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Olta Boka: Hobi im, bilardoja
Kete vit eshte maturante ne vit te katert te shkolles se mesme “Faik Konica” dhe studimet i marrin teper kohe, por perseri diten di ta organizoje mire dhe planet ne karrieren e saj nuk i ka te pakta. Olta Boka, kengetarja e talentuar 18-vjecare zbulon ne kete interviste shume detaje nga jeta e vet, si dhe rrefen zbavitjen e saj me te re, ku ka gjetur veten dhe defrehet mjaft. Gjerat me pozitive e deri tek ‘te metat’ e kengetares ne kete tregim te sajin...
Cilat jane preokupimet e Oltes per momentin?
Faktikisht kam disa gjera neper duar per sa i perket muzikes, shume plane, shume projekte qe presin te realizohen, por ndjek taktiken e te mospublikuarit konkretisht te planeve deri ne momentin kur une i perfundoj ose eshte e sigurt qe do te perfundohen. E rendesishme eshte qe une po mendoj te sjell dicka te re dhe te mendoj seriozisht per karrieren time artistike, krahas vitit te fundit te gjimnazit.
Pjese e planeve eshte edhe nje klip i ri?
Absolutisht qe dhe klipi eshte pjese e planeve. Mendoj gjithmone qe ne nje menyre apo tjeter, ne klip te percillet ajo cka thuhet ne kenge, ndaj dhe ideja per secilin klip qe une mund te realizoj, qofte tani e qofte ne te ardhmen, eshte po e njejta. Klipin mund ta paralelizoj me nje minifilm, ku vija melodike qe shoqeron sekuencen filmike pershtatet plotesisht me te.
Per pak ne “Eurovizion” nis edhe sfida, ku Shqiperia perfaqesohet nga Juliana Pasha. Cfare keshille do t’i jepje Julianes, duke qene se pak kohe me pare ke qene ti vete ajo qe e ke prekur skenen e “Eurovizionit”?
Eshte nje ndjesi e cuditshme tek mendoj veten ne kete pozicion. Juliana eshte nje kengetare me shume eksperience dhe eksperienca eshte nje nder armet e saj me te fuqishme se bashku me vokalin. Ajo cka ndoshta me takon per te bere, eshte t’i uroj fat te mbare dhe t’i percoj besimin tim tek forcat e saj. Shpresoj te shfrytezoje dhe ditet e bukura qe do te mbeten dhe kujtime te paharrueshme per te (pavaresisht rezultatit).
Cilat jane aktivitetet e tua gjate dites, duke marre parasysh ketu faktin se kete vit je dhe maturante?
Jam nxenese ne vitin e 4-t ne shkollen “Faik Konica” dhe sic mund te kuptohet, paraditja eshte e zene me shkollen. Me duhet te studioj me shume keto kohe, ndaj dhe koha eshte dhe me e ngjeshur se zakonisht, por ne ate pak kohe kam gjetur veten ne nje sport te ri (bilardon) i cili me pelqen tej mase dhe ne kete periudhe e ushtroj bashke me babin. Pavaresisht se konsiderohet nje sport mashkullor, nuk me ka penguar ta njoh dhe ta luaj si loje.
Cfare kerkon me shume nga vetja?
Kur behet fjale per kerkesat ndaj vetes, behet fjale dhe per shume kritika ndaj vetes. Jam nje nder ata persona qe rrallehere pelqejne punet e tyre. Ndoshta sepse njoh veten ne nje mase me te madhe se te tjeret dhe di cilat jane pikat ku mund te arrij maksimumin. Pastaj, e mira s’ka fund kurre dhe gjithmone tentoj drejt permiresimit te atyre gjerave ku une kam mundesi te nderhyj.
Me cilen kengetare shqiptare keni me shume miqesi?
Jane shume kengetare me te cilat kam miqesi. Nder to jane: Samanta Karavella, Anjeza Shahini, Kejsi Tola, Rosela Gjylbegu, Rozana Radi, Silva Gunbardhi, Denisa Macaj, Marjeta Billo dhe shume te tjere...
Me cilin kengetar apo kengetare do te doje te zhvilloje nje duet?
Asnjehere s’kam menduar per duete, ndoshta sepse une nuk jam ne ate stad te karrieres, duke qene se po i kushtoj me shume vemendje daljes time solo.
Cili ka qene koncerti me i bukur qe ke marre pjese dhe si te ka pritur publiku?
Ne te vertete nuk mund te flas me vertetesi per koncertin me te bukur, por di qe gjithmone jam pritur mire nga publiku dhe per kete e falenderoj dhe i jam vertet mirenjohese, duke qene se jane shtysa me e rendesishme per te vazhduar perpara.
Eshte dikush ne zemren e Oltes?
Pa koment.
Po e dashuruar je ndjere ndonjehere?
Pa koment.
Cili eshte zakoni yt me i mire dhe nese mund te na e argumentosh...?
Nese mund te quhet zakon, atehere eshte kujdesi i shpeshte per veten time, kryesisht per thonjte dhe per lekuren e fytyres e te trupit. Perpiqem te jem e kujdesshme duke i trajtuar me se miri dhe per me teper me ndikon ne permiresimin e humorit.
Po ai me i keqi?
Nuk di c’te them per zakon te keq, ndoshta mund te flisja per defekte, duke mos gjetur per momentin nje zakon te keq.
Pa cilin makiazh nuk mund te besh dot?
Mendoj se me te domosdoshem kam rimelin.
Cili eshte aksesori yt i preferuar, qe asnjehere nuk e harron?
Me pelqejne pa mase aksesoret, por nuk jam aq e dhene sa per t’i vendosur e per te mos i harruar kurre.
Cila eshte ngjyra jote e preferuar?
Si te pelqen te vishesh tani ne pranvere?
Une gjithmone vishem sipas gjendjes emocionale. Pranvera me imponon ne humor gjendjen e saj, ndaj dhe veshjet e mia me pelqejne te jene me ngjyra te kombinuara bukur me njera-tjetren. Por ne cdo stine asnjehere nuk harroj lejlane.
Cila eshte gjeja e pare qe ben kur zgjohesh ne mengjes?
Stopoj alarmin (sepse alarmi me zgjon) ngrihem nga krevati per te zbatuar me tej nevojat personale.
Cfare ka gjithmone ne sirtarin tend te gjerave personale?
Te gjitha gjerat qe per mua jane me te domosdoshme, s’mungojne kurre.
Pjata jote e preferuar?
Te gjitha llojet e pjatave ku perberesi kryesor jane pastat.
Gatuan vete? Sa ndihmon ne punet e shtepise?
S’para gatuaj pervec pastave, por ndihmoj shume ne punet e shtepise. Jam rritur gjithmone me kete fryme si pasoje e punes se mamase sime, ku mungesa e saj me ka detyruar te njoh punet shtepiake qe ne moshe te vogel.
Cfare ben kur kupton se ke bere faj apo dicka qe nuk shkon?
Normalisht ndihem keq dhe perpiqem te gjej nje moment te pershtatshem per t’i kerkuar ndjese te prekurit nga gabimet e mia, qofte dhe nese ky person do te jem vete une.
Cili eshte albumi i pare muzikor qe ke degjuar?
Albumi i pare i babait tim.
Cili eshte shkrimtari yt i preferuar?
Kohet e fundit kam lexuar shume shkrimtaret ekzistencialiste dhe mendoj se keta shkrimtare te medhenj si ‘Kafka’ apo ‘Kamy’ radhiten nder shkrimtaret e mi te preferuar.
Po kengetari apo kengetarja jote e preferuar?
Leona Lewis, Beyonce etj.
Ke shume miq?
Kam miq. Perpiqem te investoj me aq sa une kam mundesi, por nje gje eshte e sigurt, qe une perpiqem te investoj maksimumin tim pavaresisht dukshmerise.
Njeriu yt me i afert?
Familja ime.
/nisida knezi/bluetooth/prill 2010/
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[[ translation by google:
Olta Boka: My Hobby, billiards
Plane this year is the fourth year of high school "Faik Konica" and take more time studying, but still a good day and know how to organize her career plans have not been scarce. Olta Boka, the talented singer 18 years in this interview reveals more details of his life, and its fun rrefen new, which has found itself and defrehet enough. Positive things to "the shortcomings" of the singer in this story sajin ...
What are the concerns of the moment Oltes?
Actually I have some things through his hands in terms of music, many plans, many projects that expect to realize, but following the tactics of the plans specifically mospublikuarit up when I finish or is it safe to be completed. It is important that I was suppose to bring something new to think seriously about my artistic career, in addition to high school last year.
Part of the plans is also a new clip?
Absolutely and clips that is part of the plans. Always think that one way or another, we forwarded it clips to the words in the songs, so for each clip and the idea that I could pull off, whether now if in the future, it is the same. Klipin can paralelizoj a minifilm, where musical lines that accompanies the film sequence is fully adapted to it.
For a little "contest" the challenge begins, where Albania is represented by Juliana Pasha. What advice would Julianes giving, given that a while ago you were to own it to have affected the stage of "Eurovision"?
It is a strange sensation to think of yourself in this position. Juliana is a singer with more experience and experience is one of its arms together with strong vokalin. It probably belongs to what to do, is to wish good luck and to convey my belief in its power. Hope to exploit and days that will remain beautiful and unforgettable memories to (whatever the outcome).
What are your activities during the day, taking into account the fact that here are this year and Plane?
I am student in the 4th year in school "Faik Konica" and can be understood as, morning is busy with school. I need to study more this time, therefore time is compressed and that usually, but in that short time I found myself in a new sport (billiards) which I am extremely and in this period of exercise together with father. Although considered a male sport, has not prevented them know and play as a game.
What requires more of ourselves?
When it comes to demands on myself, and it comes more criticism on myself. I am one of those people who love their jobs Rarely. Maybe because I know myself to a greater extent than others and know what are the points where you can get the maximum. Then, the best ever and no end always try to improve those things where I have the opportunity to interfere.
Albanian singer with which you have more friends?
There are many singers that I have with friends. Among them are: Samanta Karavella, Anjeza Shahini, Eurovision, Rosela Gjylbegu, Rozana Radi, Gunbardhi Silva, Denisa Macaj, Marjeta Billo and many others ...
Which singer or singers will take to develop a duet?
I have never thought the duet, maybe because I'm not at that stage career, but given that pay more attention to my solo release.
Which concert was great that you participated and waited as the public?
We really can not speak with certainty for the beautiful concert, but I know that I am always well received by the public and for this the thanks and i am really grateful, given that they are the most important impetus to continue forward.
Is someone in the heart of Oltes?
No comment.
But sometimes the love you felt?
No comment.
Which is the better your habit and if you can argumentosh us ...?
If you can be called habit, then it is most common care for myself, mainly skin, nails and face and body. Try to be careful treating with the best and more to influence the improvement of humor.
Is he the worst?
I do not know what to say to the bad habit, maybe you can speak for defects, not currently found a bad habit.
Free makiazh which can not do dot?
I think that I rimelin necessary.
What is your favorite accessories that never forgets?
With accessories like no degree, but I am not given so much to be determined to not ever forgotten.
What is your favorite color?
How do you like to come now in the spring?
I always dress according to emotional state. Spring with the condition imposed in its humor, so my clothes and be like the beautiful colors combined with each other. But we never forget each lejlane season.
What is the first thing that makes when you wake up in the morning?
Stopoj alarm (for alarm to wake up) get out of bed to further implement personal needs.
What is always in the drawer of your personal things?
All things to me are necessary, s'mungojne ever.
Your favorite meal?
All sorts of dishes where the main component are pastes.
Cooks itself? What helps the Station?
S'para except cook paste, but more help in the work of the house. I grew up always with this spirit as a result of my work mamase, where its absence has forced domestic work know that little boy.
What makes when you realize that you do something wrong or is wrong?
Normally I feel bad and try to find a suitable moment to apologize to those affected by my mistakes, even if this person will be separate me.
What is the first album of music that you heard?
The first album of my father.
What is your favorite writer?
Recently I read many writers ekzistencialiste and think that these big writers as 'Kafka' or 'Kamy' listed among my favorite writers.
Singer or singer is your favorite?
Leona Lewis, Beyonce, etc..
You have more friends?
I have friends. I try to invest with me as I can, but one thing is sure, that I try my best to invest regardless of visibility.
Your man with the closest?
My family.
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