Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Genta Ismajli, e Zhgenjyer me Dancing With The Stars!

Jam e zhgenjyer nga juria dhe organizatoret, meritoja cmimin e pare

Flet Genta Ismajli pas mbylljes se finales se “Dancing with the stars"

Edhe pse mjaft ne forme, Genta Ismajli nuk arriti te fitoj cmimin kryesor tek “Dancing with the stars”. Publiku deshiroi, por juria ishte ajo qe tha fjalen e fundit. Atraksioni vazhdon me fuqishem. Kenge dhe klipe te reja si befasi per fansat, se shpejti pritet promovimi i saj tek publiku turk, ndersa turin e koncerteve e fillon nga data 15 qershor. Genta Ismajli vjen ne nje interviste per “Panorama plus”, duke rrefyer te vertetat pas mbarimit te spektaklit.

Si ndjehesh pas mbarimit te spektaklit?
Shume e zhgenjyer, personalisht konsideroj qe ishte zhgenjim gjithe kombetar.

Je e zhgenjyer nga juria?
Sigurisht se po, edhe ate qe nga fillimi.

Eshte perfolur me te madhe qe Genta Ismaji do fitoje spektaklin “Dancing with the stars”. Si mendon, nga doli ky perfundim?
Po, eshte perfolur per shkak te vleresimit real te punes dhe talentit tim, mirepo edhe me shume eshte perfolur qe Genta Ismajli edhe pse eshte e pa krahasueshme me te tjeret nuk do te fitoje.

Disa thonin qe Genta gjithmone neper evenimente ka shkuar per te rrembyer cmimin e pare, kuptohet edhe tek ky spektakel, por nuk doli ashtu, pse?
Genta cdo here punon me zemer dhe perkushtim, e asnjehere nuk dyshon per rezultatin.

Mendon se juria ka qene e padrejte ndaj teje?
Konsideroj qe po, mirepo qetesimin ne shpirt tani e kam, pasi juria ne pergjithesi nuk u tregua profesionale.

Po flitej se fituesi i ka pasur punet mire me jurine dhe per kete ka fituar spektaklin, eshte e vertete? Sa ke degjuar keto fjale prapa skene?
Po, shume e vertete qe kam degjuar, por nuk kam besuar qe mund te ndodhe nje gje e tille.

Te kane ofruar dicka tjeter organizatoret pas mbarimit?
Organizatoret as qe i kam pare fare, mungoi edhe pershendetja nga ana e tyre, edhe pse 6 muaj isha e meshiruar me ta, por me kryesorja ishte pershendetja nga te dashurit e mi e ata ishin publiku qe gjithmone me do dhe me perkrah deri ne fund. Falemnderit shume edhe nje here, ata deshmuan qe jane pjese e shpirtit tim.

Gjate kohes sa ke qendruar ne Shqiperi, te kane ftuar edhe neper koncerte, sa ke qene aktive?
I anullova te gjitha vetem e vetem te deshmoj veten qe pervec kenges pasion e kam edhe vallezimin.

Nderkohe ti ke publikuar edhe nje kenge ne duet me kengetarin turk Cüneyt Cakim, kur pritet te realizohet klipi i kesaj kenge?
Le te jete befasi...

Ke vendosur te promovohesh edhe tek publiku turk?

Si eshte puna per kenget e huazuara, ku qendron problemi tek Genta apo tek kompozitoret?
Tek kompozitoret.

Akoma je “single”? Askush deri me tani nuk ka pushtuar zemren tende?
Po jam single!

Ke aranzhuar koncertete per sezonen verore, ku mund te gjejne fansat Genten?
Kosove dhe diaspore prej dates 15 qershor. /blerand rexhepi/panorama plus/maj 2010/
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p.s. E vertete qe thote Genta, ka qene nje zhgenjim kombetar. Ky show duhet te bojkotohet pasi qe ne fillim tregoi jo seriozitet ne vleresimin e drejte (dhe nje votim qe askush nuk i beson me!). Thuhet eshte vetem show per argetim por prapeseprape na la te zhgenjyer totalisht. Nese do per argetim, apo nese do edhe per dicka tjeter, Genta aty dominoi totalisht dhe ishte mbreteresha e vallezimit. Eshte thjeshte e pabesueshme qe nuk e fitoi. Edicionin e ardhshem as qe do ta shikoj me! Bilem, i bej apel te gjithe VIP-ave nga Kosova qe mos te marrin pjese me ne kete show. /teni/
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[[ translation by google:

I am disappointed by the jury and the organizers, I deserved the first prize

Genta speaking after the final closing of "Dancing with the Stars"

Even though quite in form, Genta failed to win the top prize on "Dancing with the Stars." The public wanted, but she said the jury was the last word. Continues with the powerful attraction. New songs and videos as no surprise to fans, is expected soon to promote her to the Turkish public, and the concert tour starts from 15 June. Genta comes in an interview for Panorama plus ", confessing the truth after spektaklit.

How do you feel after spektaklit?
Very disappointed, personally I consider that it was all national disappointment.

Are you disappointed by the jury?
Of course it is, even that from the beginning.

S also the biggest spectacle Genta Ismaji will win "Dancing with the Stars." As you think, this conclusion came from?
Yes, it s also due to the real work and my talent, but even more Genta 's also that even though it is not comparable with others will not win.

Some say that through events Genta always went to grab the first prize, even to this spektakel understood, but it went so, why?
Genta works every time with love and dedication, and never doubted the outcome.

Thinks that the jury was unfair to you?
I consider that is, but calm in spirit now have, after the jury in general was also not professional.

But talk that the winner has had a good job with jurine and this has earned spectacle, it is true? As you have heard these words behind the scenes?
Yes, very true that I have heard, but I do not believe that could happen something like this.

The organizers have offered something else after?
Organizers who have not seen any, even absent from their greeting, even though six months I was with them with compassion, but foremost was the greeting from my loved ones that they were public and always will until the end supports . Thank you once more, they proved they are a part of my soul.

During the time as you stay in Albania, through concerts are also invited, as you were active?
I anullova all only only to prove myself that I passion the song besides the dancing.

While you have published a song in duet with Cüneyt Cakim Turkish singer, is expected to be realized when clips of this song?
Let be a surprise ...

You have decided to promote the Turkish public to?

How is work on the borrowed songs, where the problem lies in the Genta or to composers?
To composers.

Are still "single"? Nobody so far has not invaded your heart?
Yes I am single!

Koncertete have arranged for the summer season, where fans can find Genten?
Kosovo and the diaspora since 15 June.

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