![Big Brother Albania 3](https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEildW1k9LHf6tmLmrnM_w3ufyEfYPvLXPksz7n-LchXQ42YqJ18Irnm-zQlpxC609QctC3HCzB2cc_xmeCGSQqtsndRyw0jxtRivdoIOvKg_2Pjk_zdtGQHvmJudwodgbRfxVpIX0oJES-b/s1600/header-01b.jpg)
Big Brother Albania 3: SPEKTAKLI #17, FINALJA, 15 Maj 2010
Perfundon aventura e madhe. Jetmiri fiton “Big Brother Albania 3”
Mes emocionesh dhe surprizave te jashtezakonshme ka perfunduar dje aventura e madhe e “Big Brother” ne “Top Channel”. Jetmiri eshte shpallur fituesi i ketij edicioni te trete te “Big Brother Albania” duke fituar ne kete menyre cmimin e madh prej 100 milione lekesh
Jetmiri fitoi. Nder 21 konkurrentet pjesemarres ne kete edicion te trete te “Big Brother Albania”, Jetmiri, djali nga Vlora, ai qe diti t’i beje banoret te qeshin e te qajne u vleresua nga publiku si me i miri mes tyre. Pikerisht ai eshte shpallur fituesi i 100 milione lekeve, duke realizuar me ne fund deshiren e tij dhe duke u treguar te gjitheve se pavaresisht kontradiktave e debateve te herepashershme me banoret, publiku asnjehere nuk e humbi besimin tek ai. Miri, qe prej vitesh jetonte ne Itali u be pjese e ketij “reality show” me qellimin per te dhene nje model te ri ne shoqerine shqiptare, modelin e te riut qe di t’i beje te gjitha. Duket se kete qellim e vertetoi brenda shtepise me te famshme ne vend. Ai ka fituar sfiden me Domeniken, duke i dhene keshtu fund ketij edicioni te Big Brother Albania ne Top Channel. Ashtu sikunder ka ndodhur edhe gjate 16 javeve, sidomos gjate spektaklit te mbremshem, surprizat spektakolare dhe emocionet kane qene te jashtezakonshme.
Nje kenge per “Big Brother”
Spektakli i mbremjes se djeshme ka filluar ndryshe. Ish-konkurrente te edicioneve te kaluara, por edhe te ketij edicioni, kane organizuar nje surprize. Ata jane vendosur ne nje skene te improvizuar ne hyrje te shtepise dhe kane kenduar nje kenge pershendetese per “Big Brother”.
Eliminimi i pare dhe kater finalistet
Jona eshte eliminuar e para nga finalja e madhe e “Big Brother Albania 3”, duke mos i prekur dot castet dhe emocionet e jashtezakonshme ne vijim te spektaklit. Ky eliminim ka bere qe konkurrentet finaliste te ishin Domi, Miri, Klodi dhe Erioni. I pari mes finalisteve qe la shtepine e “Big Brother”, ka qene Klodi. Pas tij ka dale Erioni duke bere keshtu qe sfida per cmimin e madh te BB te zhvillohej mes Jetmirit dhe Domenikes.
Surpriza per ditelindjen e Jones
Edhe pse u eliminua e para, Arbana e ka ftuar Jonen te shkoje ne dhomen e kuqe te shtepise. Pikerisht aty ishte vendosur nje torte gjigante. “Vellai i Madh” e ka ditur mire se asaj i kane munguar teper personat me te afert ne diten e lindjes, ndaj ka menduar qe njerin prej tyre ta sjelle ne ambientet e shtepise. Pas kendimit te kenges se ditelindjes, prej kesaj torte gjigante, ka dale pikerisht Chris, i dashuri i saj. Ata jane larguar se bashku prej shtepise me te famshme ne vend.
Seldi dhe Domi fejohen ne BB
Arbana ka njoftuar publikun se do te ishin deshmitare te nje casti mjaft romantik ne shtepine e “Big Brother”. Behet fjale pikerisht per Domeniken. Arbana i thote asaj se pas gjithe momenteve te bukura qe ajo na dhuroi, dikush deshiron t’i dhuroje asaj nje enderr. Ajo e fton Domin te dale ne oborr, te veshe nje mantel e te hipe ne ballkon nepermjet shkalleve. Papritmas ka filluar muzika. Ne ballkon, Domi ka gjetur tre instrumentiste te cilet interpretojne muziken e “Romeo dhe Zhuljetes”. Nga hyrja kryesore eshte shfaqur Seldi me veshjen e Romeos. Ai i shpreh dashurine Domit dhe i ka kerkuar doren. Seldi i propozon fejese dhe Domi pranon mes emocionesh. Ata puthen dhe i shprehin dashurine njeri-tjetrit. Seldi i ka sjelle edhe nje dhurate me vete, nje varese te cilen ia ka vendosur ne qafe mes momentesh emocionuese.
Miri takon te afermit brenda shtepise
Jetmiri, nje nder banoret me te permendur, i mbeshtetur nga publiku ne cdo kandidim, po i toleruar me pak nga vete banoret ne shtepi. Edhe per te, “Vellai i Madh” kishte rezervuar nje surprize mbremjen e djeshme. Arbana e fton djalin nga Vlora te shkoje ne pjesen lindore te shtepise. Aty ai gjen nje aktor ne podium, i vendosur perpara nje makine shkrimi, ne qender te nje skene te improvizuar. Jetmiri ulet prane tij per te shijuar nje shfaqje te pergatitur per te, ndersa ne te njejten kohe i duhet edhe te mos levize. Pas cdo akti nga interpretimi i aktorit, dalin te afermit e Jetmirit, prinderit, gjysherit, e me pas daja. Pas perfundimit te shfaqjes, Miri pati mundesine te takohet e te cmallet me ta.
Aleksander Gjoka, nje kenge per Erionin
Qendrimi i Erionit ne shtepi u shenjua edhe nga nje ndjenje dashurie per Bertinen. Megjithate, gjate diteve te qendrimit ne shtepi, Erioni ka thene se ai ka edhe nje lidhje mjaft te vecante edhe me miqte e tij te vertete. Ai del jashte dhe i shikon ata te ulur jashte. Nderkaq, ka nisur edhe kenga e preferuar e Erionit “Dashurise se shkuar”, kenduar nga kengetari i njohur i skenes shqiptare, Aleksander Gjoken, i cili ka hyre ne shtepi duke i bere nje surprize Erionit. Ne muret e shtepise se vjeter shfaqet edhe teksti i kenges, ndersa shfaqet edhe Bertina. Ata takohen e puthen me njeri-tjetrin, cfare ka treguar se ende nuk e kane harruar dashurine mes tyre. Kjo surprize perfundon ndersa te gjithe nisin te kendojne se bashku.
Klodi, nje vals lumturie me nenen
“Vellai i Madh” mendoi edhe per Klodin, duke i rezervuar edhe atij nje surprize. Arbana e ka prezantuar edhe nje here kete djale me kuraje te rralle, mjaft dinjitoz qe mori guximin te thoshte hapur prirjen e tij seksuale, nje deklarate te cilen asnjehere nuk pranoi ta perdorte si pjese te lojes se tij. Vec saj, Klodi i ka falur publikut mjaft emocione edhe duke treguar per marredhenien e vecante qe ekziston mes tij dhe nenes. Arbana i ka thene te shkoje ne pjesen lindore te shtepise. Ne castin kur ai gjendet ne tunel nis kenga “Valsi i lumturise”. Pikerisht aty ai shikon nenen e tij, e cila ishte duke kercyer me nje balerin, i cili ia dorezon damen dhe e fton te kerceje me te. Me pas mberrin edhe nje kor femijesh, te cilet kendojne refrenin e kenges e cila eshte mjaft e rendesishme per Klodin. /t.ch./gazeta shqip/
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[[ translation by google:
Great adventure ends. Jetmiri wins "Big Brother 3"
Between emotions and surprises extraordinary adventure has completed yesterday the biggest "Big Brother" in the "Top Channel". Jetmiri is declared the winner of this third edition of "Big Brother" in this way by winning the Grand Prix of 100 million lek
Jetmiri won. Among the 21 competitors participated in this third edition of "Big Brother", Jetmiri, son of Vlora, he knoweth to make people laugh and to cry and was rated by the public as the best among them. Exactly he is declared the winner of 100 million play money, is finally realizing his desire by telling everyone that despite occasional contradictions of debates with people, the public never lost confidence in him. Best, who for years lived in Italy became part of this "reality show" with the purpose to provide a new model in the Albanian society, the young model who is able to make all. It seems that this end of the house proved to be popular in the country. He has won the challenge with Domeniken, giving end this edition of Big Brother in the Top Channel. Just as has happened during the 16 weeks, especially during spektaklit mbremshem, spectacular surprises and emotions have been extraordinary.
A song for "Big Brother"
The show started yesterday evening otherwise. Former competitive past editions, but this edition, have organized a surprise. They are placed on a makeshift stage at the entrance of the house and they sing a greeting song for "Big Brother".
Eliminating the first and four finalists
Ours is the first eliminated from the finals of the "Big Brother 3", not affected dot extraordinary moments and emotions involved in performing the following. This elimination is made to the competition finalists were Domi, Miri, and Erion Klodi. First among the finalists who left the home of "Big Brother", has been Klodi. After his release Erion doing so challenge for the Grand Prix to be held between the WB and Domenikes Jetmirit.
Birthday surprises for Jones
Even though the money was eliminated, Arbana Our invited to go to the room of the house red. Just decided it was a giant cake. "Big Brother" and knew better than what people have been very close to the day of birth, to have thought that one of them to bring in home environments. After singing the birthday song, cake of this giant, has brought exactly Chris, i love her. They are away from home along with the famous in the country.
Seldi and Domi fejohen BB
Arbana informed the public that witnesses would be a very romantic moment at the home of "Big Brother". Domeniken comes exactly. Arbana says that after all the beautiful moments she gave us, someone wants to donate her a dream. She invites him to appear in court Domi, wears a robe and they were in the balcony via the stairs. Suddenly the music started. In the balcony, Domi has found three instrumentalists who interpret music of "Romeo and Zhuljetes. From the main entrance is displayed with garment Seldi Romeos. Domi said he loved you and has asked the hand. Seldi proposes and Domi accepts betrothal between emotions. They express love and kiss each other. Seldi has also brought with him a gift, a pendant which has placed the neck between exciting moments.
Best meets relatives inside the house
Jetmiri, one of the mentioned people, supported by the public in any nomination, is tolerated less by its own people at home. Even for "Big Brother" had booked a surprise yesterday evening. Arbana invites the boy from Vlora to go to the eastern part of the house. There he finds a player in the podium, set before a typewriter, in the center of a makeshift stage. Jetmiri sit near him to enjoy a show to prepare for, while at the same time should also not moving. After each act of interpretation of the actor, brought Jetmirit relatives, parents, grandparents, uncle and then. After the end of the show, Miri had the opportunity to meet and to cmallet with them.
Alexander Gjoka, a song Erion
Erion stance at home was marked by a sense of love for Bertinen. However, during the days of the stay at home, Erion said that he has a very special connection with his real friends. He comes out and sees them sitting outside. Meanwhile, the song started Erion favorite "love gone, sing the famous scene singer Albanian Gjoken Alexander, who entered the house by making a surprise Erion. The walls of the old house song text appears, and appears Bertina. They meet and kiss each other, what has shown that still have not forgotten the love between them. This surprise ends while all start to sing along.
Klodi, a waltz happiness with mother
"Big Brother" also thought to Klodi, while he also booked a surprise. Arbana presented once this boy with rare courage, dignity quite got the courage to say that open his sexual inclinations, a statement which agreed never to use it as part of his game. In addition to its public Klodi has forgiven showing enough emotion for the special relationship that exists between him and mother. Arbana said go to the eastern part of the house. The moment when he is left in the tunnel song "Valsi of happiness." Exactly where he sees his mother, who was dancing with a dancer, who then submits Damen and invites to dance with. Then a chorus arrives and children who sing the refrain of the song which is very important for Klodi. ]]
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