Monday, May 31, 2010

Sonte ne Prishtine Video Festi Muzikor 2010!

Sonte në Prishtinë spektakli “Videofesti Muzikor”

Salla e Teatrit Kombëtar të Kosovës të dielën ishte veshur me “petk” të ri. Një ekran i vendosur, i cili kishte zënë vend në një top të rrumbullakët, që priste për të transmetuar parakalimin e yjeve të estradës, disa drita të shkapërderdhura që dukeshin të gatshme për të ndriçuar mysafirët e VFM-së dhe një tepih i kuq që priste të shtrohej para Teatrit, përmblidhnin detajet që do të krijojnë atmosferën e edicionit të tetë të “Videofestit Muzikor”. Edhe e gjithë pamja e Teatrit Kombëtar të Kosovës do të shkrihet të hënën në mbrëmje me imazhet karakterizuese të garës së vetme të videoklipeve në Kosovë.

Mbrëmja e “yjeve” edhe këtë vit do të bëjë bashkë këngëtarët shqiptarë nga të gjitha trevat, të cilët përveç që janë fitues potencialë të çmimeve që ndan VFM-ja, do të jenë pjesë e performancave artistike që do të shpalosen në kuadër të programit. Sivjet nata do të frymojë në vitet 80, që do të “rikthehen” përmes pikave artistike të realizuara enkas për “Videofestin Muzikor 2010”. Nikoqire e mbrëmjes edhe këtë vit është përzgjedhur aktorja Gresa Pallaska.

Fiks në orën 20:15 do të nisë parakalimi i këngëtarëve nëpër tepihun e kuq, përderisa spektakli në sallë do të startojë në orën 21:00. Edhe edicioni i sivjetmë i “Videofestit Muzikor” do të transmetohet “live” nga televizioni Kohavision, që tash e tetë vite është bashkorganizator i këtij evenimenti.

Organizatori i “Videofestit Muzikor”, Erolld Belegu, të dielën nuk ka hezituar të konfirmonte se gjithçka ka shkuar sipas planit.

“Kemi premtuar se do të jetë edicioni më i mirë dhe besoj që do të jetë”, kanë qenë fjalët e para që i ka thënë Belegu, teksa “kontrollonte” me sy lëvizjet e teknikëve që ishin duke përgatitur skenën. Duke qenë i njoftuar me interesimin që do të ketë edhe edicioni i radhës i VFM-së, Belegu është shprehur se jo të gjithë do të kenë “luksin” të kënaqen ulur me imazhet prej yjeve të këngëtarëve shqiptarë.

“Të ftuar ka shumë, por kapaciteti i Teatrit është i limituar, edhe pse janë vetëm 300 ulëse, jam i sigurt se do të jenë rreth 500 njerëz. Do të ketë shumë njerëz në këmbë”, ka shtuar ai.

Por, megjithatë Belegu ka shtuar se ia vlen çdo “mundim” për të ndjekur natën e yjeve, e cila kësaj radhe do të sjellë shumë të reja. “Përveç nominimeve që janë bërë nga juria, do të ndahen edhe dy çmime të tjera jashtë atyre tashmë të njohura. Është çmimi ‘Best Promo’ dhe ‘Çmimi i publikut’, i cili do të ndahet në bazë të videoklipeve që kanë qenë më të klikuara në ‘youtube’”, ka thënë Belegu.

Drejtori artistik i “Videofestit Muzikor”, Florent Boshnjaku, ka dhënë më shumë detaje lidhur me pjesën artistike të programit.

“Programi artistik sivjet do të frymojë me periudhën e viteve ’80. Është një lloj nderimi për ata që kanë bërë muzikë atëkohë”, ka thënë Boshnjaku.

Duke siguruar se “Videofesti Muzikor 2010” do të ofrojë një program shumë më ndryshe se vitet e kaluara, Boshnjaku ka vlerësuar edhe gatishmërinë e këngëtarëve për të qenë pjesëmarrës.

“Nuk ka qenë e vështirë të punohet me këngëtarët, sepse ka kohë të gjatë që jemi duke bashkëpunuar. Ata janë treguar të gatshëm, madje kanë dhënë edhe ndihmë sa i përket programit artistik”, ka thënë ai.

Ndryshe, për çmimin kryesor të “Videofestit Muzikor” këtë vit në garë janë videoklipet “Dy shokë” i Nora Istrefit, “S’të fal” i “Kthjellu” dhe Florit, “Amazing Girl” i Dafina Zeqirit dhe “VIP” i grupit “Skillz”. Në listën e të nominuarve në gjashtëmbëdhjetë kategori, kryeson videoklipi “Amazing Girl” i këngëtares Dafina Zeqiri me gjithsej tetë sosh.

Sponsorë medialë të “Videofestit…” janë “Koha Ditore” edhe KTV. /koha/maj 2010/

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The show tonight in Pristina "Videofesti Music"

Pristina, May 31, Hall National Theatre on Sunday was wearing "dress" the new. A screen set, which was placed in a round ball, which expects to broadcast estrades parakalimin of stars, some light shkapërderdhura that seemed ready to light the guests of VFM and a Red Carpets to wait The issue before the theater, summarize the details that will create the atmosphere of the eighth edition of "Music Videofestit. Even the sight of all National Theatre will be dissolved on Monday evening by specifying the images of video clips of a single race in Kosovo.

Evening of "stars" and this year will make Albanian singers together from all parts, except that they are potential winners VFM-share price that has, will be part of performance art that will be expanded under the program. This year will frymojë night in 80 years, which would "return" through art items realized exclusively for "Music Videofestin 2010. The evening also hosted this year has been selected Gresa Pallaska actress.

Fixed at 20:15 to start tepihun parakalimi of singers in red, while the spectacle in the hall will start at 21:00. This year's edition also "Videofestit Music" will be broadcast live by television Kohavision, who is now eight years bashkorganizator of this event.

The organizer of the "Videofestit Music, Erolld Belegu Sunday has been reluctant to confirm that everything has gone according to plan.

"We promised to be the best edition and I believe that would be" the words have been said before that Belegu, as "controlled" by eye movements and technicians who were preparing the scene. Being aware that interest will be the next edition of VFM's, Belegu stated that not everyone will have the "luxury" to enjoy sitting with images of stars Albanian singers.

"The guest has too, but capacity is limited Theatre, even though they are only 300 seats, I'm sure there will be about 500 people. There will be many people walking, "he added.

But, however Belegu added that it is worth any "pain" to follow the stars at night, which this time will bring many new. "In addition to nominations made by the jury, will be allocated two prizes other than those already known. Is the price 'Best Promo' and 'Public Prize', which will be divided based on video clips that have been clicking on 'youtube' "said Belegu.

Artistic Director of "Music Videofestit, Bosnian Florent, has given more details about the art program.

"The year will frymojë artistic period of 80 years. It is a kind of honor for those who have made music atëkohë "said Bosnian.
By providing that "Videofesti Music 2010" will offer a program much different than years past, has praised the Bosnian singers willingness to be participants.

"It was difficult to work with singers, has long because we're cooperating. They are showing willing, even given the assistance of the artistic program, "he said.

Otherwise, the top prize of "Videofestit Musical" contest this year are video "Two friends" of Nora Istrefi, "featureless forgive" the "Kthjellu" and gold, "Amazing Girl" of Dafina and "VIP" group "feat. The list of nominees in sixteen categories, leads the video "Amazing Girl" singer Dafina of the total eight of them. Media sponsors of "Videofestit ..." are "Koha Ditore" and KTV.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Juliana Pasha: Eshte Momenti Me i Bukur i Jetes Time!

Oslo, Pasha: Momenti më i bukur i jetës time

“Është momenti më i bukur i jetës time. Ndjej se Europa u bë një familje sot në skenë.”- ky është komenti që këngëtarja shqiptare Juliana Pasha ka bërë për gazetarët në konferencën për shtyp të organizuar menjëherë pas përfundimit të natës së parë gjysmë finale të festivalit Europian. “Nuk mundem pa ty”, në anglisht "It's all about you", u përzgjodh nga televotimi i hapur në të gjithë Europën ndër 10 këngët të cilët do të marrin pjesë në natën finale të shtunën më 29 maj. Gjatë konferencës këngëtarët kanë tërhequr shortin se kur do të këndojnë këngën në natën finale. Kështu Shqipëria do të këndojë e 15-ta dhe për të gjithë televotuesit do të jetë me kodin 15. Nëntë këngët e tjera që hynë nga konkurimi i mbrëmshëm në finale janë Moldavia, Bosnja Hercegovina, Belgjika, Serbia, Bjellorusia, Greqia, Islada, Rusia dhe Portugalia. /bw/
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Oslo, Pasha: The most beautiful moment of my life

"It is the most beautiful moment of my life. I feel that Europe was a family scene today. "- This is the comment that Albanian singer Juliana Pasha asked reporters at a press conference organized immediately after the night's first European semi-final of the festival. "I can not without you" in English "It's all about you", was selected by televoting open across Europe among the 10 songs that will participate in the finals on Saturday night May 29. During the conference have attracted lots of singers when they sing the song on the final night. Therefore, Albania will sing the 15th and all televotuesit will be code 15. Nine other songs that came out in the final competition are mbrëmshëm Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Serbia, Belarus, Greece, Islada, Russia and Portugal.

Vedat Ademi: Bashkeshortja Fansja Ime me e Cmendur!

Vedat Ademi: “Fansja ime me e cmendur eshte bashkeshortja”

Do te jete me ne sot ne “Bluetooth”, edhe nje nga pretendentet kryesor per cmimin e madh ne ‘Top Fest 7’. Kengetari Vedat Ademi, qe me te kenduarin e tij “live” kenaq gjithe degjuesit, rrefen sot shume nga prapaskenat e ketij konkurrimi. Nderkaq, ai tregon edhe per bashkeshorten e tij, e cila eshte fansja me e cmendur e Vedatit. Mendon qe ne vere te realizoje nje tur koncertor ne te gjitha trojet shqipfolese per te promovuar albumin e tij te pare, te cilin tashme e ka mbaruar... Keto dhe te tjera detaje nga jetesa aktuale e kengetarit Ademi, ua percjellim sot ne kete interviste...

Ku jeni ne keto momente, dhe me cfare jeni duke u marre?

Jam aktiv me muziken live ne “pub-et” e Tiranes, marr pjese ne ‘Top Fest 7’ me kengen “Koha s’kthehet”, kompozitor i se ciles eshte Kledi Bahiti. Tani per momentin jam duke u marre me provat e ‘Top Festit’ per naten finale.

Si ndiheni dhe cila eshte arsyeja qe ju ka bere te riktheheni ne kete festival?

Emocionet e ‘Top Festit’ jane te shumta. Marredhenia e pare ne Shqiperi per mua ka qene me kete festival. ‘Top Fest’ eshte nje festival modern, qe i jep mundesine gjithe artisteve per te promovuar kenget e tyre. Jam ndiere shume mire, kjo ka qene arsyeja qe kam marr pjese.

Duke qene se kete vit ‘Top Fest’ do te jete ‘live’, mendon se kjo do te ndikoje pozitivisht ne vleresimin sa me te plote te kenges dhe interpretimit tuaj?

Kete vit eshte shume pozitive qe Festivali eshte ‘live’. Nje kengetar duhet te kendoje kengen e vet, ndryshe nuk eshte kengetar. Eshte iniciative shume e madhe, eshte shume e vleresuar nga ana ime dhe e artisteve qe kendojne ‘live’.

Nga se perbehet grupi juaj?

Grupi perbehet nga 4 persona; une, Julian Kocaj (guitar), Kledi Bahiti (Vokali), Erion Medha (Drums).

Keni pasur ndonjehere keqkuptime mes grupit tuaj?

Ne kemi gjetur mirekuptimin ne grup. Fakti qe kemi 4 vjet bashke, tregon qe jemi shume mire.

Po ben nje vit qe jeni martuar, cfare mendimi ka gruaja juaj per muziken tuaj?

Gruaja ime vjen nga nje familje muzikantesh, vjehrri eshte kompozitor, kunati eshte kitarist, pra lidhjet qe ajo ka me muziken i kane rrenjet qe ne vogeline e saj. Eshte nje mbeshtetje shume e madhe per mua, ka shkruar disa tekste te kengeve te mia dhe eshte fansja ime me e cmendur. Pelqen gjithe kenget e mia, nje nder kenget me te pelqyera te saj eshte kenga e ‘Top Festit’.

Ju keni marre pjese ne shume festivale, keni realizuar disa videoklipe, keni ne repertorin tuaj kenge shume te bukura, perfshire ketu dhe nje prej kengeve me te mira dedikuar dashurise (‘Me mashtruan syte’). Perse nuk keni publikuar ende nje album, kur do te kemi nje album prej Vedat Ademit?

Me behet qejfi qe kenga ime klasifikohet si nder kenget me te bukura te dashurise, sa i perket albumit, si material eshte gati. Ideja eshte qe mund te bej nje tip turneu qe ta promovoj vete. Shpresoj dhe besoj shume qe do dale kete vere, normalisht pjese e albumit do jene 1 ose 2 videoklipe, qe do t’i paraprijne albumit.

Pretendoni cmimin e madh ne ‘Top Fest 7’?

Vleresoj anen e vleresimit, ne radhe te pare, me behet qejfi qe kenga eshte pritur mire nga publiku, eshte kenge moderne e realizuar shume mire. Shpresoj te vleresohet. Sigurisht, per artistin eshte shtyse. Gara eshte shume e forte, ka kenge shume te bukura, me e rendesishme eshte qe performanca te dale mire. /ida kokonozi/bluetooth/maj 2010/
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Vedat Ademi: "My craziest fan is my wife"

Will be with us today in the "Bluetooth", and one of the main contenders for the Grand Prix in the 'Top Fest seven'. Vedat Ademi singer, who with his singing "live" satisfies all listeners, many of today rrefen behind this competition. Meanwhile, he tells his wife about, which is the crazy fans of Vedatit. Thinks that in the summer to realize a concert tour in all territories speaking to promote his first album, which already has expired ... These and other details of the actual existence of the singer Adam, deliver them today in this interview ...

Where are you in these moments, and what are being taken?

I am active with live music in the "pub-et" in Tirana, take part in 'Top Fest 7' with the song "Time it back", whose composer is Kledi Bahiti. Now I'm currently doing tests 'Top Festit' for the final night.

How do you feel and what is the reason that you let us check this festival?

Emotions of 'Top Festit' are numerous. Albania's first relationship for me has been to this festival. 'Top Fest' is a modern festival, which allows all artists to promote their songs. I felt very well, this was the reason that I take part.

Since this year's 'Top Fest' will be 'live', believes that this will positively affect the evaluation as a full song and your interpretation?

This year is very positive that the festival is 'live'. A singer must sing his song, otherwise it is not a musician. Initiative is very great, is very appreciated by my side and the artists who sing 'live'.

By that made your group?

The group consists of four people, I, Kocaj Julian (guitar), Kledi Bahiti (vokalin), Erion large (Drums).

Have you ever had misunderstandings among your group?

We have found understanding in the group. The fact that we have four years together, we show that very well.

What makes a year that you are married, your wife what is thought to your music?

My wife comes from a family the musicians, vjehrri is songwriter, guitarist brother is, so it has links to music that we have rooted her wisp. It is a very big support for me has written several books of my songs and my fans is the madman. I love all of my songs, one song by her is pleasing to the song 'Top Festit. "

You have participated in many festivals, have made some video clips, songs you have in your repertoire very beautiful, and including one of the better songs dedicated to love ('The mashtruan eyes'). Why do not you publish an album yet, when we have an album of Vedat Ademi?

Indulge you with my song becomes classified as among the most beautiful songs of love in terms of album, as material is ready. The idea is that a dude can do that to promote the tournament itself. I hope and believe that more will come out this summer, normally part of the album will be one or two clips, which will precede the album.

Claim Grand Prix in 'Top Fest 7'?

Prize means of evaluation, in the first place, to be please that song is well received by the public, is modern songs performed very well. I hope evaluated. Of course, the artist is driving. Competition is very strong, has very beautiful songs, more important is that good performance to come.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Eneida Tarifaj Fiton Top Fest 7

Eneda Tarifa, fituese e 'Top Fest 7'

Dhe fituesja eshte... Eneda Tarifa! Spektakel i magjishem! Emocione, te papritura, duartrokitje, dritherima; ne kete atmosfere u mbyll nata finale e festivalit me te madh te muzikes moderne shqiptare 'Top Fest 7'.

"Ju falenderoj te gjitheve ju, drejtuesit e festivalit, koleget e mi, kompozitorin, familjen time dhe te gjithe publikun qe me ka mbeshtetur", u shpreh Tarifa menjehere pasi mori cmimin e madh te eventit.

Mbremja u zhvillua ne nje atmosfere elektrizuese ne sallen e Pallatit te Kongreseve, ku publiku nuk reshti se mbeshteturi te preferuarit e tij. Nen drejtimin energjik te Ledion Licos dhe Albana Osmanit, festivali mbylli siparin e tij, por kenget e prezantuara ne kete edicion pa diskutim qe do te vazhdojne te jene te preferuarat tuaja edhe per shume kohe, ndersa do te mund t'i shijoni ne ekranet e televizioneve muzikore dhe ne valet e radiove.

10 cmimet e tjera:

Videoklipi me i mire: Leonora Jakupi;
Best Hip Hop & R&B: Jonida Maliqi dhe Big Basta;
Cmimi Radiofonik nga Top Albania Radio: NRG Band
Cmimi i Internetit: Noizy ft Lil Coli
Cmimi Kengetarja me e Mire Femer: Besa Kokedhima
Cmimi Kengetari me i Mire Mashkull: Valon Shehu
Cmimi Artisti me i Mire i Ri: XXL
Cmimi Best Pop&Rock: Kamela
Cmimi Grupi me i Mire: Troja
Cmimi Interpretuesja me e Mire: Mariza Ikonomi

Kujtohet Dritan Hoxha

Vec cmimeve te ndara mes duartrokitjeve, brohoritjeve te fansave, dritherimave, nje moment krejt i vecante shkaktoi emocione te forta jo vetem tek te pranishmit ne salle, por edhe te te gjithe teleshikuesit. Me ane te pamjeve filmike u kujtua Dritan Hoxha, njeriut qe beri historine ne median shqiptare.

Te gjithe spektatoret, te ngritur ne kembe me duartrokitje te vazhdueshme shoqeruan dhe nderuan Dritan Hoxhen, themeluesin e Top Medias, presidentin e paharruar te kesaj kompanie.

Me kete rast, bashkeshortja e tij, zonja Vjollca Hoxha dha nje cmim special ne emer te Dritan Hoxhes, per fituesin e Top Fest 1, Alban Skenderajn.Kengetari, i cili nisi karrieren e tij, pikerisht ne kete festival te muzikes moderne shqiptare, falenderoi Hoxhen per besimin e treguar ndaj tij dhe shprehu te gjithe mirenjohjen per vleresimin e marre nder vite.

Me shume emocion dhe nostalgji per Dritan Hoxhen jane performuar ne skenen e Top Fest pasazhe te tre prej kengeve te tij te preferuara "Nothing Else Matters","No Leaf Clover" dhe "Show Must go on", nga Alban Skenderaj, Eugent Bushpepa, Xuxi shoqeruar nga orkestra e Top Channel. Dhe te gjithe bashke nuk harrojme kurre se ...."Endrra vazhdon!". /
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Eneda Tarifa, winner of 'Top Fest 7'

And the winner is ... Eneda Tarifa! Spektakel fairy! Emotions, surprise, applause, chill, wrapped in this atmosphere the festival's final night with the greatest of modern Albanian music TOP Fest 7 '.

"Thank you to all of you, leaders of the festival, my colleagues, the composer, my family and all that has public support", said the fee immediately after receiving the Grand Prix event.

The dinner took place in an atmosphere elektrizuese the room of the Palace of Congresses, where the public row is not supporting his favorite. Under the energetic direction of Ledio Licos and Albana Osmani, the festival closed its onset, but the songs presented in this edition that will undoubtedly continue to be your favorites and for a long time, and will be able to enjoy the screens music television and radio waves.

10 other prices:

Better video: Leonora;
Best Hip Hop & R & B: Jonida Maliqi and Big Basta;
Price of Top Albania Radio Radio: NRG Band
Internet Price: Noizy ft Lil Coli
Best Price Female singer: Besa Kokedhima
Price singer with The Good Man: Valon Shehu
Artist with Good Price New: XXL
Best Pop & Rock Award: Kamel
Better Price Group: Troja
The best price performer: Marisa Ikonomi

Remember Dritan Hoxha

Prices already divided between the applause, the fans cheer, chill, a very special moment of strong emotion caused not only to the participants in the hall, but also all teleshikuesit. Through film footage was reminded Dritan Hoxha, the man who made history in Albanian media.

All spectators, to set on foot accompanied by continuous applause and Dritan honored Hoxha, the founder of Top Media, memorable president of this company.

In this case, his wife, Mrs. Hoxha Vjollca gave a special award on behalf of Dritan Hoxha, the winner of Top Fest 1, Alban Skenderajn.Kengetari, who began his career, namely in this modern Albanian music festival, thanked square for the trust shown to him and all expressed gratitude for the evaluation of honor take years.

With much emotion and nostalgia for Dritan Hoxha are performed at the scene of Top Fest passages of three of his favorite songs "nothing Else Matters", "No Leaf Clover" and "The Show Must Go On" by Alban Skenderaj, Eugene Bushpepa, Xuxi accompanied by the Orchestra of the Top Channel. And all together not ever forget that ...." dream goes on! ".

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Arta Dobroshi Me Dy Filma te Ri!

Arta Dobroshi me dy filma të rinj

Ndërsa këto ditë vazhdon Festivali i Filmit në Kanë, dy vite më parë në po këtë festival bëri bujë nominimi i aktores së re nga Kosova, Arta Dobroshit në kategorinë e Palmës se Artë për rolin më të mirë të femrës për filmin “Heshtja e Lornës”.

Arta Dobroshi këto ditë ndodhet në Londër ku sapo ka përfunduar punën në dy filma, një të metrazhit të shkurtër dhe një të metrazhit të gjatë ku luan së bashku me yjet e filmit William Hurt dhe Isabella Roselini në regjinë e Julia Gavrasit. /bbc/telegrafi/maj 2010/
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Dobroshi Arta with two new movies
As the day goes on at Cannes Film Festival two years ago at this festival are made headlines in the nomination of the new actress from Kosovo, Maggie Palmës Dobroshi in the Golden category for best role for women movie "Silence of Lorna" .

Dobroshi gold these days is in London where just completed work on two films, metrazhit a short and a long metrazhit which plays along with the film stars William Hurt and directed Isabella Julia Roselini in Gavrasit.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Elvir Muriqi: Synimi Im Te Behem Kampion Bote!

/photo alex selimaj/

Po jetoj nje enderr!

Ka nje synim, te cilen prej vitesh e ka mbajtur te strukur, nen shkelqimin, famen, sukseset e njepasnjeshme. Te behet Kampion Bote! Kjo eshte deshira e fundit e Elvir Muriqit. Vecse eshte edhe i zoti.

Elvir Muriqi ka nje histori shume te vecante. Ai ka udhetuar drejt Shteteve te Bashkuara te Amerikes ne vitin 1996, ndersa ne Kosove ishte shpallur kampion ne kikboks qe ne moshen 15-vjecare. Ka emigruar ne Bronks te Nju Jorkut, lagja e famshme nga e cila kane dale shume boksiere te klasit boteror... Ne fakt edhe ne Shtetet e Bashkuara fillon me sportin e kikboksit dhe ate me mjaft sukses. Shpallet kampion i Amerikes Lindore si dhe kampion i tri shteteve federale amerikane New York, New Jersey e Konektikat. Te gjitha keto i arrin me nje rekord prej 18 fitoresh te njepasnjeshme pa pesuar asnje humbje te vetme. Pas kesaj fillon boksin amator duke boksuar ne kategorine gjysme te rende dhe te rende. Shperthimi i tij i pare ne ringun e boksit ngjan ne prill te vitit 1998 kur fiton ne arenen e famshme te “Madison Square Garden” turneun prestigjioz “Golden Gloves”. Jo rralle boksieri shqiptar ka pasur kunder vetes pervec kundershtarit ne ring edhe faktore te tjere qe kane ndikuar direkt apo indirekt ne epilogun e disa prej dueleve te tij.

Mund te na flisni per femijerine tuaj, deri tek momenti qe Elviri u takua me boksin…

Une i perkas nje familje bujare edhe perkrahese ne cdo aspekt... Babai eshte marr me sport, i kam dy vellezer Elvisin dhe Avdylin edhe dy motra, Elviren dhe Elinden. Babai Ramizi dhe nena Rabija dhe te gjithe te tjeret kane qene te angazhuar qe une te merresha me sport, dhe jo vetem me boks. Kam filluar me karate, jam marre me gjimnastike, futboll, kam ushtruar kickboxing, tani me boks...E falenderoj familjen time se po te mos kishte qene angazhimi i tyre, se di se ku do te isha sot! Edhe me perkrahin deri ne maksimum...

Cili ishte reagimi i familjes suaj, pasi kuptuan se do te merreni me boks?

Kur ia fillova te merrem me koks, ne klubin e Pejes te Bekim Muqa, isha shume i ri, 9 vjec. Kam ushtruar nje vit e gjysme. Familja me ka perkrahur. Mbas nje viti e gjysme, ia fillova qe te merrem me kick boxing, ne klubin e kick boksit te Driton Kuka dhe i nderi Besnik Istrefi... kam ushtruar aty 5 vite. Ne te njejten kohe jam marre edhe me futboll, gjimnastike...sporte luftarake. Edhe reagimi i familjes ishte qe une duhej te merresh vetem me sport. Dhe kete e kam bere tere jeten.

Dua te me thoni realisht, kur filluat te merreshit me boksin mendonit se do te arrinit deri ketu, pavaresisht se sic thone "shpresa vdes gjithmone e fundit", thelle ne vetvete me shume e shpresonit, apo e besonit kete ndjenjen e suksesit te arritur?

Kurre ne jete nuk e kam menduar qe do te arrij ketu ku jam sot, porse e kam pasur perhere ndjenjen se ne sport dicka do te arrij. Ama, te jesh ne nje vend te vogel si Kosova, as qe te shkon mendja se do te boksosh, nje dite, me boksieret me te mire ne bote dhe te triumfosh psh, perballe Antonio Tarvarit, boksierit amator me te mire te te gjitha koheve ne Amerike, boksieri te pare qe e ka mundur 3 here kampionin e botes, Joy Rones, me nokaut, KO, ne rundin e dyte. Mua, si femije, me ka inspiruar filmi “ROCKY”, ndersa pas disa viteve boksova me njeriun qe e ka luajtur rolin kryesor ne “ROCKY 6”! Shpesh, thosha, mos jam ne enderr, por ky eshte realiteti. Une nuk do te ndalem derisa ta fitoj titullin e Kampionit te Botes ne njeren prej 4 Federatave. Besoj qe nje dite do ta arrij kete synim, nese nuk ma bejne te padrejte.

Cilat emocione ju pershkruajne ne ring, kur ndiheni i rrethuar nga sportdashes, flamuj dhe zemra shqiptare, qe ju inkurajojne deri ne fund

Do te ndalem te tri mece qe me kane inkurajuar deri ne fund. Me 3 prill 1998, kur e kam fituar Dorezen e Arte ne Madison Square Garden, kam qene i pari shqiptar fitues si 18 vjecar... Qe e kam ngrit flamurin nderkombetar, i pari, ne Medison, shume shqiptar me kane perkrahur ate nate. Momenti i dyte ka qene kur kam boksuar me Samy Amad me 2002, kur pas 4 nokdaunave, me nokaut teknik ne rundin e trete, e fitova mecin. Ate nate, per here te pare perjetova nokdaunin edhe arrita ta fitoj mecin. Ka qene dicka e papershkrueshme ajo nate. Dhe, lufta qe i tregoi botes se kush eshte Elviri Muriqi, meci me Antonio Tarver.... Kur kam hy ne ate salle kam pare turmen e madhe te shqiptareve dhe kam degjuar kengen, gati me kane leshuar kembet prej ndjenjave... Ishte nje kenge patriotike qe me ngriti gjakun para luftes, “Ky flamur po na therret...Fadil Berisha...por shqiptaret dhe adhuruesit nuk me lane ta degjoj nga brohoritjet e tyre...ndjenje e papershkrueshme.

Boksi eshte sporti me burreror. Ju boksieret, normalisht jeni te ashper ne ring... Por doja te di, ne nje dite te zakonshme, c’domethenie ka ky sport per nje boksier, eshte i pranishem, apo thjeshte boksi mbetet vetem sporti i ringut?

Po boksi eshte sport burreror. Por, shumica e boksiereve jane njerez te qete. Elviri eshte nje njeri teper i qete kur bokson, por edhe ne te perditshmen.

Cila ka qene lufta me e ashper...?

Lufta me e ashper ka qene me Samy Ahmed, me 23 korrik 2002, ne New York, meci i vitit ne ESPN2 2002.

Cilat jane ndryshimet baze midis boksit profesionist dhe atij amator

Ne boksin amator luftohet ne 4 runda, ndersa ne ate profesional 4-12 runda, edhe pa ‘kaxiga’, pa kanotiere, dorezat jane me te vogla. Ne boksin profesional, sa me shume qe ta lendosh kundershtarin fiton pike me shume…

Cili eshte idhulli yt ne boksin profesional?

Dikur Mike Tayson edhe Muhamed Alia, pastaj Roy Jones, por ka kaluar koha e tyre edhe tash, idol e kam vetveten.

Ambicia e cdo sportisti eshte arritja e suksesit maksimal. Sipas mendimit tuaj, qe ta realizoj dikush kete, pervec talentit c’gje tjeter nevojitet?

Talenti, pastaj disiplina qe te punosh sa me shume edhe nje gje qe nuk e permendin sportistet shume: pushimi edhe ushqimi jane me rendesi gati sa angazhimi!

Duke e pare nga kendveshtrimi profesional, a mendoni se sporti i boksit vleresohet aq sa duhet, duke pasur parasysh vete faktin, qe kopertinat e gazetave, revistave te ndryshme i pushtojne futbollistet dhe me pak boksieret...?

Futbollin e vleresojne ne Evrope, por ne Amerike boksi eshte me i adhuruar. Por, cdo sport e ka meriten e vet...

Te arrini te jeni kaq i suksesshem, perkrahe talentit mendoj se keni patur dhe mbeshtetjen e disa njerezve te dashur te cilet jo vetem ju kane ndihmuar, por dhe ju kane stimuluar qe te beni nje hap me tej, dhe ne kete pike nuk i referohem vetem familjes, por dhe atyre jashte saj te cileve ndoshta u jeni mirenjohes, mund te na permendni ndonje emer?

Se pari falenderoj secilin qe me ka perkrahur ne karrieren time... por s’mund te le pa permendur Shemi Kelmendin, Bekim Mucen, Driton Kuken, Besnik Istrefin, qe me kane ushtruar ne Kosove, pastaj Luis Ruiz, Ray, Pallilo, Teddy Atlas, Rallfei, Colin Morgan, Harold Knight, Chello, edhe trenerin qe e kam tash, Buddy McGirt, treneret e jetes sime dhe Victor Maqaren qe ka ardhur ne mecin e fundit qe e kam pasur ne Kosove, menaxherin qe e kam pas 8 vite Frank LoCascio dhe baben e tij, menaxheret Joe Duva edhe promotoret Star Boxing edhe Done King . Dhe, patjeter familjen, axhallaret, por me se shumti adhuruesit e mi...

Edhe pse keni ende shume rruge cdo sport tjeter dhe boksi ka nje "date skadence". A keni menduar se ku do te ofroni kontributin tuaj me pas, te supozojme ne sherbim te gjenerates se re te boksiereve?

Kur do ta mbaroj karrieren do te ndihmoj patjeter te gjithe boksieret shqiptar, per te dale sa me te suksesshem ne boks. Une, do te merrem edhe me biznese tjera, por kam edhe 5 vite per t’u munduar qe te hy ne Liber te Ginisit si shqiptari i pare kampion i Botes ne Pro Boxing ne njeren nga Federatat WBC, WBA, IBF, WBO, por deshira ime eshte te arrij WBC-ne.

Juve si duket ju pelqejne me shume modelet. Ne media shkruhet se tashme ne krah keni dhe po perjetoni nje lidhje te suksesshme dashurie me 21-vjecaren Roza Gough (Roza fitoi kuroren e me te bukures ne evenimentin "Elita Model Look").

Po, tash nje vit e tre muaj jam ne lidhje me Rosa Gough, nje vajze shume e mire, e thjesht. Pasi kishte mbaruar “Fashion Week” ne Itali edhe ne Paris, ajo ishte ne Kosove 10 dite. Pasi une jam kthyer ne New York, kam shkuar ne vendlindjen e saj, ne Republiken Dominikane. Jam shume i lumtur me te, per respektin qe ka ndaj meje dhe familjes sime... Eshte nje manekene shume e suksesshme, bashkepunon me markat me te medha boterore te modes…

Cka vlereson se pari kur te takohesh me nje femer?

Se pari, kur ta shohesh nje femer e vlereson nga pamja, pastaj nga veset qe i ka dhe, une, ia shikoj duart cfare i ka. /telegrafi/maj 2010/
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I live a dream!

There is a goal, which for years has kept the shy, under the brilliance, fame, success and successive. To become World Champion! This is the last wish Elvir Muriqi. But it is also neat.

Elvir Muriqi has a very special story. He has traveled to the United States of America in 1996, while in Kosovo was promulgated in kikboks champion at age 15 years. Has migrated in the Bronx, New York, the famous neighborhood of which have brought many world-class boxer ... In fact the United States begins with the sport of kickboxing and ate with great success. Proclaimed champion of the America East champion and three U.S. federal states New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. All this amounts to a record 18th successive victory without any loss suffered only. After this begins with amateur boxing in category boksuar half serious and serious. His first outbreak in ringun of boxing like in April 1998 when the famous win in the arena of "Madison Square Garden" tour prestigious "Golden gloves. Albanian boxer often had himself against the ring opponent besides other factors that have direct or indirect influence on the outcome of some of his duel.

Can we talk about your childhood up to the moment Elviri met with boxing ...

I belong to a generous family and supporters in every aspect ... A pick the sport is, of Elvis and I have two brothers and two sisters Avdylin, Elviren and Elinden. Father and mother Ramizi Rabin and all the others have been engaged I dealing with sport, and not only in boxing. I started karate, I am taken with gymnastics, soccer, I practice kickboxing, boxing now ... And I thank my family that if it had not been their engagement, they know where I will today! Even with support up to a maximum ...

What was the reaction of your family, because they realized it would take to boxing?

When we started to deal with coke, the club Muqa Bekim Pec, I was very young, 9 years old. I conducted a year and a half. The family has supported. After a year and a half, we started to engage in kick boxing, kick boxing club in the Bruno Kuka Istrefi Loyalty and honor ... I practice there five years. At the same time I also received football, gymnastics ... combat sports. Even the family's reaction was that I had to deal only with sport. And I've done this all my life.

I want to tell really, when dealing with boxing started to think that it would reach up here, despite that as say "hope dies last always, deep in himself more and hope, or believe this feeling of success to achieve?

Ever I did not think that will reach here where I am today, but I always had the feeling that something will get sport. Ama, being a small country like Kosovo, or that the mind goes boksosh that will, one day, with the best boxer in the world and triumfosh example, opposite Antonio Tarvarit, the best amateur boxer of all times in America, the first boxer who could have three times the sample of the world, Joy Rones, by knockout, KO, in the second round. Me, as children, has inspired the movie "Rocky", and after several years boksova the man who played a key role in "Rocky 6"! Often, say, I am not dream, but this is reality. I will not stop until we win the world championship title in one of four Federations. I believe that one day will achieve this goal, if not make me wrong.

What emotions you describe the ring, when you feel surrounded by sportdashes, Albanian flags and heart, encouraging you to the end?

Will stop at three mece was encouraged to have until the end. On April 3, 1998, when I make a grip of Arts in Madison Square Garden, I was the first winner as a 18 year old Albanian ... That have raised international flag, the first, we Medison, many Albanian supported that night. The second moment was when I boksuar with Samy Amad in 2002, when after four nokdaunave, with technical knockout in the third round, and won mecin. That night, for the first time and I managed to Perjetova nokdaunin mecin win. There was something indescribable that night. And, the war that showed the world who is Elviri Muriqi, with Antonio Tarver meci .... When HY in that room I've seen the biggest crowd of Albanians and I have heard song, ready to have issued standing feelings ... It was a patriotic song that raised the blood before the War, "The flag is calling us ... Fadil Berisha and Albanian fans ... but not the left to hear the applause of their ... indescribable feeling.

Boxing is manly sports. You boxers, are normally bitter ring ... But I want to know, in a normal day, c'domethenie has this sport for a boxer, is present, or simply left the sport of boxing ringut?

But boxing is a manly sport. But, most boxers are cool people. Elviri is a very quiet person when bokson, but also in the everyday.

What was the fierce fighting ...?

The fierce struggle was with Ahmed Samy, by July 23, 2002, in New York, ESPN2 meci year in 2002.

What are the basic differences between professional and the amateur boxing?

We fought in amateur boxing 4 rounds, and rounds 4-12 in that training, even without 'kaxiga', no vest, gloves are small. In professional boxing, as much as the opponent to earn points lendosh more ...

What is your idol in professional boxing?

Once Mike Tayson and Alia Muhammad, then Roy Jones, but their time has passed and now, I myself Idol.

Ambition of every sportsman is to achieve maximum success. In your opinion, I realize that this man, besides talent c'gje else is needed?

Talent, then the discipline to work very well as a thing that not many sportsmen either: leave the food are almost as important commitment!

Having seen the professional viewpoint, do you think the sport of boxing is evaluated enough, given the fact that bound cover of newspapers, magazines to occupy different and a little football boxers ...?

Appreciate football in Europe, but boxing in America is the god. But each sport has its merits ...

To get to you so successful, supports talent and think you have the support of several people who had not only helped them, but you are stimulated to make a step further, and at this point I refer not only family, but also those outside it was probably whom you're grateful, we can mention any names?

First of all thank everyone who has supported my career ... but can not let no mention Shemi Kelmendi, Bekim Muca, Bruno Kuken, Loyalty Istrefi, that they have exercised in Kosovo, then Luis Ruiz, Ray, Pallilo, Teddy Atlas, Rallfei, Colin Morgan, Harold Knight, Chello, even trenerin that I have now, Buddy McGirt, treneret of my life and Victor Maqaren that has come in recent mecin that I had in Kosovo, the manager that I had eight years Frank LoCascio and his dad, manager Joe Duva and promoter Star Boxing Done the King. And definitely family, axhallaret, but mostly my fans ...

Even though you still have more road ahead ... as any other sport, and boxing has a "deadline date". Have you thought about where your contribution will provide the following, we assume the service of a new generation of boxers?

When you finish career will definitely help all Albanian boxers, to appear as successful in boxing. I shall also deal with other businesses, but also have five years to try to book Ginisit HY in Albanian as the first World Champion in Pro Boxing Federations on one of WBC, WBA, IBF, WBO, but My desire is to reach WBC-in.

You seem like you more models. In the media states that have already in hand and is about a successful experience the love with 21-vjecaren Roza Gough (Roza won the crown of the event bukures "Elite Model Look").

But now a year and three months I am about Rosa Gough, a very good girl, simple. Having finished "Fashion Week" in Italy and in Paris, it was 10 days in Kosovo. Once I am back in New York, I go to her hometown, in the Dominican Republic. I am very happy with, the respect that is against me and my family ... It is a very successful manekene, collaborates with the world's largest brands of fashion ...

What's discretion when to meet first with a woman?

First, when you see a woman appreciates the sight, then the vices that have, and I, we see what has hands.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Eliza Dushku i Kerkon Falje Vienna Girardit

Dushku i kërkon falje Girardit

Eliza Dushku i ka kërkuar falje yllit televiziv, Vienna Girardi, pasi e akuzoi këtë të fundit se ajo ishte e interesuar për të dashurin e saj, Rick Fox.

Aktorja me prejardhje shqiptare i dërgoi një mesazh kërcënues Girardit në Twitter, duke postuar një fotografi, ku Vienna Girardi shikon me mjaft emocion të dashurin e Dushkut, Rick Fox.

“Vienna, unë do të të prej. Mbaji sytë mbi mishin tënd!”, shkruante mesazhi.

Mirëpo duket se Eliza është penduar për këtë veprim të ngutshëm dhe ka vendosur t’i kërkojë falje Vianna Girardit, e cila pritet të martohet me Jake Pavelka.

“Unë e lëndova familjen Pavelka. Unë do të prej disa lule të freskëta për Viennan dhe do t’i kërkoj falje nëse ajo është lënduar”, shkroi Dushku në Twitter. /Telegrafi/
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p.s. jo ore se Eliza kishte bere pak shaka, por si duket vajza ishte prekur shume e gjora... /teni/
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Dushku asks forgiveness Girardit
Eliza Dushku of TV star has apologized, Vienna Girardi, after the latter accused that she was concerned for her boyfriend, Rick Fox.

Actress of Albanian descent sent a threatening message on Twitter Girardit, by posting a picture, which looks at Vienna Girardi enough emotion Dushkut boyfriend, Rick Fox.

"Vienna, I will cut you. Keep your eyes on your own meat", wrote the message.

But it seems that Eliza is remorseful for the urgent action and has decided to ask forgiveness Girardit Vianna, who is to marry Jake Pavelka.

"I lëndova Pavelka family. I will cut some fresh flowers for Viennan and will apologize if she was hurt, "wrote Dushku on Twitter.

Hakiu: Big Brother Manipuloi Votat!

Hakiu: BB nuk e respekton votën e publikut

Njëri nga banorët më të përfolur të edicionit të sivjetem të shout real “Big Brother Albania”, Haki Kika, ka thënë se ky shou nuk respekton votat e publikut dhe se është i bindur se nuk ka qenë publiku ai që ka vendosur për largimin e tij.

“Kurrë nuk më ndërrohet mendja për manipulim votash. Unë vetëm nga publiku nuk kam dalë. Është luftë interesash. Me kalimin e kohës do t’i bëj publike të gjitha detajet. Por ta dini se ky shou nuk e respekton votën e publikut”, theksoi Hakiu në një intervistë për Infopress.

Kika ka deklaruar se ishte shumë i sigurt që nuk do të dilte dhe ishte shumë i qetë. Ai ka thënë se nuk e priste as nominimin e dytë, ndërsa më pas e kishte kuptuar, që sipas tij, ishte një kurth, duke shtuar se banorët ndiheshin të kërcënuar nga origjinaliteti dhe natyrshmëria e tij.

“Ndihem shumë i gëzuar sepse dikush i fitoi lekët, ndërsa unë kamë fituar atë që asnjëri nga banorët nuk do ta fitojë gjithë jetën. Respektin dhe zemrat e shqiptarëve anekënd botës. Shpesh e pyes veten: ’Çka paskam bërë kaq të veçante që po gëzoj gjithë këtë respekt?’. Unë, thjeshtë bëra atë që do të bëja në secilën situatë apo ambient të ngjashëm. U solla natyrshëm ashtu siç jam në të vërtet ashtu siç sillem edhe në shtëpi”, ka thënë Hakiu. /infopress/telegrafi/maj 2010/
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Hakiu: BB does not respect the public's vote
One of the residents most controversial edition of Shout This year the real "Big Brother" Haki Kika, said that this show does not respect the public's votes and he is convinced that the public was not one who has decided to remove his .
"I never changed mind on vote rigging. I just have not come from the public. It is the struggle of interests. Over time will make public all the details. But I know that this show does not respect the public vote, "said in an interview Hakiu Infopress.

Kika said he was very sure it will not appear and was very quiet. He has said he did not expect either the second nomination, and later he understood that his opinion was a trap, adding that residents felt threatened by his originality and natyrshmëria.

"I feel very happy because someone won the lek, while I earn what I have none of the residents will not gain the whole life. Respect and hearts of the Albanians throughout the world. Often I ask myself: 'What paskam made so special that it is warm all respect?'. I simply asked him to do in each situation or similar environment. They brought him naturally as I am in fact behave as well at home, "said Hakiu.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Orinda Huta, Intervista "SH2"

/photo endrit mertiri/

Orinda: Bukuria e jashtme eshte nje pasaporte me skadence

Orinda Huta prezantuese e emisionit “Tuborg Green Beat” ne Vizion Plus. Pasioni i fshehur per prezantimin. Planet per nje kenge dhe videoklip, perfundimi i studimeve per Shkenca Komunikimi dhe si eshte rritur Orinda qe nga dalja e pare ne ekran e deri me tani

E kemi pare Orinda Huten ne skene duke kenduar, por asnjehere duke prezantuar. Kjo eshte hera e pare per te. Me siguri organizatoret e programit “Tuborg Green Beat” kane menduar qe po te kesh nje imazh si Huta perballe ne ekran zor se mund te nderrosh kanal, dhe e kane spikatur si zgjedhje me te mire. Por, Orinda e ka marre me shume qejf kete pjese. Duket se per te televizioni dhe prezantimi ka qene nje pasion i fshehur qe me sa shihet eshte ne fillesat e veta, duke prezantuar nje emision te perjavshem ne “Vizion Plus” se bashku me dy kolege te saj. Te gjithe e mbajne mend hitin e pare te Orindes; “Te dua te dua dhe ti di mire”... qe ne krye te heres ka qene e vendosur ne ate qe bente dhe thoshte, dhe kjo gje e karakterizon edhe sot, duke pasur si nje nga pikat e veta te forta kembenguljen. Ky eshte viti i diplomimit per Shkenca Komunikimi te Orindes dhe eshte ne pune siper per temen e diplomes. Nga ana tjeter, po ne pune e siper eshte edhe per te nxjerre nje kenge te re te sajen, se bashku me nje videoklip, serish ne bashkepunim me nje nga djemte e grupit “Produkt 28”, Alban Kondi. Ne nje interviste per “Sh2-in”, Orinda rrefen jo vetem per punen, shkollen, planet per muziken, por edhe diten e saj nga zgjimi i mengjesit deri kur e mbyll diten ne mbremje vone.

Orinda, me cfare melodie u zgjuat sot ne mengjes?

Nuk jam zgjuar me ndonje melodi sot. Jam ngritur me shpejtesi nga krevati, bera dushin, mengjesin dhe menjehere dola nga shtepia.

Zgjimi per ju eshte i veshtire, dua te themi jeni “gjumashe, flini deri vone?

Jo, nuk jam gjumashe, ndaj nuk fle deri vone. Une i bej oret e gjumit mjaftueshem, ndaj nuk kam probleme me zgjimin. Sigurisht qe ditet e pushimit preferoj te zgjohem pak me vone se zakonisht.

Dita juaj eshte e planifikuar, apo cfare te dale?

Zakonisht eshte e planifikuar, por gjate dites me dalin shume shpesh gjera te reja per te bere, ndaj asnje dite nuk eshte njesoj. Madje, mund t’ju them nje sekret, qe kohet e fundit kam filluar te harroj se cfare kam lene gjate diteve te javes dhe me duhet te perdor bllokun e shenimeve...

Jeni vazhdimisht e rezervuar ne dhenien e intervistave, por edhe ne publikimet tuaja muzikore. Nga vjen kujdesia?

Ndoshta nga eksperienca qe mund te kem marre, si ne dhenien e intervistave dhe te publikimeve. Eshte e veshtire te tregohesh e kujdesshme ne kete zanat”. Une mundohem te jem e tille edhe pse shpeshhere edhe une mund te gaboj…

Tashme, dicka ka ndryshuar ne punet tuaja, shfaqeni si prezantuese ne nje emision televiziv ne “Vizion plus”. Na flisni pak per kete projekt?

Ky emision qe po prezantohet aktualisht nga une, Iva dhe Klejvi, eshte nje projekt i “Tuborg”. Pjese e fushates promocionale te tij kete vit. Ky projekt mu prezantua nga producentet dhe une nuk ngurova te thosha po. Me pelqeu si ide dhe prezantimi ishte ne preferencat e mia, ndaj nuk u mendova shume gjate.

Jua ofruan apo e kerkuat, si ndodhi?

Ma ofruan. Ishte Klejvi personi i pare i zgjedhur nga producentet dhe me tej ai erdhi tek une per te me paraqitur idene e projektit. Me vone ishte takimi me producentet qe me treguan cdo detaj dhe une pranova me kenaqesi.

Orinda, keni dal ne ekran shpesh me mikrofon ne dore per te kenduar, ndersa tani eshte ndryshe, per te prezantuar, cfare ndryshimi ka?

Skena e festivaleve eshte shenjte. Emocioni kur del ne skene eshte krejt tjeter nga ai i prezantimit te nje emisioni. Ndoshta une nuk e kam provuar akoma peshen e nje emisioni me te madh, ndaj nuk mund te te them te kunderten.

Prezantimi eshte nje pasion i juaj i hershem, apo…?

Ka qene nje pasion i fshehur. Nuk e kam shfaqur as me miqte kete preference. Mua me pelqen televizioni, dua te angazhohem ne te, por jo detyrimisht ne rolin e prezantueses.

Orinda, ju jeni nje vajze qe e keni filluar heret karrieren muzikore, qe ne adoleshence, cfare ka ndryshuar tek ju me kalimin e kohes?

Nuk ka pasur ndryshime rrenjesore tek une. Nuk ka ndryshuar as karakterin e as tipin tim. Une jam rritur duke qene dhe kengetare, por edhe sikur mos te merresha me muzike, karakteri im do ishte po i njejti. Kam pasur gjithnje kujdesin e familjes me vete, ndaj jam ndjere e sigurt ne hapat qe beja.

Ne c’aspekt eshte rritur Orinda?

Kam pasur nje rritje si cdo individ, por ne te njejten kohe ndjej se dhe ne aspektin profesional jam rritur gradualisht.

Femrat bionde thuhet se kane karakter te dobet, ndodh kjo me ju?

Kete nuk e kam degjuar ndonjehere, por siguroj qe shumica e bruneve vdesin te behen bionde, ndaj tani nuk mund ta besh dot dallimin.

Cila eshte pika me e forte e karakterit tuaj?

Them se mund te jete kembengulja ne gjerat qe dua.

Ju jeni nje vajze e bukur, sa ju ka ndihmuar apo penguar te qenit vajze e bukur dhe si e tille te qenit ne qender te vemendjes?

Pse duhet te jete pengese fakti i te qenit e bukur?! Per cdo njeri eshte nje plus i madh, por duhet te dish ta shfrytezosh si duhet. Bukuria e jashtme eshte nje pasaporte me kadence, ndaj me e mira eshte ta pershtatesh me se miri me bukurine shpirtit.

Na flisni pak per studimet, perfunduan tashme?

Jam ne perfundim te vitit te trete per Shkenca Komunikimi. Shpresoj qe ta mbyll me sukses. Aktualisht jam duke punuar edhe per temen e diplomes. Ndjehem mire, sepse ne shkollen qe une frekuentoj kam pasur shansin te kem te bej me pedagoge shume te kualifikuar. Madje, kam dhe pedagoge te preferuar qe po me japin shume dore me realizimin e diplomes.

Po me muzike… Keni ndonje kenge te re ne dore?

Sigurisht qe kam. Shume shpejt do dale klipi i ri. Kenge e realizuar serish nga Alban Kondi. Mezi po pres te rifutem serish ne studion e regjistrimit.

Cili eshte koncepti juaj per dashurine, cfare eshte dashuria per ju?

Eshte gjithcka… njeriu nuk mund te jetoje dot pa dashuri, e cila jepet ne forma te ndryshme.

A po perjetoni tani nje dashuri. Keni momentalisht nje djale prane, me te cilin jeni e dashuruar?

Sigurisht qe po. U be kohe tashme qe vazhdoj te jem e dashuruar.

Emisioni mban emrin e nje birre, cfare marredhenie keni ju me alkoolin, me birren?

Kam nje marredhenie te shkelqyer J. Si tironse qe jam, ti mendon se do kishte shans ta kisha te keqe?! Me pelqen te pi. Nuk jam vajza e club-ve, por me pelqen te pi ne restorantin tim te preferuar. /entela resuli/shekulli/maj 2010/
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Orinda: outer beauty is a passport with expiry date

Orinda Huta presenter of the show "Tuborg Green Beat" in the Vision Plus. Hidden passion for the presentation. Plans for a song and video, complete communication and science studies as Orinda has increased since the first screen appearance until now

We have seen Orinda owl singing on stage, but never being presented. This is the first time to. Surely the organizers of the program "Tuborg Green Beat" have thought that if you have an image as the screen in front Huta hardly can change your channel, and have distinguished as the best choice. But, Orinda has received more accommodating this part. It seems that the introduction of television and was a hidden passion that it is seen in its beginnings, presenting a weekly show at the "Vision Plus" with two of her colleagues. They all remember the first Orindes smash hit, "I love you I love and know better" ... heres the top of that was located in what they do and say, and this characterizes today, having as one of its strong points perseverance. This is the year of graduation for the Orindes Communication Sciences and is working above the topic of the diploma. On the other hand, if the above is also working to bring a new song thanks, along with a video clip, again in collaboration with a group of boys "Product 28", Alban Kondi. In an interview for "Sh2-in", Orinda rrefen not only for work, school, plans for music, but also from her day's morning wake up when the day ended late in the evening.

Orinda, tune with what we woke up today morning?

I'm not smart with any tune today. I set the speed of the bed, started to shower, breakfast and immediately came out of the house.

Awakening is difficult for you, I want to say you're "gjumashe, sleep until later?

No, I am gjumashe, so do not sleep until later. I do enough hours of sleep, so I have no problems with awakening. Holiday certainly prefer to wake up a little later than usual.

Your day is planned, or what appear?

Usually it is planned, but during the day to come more often new things to do, so any day is not the same. Furthermore, I can tell you a secret that recently I started to forget what I left on weekdays and must use the block of any ...

You are constantly reserved in giving interviews, but also in your musical publications. Comes from care?

Perhaps the experience that I can take, such as giving interviews and publications. It is difficult to show careful in this profession. " I try to be like this even though sometimes I may err ...

Now, something has changed in your work, shfaqeni as presenter in a television show in the "Vision Plus". We talk a bit about this project?

This show that is currently presented by me, and Iva Klejvi, is a project of "Tuborg. Part of its promotional campaign this year. This project just launched by the producers and I ngurova not say yes. With ideas like how the presentation was in my preferences, that's not very long thought.

Whom it provided or requested, how it happened?

Ma offered. Klejvi first person was selected by the producers and further he came to me to present the project idea. Later was meeting with the producers that showed every detail and I accepted with pleasure.

Orinda, you get the screen often with microphone in hand to sing, and now it is different, to introduce, what is the difference?

Scenes of the festival is sacred. When emotion comes in the scene is completely different from the presentation of a show. Maybe I have not tried yet the weight of a great show with, so I can not say the opposite.

Presentation is a passion of your early, or ...?

There was a latent passion. There have even been friends with this preference. I like television, we want to bind, but not necessarily in the role of prezantueses.

Orinda, you're a girl who have started early music career, which in the teens, what has changed to you over time?

There were no radical changes to me. There is no character or change my type. I'm being increased and singers, but even if not of dealing with music, my character would be is the same. I always had the care of family with him, so I felt confident in the steps that Beja.

We grew c'aspekt Orinda?

I had an increase as any individual, but at the same time and we feel that professionally I grew up gradually.

Women have reportedly bionde weak character, this happens to you?

I have not ever heard, but ensure that most of the dark-haired man to become bionde die, so now you can not make the difference.

What is the strong point of your character?

I guess it can be to insist on things that I want.

You are a beautiful girl, how you helped or hindered being beautiful girl and as such being in the spotlight?

Why should I be unable fact of being beautiful? For every man is a big plus, but need to know to use properly. External beauty is a passport with cadence, so good is the best fit to the beauty of the soul.

We talk a bit about the studies, already completed?

I'm at the end of the third year for Science Communication. I hope to close successfully. Currently I am working on the topic of the diploma. I feel good, because we attend the school that I've had the chance to have to do with highly qualified teacher. Furthermore, I and favorite teacher who is very hand to make the implementation of diploma.

But the music ... You have any new songs in hand?

Of course I have. Soon will come the new clips. Song performed by Alban Kondi again. Could hardly wait to rifutem again in studio recording.

What is your concept of love, what is love for you?

It is not everything ... man can not live without love, which is given in different forms.

Do you now experience the one love. Have a boy at the moment, with whom you are in love?

Certainly yes. The time now that the EU continue to be in love.

The show is named after a beer, what relationship you have with alcohol, with beer?

I have an excellent relationship J. Tironse as I am, you think that would have had the worst chance? I like to drink. I am not a club-s daughter, but I like to drink at my favorite restaurant.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ryva, Ne Pergaditje Te Nje Hiti Veror!

Ryva, nuk mban sekrete

Kengetarja Ryva Kajtazi thote se deri tani ka realizuar nje klip qe do te leshohet se shpejti.

Pervec se eshte kengetare, ajo eshte e angazhuar edhe si aktore. Por, thote se ne muzike eshte me e lire per te punuar. Thote se eshte duke u kenaqur me xhirimet ne serialin “Spitaliks”, perderisa ka perfunduar xhirimet e nje spoti te ri me nje produksion me te cilin eshte ndare e kenaqur. Nga jeta private thote se eshte ende “single”. Ryva Kajtazi flet per Roze...

Roze: Cfare eshte duke bere momentalisht Ryva?
Ryva: Jam duke u marre me kengen time me te re. Eshte nje kenge e zhanrit house, eshte shume kenge ritmike dhe verore. Gjithashtu jam duke u bere gati edhe per videoklip qe do te mundesohet nga “Max Production” dhe do te realizohet ne Shqiperi. Mendoj qe do te dale shume mire dhe shpresoj qe do te behet nje hit veror.

Roze: Sa je e kenaqur me produksionet shqiptare?
Ryva: Jam shume e kenaqur. Vertet e kryejne punen me shume sukses. Koheve te fundit kam bashkepunuar me Max Production, i cili eshte nga Shqiperia dhe vertet kane bere nje pune te madhe dhe dua te vazhdoj te punoj me kete produksion.

Roze: Cfare mund te flasesh per suksesin qe e ke arrit deri tash? Je e kenaqur?
Ryva: Jam shume e kenaqur sepse deri tash cfare une kam arritur - e kam bere, e kam arritur me mundin tim dhe me te gjitha forcat e mia dhe me nje menyre mundi im eshte shpaguar. Si rezultat i kesaj eshte qe une jam mjaft aktive si ne Kosove ashtu edhe jashte Kosoves. Kjo gje me ben te ndihem shume mire, sepse tregon qe publiku te vleresoje dhe po e them prape qe ndihem mire qe jam duke korrur sukses ne punen qe une jam duke e bere.

Roze: Kush kujdeset per dukjen e Ryves?
Ryva: Per videoklipe per make-up eshte Sellma, qe nuk e nderroj asnjehere. Kemi nje gjuhe te perbashket dhe vertet e pelqej punen e saj. Sa i perket flokeve i nderroj shume frizeret - jam aventuriste e frizereve. Ndersa ne koncerte grimin zakonisht e bej vete.

Roze: Ju jeni edhe aktore. Ne cilen fushe e gjeni veten me shume, aktrim apo kendim?
Ryva: Une kam studiuar per aktrim dhe me shume e pelqej ate dhe e konsideroj ate si profesionin tim. Ndersa muzika me eshte bere si profesion i dyte per arsye se me shume jam duke u marre me muzike se me aktrim. Sepse muzika me shume eshte pune individuale, ndersa aktrimi eshte pune kolektive dhe eshte me lehte te punosh me muzike sepse cfare bej, e bej vetem une.

Roze: Po me shfaqje teatrale sa je aktive?
Ryva: Momentalisht jam e angazhuar me nje projekt qe do te mbahet ne Gjilan se bashku me Gresa Pallasken. Shpresoj qe do te realizohet kjo shfaqje, por ende nuk eshte dicka definitive.

Roze: Ju me heret keni qene pjese e serialit “Familja Moderne. A vazhdoni jeni pjese e saj?
Ryva: Ne sezonin e ri te serialit “Familja Moderne” nuk kam qene pjesemarrese. Per momentin jam pjese e serialit Spitaliks, ka nje muaj qe kam filluar me prova dhe xhirime dhe jam shume e kenaqur me kete serial.

Roze:A ka dicka te re nga jeta personale e Ryves?
Ryva: Ne jeten personale ka shume te reja, por nuk deshiroj ende t’i bej publike. Une nuk jam ne person qe i mbaj gjerat e fshehura. Keshtu qe kur te vije koha, me gjithe kenaqesi do t’i ndaj me juve. /anzotika kelmendi/gazeta express/maj 2010/
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Ryva, keeps no secrets
Kajtazi Ryva singer says that so far has made a clip that will be issued soon. In private life does not mean that any innovation.

Besides that is singer, she is engaged as actors. However, says the music is free to work. Says he is satisfied with the footage being in series "Spitaliks, while filming has finished a new spot with a production of which is divided satisfied. Private life says it is still "single." Kajtazi speaks for Ryva-colored ...

Pink: What is currently making Ryva?
Ryva: I am doing my new song. It is a house song genre, song is very rhythmic and summer. I am also being done for the video that will enable the "Max Production" and will be implemented in Albania. I think that will come out very well and hopefully will be a summer hit.

Pink: How satisfied are you with the Albanian productions?
Ryva: I am very satisfied. Really perform very successfully. Recent Production've collaborated with Max, who is from Albania and they really did a great job and I want to continue to work with this production.

Pink: What to talk about the success that you have achieved so far? Are you satisfied?
Ryva: I am very satisfied because so far what I've achieved - I've done, I've reached my toil and all my forces and my beat is a way shpaguar. As a result of this is that I am very active in Kosovo as well as abroad. This thing makes me feel very good, because shows that the public is to evaluate and say again that I feel good that I'm successfully harvested in the work that I'm done.

Pink: Who cares about the appearance of Ryves?
Ryva: For video clips for make-up is Sellma, I do not ever change. We have a common language and really like her work. Regarding the change more Frizer Hair - I aventuriste of Frizer. While we usually do concerts make up yourself.

Rosy: You're the actress. In which field you find yourself more, acting or singing?
Ryva: I studied acting and very like it and consider it as my profession. While the music has become as second profession for reasons that I'm being more involved in the music than acting. Because music is more individual work, while acting is collective work and is easy to work with music because what I do, I just do.

Pink: In the theater as you are active?
Ryva: Currently I am involved with a project that will be held in Gjilan together with Gresa Pallasken. I hope this show will be realized, but something still is not definitive.

Pink: You have previously been part of the series "Modern Family. Are you part of it continue?
Ryva: a new season series "Modern Family" I was not participating. Currently I am part of the series Spitaliks, there is a month that I started with evidence and shooting and I am very satisfied with this serial.

Pink: Is there something new out of Ryves personal life?
Ryva: The personal life is very new, but still want to make public. I'm not the person who keep things hidden. So when the time comes, with all the pleasure to share with you.

Dafina: Nuk Kam Kerkuar Duet me Adelina Berishen!

/photo erkand shabani/

Dafina: Nuk kam kërkuar duet me Adelinën

Pas shumë hiteve, këngëtarja kosovare Dafina Zeqiri ka realizuar një këngë në gjuhën angleze që titullohet “Rock this Club”. Gjate qëndrimit në Australi, së bashku me të dashurin e saj Krenarin, Dafina ka incizuar këtë këngë me producentin e njohur Shanell.

“Ishte një bashkëpunim i veçantë me një ekip shumë të mirë që merren me artistë dhe me këngëtarë botërorë. Kontakti ka ardhur përmes një shoku të Krenarit, të dashurit tim, dhe vendosëm ta realizojmë këtë këngë”, ka thënë këngëtarja për emisionin RTK Blue.

Dafina ka theksuar se pas shumë bashkëpunimesh, ajo ka vendosur që aktualisht të vazhdojë me këndim solo, ndërkohë ka përgënjeshtruar spekulimet kinse i ka kërkuar Adelina Berishës që të bëjnë një duet.

Sa i përket lidhjes së saj, Dafina ka treguar se gjatë qëndrimit në Australi ka pranuar një unazë të bukur nga Krenari, porse pohon se kjo kishte qenë vetëm dhuratë dhe jo unazë fejese. /telegrafi/rtk/maj 2010/
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Dafina: I did not ask for a duo with ADELINEN

After hiteve, Dafina Kosovo singer has performed a song in English that is called "Rock this Club." During his stay in Australia, along with her boyfriend pride, Dafina has recorded this song with producer known Shanell.

"It was a special collaboration with a very good team involved with artists and singers world. Contact has come through a friend of pride, my loved ones, and decided to carry this song, "said singer for Blue RTK show.

Dafina stated that after much collaboration, it has decided to actually proceed with solo singing, meanwhile, has dismissed speculation allegedly Adelina Berisha asked to do a duet.

As for its connectivity, Dafina has shown that while Australia has received a beautiful ring from the Pride, but claims that it had been a gift and not just engagement ring.

Genta Ismajli, e Zhgenjyer me Dancing With The Stars!

Jam e zhgenjyer nga juria dhe organizatoret, meritoja cmimin e pare

Flet Genta Ismajli pas mbylljes se finales se “Dancing with the stars"

Edhe pse mjaft ne forme, Genta Ismajli nuk arriti te fitoj cmimin kryesor tek “Dancing with the stars”. Publiku deshiroi, por juria ishte ajo qe tha fjalen e fundit. Atraksioni vazhdon me fuqishem. Kenge dhe klipe te reja si befasi per fansat, se shpejti pritet promovimi i saj tek publiku turk, ndersa turin e koncerteve e fillon nga data 15 qershor. Genta Ismajli vjen ne nje interviste per “Panorama plus”, duke rrefyer te vertetat pas mbarimit te spektaklit.

Si ndjehesh pas mbarimit te spektaklit?
Shume e zhgenjyer, personalisht konsideroj qe ishte zhgenjim gjithe kombetar.

Je e zhgenjyer nga juria?
Sigurisht se po, edhe ate qe nga fillimi.

Eshte perfolur me te madhe qe Genta Ismaji do fitoje spektaklin “Dancing with the stars”. Si mendon, nga doli ky perfundim?
Po, eshte perfolur per shkak te vleresimit real te punes dhe talentit tim, mirepo edhe me shume eshte perfolur qe Genta Ismajli edhe pse eshte e pa krahasueshme me te tjeret nuk do te fitoje.

Disa thonin qe Genta gjithmone neper evenimente ka shkuar per te rrembyer cmimin e pare, kuptohet edhe tek ky spektakel, por nuk doli ashtu, pse?
Genta cdo here punon me zemer dhe perkushtim, e asnjehere nuk dyshon per rezultatin.

Mendon se juria ka qene e padrejte ndaj teje?
Konsideroj qe po, mirepo qetesimin ne shpirt tani e kam, pasi juria ne pergjithesi nuk u tregua profesionale.

Po flitej se fituesi i ka pasur punet mire me jurine dhe per kete ka fituar spektaklin, eshte e vertete? Sa ke degjuar keto fjale prapa skene?
Po, shume e vertete qe kam degjuar, por nuk kam besuar qe mund te ndodhe nje gje e tille.

Te kane ofruar dicka tjeter organizatoret pas mbarimit?
Organizatoret as qe i kam pare fare, mungoi edhe pershendetja nga ana e tyre, edhe pse 6 muaj isha e meshiruar me ta, por me kryesorja ishte pershendetja nga te dashurit e mi e ata ishin publiku qe gjithmone me do dhe me perkrah deri ne fund. Falemnderit shume edhe nje here, ata deshmuan qe jane pjese e shpirtit tim.

Gjate kohes sa ke qendruar ne Shqiperi, te kane ftuar edhe neper koncerte, sa ke qene aktive?
I anullova te gjitha vetem e vetem te deshmoj veten qe pervec kenges pasion e kam edhe vallezimin.

Nderkohe ti ke publikuar edhe nje kenge ne duet me kengetarin turk Cüneyt Cakim, kur pritet te realizohet klipi i kesaj kenge?
Le te jete befasi...

Ke vendosur te promovohesh edhe tek publiku turk?

Si eshte puna per kenget e huazuara, ku qendron problemi tek Genta apo tek kompozitoret?
Tek kompozitoret.

Akoma je “single”? Askush deri me tani nuk ka pushtuar zemren tende?
Po jam single!

Ke aranzhuar koncertete per sezonen verore, ku mund te gjejne fansat Genten?
Kosove dhe diaspore prej dates 15 qershor. /blerand rexhepi/panorama plus/maj 2010/
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p.s. E vertete qe thote Genta, ka qene nje zhgenjim kombetar. Ky show duhet te bojkotohet pasi qe ne fillim tregoi jo seriozitet ne vleresimin e drejte (dhe nje votim qe askush nuk i beson me!). Thuhet eshte vetem show per argetim por prapeseprape na la te zhgenjyer totalisht. Nese do per argetim, apo nese do edhe per dicka tjeter, Genta aty dominoi totalisht dhe ishte mbreteresha e vallezimit. Eshte thjeshte e pabesueshme qe nuk e fitoi. Edicionin e ardhshem as qe do ta shikoj me! Bilem, i bej apel te gjithe VIP-ave nga Kosova qe mos te marrin pjese me ne kete show. /teni/
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I am disappointed by the jury and the organizers, I deserved the first prize

Genta speaking after the final closing of "Dancing with the Stars"

Even though quite in form, Genta failed to win the top prize on "Dancing with the Stars." The public wanted, but she said the jury was the last word. Continues with the powerful attraction. New songs and videos as no surprise to fans, is expected soon to promote her to the Turkish public, and the concert tour starts from 15 June. Genta comes in an interview for Panorama plus ", confessing the truth after spektaklit.

How do you feel after spektaklit?
Very disappointed, personally I consider that it was all national disappointment.

Are you disappointed by the jury?
Of course it is, even that from the beginning.

S also the biggest spectacle Genta Ismaji will win "Dancing with the Stars." As you think, this conclusion came from?
Yes, it s also due to the real work and my talent, but even more Genta 's also that even though it is not comparable with others will not win.

Some say that through events Genta always went to grab the first prize, even to this spektakel understood, but it went so, why?
Genta works every time with love and dedication, and never doubted the outcome.

Thinks that the jury was unfair to you?
I consider that is, but calm in spirit now have, after the jury in general was also not professional.

But talk that the winner has had a good job with jurine and this has earned spectacle, it is true? As you have heard these words behind the scenes?
Yes, very true that I have heard, but I do not believe that could happen something like this.

The organizers have offered something else after?
Organizers who have not seen any, even absent from their greeting, even though six months I was with them with compassion, but foremost was the greeting from my loved ones that they were public and always will until the end supports . Thank you once more, they proved they are a part of my soul.

During the time as you stay in Albania, through concerts are also invited, as you were active?
I anullova all only only to prove myself that I passion the song besides the dancing.

While you have published a song in duet with Cüneyt Cakim Turkish singer, is expected to be realized when clips of this song?
Let be a surprise ...

You have decided to promote the Turkish public to?

How is work on the borrowed songs, where the problem lies in the Genta or to composers?
To composers.

Are still "single"? Nobody so far has not invaded your heart?
Yes I am single!

Koncertete have arranged for the summer season, where fans can find Genten?
Kosovo and the diaspora since 15 June.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Ingrid Gjoni Me "Extra" Mini

Ingridi me “extra” mini

E veshur vërtet ‘fashion’, me një fustan ngjyrë të kuqërremtë, kombinuar me sandale me po të njëjtën ngjyrë, këngëtarja Ingrid Gjoni ka marrë jo pak komplimente gjatë “Javës së Modës në Tiranë”. Por, ama edhe shumë shikime që kanë dashur të zhbirojnë diçka më tej... fustani i saj tejet i shkurtër ka tërhequr sytë e kureshtarëve, siklet të cilin Ingridi e ka ndjerë edhe më shumë kur është ulur në karrigen e saj. Ajo herë pas here shihej duke zgjatur fustanin, i cili ndërsa gjendej ulur, tërhiqej lart. E madje, për të mbuluar zonën e kofshëve të dukshme me sy të lirë nga të tjerët, Ingridi ka përdorur syzet dhe portofolin e saj si maskë për to. Ndërkaq, ajo çka bie në sy së fundmi janë edhe disa kilogramë të tepërt që këngëtarja ka marrë. Prandaj e rekomandojmë të nisë dietën dhe t’i rikthehet elegancës së dikurshme. Për sa i përket muzikës, këngëtarja Gjoni sapo ka hedhur në treg albumin e saj të ri, ndërsa është duke përgatitur edhe një këngë me kantautorin Flori Mumajesi, këngë së cilës do t’i realizojë edhe një klip, e që sigurisht do të jetë një nga surprizat e verës të Ingridit për fansat e saj. /bluetooth/maj 2010/
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Ingrid with "extra" mini

The wearing really 'fashion', with a reddish colored dress, combined with the sandals with the same color, singer Ingrid has taken no small compliment in "Fashion Week in Tirana. But Ama many views that have had to zhbirojnë something further ... Her dress is too short attracted curious eyes, which confused Ingridin has felt even more when it is sitting in her chair. She occasionally seen extending dress, which was found while sitting, withdraw up. And even to cover the thigh area visible to the naked eye from others, Ingridin used glasses and her wallet as a mask for them. However, what is noticeable recently been some excess kilograms for the singer has claimed. Therefore recommend diet and start to restore the former elegancës. Regarding the music, John Singer has just launched her new album, and is preparing a song with gold kantautorin Mumajesi, songs which will also carry a clip, that certainly would be a The summer of surprises for her fans Ingridin.