. I worked with Bardh Latifi, while video I made with a production of Sweden. My view is care for my sister, Bujana, which is specialized in this field and I know my taste better. I have not invested much, but I am satisfied with the result, "concludes singer, whose song has already started and foremost in our screens, though has not seen them behind the line from Sweden to Kosovo to make this promotion clips.
The songs are familiar to her: "I know", "If you go", "As a rain" and much more. ]]
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