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Orinda: Bukuria e jashtme eshte nje pasaporte me skadence
Orinda Huta prezantuese e emisionit “Tuborg Green Beat” ne Vizion Plus. Pasioni i fshehur per prezantimin. Planet per nje kenge dhe videoklip, perfundimi i studimeve per Shkenca Komunikimi dhe si eshte rritur Orinda qe nga dalja e pare ne ekran e deri me tani
E kemi pare Orinda Huten ne skene duke kenduar, por asnjehere duke prezantuar. Kjo eshte hera e pare per te. Me siguri organizatoret e programit “Tuborg Green Beat” kane menduar qe po te kesh nje imazh si Huta perballe ne ekran zor se mund te nderrosh kanal, dhe e kane spikatur si zgjedhje me te mire. Por, Orinda e ka marre me shume qejf kete pjese. Duket se per te televizioni dhe prezantimi ka qene nje pasion i fshehur qe me sa shihet eshte ne fillesat e veta, duke prezantuar nje emision te perjavshem ne “Vizion Plus” se bashku me dy kolege te saj. Te gjithe e mbajne mend hitin e pare te Orindes; “Te dua te dua dhe ti di mire”... qe ne krye te heres ka qene e vendosur ne ate qe bente dhe thoshte, dhe kjo gje e karakterizon edhe sot, duke pasur si nje nga pikat e veta te forta kembenguljen. Ky eshte viti i diplomimit per Shkenca Komunikimi te Orindes dhe eshte ne pune siper per temen e diplomes. Nga ana tjeter, po ne pune e siper eshte edhe per te nxjerre nje kenge te re te sajen, se bashku me nje videoklip, serish ne bashkepunim me nje nga djemte e grupit “Produkt 28”, Alban Kondi. Ne nje interviste per “Sh2-in”, Orinda rrefen jo vetem per punen, shkollen, planet per muziken, por edhe diten e saj nga zgjimi i mengjesit deri kur e mbyll diten ne mbremje vone.
Orinda, me cfare melodie u zgjuat sot ne mengjes?
Nuk jam zgjuar me ndonje melodi sot. Jam ngritur me shpejtesi nga krevati, bera dushin, mengjesin dhe menjehere dola nga shtepia.
Zgjimi per ju eshte i veshtire, dua te themi jeni “gjumashe, flini deri vone?
Jo, nuk jam gjumashe, ndaj nuk fle deri vone. Une i bej oret e gjumit mjaftueshem, ndaj nuk kam probleme me zgjimin. Sigurisht qe ditet e pushimit preferoj te zgjohem pak me vone se zakonisht.
Dita juaj eshte e planifikuar, apo cfare te dale?
Zakonisht eshte e planifikuar, por gjate dites me dalin shume shpesh gjera te reja per te bere, ndaj asnje dite nuk eshte njesoj. Madje, mund t’ju them nje sekret, qe kohet e fundit kam filluar te harroj se cfare kam lene gjate diteve te javes dhe me duhet te perdor bllokun e shenimeve...
Jeni vazhdimisht e rezervuar ne dhenien e intervistave, por edhe ne publikimet tuaja muzikore. Nga vjen kujdesia?
Ndoshta nga eksperienca qe mund te kem marre, si ne dhenien e intervistave dhe te publikimeve. Eshte e veshtire te tregohesh e kujdesshme ne kete zanat”. Une mundohem te jem e tille edhe pse shpeshhere edhe une mund te gaboj…
Tashme, dicka ka ndryshuar ne punet tuaja, shfaqeni si prezantuese ne nje emision televiziv ne “Vizion plus”. Na flisni pak per kete projekt?
Ky emision qe po prezantohet aktualisht nga une, Iva dhe Klejvi, eshte nje projekt i “Tuborg”. Pjese e fushates promocionale te tij kete vit. Ky projekt mu prezantua nga producentet dhe une nuk ngurova te thosha po. Me pelqeu si ide dhe prezantimi ishte ne preferencat e mia, ndaj nuk u mendova shume gjate.
Jua ofruan apo e kerkuat, si ndodhi?
Ma ofruan. Ishte Klejvi personi i pare i zgjedhur nga producentet dhe me tej ai erdhi tek une per te me paraqitur idene e projektit. Me vone ishte takimi me producentet qe me treguan cdo detaj dhe une pranova me kenaqesi.
Orinda, keni dal ne ekran shpesh me mikrofon ne dore per te kenduar, ndersa tani eshte ndryshe, per te prezantuar, cfare ndryshimi ka?
Skena e festivaleve eshte shenjte. Emocioni kur del ne skene eshte krejt tjeter nga ai i prezantimit te nje emisioni. Ndoshta une nuk e kam provuar akoma peshen e nje emisioni me te madh, ndaj nuk mund te te them te kunderten.
Prezantimi eshte nje pasion i juaj i hershem, apo…?
Ka qene nje pasion i fshehur. Nuk e kam shfaqur as me miqte kete preference. Mua me pelqen televizioni, dua te angazhohem ne te, por jo detyrimisht ne rolin e prezantueses.
Orinda, ju jeni nje vajze qe e keni filluar heret karrieren muzikore, qe ne adoleshence, cfare ka ndryshuar tek ju me kalimin e kohes?
Nuk ka pasur ndryshime rrenjesore tek une. Nuk ka ndryshuar as karakterin e as tipin tim. Une jam rritur duke qene dhe kengetare, por edhe sikur mos te merresha me muzike, karakteri im do ishte po i njejti. Kam pasur gjithnje kujdesin e familjes me vete, ndaj jam ndjere e sigurt ne hapat qe beja.
Ne c’aspekt eshte rritur Orinda?
Kam pasur nje rritje si cdo individ, por ne te njejten kohe ndjej se dhe ne aspektin profesional jam rritur gradualisht.
Femrat bionde thuhet se kane karakter te dobet, ndodh kjo me ju?
Kete nuk e kam degjuar ndonjehere, por siguroj qe shumica e bruneve vdesin te behen bionde, ndaj tani nuk mund ta besh dot dallimin.
Cila eshte pika me e forte e karakterit tuaj?
Them se mund te jete kembengulja ne gjerat qe dua.
Ju jeni nje vajze e bukur, sa ju ka ndihmuar apo penguar te qenit vajze e bukur dhe si e tille te qenit ne qender te vemendjes?
Pse duhet te jete pengese fakti i te qenit e bukur?! Per cdo njeri eshte nje plus i madh, por duhet te dish ta shfrytezosh si duhet. Bukuria e jashtme eshte nje pasaporte me kadence, ndaj me e mira eshte ta pershtatesh me se miri me bukurine shpirtit.
Na flisni pak per studimet, perfunduan tashme?
Jam ne perfundim te vitit te trete per Shkenca Komunikimi. Shpresoj qe ta mbyll me sukses. Aktualisht jam duke punuar edhe per temen e diplomes. Ndjehem mire, sepse ne shkollen qe une frekuentoj kam pasur shansin te kem te bej me pedagoge shume te kualifikuar. Madje, kam dhe pedagoge te preferuar qe po me japin shume dore me realizimin e diplomes.
Po me muzike… Keni ndonje kenge te re ne dore?
Sigurisht qe kam. Shume shpejt do dale klipi i ri. Kenge e realizuar serish nga Alban Kondi. Mezi po pres te rifutem serish ne studion e regjistrimit.
Cili eshte koncepti juaj per dashurine, cfare eshte dashuria per ju?
Eshte gjithcka… njeriu nuk mund te jetoje dot pa dashuri, e cila jepet ne forma te ndryshme.
A po perjetoni tani nje dashuri. Keni momentalisht nje djale prane, me te cilin jeni e dashuruar?
Sigurisht qe po. U be kohe tashme qe vazhdoj te jem e dashuruar.
Emisioni mban emrin e nje birre, cfare marredhenie keni ju me alkoolin, me birren?
Kam nje marredhenie te shkelqyer J. Si tironse qe jam, ti mendon se do kishte shans ta kisha te keqe?! Me pelqen te pi. Nuk jam vajza e club-ve, por me pelqen te pi ne restorantin tim te preferuar. /entela resuli/shekulli/maj 2010/
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[[ translation by google:
Orinda: outer beauty is a passport with expiry date
Orinda Huta presenter of the show "Tuborg Green Beat" in the Vision Plus. Hidden passion for the presentation. Plans for a song and video, complete communication and science studies as Orinda has increased since the first screen appearance until now
We have seen Orinda owl singing on stage, but never being presented. This is the first time to. Surely the organizers of the program "Tuborg Green Beat" have thought that if you have an image as the screen in front Huta hardly can change your channel, and have distinguished as the best choice. But, Orinda has received more accommodating this part. It seems that the introduction of television and was a hidden passion that it is seen in its beginnings, presenting a weekly show at the "Vision Plus" with two of her colleagues. They all remember the first Orindes smash hit, "I love you I love and know better" ... heres the top of that was located in what they do and say, and this characterizes today, having as one of its strong points perseverance. This is the year of graduation for the Orindes Communication Sciences and is working above the topic of the diploma. On the other hand, if the above is also working to bring a new song thanks, along with a video clip, again in collaboration with a group of boys "Product 28", Alban Kondi. In an interview for "Sh2-in", Orinda rrefen not only for work, school, plans for music, but also from her day's morning wake up when the day ended late in the evening.
Orinda, tune with what we woke up today morning?
I'm not smart with any tune today. I set the speed of the bed, started to shower, breakfast and immediately came out of the house.
Awakening is difficult for you, I want to say you're "gjumashe, sleep until later?
No, I am gjumashe, so do not sleep until later. I do enough hours of sleep, so I have no problems with awakening. Holiday certainly prefer to wake up a little later than usual.
Your day is planned, or what appear?
Usually it is planned, but during the day to come more often new things to do, so any day is not the same. Furthermore, I can tell you a secret that recently I started to forget what I left on weekdays and must use the block of any ...
You are constantly reserved in giving interviews, but also in your musical publications. Comes from care?
Perhaps the experience that I can take, such as giving interviews and publications. It is difficult to show careful in this profession. " I try to be like this even though sometimes I may err ...
Now, something has changed in your work, shfaqeni as presenter in a television show in the "Vision Plus". We talk a bit about this project?
This show that is currently presented by me, and Iva Klejvi, is a project of "Tuborg. Part of its promotional campaign this year. This project just launched by the producers and I ngurova not say yes. With ideas like how the presentation was in my preferences, that's not very long thought.
Whom it provided or requested, how it happened?
Ma offered. Klejvi first person was selected by the producers and further he came to me to present the project idea. Later was meeting with the producers that showed every detail and I accepted with pleasure.
Orinda, you get the screen often with microphone in hand to sing, and now it is different, to introduce, what is the difference?
Scenes of the festival is sacred. When emotion comes in the scene is completely different from the presentation of a show. Maybe I have not tried yet the weight of a great show with, so I can not say the opposite.
Presentation is a passion of your early, or ...?
There was a latent passion. There have even been friends with this preference. I like television, we want to bind, but not necessarily in the role of prezantueses.
Orinda, you're a girl who have started early music career, which in the teens, what has changed to you over time?
There were no radical changes to me. There is no character or change my type. I'm being increased and singers, but even if not of dealing with music, my character would be is the same. I always had the care of family with him, so I felt confident in the steps that Beja.
We grew c'aspekt Orinda?
I had an increase as any individual, but at the same time and we feel that professionally I grew up gradually.
Women have reportedly bionde weak character, this happens to you?
I have not ever heard, but ensure that most of the dark-haired man to become bionde die, so now you can not make the difference.
What is the strong point of your character?
I guess it can be to insist on things that I want.
You are a beautiful girl, how you helped or hindered being beautiful girl and as such being in the spotlight?
Why should I be unable fact of being beautiful? For every man is a big plus, but need to know to use properly. External beauty is a passport with cadence, so good is the best fit to the beauty of the soul.
We talk a bit about the studies, already completed?
I'm at the end of the third year for Science Communication. I hope to close successfully. Currently I am working on the topic of the diploma. I feel good, because we attend the school that I've had the chance to have to do with highly qualified teacher. Furthermore, I and favorite teacher who is very hand to make the implementation of diploma.
But the music ... You have any new songs in hand?
Of course I have. Soon will come the new clips. Song performed by Alban Kondi again. Could hardly wait to rifutem again in studio recording.
What is your concept of love, what is love for you?
It is not everything ... man can not live without love, which is given in different forms.
Do you now experience the one love. Have a boy at the moment, with whom you are in love?
Certainly yes. The time now that the EU continue to be in love.
The show is named after a beer, what relationship you have with alcohol, with beer?
I have an excellent relationship J. Tironse as I am, you think that would have had the worst chance? I like to drink. I am not a club-s daughter, but I like to drink at my favorite restaurant. ]]
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