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VIP Shpija: Spektakli #3, Mysafir Sevdai Radogoshi, 10 Prill 2010 (10.04.2010)
Nje nga surprizat e mbremjes se te shtundes ishte edhe hyrja ne shtepi si mysafir e humoristit te njohur kosovar Sevdai Radogoshi. Ai do te qendroj aty vetem per vikend. Qysh ne nga momenti i pare, Sevdai filloi t'i ngacmoi banoret duke iu thene se ai eshte nje nga banoret e rinj aty dhe ka hyre te krijoje debate. Ai ka informuar banoret qe ishin te interesuar, per rrjedhat politike jashte por ne menyre te shtremberuar (tipike per te) duke zgjuar debate te shumta ne mes tyre si p.sh. duke iu thene qe Sabri Fejzullahu eshte bere minister i kultures etj. Sevdai me pastaj ka argetuar banoret me humor dhe kenge. Sipas moderatorit Shuki, eshte planifikuar qe cdo vikend ne "VIP Shpija" te kete nje mysafir te ketille.
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[[ translation by google:
One of the surprises of the evening was the entrance to shtundes home as a guest of humoristit Sevdai Radogoshi recognized Kosovo. He will stay there only for the weekend. Since the first time, people whispered Sevdai began by saying that he had been one of the young people entered it and create debate. He informed the people that were interested, but outside the political mainstream so distorted (typically to) while awake numerous debates between them, such as while he said that Sabri Fejzullahu has become minister of culture, etc.. Sevdai with argetuar then people with humor and song. According to Shuki moderator is planned that every weekend in the "VIP leads" to have such a guest. ]]
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