VIP Shpija: Nominimet #2, 10 Prill 2010 (10.04.2010)
Te nominuarit deri te merkuren jane:
Votimi ne Kosove:
sms: Vala 4040 shkruaj XX
televoting: 0900 81 81 XX
Votimi ne Maqedoni:
sms: 070 141 331 shkruaj XX
*XX eshte kodi i banorit
Keni parasysh, duhet te votoni banorin qe ju preferoni te qendroje ne shtepi. Banori qe merre me se paku vota behet i eliminuari i radhes.
Si shkuan nominimet?
Me pare mesuam qe Rezarta Shkurta heqi dore nga VIP Shpija qe ne fillim te nominimeve dhe ajo nuk ishte me ne formule.
STUPCAT (Thuprat) ishin te paret qe moren denim nga Zoti i Shtepise dhe shkuan ne nominim automatik. Si duket ishte Mensuri i cili mori nje iniciative qe banoret te benin nje marreveshje per menyren e nominimit. Por kjo qe ne kundershtim me rregullat e shtepise dhe i Zoti i Shtepise e shqiptoi denimin.
BIG MAMA ishte e denuara e dyte dhe kjo kishte te bente me zenken e shumeperfolur mes saj dhe Rezartes, ku Big Mama perdori fjalor banal.
Ndersa te tjeret nominuan si vijon:
Rozana Radi nominoi Agimin
Nuk e kuptoi pse Agimi nominoi Drenushen radhen e kaluar pasi Drenusha nuk e meritonte ate nominim, ishte aktive, e dashur dhe punetore ne krahasim me disa te tjere qe prishen atmosferen ne shtepi.
Agim Gerguri nominoi Fatosin
Pa arsye te forte.
Bertan Asllani nominoi Kastron
Nuk ka arsye te forte por nuk arriti ta njohe mire ende.
Drenusha Latifi nominoi Agimin
Per arsyet sic thote ajo, qe dihen. Nje, ai naten qe e nominoi heren e pare i tha Drenushes qe ajo duhet te jete me aktive. Drenusha spjegoi se ajo nuk mund te jete 24 ore aktive derisa eshte shume e zene duke kryer punet e shtepise qe jane te domosdoshme. "Une nuk mund te mirrem me te gjithe". Dy, vetem ai nuk kendoi kengen time kur kendohej dhe ai kundershtone qe nuk donte ta degjonte. Tre, "mua me duket qe eshte i papjekur".
Fatos Kryeziu nominoi Kastron
Per arsye se eshte shume i "thelle". Hap tema te ndryshme dhe fol per ate teme per 15 minuta pa asgje.
Big Mama nominoi Kastron
Nuk ka arsye te vecante, por te tjeret i ka me afer. Ishte ne dileme mes Agimi, Kastro dhe Drenusha por ja qe duhet nominuar dike.
Kastro Zizo nominoi Drenushen
Se pari ai u prononcua qe deshira e tij u plotesua pasi Rezarta doli nga shtepia. Nominoi Drenushen pa ndonje arsye.
Stupcat (Thuprat) nominuan Drenushen
Vedati nominoi Drenushen vetem per hir te lojes pa arsye te forte, ndoshta vetem per shkak te distances qe ekzistonte mes tyre pa ndonje prapavije te keqe. Osmani dhe Mensuri iu bashkuan Vedatit ne mendim edhe pse Mensuri foli shume mire per Drenushen dhe ne te kunderten me Vedatin ai ka nje afersi me te. Mirepo Mensuri shtoi se Drenusha ka mund te tregoj veten shume me shume nga ajo qe kemi pare deri me tani.
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[[ translation by google:
The nominees up on Wednesday are:
Stupcat (THUPRAT) (CODE 01)
MIGA Gerguri (CODE 03)
Fatos Kryeziu (CODE 02)
Castro ZIZO (CODE 09)
Hind Latifi (CODE 08)
Voting in Kosovo:
SMS: 4040 Written Wave XX
televoting: 0900 81 81 XX
Voting in Macedonia:
sms: 070 141 331 XX type
* XX is the resident code
You know, that resident should vote you prefer to stay at home. Resident to take the least votes becomes the next eliminuari.
As nominations went?
Rezarta ago learned to give up the VIP Shkurta home that at the beginning of nominations and it was not the formula.
Stupcat (Thuprat) were the first to punishment taken by the householder and the nomination went automatic. Apparently that was Mensuri residents got an initiative to do an agreement for the way the nomination. But this was contrary to the rules of the house and the landlord pronounce sentence.
BIG MAMA was convicted of second and it was the much talked zenken between her and Rezartes, where Big Mama used the dictionary banal.
While others nominated as follows:
Rozana Radi nominoi Dawn
Not understood why Dawn nominoi doe after doe last turn does not deserve that nomination, was active, my love and labor in comparison with some others that break down the atmosphere at home.
Agim Gerguri nominoi Fatosin
Without strong reasons.
Bertan Aslani nominoi Castro
There is strong reason but failed to recognize the best yet.
Dawn Hind nominoi Latifi
For reasons as she says, was unknown. One, he was the night the first time nominoi Drenushes said it must be active. Hind explained that it can not be active until 24 hours is too busy doing the house work that are necessary. "I can not mirrem with everyone." Two, he just sang my song when he sung and kundershtone who did not want to hear. Three, "for me it that is immature.
Fatos Kryeziu nominoi Castro
Because it is very "deep". Open various topics and talk about that topic for 15 minutes without anything.
Big Mama nominoi Castro
No particular reason, but others had to close. It was in dilemma between Dawn, Castro and doe but someone has to be nominated.
Castro Zizo nominoi doe
First he spoke to his desire was completed after Rezarta emerged from the house. Nominoi doe without any reason.
Stupcat (Thuprat) nominated doe
Vedati nominoi doe only for the sake of the game without strong reason, perhaps only because the distance that existed between them without any bad background. Osmani and joined Mensuri Vedatit we thought even though Mensuri spoke very well for the doe and the opposite with a near Vedatin he has to. However Mensuri Hind added that there can tell myself much more of what we have seen so far. ]]
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