Monday, April 12, 2010

Stupcat: "Deshirojme Te Dalim Te Fundit nga VIP Shpija"

/photo vip shpija,kosova sot/

Interviste me “Stupcat”, banoret e shtepise me te famshme ne Kosove “Vip Shpija”

“Duam t’i shkojme deri ne fund kesaj loje”

“Kosova Sot”: Pse vendoset te hyni ne “Vip Shpija”?

Mensuri: Arsyeja kryesore dhe madhore e hyrjes sone ketu eshte se ne do te kontribuojme per ngritjen e nje shtepie per nje familje tjeter. Arsyeja tjeter eshte se kemi dashur t’ia bejme vetes nje pushim, pastaj kemi dashur te shikojme se a mund te rrime te izoluar per nje muaj. Pra, kemi dashur qe edhe ne te kontribuojme ne kete nisme shume te mire.

“Kosova Sot”: Ju jeni nder te paret qe keni pranuar ftesen e Fisnik Vejses per te qene pjese e ‘VIP Shpija”?

Vedati: Une kam dale me Fisin dhe regjisorin e ketij shou Valterin. Kemi qene duke pire kafe dhe Fisi me ka thene “sa interesante do te ishte po te behej VIP Shpija”, dhe ne nje cfare forme ai me ka hapur nje projekt shume interesant, qe askund s’e kisha pare as ne Kosove e as ne Shqiperi. Ai me tha, a kishit hy ju “Stupcat”, kurse une i thashe nuk e di, por do te flas me koleget dhe do te te tregoj. Kur, fola me koleget, na eshte dukur ide shume e mire dhe njerezore. Dhe, kur e kemi parasysh se gezojme respektin e madhe ne popull kemi dashur qe ata te na shohin neve per nje muaj te tere, tash nuk e dime se cka mund te jete kjo guxim, sfide, po ia vlen te jesh pjese e ketij projekti. Ne nuk kemi hyre ne kete shou as per fame, e as per para.

“Kosova Sot”: Ndiheni krenare qe me kontributin tuaj do te ndertohet nje shtepi per nje familje te varfer?

Osmani: T’ju them te drejten, kjo eshte nje iniciative shume e mire, dhe kjo ka qene arsyeja kryesore qe kemi hyre ketu. Ketu nuk kemi hyre per para, por kur e kemi kuptuar se cili eshte cmimi kryesor, atehere nuk kemi hezituar ta pranojme ftesen e organizatoret. Kur kemi vendosur te hyjme, kemi menduar se kur ta pranojme ne kete ftese, atehere as te tjeret nuk do ta refuzojne ftesen. Ne nuk kemi hyre per fame, sepse jemi ne kulmin e fames, dhe pak njerez do ta kishin pranuar kete sfide, sepse njerezit lodhen me vezhgimin e kamerave 24 ore. Normalisht, ndihemi krenare qe dikush do te behet me nje shtepi.

“Kosova Sot”: Ju pelqen kjo jete pa telefon, internet, televizor etj?

Vedati: Normalisht, na pelqen shume. Por, sikur mos te kishim qene keta qe jemi, do te benim nje loje me te ashper, vetem e vetem per te fituar sa me shume simpatine e publikut, por ne na njohin te gjithe dhe kemi ardhur te kenaqemi. Ne jemi keta qe jemi, e respektojme njeri-tjetrin shume, dhe kjo nenkupton qe i respektojme edhe koleget e tjere qe jane ketu brenda. Nuk kemi ardhur ketu per t’i thene dikujt, beje ate pune, beje kete pune, por kemi ardhur per t’u kenaqur dhe kete gje jemi duke e bere.

“Kosova Sot”: Me keta qe jeni brenda pak a shume i keni njohur edhe jashte?

Osmani: Nga keta qe jemi brenda me shume kemi folur me “Big Mamen”, kurse me te tjeret kemi pasur vetem nga nje pershendetje, kurse keta kengetaret nga Shqiperia i kemi njohur vetem si emer.

“Kosova Sot”: Me ke nga banoret qe jane brenda jeni me te afert, e me ke nuk keni shume afersi?

Mensuri: Me te gjithe kemi raporte shume te mira, nuk do ta dallojme askend, sepse me te gjithe bisedojme biseda te ndryshme. Ne nuk nderhyjme gjithkund, sepse nuk kemi ardhur ketu ta luajme rolin e gjyqtarit.

“Kosova Sot”: Si duket, ketu brenda po lind nje dashuri midis Bertanit dhe Drenushes?

Vedati: Jo, nuk e besojme se do te linde ajo dashuri. Bertani eshte djali me i ri ketu, ai eshte shume i talentuar dhe i ka te gjitha gjerat e mira. Bertani edhe kur i ben do gjeste me Drenushen, i ben shume mire.

“Kosova Sot”: Mendoni se mund te shpalleni fitues?

Mensuri: Ne vdesim te dalim te fundit nga kjo shtepi, per cfare arsye e themi kete. Sepse ne duam te ndihemi sa me mire per shtepine qe do te ndertohet, prandaj deshirojme te dalim te fundit nga ketu. Kjo eshte nje loje dhe ne deshirojme qe kesaj loje t’i shkojme deri ne fund. /kosova sot/prill 2010/
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p.s. Nuk po e kuptoj pse tash jane bere "Thuprat". Pasi deri me tani kane bere emer me "Stupcat" nuk e shoh te udhes te ndrrohet emri tash duke krijuar konfuzitet. Ne i njohim si Stupcat dhe ashtu duhet te mbetet sipas mendimit tim - teni.
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[[ translation by google:

Interview with "Stupcat" residents of the most famous house in Kosovo "Vip Shpija"

"We want to go to the end this game"

"Kosova Sot": Why did you decide to enter the "Vip Shpija"?

Mensuri: main and major reason for our entry here is that we will contribute to building a house for another family. Another reason is that we wanted to make yourself a break, then we wanted to look at whether you can stay isolated for a month. So we wanted to contribute in this very good initiative.

"Kosova Sot": You're among the first to have accepted the invitation of Noble Vejses to be part of the 'VIP Shpija"?

Vedati: I have brought the tribe and director of this show Valterin. We were drinking coffee and Tribe has said "how interesting it would be if you become VIP leads, and in a form of what he has opened a very interesting project, who do not anywhere I've seen neither in Kosovo nor in Albania. He said, have you had HY "Stupcat" and I said I do not know, but will speak to colleagues and will tell. When speaking with colleagues, is showing us very good ideas and human. And when we consider that enjoy great respect in the people we wanted them to see us for a whole month, now do not know what it may be daring, challenging, but it is worth being part of this project . We are not entered in this show or for fame, nor for money.

"Kosova Sot": Do you feel proud of your contribution will build a house for a poor family?

Osmani: the right to tell you, this is a very good initiative, and this has been the main reason we came here. We came here not for money, but when we understand that price is key, then we have been reluctant to accept the invitation of the organizers. When we decided to walk, we thought that when you accept this invitation, then even others will not refuse the invitation. We do not have access to fame, since we are at the peak of fames, and few people would have accepted this challenge, because people tired of 24 hour camera monitoring. Normally, we feel proud that someone will be with a house.

"Kosova Sot": You like this be without phone, internet, TV etc?

Vedati: Normally, I like us. But if these had not been that we shall make a tougher game, only to win just as much public sympathy, but we all know and have come to enjoy. We are those who are, and respect each other more, and this means that respect the other colleagues who are here inside. We have not come here to say to someone, make it work, make this work, but have come to be satisfied and this are made.

"Kosova Sot": With these you are in more or less well known outside of you?

Osmani: Of those who are inside the more we talk with "Big Mame", while the others have been only a greeting, and these singers from Albania have known only as the name.

"Kosova Sot": With you by people who are inside are the closest, and with you no more near you?

Mensuri: With all we have very good relations, would not distinguish anyone, because all talk different conversations. We do not interfere everywhere, because we have not come here to play the role of the judge.

"Kosova Sot": Apparently, here in a nascent love between Bertanit and Drenushes?

Vedati: No, I do not believe that love will arise. Bertani is the new guy here, he is very talented and has all the good things. Bertani though he makes gestures with the doe will, of doing very well.

"Kosova Sot": Think you can shpalleni winner?

Mensuri: We come last to die in this house, for whatever reason we say this. Because we want to feel better as the home to be built, so we want to last out here. This is a game and we want this game to go until the end.

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