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Big Brother Albania 3: Spektakli #16, 8 Maj 2010
Eliminohet Mandi, ne mesjave zgjidhen finalistet
“Big Brother 3” shkon drejt fundit. Vetem nje jave i ndan banoret nga finalja e madhe, qe do te shpalle nje fitues, i cili do te shperblehet me cmimin e madh prej 100 milione lekesh te vjetra. Spektakli i se shtunes ka ofruar perballje dhe emocione te shumta
Mbremja e se shtunes per banoret, por edhe per publikun, nuk ka qene vetem nje spektakel. Loja i eshte afruar fundit dhe per ore te tera, banoret kane perjetuar emocionet e finales. Publiku ka vendosur qe Mandi te lere shtepine. Mes banoreve qe kane dale ne kandidim, publiku do te perzgjedhe gjate javes me televotim kater finalistet e “Big Brother 3“.
Kika tregon javen e pare jashte shtepise
I konsideruar si nje konkurrent i forte, Kika la shtepine si pasoje e nje eliminimi te dyfishte ne perballje me Jetmirin. Ai ende nuk ka arritur te shkoje ne Prishtine, per arsye pasaporte dhe as te cmallet me familjen. Sipas tij, jashte shtepise ka gjetur nje atmosfere shume mikpritese, me njerez qe e kane ftuar edhe ne shtepite e tyre. I pyetur se pse mendoi se publiku zgjodhi te eliminonte ate dhe jo Jetmirin, Kika ka thene se nuk e di pse ndodhi, por nuk beson se e ka nxjerre publiku. Arbana e sqaron se cdo gje ne spektakel eshte transparente dhe e verifikueshme. Me pas, Kika ka pasur nje perballje me Erionin, te cilin e ka zgjedhur mes banoreve qe nuk duhet ta fitojne lojen.
Banoret zgjedhin “fituesin”
Nderkohe qe “Big Brother” po shkon drejt fundit, te eliminuarit, ndonese jashte shtepise, jane vazhdimisht protagoniste. Per pak minuta, ata jane kthyer serish ne dhomen e rrefimit. Kete radhe me nje mision te rendesishem. Per te zgjedhur banorin qe ata do te donin te ishte fitues i “Big Brother 3”. Bertina ka zgjedhur Erionin, sepse sipas saj, ai ka qene me i drejti dhe me i sinqerti. Po ashtu, edhe Graciela ka zgjedhur Erionin. Bledi, Tatiana dhe Olta kane zgjedhur si te preferuarin e tyre Klodin. Dy te paret e kane justifikuar kete zgjedhje me faktin qe Klodi eshte treguar i guximshem per te pranuar prirjet seksuale ne nje vend ende me tabu ne kete drejtim, ndersa Olta e ka pare ate si personin e vetem qe i ka qendruar afer. Ne perfundim te votimit, Klodi eshte ndier i fyer nga arsyet e dhena nga Tatiana dhe Bledi. “Une nuk kam vetem guximin per te deklaruar homoseksualitetin, kam shume gjera te tjera”. Nderkohe qe kane qene te shumte ata qe kane zgjedhur Domeniken. Gjimi, Hakiu, Pamela, Renato, Seldi dhe Vali e kane justifikuar zgjidhjen e tyre duke thene se Domenika ka qene e vetmja qe ka bere nje loje te paster dhe eshte shembulli me i mire qe mund te jepet. Edi, Manal dhe Valoni kane votuar per Jetmirin, duke e cilesuar se ai ka qene banori qe i ka dhene me shume gjalleri shtepise.
Banoret “eliminojne” Jetmirin
Pasi kane votuar per banorin qe duhet te fitonte “Big Brother 3”, nje tjeter klip shfaq votat e banoreve per banorin qe ata nuk do te donin te fitonte kete edicion te trete. Shumica prej tyre, ashtu sic edhe pritej, kane zgjedhur Jetmirin. Bledi, Gjimi, Olta, Renato, Seldi, Graciela dhe Valentina jane shprehur se Jetmiri nuk duhet ta fitoje ne asnje menyre “Big Brother”. Secili prej tyre e ka cilesuar lojen e tij te piste, plot intriga, si person me negativitet. Vete Jetmiri i priste keto fjale. Nderkohe qe ne listen e “te padeshiruarve” ka qene edhe Eridiona. Edi, Pamela, Tatiana kane argumentuar se Jona eshte nje banore qe ka hyre shume vone brenda shtepise dhe nuk do ta meritonte fitoren. Bertina ka qene e vetmja qe ka nominuar Domeniken.
Mandi takon vajzen dhe bashkeshorten
Prova e celularit gjigant brenda shtepise ka shkaktuar jo vetem te qeshura, por edhe emocione per banoret. Ata qe arrinin te shkruanin me shpejt nje SMS, kishin te drejten edhe te nje telefonate. Ndonese Mandi u rrek shume ta fitonte kete prove, nuk mundi. Ai e deshironte shume nje telefonate me te bijen, prandaj “Vellai i Madh” i kishte rezervuar nje surprize gjate spektaklit. Fillimisht Mandin e ftojne te shohe nje klip, ne te cilin shfaqet vajza e tij. Kane qene emocione te forta per ta. Me tej, ne studio diskutohet per perpjekjet e tij per te fituar proven e telefonit. Por surpriza e vertete e priste Mandin ne oborr, ku e bija dhe e shoqja i dhuruan lule.
Jona, perballe dy djemve
Gjate javes, Jona ka pasur debate te ashpra me Jetmirin dhe Erionin. Shpesh ajo eshte ndier e fyer. Pas nje klipi me perplasjet mes tyre, gjate diskutimit ne spektakel, Jona u shpreh se ajo ka shume plane pasi te dale nga shtepia, ndersa i vjen keq per Jetmirin dhe Erionin qe do te mbeten ne ate nivel. “Te dy keta njerez i japin vetem anet negative shoqerise shqiptare”. I pyetur nga opinionisti Arian Konomi, Jetmiri ka thene se menyra e tij e sjelljes, ndoshta ndonjehere edhe arrogante, eshte pjese e lojes qe ai ka zgjedhur per te zbuluar karakteret e gjithsecilit prej tyre.
Golat e “Champions League”
Banoret jane te privuar nga cdo informacion i jashtem. Djemte brenda shtepise, tifoze te futbollit, nuk kane mundur te shohin ndeshjet e “Champions League”. “Vellai i Madh” ka pergatitur nje surprize per ta. Ne dhomen e kuqe, djemte duhet te gjejne rezultatet e disa ndeshjeve e me pas do te mund te shohin golat. Ne fakt ata gabojne, por me nje mundesi te dyte, qe konsistonte ne driblimin e topit nga Mandi, ata kane ndjekur golat e ndeshjeve te deri me tanishme.
Largohet Mandi
Mandi eshte banori i radhes qe le shtepine dhe humbet finalen. Mes Jetmirit, Erionit dhe Eridiones, publiku ka vendosur qe lojen ta lere Mandi.
Surprize per Domeniken
Ne oborrin e shtepise ndodhet nje person, i maskuar me kapele dhe shall, te cilin banoret duhet ta gjejne se cili eshte. Ne te vertete, brenda shtepise ka hyre Alida, shoqja e Domenikes, e cila i ben nje surprize.
Kandidime te vecanta
Kandidimet e kesaj jave kane qene te vecanta. Banoret shkojne ne dhomen e rrefimit, jo per te zgjedhur personin qe do te deshironin te shihnin ne kandidim, por ate qe do te donin te shihnin ne finale dhe nje arsye per cdo vendim. Me i votuari shkoi automatikisht ne finale, ndersa finalistet do te zgjidhen gjate javes me televotim mes te kandiduarve. /t.ch./gazeta shqip/
Videoja e spektakli me vone!
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[[ translation by google:
Mandi eliminated, the finalists are selected mid-week
"Big Brother 3" going to last. Only a week separates people from the big final, which will declare a winner, who will be awarded with the Grand Prix of 100 million old lek. Saturday's show offered many emotions perballje
Saturday evening the residents, but also for the public, there was only a spektakel. The game is approachable and last for hours, people have experienced the excitement of the final. Mandi public has decided to leave home. Among residents who have emerged in the nomination, the public will select the week with four finalists televotim "Big Brother 3."
Kika shows the first week outdoors
I considered a strong contender, Kika left home as a result of the double elimination with Jetmirin perballje. He still has not managed to go to Pristina, for reasons of cmallet passport or the family. According to him, outside the home has found a very hospitable atmosphere, with people who are also invited to their homes. Asked why she thought that the public chose to eliminate it and not Jetmirin, Kika said he did not know why it happened, but believes that it has issued public. Arbana explains that everything we spektakel is transparent and verifiable. Later, Kika has an perballje with Erion, which was chosen among residents who do not have to win the game.
Residents elect "the winner"
While the "Big Brother" is going to last, eliminuarit, although outdoors, are constantly protagonists. For a few minutes, they are back again in the room confessions. This time with an important mission. To select the resident that they would like to be the winner of "Big Brother 3." Bertina Erion has chosen, because according to her, he has been with the righteous and the truthful. Also Graciela has chosen Erion. Bledi, Tatiana and Olta have chosen as their favorite Klodi. The first two have justified this choice by the fact that the bold Klodi shown inclination to accept sex in a country still taboo in this direction, while Olta has seen it as the only person who has stayed close. At the end of voting, Klodi is felt offended by the reasons given by Tatiana and Bledi. "I have not only the courage to declare homosexuality, I have many other things." While they have been chosen numerous Domeniken. Gjimi, Hakiu, Pamela, Renato, and Vali Seldi have justified their solution Domenik saying that was the only one who has made a clean game and is the best example that can be given. Edi, Manal and have voted for Jetmirin Shout to the Lord, and considered that he was a resident who has given more briskly home.
Residents "eliminate" Jetmirin
Once they have voted for the resident who should win "Big Brother 3", another clip shows resident votes of residents that they would like to win this third edition. Most of them, as expected, have chosen Jetmirin. Bledi, Gjimi, Olta, Renato, Seldi, Graciela and Valentina are indicated Jetmiri should not win in any way "Big Brother". Each of them has named his dirty game, full of intrigue, as a person with negativity. Self Jetmiri expected these words. While the list of "the padeshiruarve" was also Eridiona. Major, Pamela, Tatiana have argued that ours is a very residents who later entered the house and would not deserve the victory. Bertina was the only one who has nominated Domeniken.
Up daughter and wife Mandi
Proof of the house phone giant has caused not only laughter but also emotions for residents. Those who arrived early to write an SMS, had the right even to a call. Mandi was followed although more to win this test, failed. It's more like a call to the daughter, so "Big Brother" had booked a surprise spektaklit. Originally Mandi's invite to see a clip, in which his daughter displayed. Have been strong emotions for them. Further, in the studio to discuss his efforts to win the test phone. But the real surprises expected Mandi in the yard, where his daughter and his wife donated the flowers.
Jona, opposite the two boys
During the week, Jonah has had fierce debates with Jetmirin and Erion. Often it is the feeling offended. After a collision between the clips with them during the discussion in spektakel, Jonas said that she has many plans because out of the house, and sorry for Erion Jetmirin and that will remain at that level. "Both these people give only the negative sides of the Albanian society. Asked by Arian opinionistin Konomi, Jetmiri has said that his manner of behavior, sometimes even arrogant maybe, is part of the game that he has chosen to reveal the characters of each one of them.
Goals of the "Champions League"
People are deprived of any external. The guys inside the house, soccer fans, could not see the games of "Champions League". "Big Brother" has a surprise prepared for them. Red room, men should find the results of some matches and then will be to see goals. In fact they are wrong, but a second possibility, which consisted in driblimin the ball from Mandi, they match the goals pursued by the current.
Mandi leave
Mandi is a regular resident who leaves home and lost the final. Among Jetmirit, Erion and Eridiones, the public has decided to leave the game Mandi.
Domeniken surprise
In the backyard is a person, disguised with a hat and scarf, which people have to find what it is. Indeed, the house has entered Alida, wife Domenikes, which makes a surprise.
Special nominations
Nominations this week has been special. Residents living confessions go, not to choose the person they would like to see in nomination, but what you would like to see the finals and a reason for every decision. With the voting went automatically to the finals, while the finalists will be selected during the week with televotim between kandiduarve. ]]
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