Big Brother Albania 3: Nominimet #15, Spektakli #16, 8 Maj 2010
Pese banoret e mbetur ne shtepi kane mendime te ndryshme per menyren se si do shkoje kete jave nominimi. Fillimisht, pa e kuptuar ende se cfare menyre po perdoret, ata mendojne se per kater banoret e nominuar, eshte hapur nje televotim i momentit e nje prej tyre do dale pas pak. Ata nisen edhe nga fjala e Arbanes se kjo mbremje eshte shume e gjate, ndaj kane mendim te tille te peste. “Hame njehere se nuk i dihet”- thote Miri, ndersa Klodi e ploteson mendimin e tij se kjo mbremje do jete e gjate, pa ditur se sa do zgjase ajo. Banoret duken teper te kenaqur me darken dhe shprehen se kane qene te uritur, pasi buxheti i pergjysmuar i javes nuk u ka dale deri ne fund. Here pas here, ata presin nje tjeter lidhje me studion, per te marre vesh se cfare po ndodh, pasi ata mendojne se spektakli ka mbetur pergjysme e do rifilloje pas pak. Vetem Domenika duket me e qete, ndersa kater banoret ne nominim jane ne ankth pasi nje prej tyre mund te largohet. Kur mbeten vetem, Domenika falenderon Klodin dhe Jonen qe votuan qe ajo te jete finalistja e pare. Jona duke qeshur e pyet se ku e kuptoi dhe tregon se ishte e pavendosur mes atyre te dyve, Klodit dhe Domit se ke te zgjidhte. Ajo shprehet se do donte qe jashte te mbeteshin te tre miq. Edhe Miri dhe Erioni diskutojne mes tyre se kane thene emrat e njeri-tjetrit per te shkuar ne finale. Erioni mendon se fakti qe ata jane ne nominim mund te jete nje shaka, si per t’i lene ne ankth gjate javes se finales. Gjithsesi, te katert banoret, pervec Domenikes qe eshte finalistja e pare e njohur, do te vazhdojne te jene ne nominim. /t.ch./
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[[ translation by google:
Five people remained at home have different opinions about how the nomination will go this week. Initially, without realizing what way is still used, they think that the four people nominated, it opened a televotim the momentum of one of them will appear shortly. They depart from the word Arbanes it is very long evening, to have fifth such opinion. "Eat once he did not know" - says Miri, while Klodi completes his opinion that it would be during the evening, without knowing how long it will take it. People seem very happy with the dinner and say that they have been hungry, because the budget half of the week did not come until the end. Occasionally, they expect another related study, to find out what is happening, because they think that the spectacle has left half will resume shortly. Domenik only looks smooth, while four people are in distress nomination as one of them can be removed. When left alone, thanks Domenik Klodi and Jone who voted for it to be the first finalist. Laughing and asks us where he realized, and reveals that he was undecided between those two, and Domi Klodi that you choose. It says it will remain like that out of the three friends. Erion And Miri and discuss among themselves that they told each other names to go to the final. Erion thinks the fact that they are in the nomination may be a joke, as anxious to leave during the final week. However, the four residents, except Domenikes which is the first known finalists, will continue to be in nomination. ]]
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