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Halil Gashi, kercimtari shqiptar qe adhurohet nga yjet e Hollywood-it
Ne jete ka bere akrobaci dhe fati ka qene me te. Halil Gashi tani eshte kercimtar i teatrit me te njohur ne bote “Circue du Soleil” ne Las Vegas. Perfomancat emocionuese, kercimet ne stilin e lire urban dhe sportet ekstreme terheqin mijera shikues cdo jave ne shfaqjen “Love The Beatles – show”, pjese e se ciles ai eshte. Prej nje viti cdo dite pasi mbaron shfaqjen pasionante, yje te Hollivood-it rendin ta takojne ne backstage se bashku me artistet e tjere te trupes. Gjithmone me grim te ekzagjeruar ne fytyre, pasi tiparet duhet t’i dalloje edhe shikuesi i 2000-te ne fund te salles, artisti nga Prishtina tregon se si ia ka arritur:
Cila ka qene karriera juaj ne Evrope, para se te mberrinit ne Las Vegas
Karriera qe nisa ne Evrope ishte shume e rendesishme qe une te mberrij ne “Cirque du soleil”. Kam marre pjese ne aktivitete te ndryshme, kam qene Dj, kam dhene mesime vallezimi, kam realizuar koreografi per video klipe, kam pozuar si fotomodel, si dhe kam qene imazh kompanish prestigjoze si: Levis, Guci, Adidas, Puma London Fashion week”, BBc, MTV Awards.
Dhe si mundet te hynit ne “Cirque du Soleil” pikerisht ne shfaqjen “Love-Beatles” shume e njohur ne gjithe boten?
Kam marre pjese ne nje audicion qe u organizua ne Paris ne vitin 2006, pasi per nje periudhe “Cirque de soleil” zhvillonte konkurse ne gjithe boten. Nga ky audicion u zgjodhem dhjete vete, nga 100 konkurrente, mes te cileve dhe une. Gjate ketyre viteve qe isha ne pritje kam punuar ne vende te ndryshme te Euvropes, kryesisht ne Angli deri sa mora ftesen e shumepritur ne prill te vitit te kaluar.
Jeni shqiptari i vetem qe kerceni ne kete shfaqje, si reagojne kur u flisni per origjinen?
Po, une jam i vetmi shqiptar ne Cirque mes artisteve nga gjithe bota si; Amerika, Kanadaja, Franca, Belgjika, Suedia. Shume prej tyre nuk kane degjuar fare per shqiptaret. Ata qe jane nga Evropa dine me shume, disa sillen mire e te tjere cuditshem. Por ne Las Vegas nuk ka shume rendesi nga cili vend vjen, pasi te gjithe jane te huaj te ardhur nga nje vend tjeter.
Cfare shfaqje eshte “Love Beatles”, ku ju performoni dhe cfare publiku ju ndjek?
“Love Beatles” eshte per te gjithe e jo vetem per ata qe u pelqen muzika e “Beatles”. Kjo eshte nje shfaqje e njohur ne te gjithe boten qe ka fituar vendin e pare prej tre vitesh me radhe dhe numeron cmime Grammy. Cdo jave kemi spektatore qe jane njerez te famshem; aktore, muzikante, sportiste qe vijne dhe na ndjekin si nostalgjike te muzikes se “beatles”-ave. Momenti me interesant eshte se pas shfaqjes ata vijne na takojne ne kercimaret, flasim gjate me njeri-tjetrin dhe bejme foto qe kerkojne t’i kene si kujtim.
A mund te na permendi disa emra VIP me te cilet jeni takuar ne backstage?
Jam takuar me Madonnen, Kylie Minogue, Jennifer Love Hewitt, “Aerosmith”, David Duchovn, “The X Files”, Pink, “Black Eyed Peas”, Ronaldinjo, etj. Ruaj kujtime me ta.
Ata ju kane takuar ju si VIP, cfare mendoni se ju ben te adhurueshem ne syte e tyre?
Ata mahniten nga kercimet akrobatike qe ne bejme, nje trupe afer 70 akrobate, aktore, dhe 16 kercimtare qe japim shfaqje 10 here ne jave. Dhe e gjithe kjo e realizuar me shume ndjenje e pasion. Shume prej tyre jane te thjeshte. Ata vijne me takojne si “star”, kane shume deshire te flasin me ne dhe kjo eshte shume impresionuese, kur mendoj se dikur ndoshta s’e kisha imagjinuar.
Keni lindur ne Kosove. Ruani lidhje me vendlindjen tuaj, i njihni artistet shqiptare?
Nga Kosova jam larguar gjate luftes se vitit 1992 ne Gjermani. E kam nisur kercimin si hobi ne vitet 1995 deri ne vitin 2002, me pas si profesion ne Angli ne ritmet street, breakdance, hip hop, etj. Pas kaq vitesh, ne Kosove shkoj vetem te takoj prinderit e mi qe jane rikthyer serish atje. Persa u perket artisteve, nuk me ka rene rasti te punoj me ta, pasi dhe nuk kam pasur interes te punoj si artist ne Prishtine.
Po vajzat shqiptare sa i njihni, bashkeshortja juaj do te jete nje shqiptare apo e huaj?
Bashkeshortja ime do te jete nje shqiptare, por deri tani ende nuk kam takuar nje te tille qe te me pelqeje pasi kam qene vertet shume i zene me pune.
Ne Shqiperi eshte duke u organizuar “Dancing with the stars”, si do e keshilloje nje personazh te njohur qe i hyn nje sfide kercimi?
Te jete vetvetja dhe mos te mundohen te imitojne askend. Nese me ftojne kam deshire te marr pjese si shikues apo juri.
Pas Las Vegasit, cfare planesh keni bere per karrieren?
Sapo te mbyll kontraten me teatrin ne Las Vegas, kam deshire t’i hyj botes se kinemase, duke provuar te depertoj ne Hollyvood. /klotilda harka/panorama plus/maj 2010
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[[ translation by google:
Halil Gashi, Albanian dancer who is worshiped by the stars of Hollywood
We made life and fate has been tumbling with. Halil Gashi dancer of the theater is now known in the world "Circue du Soleil" in Las Vegas. Perfomance exciting, free style dance in the urban and extreme sports attract thousands of viewers each week in the show "Love The Beatles - show, part of which he is. One year every day after the show ends passionate, it stars the Hollivood order to meet the artists backstage along with other Corps. Always be exaggerated in the face makeup, as must distinguish features of the viewer at the end of 2000 the room, the artist from Pristina shows how it has:
What has been your career in Europe, before you arrive in Las Vegas?
Career that I started in Europe was very important that I arrive in "Cirque du Soleil. I participated in various activities, I was DJ, I have taught dancing, I realized the video clips of choreography, I nominated as fotomodel and image have been prestigious companies such as levis, Gusija, Adidas, Puma London Fashion Week, BBC, MTV Awards.
And how can access the "Cirque du Soleil" show exactly the "Love-Beatles" more popular worldwide?
I participated in an audition that was held in Paris in 2006, after a period "Cirque de Soleil" hold competitions worldwide. From this audition Ten people were chosen from 100 competing, between whom and me. During these years that I was waiting I worked in different countries Euvropes, mainly in England until long-awaited invitation I received in April last year.
Albanian are the only dancing on this show, how react when they talk about the origins?
Yes, I am the only Albanian in the middle Cirque artists from all over the world, such as America, Canada, France, Belgium, Sweden. Many of them have heard nothing for the Albanians. Those who are from Europe know more, some of the other well behaved strange. But in Las Vegas has more importance that the country comes from, as all foreigners are coming from another country.
What show is "Beatles Love", where you perform and what audience you follow?
"Beatles Love" is for everyone, not just for those who like the music of "The Beatles". This show is a recognized worldwide that has won first place three years time, and enumerate the Grammy awards. Every week we spectatress who are famous people, actors, musicians, and sportswoman who come watch us as the music nostalgic "Beatles"-s. Moment after the show interesting is that they come to meet us in kercimaret, talking over each other and make pictures that need to have as a memento.
Can we mention some names VIP with whom we met you backstage?
I met Madonnen, Kylie Minogue, Jennifer Love Hewitt, "Aerosmith", David Duchovn, "The X Files" Pink, "Black Eyed Peas, Ronaldinjo, etc.. Save memories with them.
They have you as a VIP meet you, what makes you think that adorable in their eyes?
They are amazed by the acrobatic dance that we do, a near 70 acrobatic troop, actors, dancers and 16 to give the show 10 times a week. And all this made more sense of passion. Many of them are simple. They come to meet as a "star", have more desire to speak with us and this is very impressive, when you do not think that sometime maybe I imagined.
Have had in Kosovo. Take care about your country, the Albanian artists you know?
I left Kosovo during the 1992 war in Germany. I started dance as a hobby in the years 1995 until 2002, then as a profession in England in the street rhythms, Breakdance, hip hop, etc.. After so many years, in Kosovo go only to meet my parents who are back there again. As for the artists, has not dropped the case to work with them after and I never had interest to work as an artist in Pristina.
But as you know Albanian girls, your wife will be an Albanian or foreign?
My wife will be an Albanian, but so far still have not met one that favor because I was really very busy with work.
Albania is being organized "Dancing with the stars", how would advise a character known that dance becomes a challenge?
To be themselves and not try to imitate anyone. If I wanted to invite me to participate as viewers or jury.
After Las Vegasit, what career plans you have done?
Once the contract with the theater closed in Las Vegas, I would like to enter the world of cinema, attempting to break through Hollyvood. ]]
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