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Rovena Stefa: Jam tolerante ndaj gabimeve
Rovena Stefa, nje nga emrat me te njohur te muzikes shqiptare. Ky adhurim ka ardhur edhe fale ekstravagances dhe pamjes se mjaft joshese. Me ecurine e cuditshme ne fushen e muzikes ajo po i befason konkurrentet e saj me surprizat qe i ofron adhuruesve te muzikes.
Rovena na tregon per jeten e saj, mendimet dhe opinionet qe nje kengetare e kategorise se pare si ajo, ka, per ngjarje dhe dukuri te ndryshme te jetes. Ne i morem asaj pak caste ndersa gjendej ne Athine, pas nje koncerti per shqiptaret atje.
Tashme, u be shume kohe qe ju Rovena, jeni pjese e rendesishme e muzikes sone, si ndiheni dhe a jeni e kenaqur me gjithe kete sukses te arritur?
Se pari, faleminderit per vleresimin, jam me te vertete e kenaqur me punen e deritanishme, gjithe dashurine qe marr nga publiku, mundohem ta kthej ne energji pozitive per kenge te bukura, muzika eshte ajo qe dua me shume, e ndiej dhe kam ende shume per te bere dhe per te dhene!
Cfare mendoni se ju vecon nga kengetaret e tjera?
Hahah...emri Rovena Stefa.... e pastaj dhe shume te tjera...:)))
Si do te mund ta perkufizoni zerin tuaj?
Po kjo eshte dicka qe mund ta bej me mire dikush tjeter, ndoshta ju...(buzeqesh), por une di vetem qe me pelqen shume te kendoj, qe nga dita ne dite muzika eshte bere pjese e pandare e imja. Jane ata qe degjojne zerin tim, qe mund te me pershkruajne me mire dhe une ua pasoj atyre kete atribut.
Cfare marredheniesh ke me kenget e tua? Pasi i realizon i degjon shpesh ato ne shtepi?
Duke qene se gjate realizimit te kengeve te mia, punoj shume me to, dhe pa dashje cdo kenge e imja lidhet me nje histori, keshtu qe secila nga ato, ka ne vetvete nje kujtim, prandaj sa here i degjoj, kam emocione te vecanta...edhe pse nuk jam e prirur t'i degjoj pas incizimit ne shtepi. Gjate koncerteve i kendoj dhe atehere provoj nje ndjesi tjeter, ate te “live”-it, qe eshte unike dhe shume e bukur.
Kur realizon nje kenge cili eshte personi prej te cilit do te degjosh patjeter opinionin e tij?
Ne te vertete jemi 2, qe realizojme kenget tona, pra eshte dhe menaxherja ime Elisa Stefa, pas kesaj faze, kam deshire te marr opinion nga familja ime dhe miqte e mi, keshtu qe tani qe po i numeroj, eshte nje grup i gjere njerezish te ngushte qe me japin opinion per muziken time dhe jam e lumtur per kete.
Thuhet se bukuria mund te gjitha sfidat, mund cdo veshtiresi?
Hmmm....nuk e kam degjuar kete shprehje...hhheheh, ajo qe di une eshte qe bukuria eshte efekt vetem i fillimit, pra ben pershtypje vetem ne minutat e para, pastaj jane te tjera virtyte qe hyjne ne veprim dhe qe percaktojne te ardhmen e secilit!
Ju jeni nje nder personazhet VIP qe privatesia e jetes iu eshte prekur pak a shume. Si jeni ndjere, si mund ta shikoni sot kete situate?
Po, mendoj qe kjo dukuri nuk ka prekur vetem jeten private te artisteve shqiptare, por normalisht edhe te te gjithe personave publike te huaj. Ky eshte nje efekt gati i zakonshem ne fushen tone, edhe pse shpesh krijohen situata jo te kendshme. Eshte pjese e punes sone te jemi ne qender te vemendjes dhe njerezit te kene kuriozitet rreth jetes sone private.
Per momentin, c’te reja kemi nga dashuria e Rovenes?
Ndaj cilave gabime jeni me tolerante?
Jam zakonisht tolerante ndaj gabimeve.
Cfare ben Rovena pertej skenes dhe jetes publike?
Gjithcka tjeter, pushoj, shetis, punoj, luaj, shoqerohem me miqte e mi, argetohem, blej (blej shume...:)))), krijoj, marr, jap....jam njeri i zakonshem me te gjitha te mirat dhe te metat e mia. E dua jeten dhe natyren, i dua njerezit e mi, e dua natyren njerezore dhe i besoj te mires qe ne njerezit mbartim ne vetvete, prandaj jam pozitive dhe optimiste, kjo eshte energjia qe me shoqeron.
Cili eshte argetimi juaj i preferuar orareve te pasdites apo i oreve te para te mbremjes?
Varet se ku jam, se cfare projektesh kam, por ne pergjithesi kam deshire te lexoj ose te merrem me sport ne natyre.
Ajo qe me se paku vleresojne njerezit te ti...
Kete nuk e di....sinqerisht!
Kenga qe fershelleni kur beni dush?
I ndryshoj kenget...heheh....
Cfare ha zakonisht dhe cili eshte ushqimi me i preferuar? Cfare pije te pelqen mbi te tjerat?
Ushqimi kinez! Me pelqen te ha shendetshem dhe te kombinoj forma te ndryshme ushqimi, por sa i perket pijeve, ajo ka vetem nje emer: Coca Cola! (buzeqesh)
Cfare makine ke?
Peugeot, e zeze.
Cfare eshte ajo per te cilen pendoheni me shume?
Nuk pendohem zakonisht per te kaluaren, ashtu sic e thashe edhe me lart, shikoj perpara dhe nese nje situate perseritet, dhe ne te kaluaren nuk me ka pelqyer rezultati, atehere sillem ndryshe, mundohem te permiresoj vetveten.
Ke personazh te njohur shqiptar apo te huaj do te ftoje ne nje mbremje?
Mimoza Ahmetin! Xavier Bardem!
Ke do donit te perqafonit tani?
Rovena: Universin!
Cilat jane angazhimet tuaja te para gjumit?
Ka shume ….heheh...
Angazhimi nr.1: Shuarja e drites kryesore dhe hapja e drites mbi komodine.
Angazhimi nr.2: Marrja e librit te radhes ne dore.
Angazhimi nr.3: Angazhimi per te lexuar se paku 50 faqe te librit.
Angazhimi nr.4: Mbylla e drites se komodines.
Angazhimi nr.5: Renia ne gjume te thelle deri ne mengjes.
Ne c’ore e fikni driten e abazhurit te komodines?
Zakonisht perpara se te fle...!
/laura dreshaj/telegrafi/prill 2010/
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[[ translation by google:
Rovena Stefa: I am tolerant to errors
Rovena Stefa, one of the most recognized names in the Albanian music. This worship extravaganza has come and view thanks to the very tempting. Strange performance in the field of music it is surprising its competitors offers surprises that fans of music.
Rovena tells us about her life, thoughts and opinions that a singer of the first category as it has, for various events and phenomena of life. We took a few moments while it was found in Athens, after a concert for the Albanians there.
Already, became the more time you Rovena, are important part of our music, and feel as if you are satisfied with all this success achieved?
First, thanks for your appreciation, I am really satisfied with the work so far, all the love that I receive from the public, we try to restore positive energy for the beautiful songs, the music is what I want more, and I still feel very to make and give!
What do you think separates you from other singers?
Rovena Stefa ... hahah .... name and then many other ...:)))
How will your voice can perkufizoni?
But this is something that can outperform anyone else, maybe you ... (smile) but I only know that I like to sing, from day to day music has become an integral part of mine. There are those who hear my voice, who can describe them better and I attribute this result to them.
What relationships you have with your songs? Once they realize the often hears at home?
Since during the implementation of my songs, I work more with them, and inadvertently each song relates to me a story, so each of them is in itself a reminder, so whenever I hear, I have special emotions. .. although I am not inclined to listen after recording at home. During the concert of singing and then try a different sense, that of "live" it, which is unique and very beautiful.
When you realize that person is a song of which will certainly hear his opinion?
We really are 2 to realize our songs so is my manager Elisa Stefa, after this stage, I would like to get opinions from my family and my friends, so now you are the count, is a large group of people close to the public to give my music and I am happy for this.
It is said that beauty can be all the challenges, can any difficulties?
Hmmm .... have not heard this phrase ... hhheheh, what I know is that beauty is only the first effect, therefore impressed only minutes before, then are other virtues that are in effect and to determine the future of each!
You are one of the characters that VIP Privacy is life was more or less affected. How you felt, as you can see today this situation?
Yes, I think that this phenomenon has not only affected the private lives of Albanian artists, but also of all normal persons and foreign public. This is an effect almost normal in our area, though often not pleasant situations are created. It is part of our work are in the spotlight and people have curiosity about our private life.
For the moment, What's new from Rovenes love?
Nothing ... heheh!
Against which errors are more tolerant?
I'm usually tolerant to errors.
What makes the scene and beyond Rovena public life?
Everything else, rest, walk, work, play, mingle with my friends, joy, buy (buy more ...:)))), create, get, give the common man .... I am with all the best and my shortcomings. I love life and nature, I love my people, I love human nature and believe the good people that we carry in itself, so I am positive and optimistic, this is the energy that accompanies.
What is your favorite entertainment schedules the afternoon or evening hours before?
Depends where I am, what projects have, but in general I like to read or engage in sport in nature.
It was with the people at least appreciate you ...
This did not know .... honestly!
Fershelleni song that when you shower?
I change songs ... heheh ....
Usually eats what and who is the favorite food? Drink what you like about the others?
Chinese food! I like to eat healthy and combine different forms of food, but in terms of drinks, it has only a name: Coca Cola! (Smile)
What car have?
Peugeot, black.
What is it for which regret more?
No regret for the past usually, as I said above, look forward and if a situation repeated in the past and not liked the result, then behave differently, try to improve himself.
You know the character of Albanian or foreigners will invite to an evening?
Mimoza Ahmeti! Xavier Bardem!
You will want to embrace it now?
Rovena: Universe!
What are your commitments to before sleeping?
There are many. ... Heheh ...
Engagement No.1: Extinction of light and color of light on the dressing open.
Commitment No. 2: Taking the next book in hand.
Commitment No.3: commitment to read at least 50 pages of the book.
No.4 Commitment: Closing the light that komodines.
Engagement no.5: Fall in deep sleep until morning.
What time of turn off the light of the komodines abazhurit?
Usually before we sleep ...! ]]
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