Saturday, May 15, 2010

Big Brother Albania 3: JETMIRI FITON!

Big Brother Albania 3: JETMIRI FITON! 15 Maj 2010

Jetmiri fituesi i Big Brother

Dy finalistet e Big Brother, Miri dhe Domenika shkojne me radhe ne shtepine e vjeter pasi atje eshte pergatitur nga nje surprize per ta, klipet me momentet e tyre ne kete shtepi dhe se si e komentojne ata qendrimin e tyre ne BB. Me pas, per dy finalistet eshte rezervuar nje tjeter surprize e vecante. Ata dalin jasht ku mahniten me fansat qe kane ardhur per ta. Ata i takojne fansat qe brohorasin emrat e tyre si fitues te mundshem. Eno i fton qe edhe ata te nenshkruajne emrin e tyre ne yjet perkatese qe jane krijuar per ta. per dy finalistet ka edhe nje tjeter surprize. Per festen e tyre ka ardhur DJ Tom Boxer e duke kenduar kengen “Morena” kercejne te gjithe se bashku. Arbana u thote se tashme ata duhet te dine emrin e fituesit. Te dy qendrojne shume ne ankth. Publiku ka vendosur qe fitues i ketij edicioni eshte JETMIRI. Miri lumturohet dhe teper entuziast brohoret fort. Ai mbulohet nga fansat e tij. Entuziazmi dhe gezimi i Mirit shoqerohet me muzike dhe fishekzjarre. Miri pershendet Domeniken dhe Enon. Te dy nisen per ne studio, kurse Eno futet ne shtepi per fikur dritat e shtepise se BB.

Jetmiri ne studion e BB

E para qe vjen ne studion e BB eshte Domenika. Ajo eshte teper e emocionuar ndaj flet pak. Domenika shprehet se i vjen pak keq, por kjo ishte nje loje dhe tashme u vendos se cili ishte fituesi. Ajo shkon te takohet me familjaret e saj dhe me Seldin, te cilet duken teper te merzitur per humbjen e saj. Para se te hyje Miri, Arbana pyet banoret se si e shikojne kete fitore te tij. Te gjithe shprehen se ishte vendimi i publikut, pervec Rezartes, Erionit dhe Bertines te cilet jane vertete entuziaste per fitoren e tij. Ne studio mberrin Jetmiri i cili qe pa hyre ende ne studio fillojne duartrokitjet e gjata e te forta. Sapo hyn, studioja ndryshon pamje dhe pushtohet nga muzika dhe fishekzjarret. Miri duket teper i lumtur. Arbana i dorezon cekun me cmimin prej 10 milion lekesh te reja. Miri duket teper i lumtur e kete gezim e ndan menjehere me familjaret e tij e me pas me miqte e tij./
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[[ translation by google:

Big Brother winner Jetmiri

The two finalists of Big Brother, Miri and Domenik go with the old home place, as there is prepared a surprise for them, the clips with their moment in this house and how they comment on their stay in the BB. Later, the two finalists is booked another special surprise. They go outside where amazed with fans who come to them. They belong to fans screaming their names as potential winners. Eno was also invites them to sign their name in the respective stars that are created for them. there are two finalists for another surprise. For their holiday has come DJ Tom Boxer of singing the song "Morena" dance all together. Arbana says that they should already know the name of the winner. The two remain very anxious. The public has decided that the winner of this edition is JETMIRI. Lumturohet best and much more enthusiastic brohoret. It is covered by his fans. Best of enthusiasm and joy associated with music and fireworks. Best hails Domeniken and Enon. The two leave for the studio, and Eno put off lights at home for the BB house.

BB Jetmiri in studio

The first that comes to studying the BB is Domenik. It is too excited to speak a little. Domenik says it comes a little bad, but it was a game already was decided which was the winner. She goes to meet her family and Seldin, who seem very upset about her loss. Before you enter Miri, Arbana asks how people look at him this victory. All said it was the decision of the public, except Rezartes, Erion and Bertines who are really enthusiastic about his victory. We arrive Jetmiri studio, which was not yet entered the studio starting the long applause strong. Once, studying changes images and occupied by music and fireworks. Miri looks very happy. Arbana submits the allowance price of 10 million new lek. Miri looks very happy and immediately shares this joy with his family and then with friends tij. / /

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