/photo public domain/
Martina Ivezaj, bukuroshja qe nxehe gjakrat
Ku shfaqet ajo, aty digjet asfalti. Martina Ivezaj eshte “Miss Tuning” dhe i sjell djemte nga zero ne njeqind dhe nuk mund te shpetoje prej adhuruesve te shumte. Nuk eshte cudi, me keto vija te trupit! Ne interviste 20-vjecarja flet per vetura te shpejta dhe per meshkuj te vertete.
Martina, une e kam numrin tend te telefonit mobil. A guxoj te lavderohem me kete?
Per ta marre numrin tim, eshte super e veshtire. Ate e jap vetem shume rralle. Kjo qendron edhe per shkak te asaj, se e kam vetem nje mobil per pune dhe privat.
Kush e di, ndoshta te therras ndonjehere naten...
(qesh) Jo, une te besoj.
Ti je rritur ne Bavari, mirepo gjuhen e flet pa theks...
Vertet? Ndoshta per shkak se prinderit e mi vijne nga Shqiperia. Por, une vete jam lindur ne Gjermani...
Ti je “Miss Tuning” e Gjermanise, ngaqe te pelqejne veturat e rregulluara?
Ta themi keshtu: mua me pelqen gjithcka qe duket bukur. Kjo vlen edhe per vetura. Nese ne te eshte rregulluar dicka dhe makina ka kuaj-fuqi te majme, eshte e qarte qe kjo me terheq. Mirepo, une vete nuk ngas aq shpejt, ngaqe gjithmone kujdesem per sigurine. Prapeseprape, me me deshire do ta kisha blere nje Jaguar.
Si shkon zgjedhja e miss-it?
Nga 350 kandidate u zgjodhen 20 dhe u ftuan ne liqenin Bodensee per zgjedhjen e miss-it ne kuader te panairit te automobilave “Tuning World”. Ne ishim kater dite aty, cdo mbremje ishim ne nje skene te madhe dhe i prezantoheshim publikut, ndersa ne finale duheshim te shfaqemi para nje jurie 12 anetaresh.
Pse, mendon, se ke fituar pikerisht ti?
E veshtire per ta thene. Une mendoj se konkurrenca ishte shume e forte. Te gjitha vajzat ishin te bukura, kishin shume shkelqim. Pse kam fituar une, mund te pergjigjet vetem juria.
Shume djem presin radhe te ti!?
Eshte e mundshme (qesh). Mirepo per shkak te kesaj nuk me rritet mendja.
Si duhet dikush te te drejtohet, per te fituar pike te ti?
Shkelqimi eshte i rendesishem. Tipi duhet te kete njefare dickaje. Ne rastin me te mire ben “klik”. Me kete rast nuk luan kurrfare roli, se ai e nget veture te shpejte apo mund te me ofroje shume, por duhet te jete nje mashkull i tere. Nese e marrim nje shembull te famshem: Vin Diesel. Ai guxon ne cdo kohe te ulet prane karriges sime.
A ke projekte qe do te niseshin se shpejti?
Gjithsesi. Do te ishte bukur, sikur ne te ardhmen te mund te fitoja te holla si foto-modele.
A nuk te pengon qe aq shume njerez te shohin ne bikini?
Jo, aspak.
E prinderit e tu?
Ata gjithmone me kane perkrahur. Kryesisht nuk isha aq e sigurt, se a do te duhej te merrja pjese ne zgjedhjen per miss, por prinderit e mi me kane motivuar. Per titullin te dy jane gezuar se paku po aq sa edhe une.
Per cka interesohesh ti, pervec per vetura dhe modelim?
E dua sportin dhe vizatoj me qejf. Kafshe, njerez, gjithcka te mundshme. /zeri/prill 2010/
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[[ translation by google:
Martina Ivezaj, the beauty that heats up blood
Where it occurs, it burned asphalt. Martina Ivezaj is "Miss Tuning" and brings the boys from zero to one hundred and can not get rid of numerous fans. Not surprisingly, with these lines of the body! We interview 20 years speaks for fast cars and real men.
Martina, I have your number to your mobile phone. Do you dare to brag with this?
To take my number, it is super difficult. Give him only infrequently. It also stands for what, that's my only one for work and private phones.
Who knows, maybe sometimes call at night ...
(Laughs) No, I believe.
You are grown in Bavaria, but language speaks without accent ...
Really? Maybe because my parents come from Albania. But I myself am born in Germany ...
You are Miss Tuning "of Germany, because the regulated like cars?
I say this: I like everything that looks nice. This is true for cars. If we fix something and the machine is no horsepower and fat, it is clear that this is the draw. However, I do not ride them as fast, because they always look for safety. However, with the desire would have bought a Jaguar.
How goes it miss election?
Of 350 candidates were selected 20 and we were invited for the election of Lake Bodensee miss it in the framework of the automobile fair "Tuning World. We were there four days, every evening we were in a great scene and prezantoheshim public, while the final duheshim shfaqemi before a jury of 12 members.
Why, you think that you have won exactly?
Hard to say. I think the competition was very strong. All the girls were beautiful, had more brightness. Why I win I can only respond to the jury.
Many of you guys waiting time!?
It is possible (laughs). However, due to this not with an ego boost.
How should someone be conducted, to make a point to you?
Shine is important. Type must have a certain something. In the best case scenario makes "click". In this case, did not play any role, he drives the fastest car or the offer may be more, but should be an entire male. If you take a famous example: Vin Diesel. He may at any time to sit at my chair.
Do you have projects that will soon depart?
Anyway. Would be nice if in the future could win money as photo models.
Do not obstruct that so many people see in bikini?
No, no.
And your parents?
They have always supported. Mainly so I was not sure whether you should take part in choosing the miss, but my parents have the motivation. For the title both are happy that at least as much as me.
What interested you, except for vehicles and modeling?
I love the sport and draw a fiddle. Animals, people, everything possible. ]]
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